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ooc Natural Disaster (OOC)

Future Allie Way

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I don't care about stats *waves hand*

I just use what I think is cute.

And I don't let them evolve. For example, Sandile looks stupid when it evolves. So I keep it as a cute wittle Sandile *squeezes Sandiles cheeks and coos*


That moment when no one's on the RP but lurking on here instead.


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Uh, I think Pony HELL is a bit too far Ninja... how about just some really twisted chaotic dimension?

Either way, it's all up to you.


Screw it, have moar Megaman Boss Music for this battle


Edited by Kreinbahthur
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You guys were busy while I was out today. I do like the chaos dimension idea though. It kind of reminds of the episode of Teen Titans where Raven's evil demon father showed up and forced the Titans to fight their evil clones. That's where I got the idea of having our characters not fight each other.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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