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private The Orphanage

Feather Gem

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Mint Remedy trotted up to the orphanage and saw a stallion there.


"Oh... Hello," she said, cantering up to him. "Are you here to adopt a foal? You seem cold. Why don't you come inside?"

She opened the door and walked inside. 

"I'm Mint Remedy, I'm a worker here, as well as the head nurse." she explained.

((OOC: I no longer want to use Broken, but I would like to use another pony...I'll put the link and reason for being there soon on the OOC.))

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A rare happening had occurred. Castor and Pollux had separated. Even if Pollux was just checking on the thump and Castor was going to see Mystical flow, it was still a rare occasion. Pollux trotted into the boys' dorm"Come on Gears that's the fourth time this week. Soon enough I'm gonna have to make the ceiling higher." Pollux laughed lightly, not wanting to make Gears feel embarrassed.


Castor walked up the stairs to Mystical Flow's office. He knocked lightly on the door.

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@@Mint Drop,


Jing Zi turned to the mare who had approached him, dipping his head in greeting, only to remember that ponies in this region didn't do that there. So he awkwardly extended his hoof for a hoof shake and collected himself before going on. "Actually, I'm here for a job...I'm good with foals and making ponies laugh..." He murmured as he walked into the orphanage beside her.




Gears pouted and shook out his wings. "Well I'm a pegasus! I'm supposed to fly like all the time!" He whined. At least I think that's what I'm supposed to do. He thought. It could have been possible that before his accident he was one of the few pegasi that rarely ever used air transportation.

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Mint Remedy smiled and shook his hoof.

"I see," she said. "Well, you'll have to talk to Mystical Flow about getting hired, but i doubt she'll have any qualms with it. we're somewhat short on staff, only four members, i believe.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a filly curled up into a little ball. She looked directly at the little Pegasus, worry filling her turquoise eyes.

"Excuse me a moment," she said to the stallion before she walked over to the filly and placed a hoof on her shoulder.


"Miss... Are you alright?" she asked softly, concern lacing her cautious tone..

Edited by Mint Drop
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"No!" Mystical Flow cried into the phone.  "Er...no...I...oh..." Mystical said, looking up as she heard a knocking at the door.  "Excuse me, I'll have to call you back..."

Mystical Flow put the phone down.  "Come in!" she called, putting a smile onto her face for whoever it may be.



Chamois Vine rolled onto her side and blinked once before opening her eyes slightly.  She rubbed one eye as she sat up.  Chamois glanced around the room, her eyes running over the sleeping forms in the beds around her.  She was the only one awake at the moment.

Chamois removed the blanket from her body, placed her back hooves onto the floor and slipped off of the bed onto all four hooves.

She would have tried to go back to bed, but there wasn't much point.  She was already awake.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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((Similar intro for Sunset as last time, but with an added filly. Also, I know Sunset better now and she's not gonna be having the same reactions. Let's see who befriends whom this time around. OH and a little tidbit: this is the first time i've actually RPed with Mint Remedy.))



"Look, we're almost there!" exclaimed Leaf Heart, a green and pink Earth Pony.

She got no answer.

It wasn't because she was alone. There were two fillies on the carriage; a small orange Pegasus filly whose coat was marred with scars, and a pastel blue Earth Pony who kept looking around nervously and mumbling to herself. 

Sunset Sky, the little Pegasus filly, was in the farthest corner away from Leaf Heart and Sweet Symphony, the Earth Pony filly. She was trembling with anxiety. She didn't much like being around many ponies at a time, and fear of getting bullied again wasn't much of a help.

Sweet Symphony, on the other hoof, was a mess. She wanted to cry. She wanted to die, even. It would let her rejoin her best friend and parents. She missed the backyard where she would sing to the birds. She hadn't gotten a chance to sing to the birds one last time.

What she also wanted to do was find some way for the shouting voices in her head to quiet down. they had been talking for hours.

"Girls, I know neither of you is happy about coming to this orphanage, but please try to look on the bright side."

What bright side?

What bright side?

Thought the two fillies in unison, though they had no way of knowing that they had shared the thought.

"Think of it like... a fresh start! You can meet new friends, maybe find a new family!"


The carriage touched down and Leaf Heart helped the fillies off. She led them to the door and knocked on it.


Mint Remedy heard the knock and went to answer it. Upon seeing the green mare and miserable-looking fillies, her face hardened a bit. She hated seeing parents willingly give up their children.


"Hello. I am Leaf Heart, a social worker for around Prince Blueblood Island and such. This little filly-" she gestured to Sunset. "- is from the orphanage there and has suffered a great ordeal as you may have heard. And Sweet Symphony here recently lost her parents and it has been arranged for her to stay here for the time being."

"Oh, my...." Mint said, looking at the fillies' disheartened faces. Her features instantly softened. "Come inside, i'll get Mystical Flow to talk to you."


