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Senia giggled, then whispered something to the branch full of flowers. They flickered, showing that the forest was laughing. Suddenly, some of the trees and other plant life moved and made a path, with some of the plants and flowers glowing, showing them the way. "Come on." Senia said, lightly touching the vine that was entangled around Grell, and it let go. 

Some of the flowers flickered. "I hope we can talk again soon, Grell. It was very nice meeting you. And yes, I know." Senia told Grell what the forest had said to him. "And, Senia, I know I'll talk to you soon. Be good. By the way, very nice young stallion there. He's a keeper." 

Senia laughed. "Hey, we're not-" she stopped mid-sentence and looked back at Grell, then giggled. "I'll be good. I love you, beautiful." she said, gently stroking a flower as she walked by. The flower perked up and turned, as if it were watching her walk away.

"Wait, what did she mean, 'she knew'?" Senia asked, turning her head slightly towards Grell.

Moon Beam walked a bit away from the hut, then turned in the direction of Steel, yet she didn't look at him. She put her head down, and sighed. "I'm sorry, for, I uh.. I guess for, earlier and, Astrid..." she said, looking him in the eyes. She shuddered, remembering the dream, from both looking at Steel and at the mention of Astrid. 

"I.. Just something happened... And this dream... Ugh, let's just say, the filly had an interesting appearance in a dream I had and, I just... Ugh..." she groaned, letting her head hang low. 

"Okay, hold on. Uhm, I don't like, hate her or anything, yet I don't really trust her. I mean, a part of me is like, 'Well she's Steel's daughter, she can't be bad. Look at Steel!'. Then the other part of me says, 'She tried to read your mind and get all up in your thoughts, and that isn't okay. She's not trustworthy. No. No, no.' But then there's me, 'She is just a filly, what could she do wrong? But she probably only plays nice, acts innocent. I can read it all over her: No good. She is so small and sweet-looking though. Maybe she's not that bad...'" Moon Beam stared at the ground as she explained everything to Steel. She didn't dare look up, afraid of the memories of her dream, and to look up and find that he has the same expression that dream Steel had. Afraid that he would yell, and leave her. 

"I'm sorry, okay?" she said, finally looking up into his eyes. "I just don't know!" she began to shiver, as if she were cold. However, she knew she wasn't. She just got like that sometimes, when she had strong, negative emotions. Moon Beam could feel tears welling up in her eyes, but she fought them back. 

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Steel hugged her "it's okay moonbeam she's very unique and her abilities put ponies on edge but trust me she's a good filly for the most part but do me a favor and don't try and block her that'll just make her stronger and spawns already having trouble keeping her out of my head" steel said

Grell nodded as senia told him what the everfree said -I suppose that means that the everfree can read minds that's cool - grell thought as he followed senia when she asked he just shrugged "I have I idea but can the everfree read minds senia" grell asked he was really curious about that -if you can hear my thoughts I don't want her to know yet but I will tell her very soon I promise- grell thought hoping the everfree could in fact hear thoughts

Astrid lay awake waiting for her daddy she wished he would hurry up she was tired and wanted to snuggle up under his wing and go back to sleep she had really missed sleeping by his side it made her feel save and she felt for a while at least that he would always be there for her

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost continued to sit, it seemed as if everypony else had something to do, and he wasn't one to just throw himself in on a conversation. Instead he rose and trotted to the opposite side of the camp, keeping everypony in his line of sight so he would he able to act quickly if anything bad happened, he doubted that would happen, but he didn't want to push it away due to that being more dangerous if the situation arose. He reached into his saddlebag he had carried with him and pulled out a pack of Canterlot cigars, some he had been saving for a special occasion, but this was a more stressful one, but Frost figured he didn't see a special occasion in the near future so this was better than not at all. He ripped off the seal and pulled out one cigar. It smelled like the shop he had bought it in, a divine, almost fancy smell. He placed it between his teeth and lit it with a small burst of magic from his horn. Taking a large drag he quickly let out a few puffs of smoke, hoping nopony was affected by the smoke.

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Moon Beam smiled when Steel hugged her, and hugged him back tightly. However, when he told her not to try to block Astrid, she looked at him with a sort of aggravated expression. 

