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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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 "Oh.. I'm surprised! She doesn't go to this university anymore, does she?" Minty asked disappointedly. "...why are you in a wheelchair? Did something tragic happen?" Minty said, taking a closer look at the wheelchair. "Dear me, I'm so sorry for whatever happened!"


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@bubble burst

@ vincet

Skitter could hear them starteding what was a party and thinking that he just didn't knock loud enough he tried again knocking even louder.

While he waited he pulled out his class list .

"- so I have the mornings free, that's going to be nice-"

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Blaze didn't explain. He instead took a deep breath. "So how's it going between you and Windy? I hope it's been going well." He wanted to keep his incident away from conversation, because it was kinda sensitive. Instead of tearing up though, he just laughed to himself. "Look at me! One year in university is enough to get me in a wheelchair and depressed as all hell." He laughed. "This year is going to be a blast!"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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@@Skitter Run,


Somehow heading a sound over the combined sound of her and Storm's excitement. Throwing the door open, she looked at the colt outside.


"Hi! I'm Bubble!" She said in a cheerfully loud voice. "I don't think this is you're room: theres already three of us and I don't think we can fit any more... We've got a couch!"

Never quite forgotten.

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"Arrow? That must mean your my roommate! Huh, I wouldn't have thought thud put mares and colts together. This school must be pretty chill" she said nonchalantly. "We'll since we're roomies, maybe we should get to know each other better! Lets see... Well, I'm majoring in equestria history, what are you majoring in?

Arrow watches the mare speak before being asked what he's majoring in. "I'm majoring engineering." He simply says. "My class starts in a few minutes but till then, we can talk.... I guess." He says then looks around. "So, I'm your roommate huh? That's cool." He ends a bit shy-like.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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" woah, engineering? You must be really smart. That's pretty cool." She said smiling. " we'll I better get to my class then too. I'll see ya around! She said before waving and taking off to her class. The room was still pretty empty do she took a seat in the middle of the classroom and began reading a book on the princesses of equestria

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Shaking his head, Windy muttered, "I hope you're right... The Deltas aren't good news...." Tossing the packet into his garbage can, he heard a distinctive clang of metal when the envelope hit the bottom. "Huh, wonder what's in there.... Maybe I'll check it out later... But I shouldn't tell Minty, she wouldn't like me associating with the Deltas, especially after what Todd and the rest of them put her through last year. But I don't want to get this Shirley mare involved in all that. Its a new year! A simple, drama free year! What could go wrong?!" 


Slyly leaning over, Windy scooped the envelope out of his trash can and stashed it in his desk drawer. "Um, so you say you want to do drums, huh? That's pretty cool, I guess. I mean, I was never one to be a band geek, but they seem like decent enough ponies. And yeah, to answer your question, I'm co-captain of the Pony U Soccer Team! You should come to some games, I could probably score you free tickets!"


Shirley pouted jokingly. "What do you mean geeks? You trying to imply something? I'm just joking, but yea I think I'm gonna do band. And I'm not really one for Soccer so uh... yea probably won't go to those."




"Egotistical huh? Seen these kinda guys too much in flight school." Pelate was teased in flight school for his crippled wing, he doesn't go around telling ponies this, but flight camp had ponies who made it bad for him, tearing his ego apart making him have a low self esteem, but he hides it from his friends. "Schedules? I don't know, I just do what the others do" I say shrugging.


Roy nods. "Hm, well I don't know what to do either so... just wait for an announcement or something?"

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" woah, engineering? You must be really smart. That's pretty cool." She said smiling. " we'll I better get to my class then too. I'll see ya around! She said before waving and taking off to her class. The room was still pretty empty do she took a seat in the middle of the classroom and began reading a book on the princesses of equestria

"Ok, bye." Arrow said and waves back. "Unique.... Not like all the others... Damn... College is going to be different..." He thought to himself and trotted on to his class. The room  was half full and he sat in the far back right still not wanting any pony coming up to him. He thinks he already had enough talk for today, maybe more when he gets out of the class.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@,  @,


As the mare asked whether or not he could roar, Vincent found himself smirking. "I dunno: you tell me." With that, he struck a pose, reared his head, and let out a frightening roar, one that probrably would be heard from many of the nearby other dorms. It went on abit longer than neccisary, Vincent feeling the need to show off abit to the mares that had never seen a Griffin. When he stopped, her smirked at the mare that had asked the question. He blinked as conffeti was thrown on him, picking some of it off with a talon, noticeing the mare fake crying. "Hey, I appreciate it, but seriously, i`ll take the couch. " he tried to think of a way to make it so the mare would let him, without making her feel bad. "It`s... uh... tradition for Griffins. Goes back to... before Discord`s rule, in fact." he said, it almost making him physically ill to lie about culture and history.  

