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Whats the Scariest thing to happen to you?

Dog man

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In the 8th grade when I had a kidney stone. It felt like I was dying and it hurt to move or talk... or do anything. I lied on the bathroom floor in pain and two girls got a nurse for me and I told one of the girls that I loved her because for a split second the pain went away and I felt super relieved. The pain would come and go. It was the scariest and most painful thing ever.

  • Brohoof 3
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About 2 years ago, I was in bed. I couldn't sleep. It was maybe around 2:30 am. I fall asleep on my side, so I was facing the wall. I close my eyes. I open them slightly, and see this shadow thing. My eyes were only slightly open, so I couldn't really see anything. Anyway, I shut them and open them slightly again. I are the same thing, but since my eyes are still slightly open, I still can't tell what it is. I close my eyes and open them a 3rd time, this time all the way.


I saw this black demon-like figure smiling at me. I immediately shut my eyes and turned my head the other way, not opening my eyes again until I fell asleep.


Looking back on it, it was probably just my eyes playing tricks on me. Nothing like that has happened since.

I'm pretty sure this was all out of hallucination. But, one time I woke up at around 3 a.m. to see a shadow near my bed, it looked like it was watching me. I knocked it off as a dream, but then I looked it up and found something called "shadow people" that describes it perfectly. When I saw it, I had severe trouble breathing and turned back around and fell back asleep extremely quickly.

Sounds a lot like what happened to me. But I don't believe in the shadow people. Edited by Betez
  • Brohoof 3



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Sounds a lot like what happened to me. But I don't believe in the shadow people.


I don't either. Just found it interesting what a google search can show you. I don't believe in ghosts, shadow people, or anything paranormal like that. So, it will take a lot to convince me that those things exist. :P 


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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So let me set the scene for you all. I was with my mom, sister and niece headed back to Ottumwa from Des Moines. She hit the mother of all speed-bumps and managed to break the seal on the oil pan and much up the throttle. When we finally reached the station the thing wouldn't go faster than a brisk walking pace.


It was getting dark and we decided we'd have to tough it and get this thing home. So here we are at 10:00 or so on a rural stretch of highway. There was woods all long it and deep darkness reaching in to the depths of the unknown. Since we were moving at roughly the pace of a wounder turtle I can a intense and nerve-wracking view of every inch of it as we crawled along the side of road. A part of me that still thought survival in the wilds was of use(damn you natural instincts) was thinking that something was going to come rushing out from every possible hiding place.


To worsen matters, my niece was being a creepy child and calling everything a sign, so it was starting to sound like a bad horror movie inside this half broken down wreck.


My sister was considering stopping for a few to see if the van needed a break, and I was thinking "don't you dare woman, we're on a rural highway at 11:00 PM(yes, it had been that long) in nowhere's asscrack".


The more paranoid part of me was wondering this whole time if we'd ever of this God forsaken stretch of road, and having doubts.


Somehow, someway, we finally did. I remember entering my house as what must have been 1AM crystal clear. My computer was still open on my desk, and setting on the Furaffinity homepage where I left. Never have I felt so relived to be sitting in front of my laptop checking messages and looking at art.      

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 3



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Directly me? Anxiety Attacks. I have to say, nothing I've dealt with is more frustrating and agonizing than being freaked out, and not knowing WHY.


Events I've experienced? Before I had falling out with my uncle, he was blown up by a gas can catching fire in a garage. That was pretty freaky stuff.

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I'm pretty sure this was all out of hallucination. But, one time I woke up at around 3 a.m. to see a shadow near my bed, it looked like it was watching me. I knocked it off as a dream, but then I looked it up and found something called  "shadow people" that describes it perfectly. When I saw it, I had severe trouble breathing and turned back around and fell back asleep extremely quickly.

I've seen one of them before! On top of my grandparent's house's roof!


Back in New York,the attic of my grandparent's house was haunted!


So we believe this shadow thing we saw,came from the attic!


