deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 Have you EVER... EVER! Had a Ingrown toenail? And how did it feel? Pain.. Did it hurt? Or didn't? I had one *Sigh* Worst time of my life! (This does not sound nothing like Life advice just sayin.) 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johnny Canuck 12 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I still have ingrown toenails, in both toes... It suck so hard. Stubbing your toe on a wall or something, feels like someone took a shotgun to my foot a wouldn't stop firing. It's the worst thing ever. 1 A Jungler and Support by trade Summoner Name: The Haunted Guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 (edited) Ew ew ew ew ew! This topic is stanky! Lol, But no. I've never had an ingrown toenail, my toes are usually well taken care of. My sister had one once, it was so nasty. Edited August 25, 2013 by crazitaco *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaReaper 1,945 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I had one to the point were it got nice and infected that was a sick thing then, i had no pain though it takes a lot of pain to get me ^^ avatar and sig by me Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here Voted best Scootaloo fan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 I still have ingrown toenails, in both toes... It suck so hard. Stubbing your toe on a wall or something, feels like someone took a shotgun to my foot a wouldn't stop firing. It's the worst thing ever. I feel the pain, when they took out mine they didn't give me no shots to num my leg.. *Sigh* Ew ew ew ew ew! This topic is stanky! Lol, But no. I've never had an ingrown toenail, my toes are usually well taken care of. My sister had one once, it was so nasty. Everyone at least's gets a ingrown toenail once in their life! So you better watch out I had one to the point were it got nice and infected that was a sick thing then, i had no pain though it takes a lot of pain to get me *Steps away slowly with hands up in the air* 2 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YALL ARE FUCKING GAY 505 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 (edited) i have an ingrown toe nail right now *left big toe* i have had them so infected that it started to get gangrenous and the doctor threatened to cut it off they sting like a bitch Edited August 25, 2013 by HunterScars signature made by DaReaper Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 i have an ingrown toe nail right now *left big toe* i have had them so infected that it started to get gangrenous and the doctor treated to cut it off they sting like a bitch The docks just took mine off yesterday, how funny when i said Ah F*** Docker: W-what was that? Not my fault hurted like a bullet. Glads thats over.. 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sunne 660 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 SEVERAL. I HATE THEM SOOO MUCH. So painful :C . I think i've even had an ingrown fingernail! NOT FUN. If you've never had one, consider yourself lucky. I can't say it's the worst time of my life because i've been suicidal, and I've been in the hospital on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning due to an infection that caused so much pain it made me scream at one point, but it may be in the top 10. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johnny Canuck 12 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I feel the pain, when they took out mine they didn't give me no shots to num my leg.. *Sigh* They didn't freeze your toes when they removed yours? Are they trying to torture you?! I had top have my toes frozen when they removed mine because they said the pain would be too much. You must be one tough guy to have yours removed without freezing. A Jungler and Support by trade Summoner Name: The Haunted Guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Planty 1,053 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 Yep, had 2-3 (not really bad). Every time I soaked my nail in detox and then cut them out myself ! Worse thing I had was a finger infection, when I told the doctor they booked me an emergency appointment. If indent realise how serious it was at the time, but it made my whole body feel ill and apparently if it hadn't healed in a few daysicould have got sceptics is :x. Had to take massive tablets, it sucked! Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Bay 1,027 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 Having one since...six years I'd guess. When it first appeared it got infected, the doc cut out the infection and it was alright. I didn't really care about it anymore, since it didn't impair me. Six months ago it infected again and even though the infected area was cut out again, it infects again and again. The weird thing is, that it never hurt in any way. The only annoying thing is, that it festers from time to time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaestroNep9997 26 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 (edited) I've had ingrown fingernails and toenails quite a number of times before. It happens more frequently for my fingernails though. And yes, it's pretty annoying, but I've gotten quite used to it... Well, sort of... Oh, and I usually get them out by myself, either with the aid of a pair of scissors or a nail-clipper... Edited August 25, 2013 by MaestroNep9997 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 SEVERAL. I HATE THEM SOOO MUCH. So painful :C . I think i've even had an ingrown fingernail! NOT FUN. If you've never had one, consider yourself lucky. I can't say it's the worst time of my life because i've been suicidal, and I've been in the hospital on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning due to an infection that caused so much pain it made me scream at one point, but it may be in the top 10. *Re-reads* Wait wha! Ingrown Fingernails is a thing!?!? *Panics* They didn't freeze your toes when they removed yours? Are they trying to torture you?! I had top have my toes frozen when they removed mine because they said the pain would be too much. You must be one tough guy to have yours removed without freezing. Nothing *Sigh* And i just got done watching Save Derpy video *Rubs eyes* Anywho! No shots nothing, the dockor said it won't be so much.. Well pain! He said its just you know cutting.. Ma nail and stuff like that.. When i realized the pain when he got a huge pair of scissors! And snapped my nail almost in half. That is when i said Ah F*** ! Didn't even noticed i said it. Yep, had 2-3 (not really bad). Every time I soaked my nail in detox and then cut them out myself ! Worse thing I had was a finger infection, when I told the doctor they booked me an emergency appointment. If indent realise how serious it was at the time, but it made my whole body feel ill and apparently if it hadn't healed in a few daysicould have got sceptics is :x. Had to take massive tablets, it sucked! They made me soak mine in.. Aspon salt, for the infection ETC. It burnt like hell when i had to do it again after they cut it ETC. Having one since...six years I'd guess. When it first appeared it got infected, the doc cut out the infection and it was alright. I didn't really care about it anymore, since it didn't impair me. Six months ago it infected again and even though the infected area was cut out