"Well what am I supposed to do? Let her read all my thoughts and go through my memories? No, no okay, that's not cool." she said, glancing at the hut. 

Moon Beam caught a glimpse of smoke from behind Steel, and leaned to look at where it was coming from. She saw Frost with his cigar, and shook her head. 

"Shame, Frost. That's unhealthy." she said jokingly. "But really, be careful. You don't want to hurt the forest. She is pretty easily injured, and that cigar could destroy a great part of her." she explained.

Senia turned to look at Grell yet again as she walked, raising an eye brow in confusion. "Uhm, maybe. She's never told me that she could, but actually, most likely. She can sense a lot in anything, or anypony, she touches. So yeah, there is a great possibility that she has the ability to read ponies' thoughts." she said, glancing down at a flower. It was as purple as an amethyst gem.

"Woah, woah, woah! Wait!" she yelled, stopping to look at the flower more closely. "It's a lady slipper. These are so rare! Very gorgeous." she focused on the flower, and it began to emit a silvery glow. Slowly, it slid out of the ground. 

"I promise, as soon as we get to the house, I will take care of her. I just must have her, she's so pretty." Senia said, then began walking again. 

The flowers glowed. "I trust that she will be safe in your hands. Don't let me down, Senia. I know you know how to take care of such a rare plant." 

"I won't, promise." she said. "Come on, Grell. We should hurry. And when we get there, maybe I could teach you how to understand the forest so you can talk to her, too." 

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Steel sighed "she won't go into your mind on purpose unless she feels threatened by you or she knows you're going to have a block or she's meeting you for the first time" steel said " which reminds me I still have to punish her for going into your mind today" steel said as he began to get lost in thought about how he should punish her she was normally really good and he never got punished so he didn't really know what Made an good punishment

Astrid lay there awake wishing her daddy would come back to the hut she saw the flash and seen the smoke she sniffed "Canterlot cigar nice" Astrid said remembering the time she went through a shopkeepers head he was nice and let her practice on his mind since he didn't have any secrets she had paid his kindly with all the bits she had at the time

Grell nodded and followed her till she stopped at the flower and gently took it he watched her with a smile -so very interesting- grell thought them out of the corner of his eye He seen the tale-tale faint glow of a soul

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Well, hey, I think I should get going and get back to the house. If I'm not there by the time Senia gets back, she'll get worried. So uh, yeah.." Moon Beam said, looking at the ground kind of nervously. She didn't want to leave, but she wanted to stay in the house with Senia, too, so they could catch up and do all the things they never got a chance to do.

"Like, are you sure you don't want to come with us? The house is pretty amazing. You and Astrid would even have your own room, so you wouldn't be bothered. And I was thinking that we could even stay at the house for a little while tomorrow, you know, give us all some time to talk and get to know each other better before we go on this journey to find Lief. We could like have breakfast and socialize." she giggled, nudging Steel's shoulder playfully. She really wanted him to go with her, so she wouldn't have to make a decision to stay or go. 

"Oh and Frost. you know you're welcome to come, too, right?" she asked, looking at Frost.

Senia and Grell arrived at the house quicker than she had expected to. "Ah, we're here." she said as she trotted through the entrance. "Come on in and make yourself at home, Grell. I'll show you where your room is later. First, a tour!" she said, then walked over to one of the walls. She made a small hole in the ground, then gently placed the lady slipper in the hole. The ground around it glowed silver, and she tapped it with her hoof to pack in the dirt. Soon, the silver faded. Then, she motioned for him to follow her, then showed him the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, you know, the rooms that are usually in a house. 

"Okay, wait. We walked through the whole house, yet we didn't see Moon Beam.. I'm sure she's alright. For now, let's show you how to talk to the forest. Well, it's more like how to understand her. You have to have a connection with her first." Senia said. She walked into the living room, motioning for Grell to follow her. She looked around, then found a small toad lily. She brought Grell over to it, and touched it with her hoof. 

"Now you. And this will only work if you willingly put your hoof on the flower. This is the first step, you have to want to." she explained. She looked at him, sort of smiling, but she had a mostly serious expression, since this was a very serious situation to her.