Another freaky moment of mine.  :blink:

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm pretty sure this was all out of hallucination. But, one time I woke up at around 3 a.m. to see a shadow near my bed, it looked like it was watching me. I knocked it off as a dream, but then I looked it up and found something called  "shadow people" that describes it perfectly. When I saw it, I had severe trouble breathing and turned back around and fell back asleep extremely quickly.

I actually had a very similar experience, but it was more all of a sudden.


I was about seven or eight when this happened.


So I decided to go to the restroom late at night....and then I came back to my room. I turned my face to the right...and I saw a shadowy figure within the darkness, not much bigger than a toddler. It laughed creepily and its bright green eyes sent chills down my spine. I decided to then run to my parents' room where I would remain for the rest of the night. Creepy laughing and gargling sounds continued to haunt me until I finally fell asleep.


To this day I still wonder what I saw. Was the thing I saw some carnation of a dark energy that the apartment possessed, or was it something that people call, dreaming while awake?

  • Brohoof 2


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Scariest thing. There's a long list. There was the time I locked in a basement that was pitch black and dead silent. The time I tripped over the edge of a house and fell head first into a pool (thankfully). The time I got shot...


I think the worst was when I was robbed at knifepoint. He got my wallet (which was empty because I was poor as dirt) and the guy stabbed me anyway. I was bleeding out in a parking lot in front of a closed store. I sat there, watching my blood spill out, and reflecting on my life. I'll spare you that and skip to the part where I blacked out. Woke in a hospital, and welcomed by the site of a noticeably rookie nurse. Couple days of recovery, and I was back out. They ended up catching the guy, and I was tempted to go to his trial and whisper in his ear what'll happen to him in prison. But I abstained.


So yeah, that's the scariest moment of my life. Hope you enjoyed it.

  • Brohoof 4


*Signature courtesy of Pink Mist. May Luna bring peace to her dreams*

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The scariest thing to ever happen to me is..... hard to explain. I want to knock it off as a dream.... but it felt so real....
One day I was laying on top of a mound of blankets that was on my bed. I suddenly felt really cold and I looked at my doorway. A pale looking kid was standing there. I froze and I had trouble breathing. I could feel my heart beginning to go faster. Then I blinked and he was like... sooo close to me and he brushed a hand against my face. I immediately panicked and jumped back. This all happened in a span of about 5 seconds. I don't remember if I was sleeping because I could swear I wasn't. The mound of clothing was even still under me and everything in my room was where it was when I saw him.... it never happened again but still..... I've never been more scared in my life.

Scariest thing. There's a long list. There was the time I locked in a basement that was pitch black and dead silent. The time I tripped over the edge of a house and fell head first into a pool (thankfully). The time I got shot...


I think the worst was when I was robbed at knifepoint. He got my wallet (which was empty because I was poor as dirt) and the guy stabbed me anyway. I was bleeding out in a parking lot in front of a closed store. I sat there, watching my blood spill out, and reflecting on my life. I'll spare you that and skip to the part where I blacked out. Woke in a hospital, and welcomed by the site of a noticeably rookie nurse. Couple days of recovery, and I was back out. They ended up catching the guy, and I was tempted to go to his trial and whisper in his ear what'll happen to him in prison. But I abstained.


So yeah, that's the scariest moment of my life. Hope you enjoyed it.


Are you the man of steel!..... Damn man you've been through hell and back haven't you! You my good sir deserve something for both surviving and not giving in to revenge.

  • Brohoof 2


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Are you the man of steel!..... Damn man you've been through hell and back haven't you! You my good sir deserve something for both surviving and not giving in to revenge.


Nah, my body just has a stubborn history of not letting me die. And I don't need anything for living through my past. Breathing and helping others is reward enough.

  • Brohoof 1


*Signature courtesy of Pink Mist. May Luna bring peace to her dreams*

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I have a couple things and some remain as fears...


