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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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Previous Roleplay before Reboot: http://mlpforums.com/topic/62739-pony-university-romancesol/?hl=pony%20university

OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/71870-pony-university-ooc-reboot/#entry1795074
Room Arrangements:
Blaze and Minty
Storm and Bubble Burst
Windy and ?


1. Keep it PG-13. If you choose not to, do that in PM.
2. Do not godmod... only I can do that.
3. You cannot timeskip unless you absolutely need to. (( If it's an emergency, like going to the bathroom. ))
4. No Gary Sues, Mary Sues, or whatever you kids call it these days.
5. You may add another OC in the middle of the RP with my permission.
6. Please don't have too much drama.
7. Don't have perfect romances in the first few posts. Too boring.
8. Anyone can roleplay professors.
9. Any OOC talk will be in the OOC discussion. (( duh )) 
10. Please, please, PLEASE use correct grammar! I have a extremely bad OCD about grammar. xc 
Minty trotted through the familiar halls of Pony University. She was going to go greet the new ponies who were joining the school, and she was extremely excited. "I hope I meet somepony nice.. I barely made any last year, probably even less this year!"  Minty was a bit disappointed to find out that she wasn't rooming with Windy, but at least it was somepony she knew. After seeing not that many ponies who greeted her, she trotted back to her room and flopped onto the bed. "Might as well take a nap while I'm waiting.:"
Storm flew as fast as she could into the new University she joined. "Is this actually it?! A new university! To make new friends at! Oh my goodness, I can't wait to meet some new ponies! But first, I have to find my room. Mind, you're such a BUMMER!" Storm finally calmed herself while she trotted into her room. Well, more like bounced. She put down her bags and ran out the door and greeted the first pony she saw, which was some sort of brown stallion. "Hey there!" Storm smiled big.

;;Character - Minty - Minty Wintergreen - img-1807903-1-askmintybanner.png
;;Character - Royroger - Thinkin' Inks - img-1807903-1-3bb31f3edf46d38d87a4214e50

;;Character - Windy Runner - Windy Runner - img-1807903-3-c9ccb6570d3c7c330bca07289e

;;Character - Skitter Run - Skitter Run -

;;Character - Darkshift - Darkshift -

;;Character - Pelate Overcast - PelateOvercast - img-1807903-2-77dcd4585fcdd37bf6a1e5191f

;;Character - Blazing Spectrum - darklord260 -

;;Character - Fire Sharp - rascal61 - img-1807903-3-7543523e266ce7d50074773d86

;;Character - Tarot - Grand_Finale - img-1811118-4-468a2d4a446d35241345808c10

;;Character - Bubble Burst! - Cinderscribe - img-1807903-5-700cc59e93360dcf6443f39b60

;;Character - Arrow - Three Wolf Moon -

;;ExtraLink - OOC Thread


Edited by Shaymin


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"Oh! look at... Oh, and over there too!" Bubble cheerfully thought out loud as she wandered blindly towards the university: oblivious to her surroundings as she marveled at how shiny or impressive various pieces of the building were. almost falling don a short flight of stairs due to her lack of attention, she somehow righted herself and continued onwards towards her room.


Of course, heading to her room might have been easier if she could knew which room she was supposed to be in.


"Oh! Theres a pegasus! And another! And... thats a lot of pegasusus! Flying must by fun, I wish I could fly..." She rambled absentmindedly as she wandered without a care in the world.

Never quite forgotten.

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((We should probably clear up where the Mindy relationship is before Windy starts getting too cozy with new mares))


Turning around from buying a protein shake from a vending machine, Windy saw a mare standing in front of him that he hadn't seen before, who was beaming very broadly. "Uh, hey? Do I know you?" Windy asked tentatively. 

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Shirley Temple and Royroger walked close to eachother. They had both been transferred to this school for their second year, and they didn't know anybody. Making sure to stay fairly close to each other, they continued to walk down the halls of the unfamiliar schools. Eventually they found out what room number they had. Shirley looked at the name of her roommate. "Windy Runner. She's probably a pegasus. I hope she's not too girly." "I've got a guy named Pelate Overcast. Overcast is a weather thing right? He's probably a pegasus too." They continued to converse with eachother, not wanting to separate so soon.