After seating the ponies, Mint headed upstairs and noticed Castor at the door. 

I hope she's not busy... she thought.

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Shade had been listening to the voices around her. She didn't seem to care about anything until.

  On 2013-08-12 at 5:34 AM, Mint Drop said:


"Miss... Are you alright?" she asked softly, concern lacing her cautious tone..

Shade perked her head up out of her little ball, she looked at the two ponies that where talking, "yes... I'm fine" she said. Not knowing anything more to say.

She looked at the pony that just arrived... There was something off about him but she couldn't put her hoof on it.



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@@Feather Gem,


Castor came into the room. "Oh I'm sorry I was interupting something wasn't I?" He sighed. "I just wanted to know if anykids came here today. I heard some knocks on the door. Oh has someone come to adopt?" Castor had decided to work at this orphanage because his experience as an orphan was less than okay. He didn't want the same to happen to the kids here.




Pollux chuckled. "Oh come on now. I have a friend who's a pegasus and he rarely flies. But if you're gonna keep doing that then start on the ground. You might as well practice taking off if you're gonna try to fly. Just try to pay attention to the ceiling."  

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Mystical Flow smiled and shook her head.  "That's alright.  And yes.  A few children are going to be arriving today.  And there's a nice couple that will come later on in the evening to talk to Chamois to see if they'd like to adopt her.  And also..." Mystical sighed.  "You wouldn't believe it, Castor.  I found a little filly alone on the street..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Castor sighed. "That was like Pollux and I. At least I think so. It's horrible, and I know how she must feel. Where is this filly now?" As much as Castor enjoyed working with these kids, it broke his heart at the same time. Seeing kids come in abandoned, alone, hurt, sick. It was terrible. But that was why he was here, and it was why Pollux was here. They just wanted to make the experience at least tolerable for these kids.

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"She's in the entrance area.  I gave her some hot cocoa.  There's...she doesn't even know what..." Mystical Flow whispered, more to herself than to him.  She sighed and brushed her mane out of her eyes.  "I'm making a few calls to see if I can arrange for her to stay here."


(be sure to check out the map Leafon made here:


its helpful!)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@, @@Mint Drop,


((Guys I just wanted to let you know that Jing Zi is in his changeling form not his unicorn form...))


Jing Zi glanced up sharply when the mare left him in the room with the cowering filly. Worry hit him from all sides, he wasn't ready to deal with a foal yet! In fact he hadn't even been hired! And this filly...He stepped a bit closer but still remained at least a foot away from her. The green and black hair...The oh so familiar dark grey coat...But it was impossible that she could be what he was thinking. Then again, he was there, so it must not have been that impossible.

He leaned down so he was eye to eye with her. "Hello, young filly." He said softly.




Gears perked up immediately. "Really?" he exclaimed. So there were pegasi who didn't fly! So he wasn't the only one! That didn't mean that he would stop practicing. But it was nice to know.

"Oh start on the floor! I never thought of that..." He muttered, looking embarrassed.

Edited by DarligPegasi
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  On 2013-08-12 at 4:27 PM, DarligPegasi said:

@, @@Mint Drop,


((Guys I just wanted to let you know that Jing Zi is in his changeling form not his unicorn form...))


Jing Zi glanced up sharply when the mare left him in the room with the cowering filly. Worry hit him from all sides, he wasn't ready to deal with a foal yet! In fact he hadn't even been hired! And this filly...He stepped a bit closer but still remained at least a foot away from her. The green and black hair...The oh so familiar dark grey coat...But it was impossible that she could be what he was thinking. Then again, he was there, so it must not have been that impossible.

He leaned down so he was eye to eye with her. "Hello, young filly." He said softly.

It took some time for shade to think... When the pon--- or changeling approached her. She sprang up to her hooves and started growling at him. Her eyes went all green and her fangs showed... To make her look more intimidating. "Get away from me" she said in her echoey voice.

Shade didn't think she would run into another changeling around here... She was scared of other changeling and she would protect herself if she had to.



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@@Feather Gem,@,@@DarligPegasi,


Castor nodded. "Alright I'll go see how she's doing then." Castor left the room and made his way down to the lobby, where the filly was. As soon as he walked in it was an odd sight. A changeling was in the room, near the filly, who looked odd for some reason. Castor's horn glowed a deep purple as he advanced towards the changeling. His and Pollux's adventures had caused them to run into the creatures a few times. "Who are you and why are you here?"


Pollux chuckled. "Yes really. Now come on, we should be having breakfast soon. I think."

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@@Feather Gem,

 Mint Remedy stepped up to the door as Castor left. She knocked on the frame of the door, alerting Mystical of her presence..

"Excuse me? there are two fillies and a social worker downstairs. The social worker says that one of the fillies is a transfer from another orphanage and the other recently lost her parents."