1) it was the summer of 9th grade. I was home alone with my cat Luke (Who we put down due to lung cancer). i was playing my wii and decided to watch tv. I was getting ready to get off the couch and i felt vibrations. The bookcases began to shake and my cat fell of the couch (aww..poor kitty right?). I stood up and i was freaking out. i went to grab a house phone. Suddenly, the house stopped shaking and i tried calling my mom then my dad and no answer from either of them. i turned on the tv and my dad called. He said we had an earthquake and it was the first one on years where i live.


2) Hurricane Sandy, well storms in general..i was coming home from school one day and heard the news of a hurricane. i flip out at things like this (i guess i watch too much tv..). Over a few days, word spread that the eye would miss us and would only leave us with strong winds and rain. Really all the wind does is make a really tall tree shake and lean twords my house. I had a frear that it would snap and come crashing into the kitchen and my house. It didnt though and im almost relived everytime.


and now standing fears...

Airplanes (which proibits me from Japan..) , The dark, hights in general, tornados, and finally, oh wait thats it. lol.

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Airplanes (which proibits me from Japan..) , The dark, hights in general, tornados, and finally, oh wait thats it. lol.


Afraid of airplanes I see. Have you actually ridden on one? If you've ridden a roller coaster, an airplane does not feel as intense. I feared the idea of flying at one point ..now I love it!: watching as you quickly accelerate to incredible speeds, and then watch as the ground begins to disappear beneath you, soaring above a blanket of clouds where the pegasi roam.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Nearly hit by a car head while they were going at least 45 MPH, I was on my quad going about 20, they changed over to my lane of the road and nearly hit. (Driver was texting)

My friends and I found a makeshift burial site (We reported it to the police, investigation found it was a dog that passed away)



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Afraid of airplanes I see. Have you actually ridden on one? If you've ridden a roller coaster, an airplane does not feel as intense. I feared the idea of flying at one point ..now I love it!: watching as you quickly accelerate to incredible speeds, and then watch as the ground begins to disappear beneath you, soaring above a blanket of clouds where the pegasi roam.


Ive ridden on both..i think im afraid of the plane crashing into the ground and ending me there...Maybe the next time ill wave out the window and when people look at me weird ill be like. "What? im waving bye to all the earth ponies and hello to all the pegasi."

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Okay, so I'm eight and using the bathroom in Top Foods. I'm taking a leak, and I hear a hushed, perverted voice at the stall door. "What're ya doin in there...?" I peek through and see a mexican adult male peeking through the crack of the bathroom door and smiling at me. I opened the door so it hit him square in the face, and ran the hell out of there. And yes, this actually happened. .-.


   Awesome Signature by Doctor-Whooves

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I've had nightmares where It takes a lot of effort to wake up from until I die or something in the dream. I find those experiences to be pretty scary for me. 


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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There are a few frightening things that have happened to me in life so far. Some of these are only frightening, while some are also interesting experiences that I have had that I have yet to be able to truly understand or explain.


When I was a young child, I was playing in a swimming pool with a kid who was significantly older than me. I was probably 6 or 7 years old at the time, maybe a little older, and I'm pretty sure the guy I was playing with was 13. He decided to play a "game" in which he trapped me underneath the water with his inflatable raft. He trapped me underneath the water, and I could not escape. I was terrified. I remember thinking at first that I was ready to die, and that I was ready to see God. The idea of that was exciting to me. Shortly after that, I realized how sad my parents would be if I died. I realized that it was not my time to die. At that moment I saw a flash of golden light that blocked out everything else in my vision, and I literally threw this kid off of me. It's important to keep in mind that he was much older than I, and I'm pretty sure he was also overweight at the time. I pushed him off of me with enough force that the raft stood up vertically in the water, and he fell off of it into the pool. That scared him badly, so he left me alone. Immediately following that I suddenly felt drained and extremely upset, at which point I swam over to my mom, crying.