Edited by DashieHeart
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Steel thought he would love to. It Astrid was sleeping it so he thought "moonbeam you know if love to come bit Astrid is sleeping and I don't want to disturb her" steel said

Astrid had gotten broad and moved closer to listen in she heard moonbeam talking about the place she made she trotted out "I'm awake let's go" Astrid said

Steel smiled "alright then since she's up let's go" steel said he pit his wing around moonbeam and Astrid teleported to his back she looked a steel and moonbeam then at steels wing and how he was using it to hold moonbeam close -why is he acting like this wit this mare- Astrid thought she was young and thus didn't understand the concept of love in that sense she Nudged steel and when he looked back at her she just looked from him to his wing

Steel smiled "oh how could I forget to tell you moonbeam is my marefriend" steel said

Astrid made a hangings noise like most children her age would she wasn't sure how she felt about steel having another important mare in his life


Grell followed gawking at the house and when moonbeam was mentioned it took him a second to remember who she was then as senia began the process of teaching him to understand he nodded and listened intently he gently touched the flower and waited for further instruction

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam was happy when Steel agreed to come with her to the house. However, it put her a bit on edge to see Astrid, since seeing her made her remember the dream. She shook it off and tried her best to forget about it. Also, having Steel so close to her helped keep the memories away. 

She laughed a little at Astrid's reaction when Steel told her that Moon Beam was his marefriend. She wondered what Senia would think when she got around to telling her that her and Steel were together. "I'll find out when I tell her." she thought, not wanting to worry about anything at the moment. 

Moon Beam turned to look at Astrid, smiling warmly. "Yeah, I don't think we ever got the chance to formally meet. So, let's start over. Hi, I'm Moon Beam." she said, wondering how the filly would respond.

Senia smiled. "Okay, now you have to accept her, for all she is. This is very important. She will be able to feel your sincerity if you really do accept her. Once you accept her, then a bond will be made, between you and her." she explained, closing her eyes. "You have to know what she is, how fragile, yet strong she is, how quiet, yet deafeningly loud she can be. She is very smart, and kind, and you have to know that." she said, opening her eyes to look at him. 

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Steel smiled at Astrids reaction he though it was really really adorable as he would being her father(( surprised no pony has questions about how he has a daughter and why she wasn't with I find it odd don't you any ways I like cookies)) steel walked almogn side moonbeam hoping he was going in the right direction

Astrid looked at moonbeam and smiled "I'm Astrid and I'm sorry about going into your head but I seen you cast the speed and I couldn't resist the challenge" Astrid said as she snuggled into steels mane it was soft and warm and she loved to lay on it it kept her warm and she figured if she was on steels back he could leave her at all she thought he would be forced to take her wig him wherever he went and to this day she. She's in his back he Doesn't leave her behind that's why she knows how to fight

Grell nodded he thought about how truly frigidly the everfree Truly was yet how it could be killer then he thought about he thought about how smart the everfree had to be to even begin to communicate "I accept her" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Senia's eyes widened as the flower began to glow. "That was quick. You must really be serious and sincere about this." she said, sounding impressed. She took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air around them, calming and relaxing herself. 

"Okay, now here is the true test." Senia said, taking her hoof away from the flower. She took a few steps back, staring at both Grell and the flower, waiting to see if he passed the test. 

Slowly, the lily bent forward toward Grell, glowing brighter and brighter as it drew closer to him. Then, the other flowers around him began to glow and bend toward him. Suddenly, a sort of humming sound broke the silence. 

"She's singing to you. You passed." Senia said quietly. She looked around at the flowers in the room, all glowing and reaching toward Grell. "Let go of the lily. Can you understand her now?" she asked, walking up to him and putting her hoof on his shoulder.

((ya, i was gonna bring that up, and zo-mg cookies!)) 

Moon Beam smiled at Astrid. "I get it. I'm the same way." she turned to look in front of her, and saw the house not too far ahead. 

"Oh, there's the house. You guys will love it, trust me. It's truly spectacular." she said.