((I'm aware that Windy is a stallion ;)))

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Tarot walked onto the university lot. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the building. "This is gonna be so stellar!" Tarot said a loudly before walking into the building. She followed the signs to the registry. "Hey there, I'm tarot!" She proclaimed, a huge smile on her face. The pony handed her schedule and room key with a grumble and waved her off. "We'll alright then grumpy guts" she said, sticking her tongue out and walking away

Edited by Grand_Finale
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;;Character - Minty - Minty Wintergreen -
;;Character - Royroger - Thinkin' Inks -

;;Character - Windy Runner - Windy Runner -

;;Character - Skitter Run - Skitter Run -

;;Character - Darkshift - Darkshift -

;;Character - Pelate Overcast - PelateOvercast -

;;Character - Blazing Spectrum - darklord260 -

;;Character - Fire Sharp - rascal61 -

;;Character - Grand Finale - Grand_Finale -

;;Character - Bubble Burst! - Cinderscribe -

;;ExtraLink - OOC Thread


Never quite forgotten.

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"Well, of course you don't, silly! That's why I'm saying HI!" Storm giggled, squeeing. "Are you new here? Do you have any friends here? Since I love making friends, I could be friends with you if you're lonely! I love making friends!" Storm said, smiling, keeping a safe distance away, reaching out a hoof. "Sorry if I freaked you out! I'm just so excited!" Storm cried happily, skipping away.


Storm trotted in the direction of her dorm, then seeing that there were two ponies seeming to be lost. "Hi!" Storm beamed. "You guys lost?"




(( OOC: I figured out how to do the pictures! Can you just change the coding for Grand_Finale though and change it to Tarot? Thanks! :D ))

Edited by Minty Wintergreen


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Roy nodded in acknowledgement as a brown mare passed by him. His mother had told him it was the polite thing to do when someone passed by you. Shirley just gave the mare a glance before looking back at her brother. Then another mare came bounding over to them. Roy smiled brightly in greeting. "No we're not lost. At least I don't think we are... Thanks for asking though, I'm Roy." He extended a hoof. Shirley smiled too and stepped forward slightly. "I'm Shirley," was all she said.

Edited by Thinkin' Inks
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Vincent Skywalker landed in front of the school, shaking himself and stretching after his long flight from the Griffin Kingdom. He`d transferred here, to Equestria, for his 3rd and, hopefully, the rest of his years of college for study. You see, dispite Vincent`s.... gruff exterior (being a rather large Griffion, something most ponies had never seen before, aside from some pegisi) Vincent`s talents, or atleast, interest, lied in a love for history. Whole his physique would suggest he was a hoof ball player (atleast, that was the pony term. Griffin`s called it claw-ball, and unlike hoofball, it was much more dangerous as they worse not pads.) He rather found himself fascinated by the past, and much of his life had been spent reading about early Equestria, early Griffin kingdoms, the origins of the crystal empire, Saddle Arabia, the Chrysalis empire... all of it fascinated him so! 


Vincent was currently working towards a major in Military History, and a minor in Philosophy  Part of him was, of course, embarressed by his fondess of all this, but he refused to deny it as part of himself. As he walked towards the main building, to get his room key and such, he noticed he was getting some looks from the ponies around. Some looked frightened. Others angry. Others still disgusted. He sighed. He knew why... Ponies and Griffin`s always had bad blood. He`d read all about it in ancient history.


The Griffin Kingdom and Equestrian encountered eachother, sometime between when Equestria was founded, but before Discord`s rule. Things had started off poorly when the Griffin abassador`s stomech rumbled, causeing the ponies to offer to make him something. The abassador, spotting a nearby dear running by, said he had it covered, and quickly pounced on the dear, and ripped it`s throat out. and then proceeded to offer some to the disgusted ponies. Not the best first impression.