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"Hm, oh well. Well! I'm gonna go out and mingle. Cya." Pelate walks out of the room and heads down the hall, and looks around. He looks at his schedule on a piece of paper in his saddle bags. "I guess I'll look at where my first class is just to make sure I know where it is." He trots to the classroom and goes in quietly, it was practically empty, he sits by the first pony he sees in the middle. @Grand_Finale

Pelate goes up and sits down "do you mind if i sit next to you?" He asks politely.

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Rubbing his chin in a half-baked attempt at appearing philosophical, Windy shrugged and flopped back onto his bed, kicking his back legs up. "You know, how about this? If you wind up joining band, I'll give one of your concerts or whatever they are a try. Matter of fact, I'll get the whole Varsity squad and our groupies/fans to come as well. And in return, you watch a soccer match. Deal?"  

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A ferocious sound erupted from somewhere behind Bubble: she looked around, almost staggered by the sheer force of the sound, her mane rippling with the shock.




"That was... AMAZING!" She cheered, delighted by the sudden turn of events. Normally she might probably be cowering by now but... well, with the combined energy that she and Storm had built up between themselves she was simply too ecstatic to stop for even a moment. "Why cant I do that? I want to be able to do that!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Skitter run jump as the door was opened and a happy pony called out

"umm hi I'm skitter run I'm actually just next door and..."

All of a sudden there was a loud roar and skitter saw past bubbles to see a huge griffon looking intimidating.

"umm sorry it's nothing bye"

And galloped away as fast as he could not caring about where he ran.

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Tarot smiled at the new pony. " sure! I'm tarot, nice to meet ya!" She beamed. " is history your major too?

" she asked quizzically. So far she had loved college life. There were so many nice ponies here. " ifs my major, mainly the history if equestria" she said without waiting for an answer

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Shirley grinned deviously at Windy. "Well Windy it seems you really want me at that game~" She batted her eyes, which were filled with mock lust. "Didn't you say you already had a marefriend?" She winked and stuck her tongue as she exited the room. As she walked, she took out her schedule and looked it over, not bothering to wait for Windy. She looked around, wondering if Roy would come out of nowhere but he was not in sight. Shirley sighed. She wasn't comfortable with anyone more so than she was with Roy, and she always felt better with him. She would never say that to him of course, but she felt like he already knew. 

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Tarot smiled at the new pony. " sure! I'm tarot, nice to meet ya!" She beamed. " is history your major too?

" she asked quizzically. So far she had loved college life. There were so many nice ponies here. " ifs my major, mainly the history if equestria" she said without waiting for an answer

Pelate kind of flinched from her energetic mood

"I'm Pelate nice to meet you." Then the mare blurbs out a question.

Then before he answered the mare answers her own question. Then gave him a chance to respond

"uh, kinda, I usually like to do study's on science. But history is probably second place." Pelate Exclaims in hus serious sounding moody voice it wasn't that he was moody at the time he just naturally sounded like that, he gets mistaken a lot. "I kinda enjoy learning about the history of technology and foreign country's." Pelate says with a shrug "so how's your time here been do far?" Pelate asks trying to do a friendly sounding tone.

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" it's been stellar! This place is so awesome! You must like it here too huh? At least I would assume so. Ponies sround here are ways nicer than other places" she said nonchalantly. "So science huh? What's your favourite? I've always like geology my pelf" she said happily

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Rolling his eyes and chuckling, Windy slid off his bed and pushed open the window. Spreading his immaculately maintained wings, Windy jumped out the window and soared away from the room. "Shirley seems decent enough... Not exactly a super jawdropping looker, but whatever. Not like I was looking to try and seduce her anyways. She seems chill. Its almost like rooming with a bro! But, onto more important things! We get new uniforms this season, and so I need to get fitted. As soon as that's done, then I'll finally find Minty and make sure she knows I missed her!"