Several years later, I was at some point in my elementary school education. It was wintertime. On one day after school, my dad and I went to the school so that I could sled down a hill that was right behind it. The hill in question was fairly large, and had a staircase on it that you would climb up to get to the school. At the bottom of the staircase was a cement landing, bordered by a small cement wall, probably a foot or less in height, on two sides of the aforementioned landing. I had sled down the hill, and I had reached the landing, about to walk up the staircase so that I could sled again. However, the landing was icy. I slipped sideways, toward one of the cement rises bordering the landing. Suddenly, without any action on my part, at least not action that I was consciously aware of, I froze in midair. I remember immediately observing my body frozen in midair from some external vantage point, but I could not see myself clearly. I then saw myself slowly be pushed into an upright standing position by an unseen force that felt as if I had no control over. I climbed up the staircase, completely unharmed. I do not know what would have happened to me if I had fallen. If my head had hit the cement rise, I may have died, or been mentally and/or physically disabled.


At a much later point in life - to be precise, about a year or so ago, I had another experience in which I came close to dying or being seriously injured. It was my first day of 10th grade, and I was walking in the street after school. An upperclassman was in a car ahead of me, apparently racing his friend. He came driving toward me faster and faster. I just stood there for a split second, but then I got out of the way. Thankfully, I got out of the way in time to not be injured at all. I don't know if he didn't see me, if he thought I would get out of the way, or if he just didn't care. Thankfully, my first day of 11th grade a few days ago went much better, and did not include any events in which I was almost died or was almost seriously injured.


At some point within the past year or so, I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom. Without warning, a luminous orb appeared out of nowhere, flying through the air at an incredibly high speed. As quickly as it appeared out of thin air, it vanished back into thin air, leaving no trace that I could perceive. However, in the time that I did see it, I was able to observe its nature and structure to some degree. It seemed to be illuminated from its core. It shone with a white light. Its surface appeared to be shifting. It did not seem to be a gas, neither a liquid, nor a solid. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I thought that perhaps the light had just reflected off of the rim of my glasses into my vision, so I attempted to recreate what I had seen by deliberately reflecting the light off of the rim of my glasses into my eyes. It looked absolutely nothing like what I had just seen. I have hallucinated before due to sleep deprivation, and it did not feel like a hallucination. Initially, I was terrified, but eventually I realized that there was nothing to be frightened of. Whatever I had seen, it was a wonder, a mysterious aspect of life that I could not yet truly understand or explain. I do not know for sure what it could have been, but I am considering the idea that it may have been a spirit. My grandma passed away in 2010, and since then there have been a small number of paranormal incidents among my family. When my family took a picture in front of the location where my grandma's ashes were buried with my grandpa's, an unexplainable orb appeared in the picture hovering over them. At some point after that, another unexplainable experience occurred. My mom had lost some sort of switch for her lamp. It had been lost for months, and she had no idea where it was. Then, one day, it was suddenly right next to her lamp. None of us remembered putting it there. My dad thinks that he may have found it and put it there and just forgot about it, but I'm not so sure. Combining these experiences with my own involving the orb, it implies to me that it may have been my grandma. But, of course, it was not necessarily her. For the time being, this remains a mystery.