again, it infects again and again. The weird thing is, that it never hurt in any way. The only annoying thing is, that it festers from time to time... My docker gave me huge pills *Shivers* I couldn't take none! I gagged and choked! I've had ingrown fingernails and toenails quite a number of times before. It happens more frequently for my fingernails though. And yes, it's pretty annoying, but I've gotten quite used to it... Well, sort of... Oh, and I usually get them out by myself, either with the aid of a pair of scissors or a nail-clipper... I hope i never get a ingrown fingernail.. I mean well i guess it'll be more easier than a toenail but.. Its wide open to people to see q-q. 1 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Quill 1,186 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I've never had one, and I really don't want one, I don't know how much they would hurt, and they just seem so painful. And Well, It seems too much for me... ✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated ✧ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 I've never had one, and I really don't want one, I don't know how much they would hurt, and they just seem so painful. And Well, It seems too much for me... I hate pain, you know those kids who stay back WAAAAYY In the back to not get picked for basketball? Kinda like me. Or those kids who always run around, play jump and fly off those huge poles. It scares the freakin day lights out of me. *Sigh* Don't worry you won't get any, just keep on cutting dem nails every week or so e-e. Or 2 weeks.. 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sapphire Quill 1,186 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I hate pain, you know those kids who stay back WAAAAYY In the back to not get picked for basketball? Kinda like me. Or those kids who always run around, play jump and fly off those huge poles. It scares the freakin day lights out of me. *Sigh* Don't worry you won't get any, just keep on cutting dem nails every week or so e-e. Or 2 weeks.. I can deal with Physical Pain, But not mental, though they seem like they would hurt a bunch, I just hope I don't get one, I'm one to be Physical In the sense of sport, but all that other stuff scares me... And I'll try be careful about it, don't want one... Ekk ✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated ✧ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Planty 1,053 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 @@Fredbermudez, Eugh yeah it's horrible :C With my finger I was doing it multiple times a day to stop the infection spreading ><, not something I would want to make people do! Have ANY questions about Christianity? INBOX ME! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Friendship_Cannon 1,676 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 Had it on my feet multiple times, about 5 times over the last 3 years (long-distance running + not the right shoes = pain)... Hurts a bit, but after it gets... well "removed" it´s okay. It´s just not nice to see. Really horrible to see, actually. But it happens, and you don´t recognize it until you take off your shoes after the run/ marathon, so it´s not effecting my performance. Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~ I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I'm pretty sure I've had ingrown fingernails but not toenails. It does hurt a lot. I've recently started taking care of my fingernails when they get excessively long. Now it doesn't really happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 I can deal with Physical Pain, But not mental, though they seem like they would hurt a bunch, I just hope I don't get one, I'm one to be Physical In the sense of sport, but all that other stuff scares me... And I'll try be careful about it, don't want one... Ekk They don't *REALLY* Hurt that bad.. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes they don't! @@Fredbermudez, Eugh yeah it's horrible :C With my finger I was doing it multiple times a day to stop the infection spreading ><, not something I would want to make people do! *Sigh* I hate cutting my fingernails, idk why e-e. I guess i'ma has to start cutting them once a week! Had it on my feet multiple times, about 5 times over the last 3 years (long-distance running + not the right shoes = pain)... Hurts a bit, but after it gets... well "removed" it´s okay. It´s just not nice to see. Really horrible to see, actually. But it happens, and you don´t recognize it until you take off your shoes after the run/ marathon, so it´s not effecting my performance. Everytime i try to put a bloody shoe on i get in soooo much pain! Going to try walking when i head back to school on Monday e-e. I'm pretty sure I've had ingrown fingernails but not toenails. It does hurt a lot. I've recently started taking care of my fingernails when they get excessively long. Now it doesn't really happen. 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackie 57 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 I've had two and I had to get surgery for both. Now I have yet ANOTHER one but I realllllyy do not want it removed again. Surgery sucks. And my podiatrist said that if I keep getting them I'll have to get my toe amputated? Wtf is that about? I'm not doing this on purpose and I don't really think that's true, he's just trying to scare me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 I've had two and I had to get surgery for both. Now I have yet ANOTHER one but I realllllyy do not want it removed again. Surgery sucks. And my podiatrist said that if I keep getting them I'll have to get my toe amputated? Wtf is that about? I'm not doing this on purpose and I don't really think that's true, he's just trying to scare me. Wait Wait wait wait wait.. A-..Amputated.. *Faints* Hes bloody crazy!! Amputated is the meaning of cutting it off! He must be joking, to scare you to start cutting your nails more often! I hope if that's true than. Ouch.. 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackie 57 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 Wait Wait wait wait wait.. A-..Amputated.. *Faints* Hes bloody crazy!! Amputated is the meaning of cutting it off! He must be joking, to scare you to start cutting your nails more often! I hope if that's true than. Ouch.. Whenever I cut them, they become ingrown. Ingrown nails don't grow because of lack of trimming, they grow because of the way they're cut. :s 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deleted1 117 August 25, 2013 Author Share August 25, 2013 Whenever I cut them, they become ingrown. Ingrown nails don't grow because of lack of trimming, they grow because of the way they're cut. :s Ee >< The only way to stop them for doing that is taking off your whole nail! Maybe its a good idea to ^^' So you won't have to keep going to the dockers ETC! 121 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rayalicious 435 August 25, 2013 Share August 25, 2013 After i read what u said i actually have this problem, if i cut them too much and/or in a wrong its becomes a disaster, and hurts like hell "Adrenalin begins when gravity ends" ~Studio Liverpool Siggy by le awesome: NightOwl Smarticle of my class, problem with studies? PM me would be happy to help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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