A war broke out just over a decade later, which was a long and bloody conflict... it only ended because Discord came into power, taking control of the land, and while there hadn`t been any bloodshead since, bad-blood still existed. Of course, most Griffin`s didn`t eat meat, not anymore. A synthetic substitute had been made, but the Griffins were still branded as 'meat eaters.' Wasn`t thier fault it was all they could eat.


Vincent finally got the key to his room, reading his list and realizeing he was bunked with two ponies, and was assigned to move soon. He wasn`t sure how he felt about that. If the ponies were pricks, than good, he`d have a chance to ditch 'em. But if they`re cool, than he`d end up having the chance to meet some ass for a dorm mate. Ah well, he`d worry about that later. So, he started heading off towards his own dorm


(a nice and juicy first post!) 

  • Brohoof 1
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Tarot read her roommates name. " arrow huh? Well that doesn't tell me much" she said, figuring she wanted to tour campus before finding her room. She walked past the history section of the university, where she would be spending most of her time. She decided to take a tour of it so she would know where to go when class started

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Arrow trots to the university with a map floating in front of him. "..... Dorms there, arts there, engineering there, theres history, others, others, blah blah blah." He mumbles to himself. He walks up to his dorm. "so that's where I'll be." It didn't matter who his dorm friend would be. "....... I'll go see history and then engineering... Hope they do more hoof-on training than paper." He mumbles again and makes his way to history.

(I just wanna get into the action ASAP)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Quirking an eyebrow, Windy shook his head while he took the mare's hand and shook it. "No, I'm not lonely. My name is Windy, Windy Runner. I'm a sophomore, not a freshman. But don't worry, you didn't freak me out. So what if you're.... excitable? Nice to meet you! What's your name?" Windy asked.   

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@, @,





"Oh, well. I'm Storm! I hope to see you soon! You two seem like a interesting duo of ponies! Nice to meet you! Pip pip, tally ho! Bye! Later! See you soon!" Storm says, almost too excitedly, trotting into her room. "Hey, look! It's another pony!" Storm almost shouts happily, trotting over to the pink mare. 






Minty finally woke up from her nap, looking around. She got up and trotted out of the door, in search of her coltfriend, not having any luck. She went from pony to pony asking about him.


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Tarot walked past the library and was in awe at the size of it. She would be spending a lot of time here. She decided she might as well go get her room set up, so she headed for the doors, looking at the beautiful architecture of the hall as she went. She took another quick look at her paper to see where her room was.

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Arrow walks around the history section of the school. "Hm... This is dull..." He walks onward; thinking that was a bit of a waist of time. "Who would want to know when the pony race started? I don't." He talked to himself. "Welp.... My engineering class starts soon... But first, my dorm." He walks to his dorm with the map floating in front of him again.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Skitter Run arrived at school and looked around.

"-So many ponies around and it's so huge.-"

Thought Skitter as her eyes widened. She was from a small town so she wasn't used to this many pony in one place. The Only reason she got in was because she won a scholarship for track.

"-Well I suppose I should go and see what dorm I'm in-"

She walked towards the main building.

"-After that I should see the captain of the track team-"

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Smiling and waving bye to the mare, Windy trotted away. "Nice mare... Not too bad looking either! Easy Windy, remember, you're Minty's coltfriend! And you're coming up on your one year anniversary! Oh yeah... I should probably do something nice for that, shouldn't I? Yes, yes you should Windy! She's put up with all the crap you dragged her through last year, at least show her you care! Yeah, first the rumors of our 'nocturnal activities', then Todd, the drama with Blaze, Chase Trails, and Reef... I really have dragged her to Hades and back a few times this year, haven't I?? Yeah, so show her you still care about her! Fine, fine, I'll do my best to remember! SHEESH!"


Trotting up to his newly assigned dorm room, Windy frowned. He had roomed with Minty almost all of last year, except for during his attempt at rushing with the Deltas, and when she had kicked him out during a fight. But he was certainly used to rooming with the bubbly mare, and was quite irate when he learned he'd be getting a new roomie for sophomore year. "And who the buck is this? 'Shirley Temple'?? Ugh... Whatever, maybe I'll be able to swap roommates so I can be with Minty again." Turning the corner of his new dorm building, Windy saw two ponies blocking the entrance to his room. "Yo, guys, you're blocking my room. Can you let me by?" he asked.