At different points within the past year or so, I have had many experiences involving the out of body phenomenon. I do not truly understand it. Some people believe OBEs involve consciousness travelling to external regions, while some believe OBEs to be another interpretation of lucid dreaming. But, then, what exactly is lucid dreaming? And furthermore, what is a dream? But, I digress. That would be better suited to its own discussion. One of the most intense experiences I have had with the OBE phenomenon was perhaps a year or so ago. I was laying on the couch, and was experimenting with some OBE induction techniques I had read on the internet. I was using a breathing technique to bring about relaxation. While this was only supposed to be one of several steps, this alone seemed to take me into a OBE experience. The experience was fascinating - in retrospect, it felt as if my consciousness were simultaneously expanded and limited. Due to the seemingly paradoxical nature of such an interpretation, perhaps it was only an expansion, but an expansion to such a degree beyond ordinary human experience that the ego was left behind, thus seeming a paradoxical combination of an expansion and a limitation when analyzing the experience in retrospect from the vantage point of what I consider to be a typical state of human waking consciousness. The experience began with me feeling as if I were still just laying there practicing the breathing exercise, but in retrospect it was as if I were observing my body from an external vantage point, similar to what happened to me when I almost died or was almost seriously injured when on the stair landing on the hill behind my old elementary school. The experience transitioned, and I was at a separate external vantage point, separated from a physical mode of being. I had no knowledge of the previous segment of the experience. In fact, I felt as if I had no knowledge of my past or future, as if I were living perfectly in the present moment. At the same time, I felt so much greater than I normally do. I felt the concept of me in an expanded form that transcended what I had come to view as reality. I also had the sensation of having instant knowledge - it felt as if instead of having to think about a matter, I knew the answer immediately. This sensation presented itself in a particular occurrence. When I was in this state of consciousness, I remember looking at the door in my living room. Unlike in the earlier segment of my experience, my perception was crystal clear. The door looked exactly as it did in waking physical reality, except for one curious detail: the window on the door only had a white curtain on it, as opposed to the other curtain that is supposed to be on top of it. I saw black outlines of curious shapes in some formation floating outside the window. I instantly knew that it was a spirit, and my emotional reaction to this was largely neutral, from which I understood that it was neither good nor bad, and was simply there. The experience then transitioned a third and final time, placing me in the final segment of the experience. I was once again on the couch, but I was beginning to lift up off of the couch. What I perceived at that time seemed to be my body lifting up into the air while I was simultaneously laying there on the couch. My feet were lifting up higher into the air, turning myself upside down above the couch. At this point I became frightened, and forced myself to return to waking physical reality. Immediately upon doing so, I was able to recall all three segments of the experience that I remembered, and I was no longer frightened. This is another aspect of the paradoxical nature of the modes of consciousness I seemed to go through in the experience. At some points I was more than what I generally perceive myself to be, while simultaneously I did not have access to the full extent of my waking consciousness. This sensation is similar to some lucid dreams I have had recently. I have not yet decided what exactly it was that I experienced - to me, it is still a mystery. But, regardless of what it was, it was amazing, and I will be experimenting with these phenomena further throughout the rest of my life.


I have had many other experiences that I have yet to be able to truly understand or explain. Some of these experiences were at least initially frightening to varying degrees, but I often looked at them in a completely different light in retrospect. For example, I used to be terrified of the orb that I saw in the bathroom, but later on I viewed it as amazing and beautiful. I would say that I have had at least 14 experiences in my life so far - not including lucid dreaming, which I also have yet to be able to truly understand or explain - that seemed to be paranormal or mystical in some manner. It is due to these experiences, among many other reasons, that I will never be an atheist. However, I am not a Christian, and I do not adhere to any particular religion. Currently, my philosophical views are a mix of transcendentalism, universalism, idealism, and other ideas, founded upon my experiences and beliefs concerning the nature of reality.

  • Brohoof 1



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I used to have a dream that the concept is like silent hill.

I was in a mall, then I went upstairs. But then suddenly, the mall was bloody. Horror posters were every where. So I took the elevator quickly but then there was a horrifying looking lady so I got out quickly. Then I took the escalator, then there was many bloody posters around. Then I quickly woke up and cried :(

I hate that dream






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One time when I was little, I remember I was sleeping with my sister, and she was facing my back. I couldn't sleep so I shifted to face her, and her sleeping face was a knarled monster. I blinked, and her face was normal again, so I decided it was nothing.


Unfortunately, this kept happening, not just with my sister, but others too. I'm sure it was just a trick of the light, bur it really was scary.

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Well, two-- wait, no, three things.


One of them was when I went to the House of Horrors at Universal Studios alone. Seriously scared the poop out of me when something popped out..


Another was when I saw my friend paying a clown with a chainsaw to chase her around the neighborhood. Like, what the heck..?