As they walked through the entrance, Moon Beam broke off from Steel and Astrid and walked up to the wall. She reached out her hoof, touching a leaf. 

"Hello, beautiful. I'm back." she said. The flowers flickered. "Hello, Moonie. Oh, and hi, Steel and Astrid." 

"She said hi." she told the two. "Come on, I'll show you two your room. Then I'll take you on a tour." Moon Beam said, walking up the stairs, then stopping and turning to Steel and Astrid, waiting for them to follow. 

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Grell smiled and dropped the flower as he was told thinking about how useful it is to be able to talk to the everfree of he got attacked she could warn him of danger if somepony was sneaking up on him "yeah I can and I am" grell said enjoying the song she was singing

Steel followed quietly

Astrid smiled thinking that steel had let her off the hook and that he was to distracted to punish her but he had a plan for her and it was rather cruel but that was fine going into ponies heads is cruel to he followed moonbeam he nodded when she said that she would show them their room he smiled "if you want you can stay in the same room I won't mind and I know Astrid wouldn't" steel said "and her who I don't see any other mares around here it's just us" steel was so confused and it showed on his face he looked rather silly with a confused face

Astrid just nodded trying to keep steel in a good mood to avoid the punishment that may or may not happen she never liked it when steel punished her it scared her

Grell smiled then he

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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A colt named Arial Flame walks into town and finds a box on the side of a road. "Home sweet home I guess..." He jumps into it and tries to get some sleep. He hears some noises and can't get any shuteye. "Damn it... what is that noise?" Arial jumps out of the box and looks around for what had to be at least 10 minutes of searching for the distant hum. He decided to follow the hum. After a while of walking he finally finds where the hum was coming from. He stares at the house door and looks into the window. He can't see anything clearly through the window. He decides that he will sleep just outside beside the door in the light that came from the window. "I guess i'll sleep here tonight..." Arial falls asleep and started dreaming of a big house, nice food, lots of bits, and even someone that loves and cares for him. He smiles as he dreams. He woke up to the house door opening. "GET AWAY FROM MY HOUSE!" and old pony screamed. Arial Flame ran through the streets and found a nice little alley where he can sleep. He wraps his wings around himself and falls asleep with tears flowing out of his eyes.

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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((Have you applied in the ooc yet if not you needs to dahsie is on most nights now and we are in the everfree in a giant vine house and there are several ponies there even a filly but you must be careful about his you enter because one oc is very protective and if you can't tell I'm just talking about random things to feed the beast know as the character limit it's very high I must sacrifice my letters to this god of postin I must appease him for If I don't I can't post my important occ post and now I'm really getting annoyed because I just can't seem to fill that which must be filled and it's just gaaaaaahhhhh I hate i hate it I hate it It just needs to crawl In a hole and die it can take a long walk of a short pier and then I'll help it out by chumming the water and doing everything I can to get sharks to come and deveour it then I'll laugh as I eat it's soul

Sorry about that last part I kind of list my mind for a second there don't be Alarmed it shouldn't happen again for about a month unless I take an arrow to the knee

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Senia smiled widely. "You passed her test!" she exclaimed, running up to him and hugging him tightly. "Wow. I'm actually quiet surprised. She usually doesn't trust ponies that quickly." The flowers stopped glowing as the song finished. "Well, besides Moon Beam. She didn't even have to do the whole acceptance thing. I think it's because of how she pretty much grew up in the forest, always being there with her mom. However, with me, since I've cared for her pretty much ever since I was born, she trusts me completely. Right?" she asked, looking up at the flowers. 

"Of course! You have protected me ever since you were a little filly! She is little Miss Overprotective, though." she said. The flowers flickered, showing that she was laughing. 

"Haha, I know. You want to see your room now, Grell?" Senia asked.

"Oh, well Senia and Grell are here somewhere.. Or maybe they haven't gotten back yet. Either way, Senia had a room set up especially for her and me so that we could catch up. So I'll be with her." Moon Beam explained as she walked the two to their room. She had gone in earlier while they were making the house, and decorated it especially for Steel and Astrid, just in they did stay in the house. 

"Ah, here it is." she said when they got to the room. She opened the door and stepped to the side, letting them look inside. 