Edited by Windy Runner
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Half spinning around as she realised that she was being addressed, Bubble beamed happily at the mare as she approached, bouncing in place slightly and temporarily forgetting about whatever vague line of thought she had gotten onto.


"Hi! I'm Bubble, I'm new! Well... New here. I'm not really new - I don't think they let foals in here... they might do though, I'm just guessing because I haven't seen any!"

Never quite forgotten.

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(OOC: Hello Exclamationpoint)

Blaze trotted, more so rolled into University feeling a little more depressed than when he left. Last year wasn't good. Heck it wasn't great either. What with all the missed exams, the problems and 5 incidents of nearly burning the library down, it was easy for him to say that his previous year was trash. Fortunately he was given a room he could actually access and strolled into said room, putting on a vague smile so it seemed as it he was somewhat OK with his life as of this far.


(OH crep I have two OC's here)

Bass stared up at the large building in front of her. It looked like a building where smart people go to learn.  Great. She had no Idea why she was there, or why she had bothered to show. It's not as if she would be alive long enough to use her new-found intelligence. She took a deep breath to calm herself and walked into her room; heading straight for her dorm so she could at least get some peace before her dorm thing arrived. Or they already had. whatever.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Roy jumped slightly when the new pony talked. The whole ordeal with the last pony left him confused, and he hadn't even realized that he and his sister were blocking the way to the door. "Oh, my apologies. I'll see you later Shirley." Roy walked off and Shirley looked oddly at Windy. "Are you... Windy Runner?" 

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Grinning, Windy nodded and struck a macho pose. "Windy Runner at your service." he said, offering a hoof for a hoof bump. "So where's my roommate, some bro named Shirley? Hehe, Shirley. I'm gonna have to give him a bit of crap for having a mare's name!" Windy said, examining the name on the door and comparing it with the one on the room assignment paper in his hand. Looking up, he looked at the mare again. "You haven't happened to have seen Shirley, have you? It wasn't that dude with you, was it?"

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(Because I forgot again Skitter is a stallion not a mare so ignore the she)

Skitter trotted to the main office and studied the dorm sheet.

"-Bass Divine is my room mate. Sounds alright-"

He grabbed the dorm key and trotted towards his dorm.

When he got there he opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Hello anypony here"

With no response he walked in and threw his bag on a bed a lied down.

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(Because I forgot again Skitter is a stallion not a mare so ignore the she)

Skitter trotted to the main office and studied the dorm sheet.

"-Bass Divine is my room mate. Sounds alright-"

He grabbed the dorm key and trotted towards his dorm.

When he got there he opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Hello anypony here"

With no response he walked in and threw his bag on a bed a lied down.

Soon after Bass pushed the door open, without knocking or asking. "I've just trotted into the room!" she yelled at whoever was in. If they were in. "And I'm taking the bed closest to the wall!" She didn't bother shaking hoofs or anything, she simply went and and took the bed closest to the wall.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Grinning, Windy nodded and struck a macho pose. "Windy Runner at your service." he said, offering a hoof for a hoof bump. "So where's my roommate, some bro named Shirley? Hehe, Shirley. I'm gonna have to give him a bit of crap for having a mare's name!" Windy said, examining the name on the door and comparing it with the one on the room assignment paper in his hand. Looking up, he looked at the mare again. "You haven't happened to have seen Shirley, have you? It wasn't that dude with you, was it?"


Shirley was surprised her roommate was male. At her old university the dorms were separated by gender. She grinned and punched his shoulder as she walked into the room. "Nope that was my brother, his name is Roy. The Shirley you're looking is right here staring at you. It's actually pretty awesome that you're a guy. I'll probably hang out with you more than a mare. But I digress. What's up Windy?"

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Tarot finally found her way to her room and got her bed set up. Her excitement was evident as she danced a little while she set up her side of the room. Her schedule sat on the table next to her along with her saddlebags as she fixed up her bed. She finished up and ran to the window. She had a pretty good view of the school grounds from here

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