Lastly was this gif that gave me a mini heart attack because it was so sudden.. 


And these didn't help my paranoia at all.


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First of all, i am terrified of the ocean, so thats going to be a very big part of this story. Me and my family went to the beach a few years ago, while driving there i fell asleep, i woke up in a boat about 2.5 miles off shore. it wasn't a very big boat either, just a small speed boat.

  • Brohoof 1


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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Probably when I was just sitting in my bed reading and I looked over and there was this dark pulsating orb floating in the middle of my room. I was getting a really bad vibe from it so I got the fuck out of my room and went downstairs. I don't think I slept at all that night. I also have this recurring nightmare where I am in my room and I have this feeling that something horrible is chasing me so I just try and get out of my house and if I do just run but with the feeling that if I stop some unimaginably horrible thing is going to happen to me.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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I've experienced a lot of unexplainable things(Now explainable as I'm not a little kid anymore) although there is one thing I still believe to be true.


It happened at my grandma's summer house, when I was around 7-9 years old on the first day of my visit there. I was trying to sleep when I noticed the curtains were moving by themselves, like there was wind blowing at them. It's nothing, I said to myself. Then I heard a faint noise of fingers being tapped against the floor. I was now a bit scared, so I went up and investigated. I checked the curtains and the window, there was no possible way of wind reaching near it. I also imitated the tapping finger noise, and it sounded exactly the same.


Things like this can happen on themselves, perhaps there are some microscopic animals making those sounds, I thought with my limited knowledge of how things actually work. This calmed me enough to make things seem not as scary as it actually was.

Later on, I went back to bed. I read some comics and 5 minutes into it, I already forgot about what just happened.


Then the temperature started dropping, fast. And it was not like a temperature drop you feel when you are close to falling asleep, it felt like fans blowing cold air on all places of my body. Then the curtains started moving again. Now I was really scared, and I went under the cover. After a while, I slowly went back up, out of the false safety my cover created. I was still scared, so the only viable thing I could do was to try and stay awake as long as possible. 


Then I heard a feint conversation in the background between two elderly people, a male and a female. At first their speech was unintelligible, but it became much clearer the second I focused on it. ''Who is sleeping in the bed?'', Said the man in my native language(an old dialect of Swedish). ''A new child'', the woman said. 


This freaked me out, and I jumped out of my bed, in my crazed adrenaline rush, turning on all the lights in the room. I was very self conscious about keeping my 'cool kid' image so I did not tell my grandma. Yet. I went under my covers again, and could swear about lying under them for at least an hour. 


Then something happened that would leave a memory forever in my brain. My suitcase tipped over, and it made a large banging noise. This terrified me completely, and I ran as fast as I could to my grandma. She was now awake, as the noise awoke her. I told her everything about what happened. She told me young minds can make up crazy things, and told me to go back to bed. I cried a river, and she understood how scared I was, so she made a mattress ready for me in her room, and I never slept as good as I did there.


This is pretty much what happened, and then I stayed there for another week without unusual occurrences.

I still believe it to this day. 

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It was a number of years ago, around winter time I believed January, and my step mother was driving me to a job interview. The snow went from snow to ice so that the van did complete u-turn slipping so that we are facing the opposite directions sideways. I look to my right and see a pull coming right towards my door my thoughts being "oh s***".


Thankfully, though the door was completely curved in the glass broken, no one was hurt. My stepmother and brothers we're completely freaking out. I on the other hand, once realizing I was okay, what suprisingly very calm.


I was actually the one that spoke to the police officer and the medical staff of the ambulance because I was the only one not freaking out. It was stated that if it wasn't for the pole we would have flipped.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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One time I went to brush my teeth and upon turning on the water a bug the size of my hand flew out of a corner, I had walked back to a corner and waited for 5 minutes till someone came in and helped me, And I am scared of insects majorly

                          TwilightRules - Will Draw OCs, Mane 6, and CMC.

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