The ceiling had a large circle of flowers that glowed for light if you say "light". In the left corner, there was a grass bed, just like the one Moon Beam had made the night they camped out in canopy. On the opposite side, there was a closet, and next to the closet door, there was a vanity looking thing with a mirror, for Astrid. It had a mirror, and there were flowers bordering it. Inside the vanity drawers, there was paper and things for her to color with. There was a small drawer on the side, that held a dagger. Moon Beam had made it especially for her. The dagger was engraved with her name and a lily to the side of her name. 

On the other side of the room at the end of the bed, there was a locked box. On the top, Steel's name was engraved in it and was slightly glowing. 

"You can open that tomorrow. And if you try to open it before then, the contents will disappear." Moon Beam whispered in Steel's ear, then kissed him on the cheek. "Want to see the rest of the house now?" she asked aloud, looking from Astrid to Steel. 

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Steel looked around the room his eyes else tried in the box and he was about to go see what was inside till moonbeam said that he couldn't or the contents would disappear

Astrid was over at the vanity she found the dagger and smiled now she had to just like her daddy although this one wasn't as tough looking as the one steel had made for her she liked it (( the one steel made for her has her name and the all seeing eye on the blade and a gold dragon grip with ruby eyes) she strapped it opposite steels dagger the dragons eyes seemed to flash for a second

Steel seen the flash but didn't say anything because Astrid has no knowledge of what the blades true capacities where he sighed "Astrid it's time for bed it's probably three o clock by now" steel said a

Astrid nodded and crawled into the bed steel walked over and pulled out a blanket for her and tucked her in and kissed her "goodnight Astrid I love you" steel said "what's our motto"

Astrid kissed steels cheek "night daddy" Astrid said "my life is my word and my word my life"

Steel smiled "good job now get to sleep" with that steel turned "okay les go see the rest of the house"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost had followed them, putting out his cigar before they entered the house, as not to aggravate the others. He really wanted to learn more from Astrid,he couldn't see the filly at the moment so he took the chance to just stroll and get in a good self guided tour of the house. He couldn't believe how far he had come with the group. When they had first met he was shy, wanting to hide in the shadows, hell he had been asking for directions to the damn post office and now he was here. The thought caused him to smile and chuckle slightly, making him think that maybe being as antisocial as he was in the past wasn't really the best attitude to have, he was going to try to be a little more uplifted from now on. Seconds later he turned and saw Astrid, just the pony he wanted to see. "Hi Astrid! Are you off to bed? I just wanted to know if we could talk, get to know each other, well...me know you due to the fact you pretty much know everything about me. What do yah say?" He said with a friendly smile hoping the filly wouldn't be mad from his outburst when they had first met.

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Astrid nodded "yeah daddy just sent me to bed" Astrid said (in truth she was already in bed and tucked in but we'll just said she teleported out right after steel left the room and she went exploring that way no one had to edit a post because that's such a pain in the plot))

She thought for a moment "yeah as log as you don't freak out again" Astrid said with am adorable smile that shouldn't sit well since she has daggers strapped to her and she liked like a cute little murderer "let's go to my room so my daddy Doesn't catch I snuck out of my room don't tell him and remember in can hear your thoughts so I know if your planning on it or not it's impossible to lie to me as well" Astrid lids my think he would lie to her but she just waned to make sure that he knew she would know if he's lying even if she doesn't call him on it she still knew she turned and walked to her room she stopped turned and beckoned frost to follow her the she turned again and walked stoping at a Corner to check for steel before going on to her room

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam watched Steel put Astrid into bed, smiling the whole time. She thought the two were so adorable, yet, seeing Steel act like a parent was a bit foreign to her. However, she figured it was a nice change, him actually showing affection for somepony while others were around. When Steel turned and said that he wanted to see the rest of the house, Moon Beam brightened. 

"Good night, Astrid. Sweet dreams." she said cheerfully, then turned and walked out the door, motioning for Steel to follow. 