Touching down next to the training facility, Windy headed into Coach Shinsplints's office to get fitted. He wasn't exactly thrilled to see his drill seargeant of a coach again, but Shinsplints seemed to cut Windy more slack, since he wasn't a freshman anymore. After a few minutes of sizing, Windy hurried out of the office and into the open air, glad to be out. "Ugh, couldn't get out of there fast enough! Now, to find Minty!" he thought, trotting off towards the main quad, hoping to find Minty soon.

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" it's been stellar! This place is so awesome! You must like it here too huh? At least I would assume so. Ponies sround here are ways nicer than other places" she said nonchalantly. "So science huh? What's your favourite? I've always like geology my pelf" she said happily

"Ah I like to do physics, it's pretty fun to learn about that kind of stuff" Pelate says simply. "So can you tell me some stuff about you?" Pelate asks with no hesitation, "like...hobbies? I draw and listen to music, it's fun, and helps me when I'm stressed." Pelate gets a lot of stress because he has his crippled wing, which he hid from the mare, he gets put down for it a lot in his childhood up to now, he hoped it wouldn't happen at all with the ponies here.
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Arrow's class was cut short because the professor was "sick". So much for that! He says to himself. I wonder how Tarot is doing..? Maybe I can go in and see her at her class... If I can catch her in a right time. With that, he makes his way to the place where ponies want to know about the past.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"We'll I like to learn about history, I love to meet new people, they all have such interesting stories! It's too bad so many of them are sad. She said with a frown. Yours isn't too good is it? Poor guy, I wouldn't like to have gone through what you have" she says, gesturing to the wing. " that things caused you a lotta trouble hasn't it?"

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"We'll I like to learn about history, I love to meet new people, they all have such interesting stories! It's too bad so many of them are sad. She said with a frown. Yours isn't too good is it? Poor guy, I wouldn't like to have gone through what you have" she says, gesturing to the wing. " that things caused you a lotta trouble hasn't it?"

"Well, I've gotten used to it but it still sucks. I mean my life is happy, I have good parents, money, a home, a good school, friends, and a nice town." Pelate exclaims. "It's just me who makes it bad and gives myself a hard time. Also other ponies liked to hurt me. And tease my crippled wing, and that made everything worse..." Pelate explains, he hated flight school for that reason.
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"We'll I like to learn about history, I love to meet new people, they all have such interesting stories! It's too bad so many of them are sad. She said with a frown. Yours isn't too good is it? Poor guy, I wouldn't like to have gone through what you have" she says, gesturing to the wing. " that things caused you a lotta trouble hasn't it?"



"Well, I've gotten used to it but it still sucks. I mean my life is happy, I have good parents, money, a home, a good school, friends, and a nice town." Pelate exclaims. "It's just me who makes it bad and gives myself a hard time. Also other ponies liked to hurt me. And tease my crippled wing, and that made everything worse..." Pelate explains, he hated flight school for that reason.

Arrow sees Tarot with another pony... A male in fact. "Great, call in the punk squad." He would call it the 'punk squad' because a 'bully' likes backup. So he went with a natural option and sits at a chair thats a two rows back and watches; listens. "If they look, look at teach..."  He repeats this to himself several times.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Arrow sees Tarot with another pony... A male in fact. "Great, call in the punk squad." He would call it the 'punk squad' because a 'bully' likes backup. So he went with a natural option and sits at a chair thats a two rows back and watches; listens. "If they look, look at teach..."  He repeats this to himself several times.


Shirley walks into her first class and sees three ponies in it. She looks aroud at the ponies, vaguely remembering seeing the mare, and sits in the back. She notices a pony in front of her and taps his shoulder. "You okay dude? You seem a little... tense or something."

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Pelate just ignored the random outburst *who the hell is this idiot?* Pelate thinks in his head then takes a breath and speak up "well...I think I'm done talking about that, I'll tell ya more later." Pelate tries to change the subject "So have you made many friends yet? You're the first other than my room mate."

Edited by PelateOvercast
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