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private Need for Speed: Conquer All (MLP Edition)(FULL!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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"Well gee, that's different." Rev muttered slightly shaken. He looked in his rear-view to see Rut-Light's 550. "Well look who decided to join the party." He chuckled. He focused back on the S7 in front of him, mashing the accelerator and attempting an overtake.

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Zaptrik peeked outside of the garage and could them the others in the distance. She then said "hey blast, you wanna go catch up on those other ponies". Before he could get a reply, she got in her car and started revving the engine. " Come on! we are gunna miss them" she said loudly so Blast could here her over the sound of her engine.

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Frost took the money, got in his car and began to back out. He stopped when his window was in front of Blaze. "I'll expect a nice low ride body kit when I get back." he said as he pulled out and gunned it down the street. He looked at the list and sighed. "Ok, let's go meet some old friends." he said as he turned the next corner.

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"Hey, Rev!  Nice to hear from you."  Rut-Light said over his Bluetooth, "This 550 isn't the fastest in the world but it's a beauty and quite fast, i'm peaking out at about 9,000 rpms along with 624 foot pounds of torque while going 220 mph.  What car are you driving?"  

Edited by Midnight-Inferno
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Blast called the pony up while he was driving. "I'm already on the road! I'm racing Nitro Spark in the saleen over here! Meet us up here if you can and we'll race!"


Blast saw the saleen fly up into the air. "Alright, Light. Let's see how much your technology can do!" Blast kicked the cari nto auto drive and he jumped into the air. He vaulted over the saleen and smirked at Nirto, landing safely back into the driver's seat. He was now slightly ahead of the others

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"I'm only revving up to about 7,000 RPM, but I'm hitting 225. Noble may be a pretty small company, but the M600 is an amazing car." He grin faded slightly as he muttered. "Just wish it had ABS. it's way too easy to lock the wheels. Either way, I love this car!"

@ @ "As for you two, are we racing, or are you busy with your Cirque du Soleil act?"

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Just as Zaprik was about to leave she remembers that her nitrous tanks need filling up. She quickly gallops to the shop and returns with two full canister of nitrous. "well if I'm gunna race a car as fast as that one I'd better install two nitrous canisters" she thought to her self. She continued "mad, with this crap all hooked up I might be able to to 300mph!"


She got in and twisted the ignition key. As she adjusted her seat, she called Blast on the Bluetooth. "I'm coming, just give me a sec" she said. "I've got a surprise!"



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"Just a quick patrol around the city." Nitro Spark said. "Yeah, I see you back there." 


Nitro Spark then noticed Blast's little act. Nitro Spark spun 180 degrees, and engaged his reverse-transmission. He then pulled up next to Blast. "Reverse transmission. Always comes in handy." Nitro Spark stated. "Jealous?" He asked. 

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"Well try not to lock those wheels, locking those wheels could cause you to under-steer, spin out of control and eventually crash your god forsaken car.  Of course you already know this but just a small reminder."  Rut-Light floored the gas and his 550 Barchetta roared like a dragon and put out an amazing 500+H.P, as he pulled up next to the others he asked something serious, "Any gang activity so far, or are they all asleep?"


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost was trying to keep the normal speed limit as not to attract himself when a load of familiar cars passed him at racing speeds. He activated his bluetooth and yelled "Guys watch it your ginna run me off the road." he joked as he turned another corner and pukked uo to his friends tech shop. He gave him, the list, picked up the parts, and drove back to the shop. He could see the skidmarks from were he others had left a few minutes before. He got out and opened the trunk. "Here you go Blaze, how about we hook this stuff up and go for a test drive." he laughed.

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"We're all clear for the night. The industrial area of Detrot is where most of the cops are. We're good 'cause the gang is close to the industrial side of Detrot." Nitro Spark said. "But we should heading back, 'cause cop patrol starts in like 10 minutes and we're about 5 miles away from the garage." Nitro Spark warned. He was still driving backwards at 150mph. 

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Blast just smirked. "I like running better, anyways. Light makes a good car with his technical know-how, though." Blast turned up the speed MpH and revved up the engine even more. "And you're gonna see why." Blast jetted off into the street, leaving a red blur behind him.


Blast just hoped that Zaprik could catch up with the car. She wanted him to wait, but he wasn't about to be showed up by Nitro. He wanted to prove that he was the fastest, both on land and in a car.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"Copy that Nitro. Finally found this thing to a sweet spot. No way I'm letting a cop take it now." He spoke and slowed the Noble down to speed where he could spin it around without locking up the wheels and headed back in the direction the garage. He changed the mode from Race to Road, dropping the BHP from 650 to 450. He cruised the rest of the way back, listening to the sound of the twin turbo V8.


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Nitro Spark turned 180 degrees and shifted back to drive.  "Alright everypony, let's head back. 3 minutes 'til cop patrol begins. Let's get our flanks outta here and back to safety." Nitro Spark said over his communicator. "Follow me. I know a quick way back." Nitro Spark stated as he veered off the road and onto a light dirt path. 