"Here is the dining room. And right over there, that's the kitchen." Moon Beam said as they walked into the dining area. It had a table and various 'paintings' on the walls, created by flowers of course. There was a light orb hanging in the middle of the room that changed color when told. Around the orb, there were plants hanging from the ceiling, all facing towards it, giving the impression that it was hanging from the plants. On one of the walls, there was a large sort of window. There were vines that imitated the little beams that usually separate the pieces of glass in actual windows. But instead of glass, there was a force field in each square, which also changed color when told.

The kitchen had a similar light fixture, window and table. However, it also had cabinets, a sink, counters, drawers, and a fridge. And instead of the flower paintings, there were a couple stands with rare flowers in pots on them. 

"What do you think so far?" Moon Beam asked as she turned to Steel. Before he even had a chance to answer, she heard two ponies talking from the other room. "Uh, let's go see the living room, shall we?" she asked, then turned and trotted towards the living room area. 

Moon Beam stopped, trying to listen carefully. She heard them begin to talk again, then sighed. She turned to look at Steel, giggling. 

"It's just Senia and Grell. Wow, how stupid am I?" she said. She then turned, motioning for Steel to follow. Then, she walked into the living room. 

"Honey, I'm home!" she almost yelled. Senia turned to look at her, surprised.

"Oh, how long have you been here? When I gave Grell a tour earlier, we couldn't find you." Senia said.

"Yeah, I was here, then I left, got Steel, Astrid, and Frost, then came back." Moon Beam laughed. Then, she smirked, looking at the other three ponies. "After I show Steel the rest of the house, who wants to play hide and seek?" 

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Steel walked out and followed moonbeam gawking at the house he was impressed that they had made it it was so complex and it hadn't taken that long for them to make "wow this is amazing" steel said "I love it" steel followed moonbeam when she asked what he thought he smiled "amazing" he nodded and followed when she heard the voices when they suggested hide and seek steel smiled his about we don't finish the tour and play now I can explore while I hide and or seek" steel said with a confident smile that said I won't be seeking

Grell smiled "a game of hide and seek sounds nice I agree with steel we can explore as we hide and seek bit won't you two have an advantage since you built the place" grell said then he had an idea "hey everfree could you make the house a constant shifting maze so it's harder to hide and seek please" grell said

Steel just looked at grell like he was crazy

Grell smiled then he seen two souls who could help him if he got stumped or was gettin close to being found he was sure he would win

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Frost looked down at the filly and gave her a gentle, friendly smile as she spoke. "Don't worry won't freak out again, you caught me off guard the first time so now I kinda know what to expect." He said with a happy chuckle, continuing to listen to Astrid as she spoke, eyeing the daggers on her side, My my you do take after your father don't you little one. he thought with a smirk, fully knowing that she could hear what he had just thought. As soon as she headed back towards his room he followed, keeping his mind clear in case she was reading on him again, he didn't want anything awkward to slip out. As soon as they arrived to her room he quietly shut the door behind him and turned to face Astrid once more. "Ok, thanks for letting me ask you some questions Astrid..." he began with a slightly more serious tone than he had used before. "Firstly, how did you run into Steel, you two seem very close after all. Secondly, you said you think I have a chance with Luna, why? Finally, your powers, were you born with them or something?" He asked curiously in a semi rapid fashion

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Astrid smiled at frosts thought "well I met steel shortly after he left the total guard I kinda stalked him for a while and I was attacked and he saved me but I seem into his eyes and couldn't find his mind only spawn and it scared me so I ran off a week later I seem him again and followed him one morning he seen me and woke me up and adopted me hes taken care if me ever since" Astrid said "secondly I meet Luna and I seen you in her head with some strong emotions attached to you I wasn't able to get a lot but firm what I remember of what I saw she at least really likes you and lastly I was born wit my powers yes but for a while I couldn't control them and I was always hearing ponies thoughts and seeing their minds my parents didn't like it so they tossed me out and I lived in the streets untill steel adopted me then I lived at his place I know you was there I was out when you guys went there I was getting things for steels return he wasn't supposed

To me back for another two days and I was planning a party for him"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam and Senia both looked at Grell when he asked about the Everfree making the house a shifting maze. Then, they looked at each other, slowly smiling simultaniously. 