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Lionheart was just dropped to the train station arriving from Canterlot. He was given instruction in order to arrive to the orphanage he was sent to. It wasn't particularly far from the train station  but neither close by.


Following the direction he started walking not minding the cold cause of his coat. *Pff I should have been accepted in the academy not send to some stupid orphanage.* He thought to himself making his pace faster and faster.


After roughly 15 minuted he reached his destination. He reached for the door and knocked hoping someone could hear it.

~In construction~ 

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Keeping an eye on the changeling, Castor made his way to the door. He opened it and looked down at the colt in front of him. "Hey there. Um... Did someone drop you off? You can come inside, it must be cold out there." Castor backed away from the door so the colt would be able to get through. He reverted his gaze back to the changeling to make sure nothing happened. 

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@, @@Ampharos,


Jing Zi stumbled away from the filly, who was in fact a changeling, but he was confused. Why did she react that way to him, when he had been so friendly? He whipped around to face a unicorn who was advancing towards him.

"I-I..." He began, quickly putting at least 5 feet between him and the filly. "I came here to seek work, and this filly--I didn't do anything all I said was 'hello'. A mare left me in here with the foal, I didn't come in myself!" He explained, preparing to use the last of his energy to turn into a pegasus and flee if he had too.

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@@DarligPegasi, @@Ampharos, @@@Leafeon,

Leaf Heart had gone to look around the orphanage while waiting, and had left the two fillies in the lobby.
Now, Sunset was curled up into a ball, trembling and looking between the ponies in the room. Her eyes lingered on the black stallion. with the bug-like wings and holes in his body. What was he? She had never seen anything like it before. She doubted it was anything like her scars. She shrank even more and tried to hide herself.
Sweet, meanwhile, had finally gotten some peace from the voices. She looked around the room at the other ponies. There was a Changeling here, which she found alarming, but wasn't too worried. She doubted she would start to love any pony. Everypony she'd really loved had been ripped from her life in just two weeks. Her heart hurt too much.
The other filly there seemed to be a Changeling as well. She had done a minuscule transformation, making her fangs appear. She wondered dimly why they were both here, but she didn't give much thought to it. She just wanted to wake up from this nightmare and have her parents and best friend back again.
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shade shook her mane and restored herself to look like a normal pony again. she sat back down and continued to glare at the changeling. shade started shivering again, she was frightened that a changeling was right in front of her even after she had left the hive. even tho this changeling seemed different from the rest... she was still cautious.



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@@Mint Drop, @, @@Ampharos,


Jing Zi saw the looks that he was getting from the various ponies in the room and sighed softly. He closed his eyes, and concentrated before transforming into a blue unicorn stallion, but due to his lack of energy, his green and black hair remained. He looked up at the ponies in the room. "I will not apologize for my appearance or my being, but I hope this form will put you all at ease. I am not here to harm anyone and unlike most changelings I do not feed on love. I am just here because I wanted to help." He said clearly. He turned to the changeling filly. "I apologize for scaring you, it was not my intention."

Edited by DarligPegasi
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shade was still shivering... this was the first changeling that seemed... good... and it was just odd to her seeing a 'good' changeling other than herself. shade's mood lightened as she curled up back into a little ball. she was still a bit scarred because she just exposed that she was a changeling to other ponies. 



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@@DarligPegasi,@@Mint Drop,


Castor nodded. "Alright, I believe you. If not for the reason that you seem highly more intelligent than most changelings. I'll leave you with her. Try to sort things out and come tell me if you're having trouble." Castor went over to one of the fillies in the room and sat down somewhat near her. "Hey there. I'm Castor. Do you want to tell me your name?"


Pollux had come into the area just in time to see everything happen. He tried to stay cool and went over to where his brohter was and sat next to the other filly. "Hi, my name's Pollux." He smiled, trying to show that he was friendly.

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Sunset looked up at the blue stallion who had sat down near her.

"I-I-I... I'm S-Sunset Sky," she replied, still so nervous and confused. "Wh-what was that all about? Wh-what was that black bug thing?"


Sweet Symphony looked at the purple unicorn who had introduced himself as Pollux.

"Hi... I'm Sweet Symphony. " she murmured in reply. He seemed friendly enough, but she wasn't here to make friends.

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@@Mint Drop,


Castor looked back at Jing Zi. "He's a changeling. Usually they're mean monsters, but he is nice, so you don't have to worry. Nobody's going to hurt you here, I can assure you that." Castor smiled as he turned back to Sunset.


Pollux smiled. Some kids didn't talk when they first came here. Saying a name was better than not speaking at all. "Nice ta meet ya Sweet Symphony. I'm sure you'll have a great time here. It probably won't be long, you seem nice enough to get adopted fast. But in the meantime you should make some friends here. Me and my brother made the mistake of not making friends when we were in an orphanage." 

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