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Rut-Light turned his steering wheel and the Ferrari turned 180 and he took off back towards the garage, keeping the speed to a reasonable level; 120 mph should suffice.  As his car reached 125 mph, he could see nitro take a dirt path and followed his on it, "This thing wasn't made for dirt you know?"  The road was mad of light pea gravel (like you find in Australia); and Ferrari's aren't made for off roading.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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"This is only a short path. It cuts on to the road that the garage is on. So your Ferrari should hold up." Nitro Spark explained. The small dirt path soon ended and Nitro Spark was on the road. His police scanner beeped. "We're almost there." Nitro Spark said. He saw the pathway that led to the garage. He rolled in and turned off his car. He then got out of it and took off his helmet and stretched his wings. He then made sure the metal platings on his wings were holding up.  

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Seeing Rut and Nitro's move, Rev followed close behind. The moment he hit the dirt he started to regret it. "Oh, that's unpleasant." He commented. "This is a rear wheel drive, mid engine, supercar. It's meant to tear up tarmac. It's not meant for..." He was interrupted by a rather large bump that caused him to bang his head on the steering wheel. "...this." Luckily the dirt path soon ended and he returned to the asphalt. He let go a sigh of content as the garage came into view. He parked inside and shut off his car. "It was quick, but next time. I'll stick to the road."

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As zaptrik pulled out of the garage, she her car in drive and drown steadily down the road. Not concentrating on the road, she saw a few blimps on her radar and thought to her self "that's got to be them, no one else would be driving around at this time of night". Without even contacting them to see if they're back at the garage already, she activated her nitrous. Because of the extra tank she installed, she was bale to reach 280mph! "That's faster than I've ever gone!" she said proudly. From a distance all you could see is a blue smudge flash before your eyes. She got closer and closer to the blimps on her raider. As she approached the cars she slowed down so she could see them. Before she could do anything it turned out that those where cop cars on patrol. She took a second glimpse at her radar device to find she was following the wrong couple on blimps! It was too late to turn back, they had already seen her. As the cops came closer, she she regret not getting one of those police tracking devices. She had to make a decision fast before the police got to her car. The cop got out of his car and started walking her way. She covered her tracking device with an old newspaper hopeing the police didn't see it. The cop knocked on her window, so Zaptrik removed her shades put the window down. He then said "What ya doin roud these parts?". "Just going up a relatives, he lives in the north on detrot" she anxiously explained. "well then I guess ill leav... wait." he said "whats that behind that newspaper...".  She didn't know what to do. Then suddenly she couldn't take it no longer, Zaptrik was never good at telling lies. She speedily put the car in drive and accelerated. She preformed a U-turn, knocking the cop over. Her burning tiers span round for a bit producing a huge smoke cloud. Before the cop could see anything Zaptrik stomped down the accelerate. Without looking back, she speed up to 180mph. She then quickly activated her nitrous and the speed increased to 240mph. Slightly slowing down she looked in her mirror, the cop was out of sight. She whipped her forehead with relief and put her shades back on. Instead of going back to the garage, she drove towards her house to sleep for the night. she parked up on her driveway and got of her car. She yawned as she went inside. She then called blast on her Bluetooth, "I just got in some trouble, I won't be be coming back to the garage tonight ".



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Blast put his car into an immediate halt, right in the middle of the street. He then began to drive back the way he originally came, but he followed Nitro on the light path. "Do you need any assistance? We can come and back you up if you want" Blast insisted


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Rut-Light pulled into the garage and shut his beauty off, as he got out of his Barchetta he started to see the others close behind.  "I must say Nitro, you car is way to damn fast for this 550 to catch up.  This Ferrari only has so much power in it until it starts red-lining, got a duel turbocharger anywhere, it might help."

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost looked at the cars that had just pulled in and noticed they were covered in dirt. He let out a small laugh. "Ok thats is the last thing I expected to see. What did you guys do?" he said in a sarcastic tone as he turned off his stereo and started to polish the hood of his car.

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(OOC: As DM, I play cops and gang members)


 The cop then tagged Zaptrick's car. "This is unit 145, I just came in contact with a street racer driving a blue ford Mustang." The cop reported. 


Back at the garage, Nitro Spark noticed that Zaptrick didn't come. "Hey does anypony know where Zaptrick is?" He asked making sure a metal plate on his left wing was secure. "Oh, let's just say we took a "shortcut." Nitro Spark stated. 

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Blast was still on the street, going to Zaptrik's location, when he called Nitro on his bluetooth. "Looks like Zaptrik ran into some trouble. I'm going out to help her. I'll be back soon." He sent the message to Nirto and hung up.


 Blast drove up next to Zaptrik's car and drove next to it. "Ugh. Again with these, guys??" Blast exclaimed.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"yeah, they just don't quit," Zaptrik stated. "Well, I'm just glad its all over" she continued. She got some bits together and got in her car, "i'm gunna have to change these tiers, they are barely" drivable she explained. She reversed out on to the road and said "Lets head back to the garage, I can fix the tiers up there". 



(OCC: sorry thunder, first time role playing :D )

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Rut-Light listened to what Blast said over his Bluetooth head set and nodded, "Damn it, alright lose the fuzz and then get back here ASAP."  He looked at Nitro and said, "Did you get that?"  He walked through the garage and just looked at everything there; there was his old street racing car which was a dark green Ford Focus, a few empty beverage bottles, some light blue nitrous canisters and of of course the usual: car parts, engines, tools and a single supercharger.  "Perfect."  he want over and grabbed the supercharger, planning on adding power to his already powerful car.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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