"Holy yes!" they both said, then laughed. 

"That's sounds totally bubbly." Moon Beam said, looking at the three other ponies.

"Yeah, and when we are done, it can go back to normal." Senia said.

"But you have to be careful shifting the house. First of all, Astrid is sleeping, and second, I think Frost would get a bit confused." Moon Beam added, looking at the ceiling. The flowers flickered and hummed. 

"Of course. I'll be very careful not to disturb either of them." she said. Obviously, she knew that Astrid had still been awake, and exactly where the two ponies were. Still, she kept their secret. 

"Alright, you two will most likely be fine." Senia said, looking at Steel and Grell. She then turned to Moon Beam. "How about teams? You and Steel versus me and Grell? You and Grell versus me and Steel? Or better, me and you versus Steel and Grell? We could do some boys against girls thing, like filly days." she said.

"Uhm, why don't the guys pick? What do you two think?" Moon Beam asked. The two turned to the stallions at the same time, waiting expectantly for their answers. 

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Frost thought about what Astrid said regarding Luna, it gave him hope, something that made him very happy causing him to smile a true, sincere smile, something he had not done nor felt in ages, it made him feel like he could touch the stars. He caught himself looking at the ceiling and quickly looked back down to the filly in front of him. He gave an awkward chuckling. "I guess you know how happy that makes me feel then eh? Given as you have seen my past." Frost said with a slightly more serious tone, like the one he used to ask the questions. "I'm sorry that you got thrown out, I guess know how that feels." He said drooping his head to the ground. "How is Steel? Is he a good father? He just doesn't really seem like the type to have a kid." Frost said softly in a caution like attitude as if Steel was outside the door, looking up to Astrid once more. His tattooed eye leaking another small trail of blood. "Sorry my eye does this a lot but I doubt your scared of this type of magic." He said with a chuckle, wiping away the blood

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Astrid smiled "it's okay and yeah he's a great daddy he brings me presents and loves me and showed me how to defend myself" Astrid said

Grell smiled as he thought "well I know steel and Anypony that had steel on their team will win because he can track Anypony" grell said "I think that we should do everypony for themselves" grell added "as to keep it equal"

Steel thought for a moment thinking of the chances of winning for each pair then he thought of the possibilities if they went everypony for the self finally he remembered grells abilities "I say that if you want to do stallions versus mares then that's okay I'm down" steel said "bit you better be prepared to lose

Grell thought "everfree I think if you just shift it before the start if each round that will be fine if it's constantly changing it'll be almost impossible to find Anypony and you couldn't be sure you checked an area already" grell said hooping his logic would be understood and that his plan would be used because if they vines shifted them it'd be way to easy to hide

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Moon Beam and Senia laughed. "You really think you could beat us? We have the Everfree on our side." Moon Beam said.

"I know right. So, since you two apparently have some kind of tracking advantage, then we have the Everfree advantage." Senia said, smiling at Moon Beam.

"Alright, this room will stay the same all the time, so we have a familiar place to keep the starting point." Moon Beam nodded at Senia, then looked at Steel and Grell. She thought about how unfair it might be that they have the Everfree to help them. However, she didn't know how good Steel and Grell might be at tracking. 

"Me and Moon Beam will hide first, you guys seek. Alright? Alright. Let's all close our eyes, let the rooms shift, then the Everfree will tell us when she's done so we can go hide. Then you two count to 30. Got it? Got it. Okay, close your eyes." Senia said, then closed her eyes tightly. Moon Beam obeyed and closed hger eyes at almost the same time that Senia did. 

Moon Beam could hear the rooms shifting around. If her eyes were open and she wasn't so connected to the forest, she probably wouldn't be able to hear it so well. She could almost tell where each room was shifting and exactly what was happening. 

As soon as she heard the humming of the Everfree, she opened her eyes, glanced at Senia breifly, then ran. 

Senia had already been running when Moon Beam looked at her, but she was turned and saw when she did. They both ran in opposite directions, Moon Beam running towards what seemed like the dining room, and Senia seemed to be running into a sort of second living room. They listened for the two stallions to start counting as they ran and searched. 

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