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Equestria. Kingdom or princedom?


Is Equestria a princedom?  

13 users have voted

  1. 1. Is Equestria a princedom?

    • Yes, I consider it could be a princedom.
    • No, it's still quite a kingdom.

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I personally think they. should've gone for Queen Celestia. Not only would it rid of the evil queen stereotype but it has a better ring to it.


Celestia does deserve the tithe after all the service and leadership she did for Equestria. Showing she earned the title rather then born into it.

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Hmm, but is it REALLY decided by Celestia?  I wonder, if Twilight had found and completed that spell by Star Swril the Bearded if the Alicorn thing would have happened anyway, regardless of Celestia.... just a thought...


Well Celestia basically set that up by giving her the book and the elements and asking her to complete the spell. Clelestia had picked her and saw her potential ever since she was little!

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Well Celestia basically set that up by giving her the book and the elements and asking her to complete the spell. Clelestia had picked her and saw her potential ever since she was little!


Am I the only one who has wondered how Celestia became a princess?  I know this is a bit off-topic but that would be interesting to learn more about...

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Actually since it's a monarchy and the ruler is titled as a princess or a prince the de facto type of government would be a principality or princedom, it's still an absolute monarchy BUT it's ruled by two princesses so it would be a principality and a diarchy in the vein of andora where you have co-princes. If celestia were titled as a queen it would be a kingdom,..but it's not. The fact remains it's an absolute monarchy.

Edited by Guest
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Am I the only one who has wondered how Celestia became a princess?  I know this is a bit off-topic but that would be interesting to learn more about...


Yeah! It would answer a very large amount of questions :P!


If we knew there origins then we would be able to understand there powers within equestria fully and to what extent they control everything. Maybe we will also find more about the everfree forest as well :P!

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I apologize if this is a bit off-topic, but I noticed how some people posted earlier about Disney's hand in the "evil queen" stereotype, and I've been thinking really hard about it all morning.
I'm having trouble remembering any Disney movies besides Snow White (and its parody, Enchanted) that had an evil queen in them...

What I have remembered about Disney movies is this:
*The Little Mermaid - a rebellious princess and an evil witch
*Sleeping Beauty - a good queen; the villian was a fairy
*Beauty and the Beast - a jerky prince; the heroine doesn't become a princess until the end of the film
*The Lion King - has both a good queen and a strong princess, although they aren't mentioned by title in the film
*A Bug's Life - the queen and princess are both good

*Tarzan - the queen of England is mentioned and said to be a nice person
*Tangled - good queen, evil witch
*Brave - good queen, strong princess, innocent witch (okay, I admit this one is very new and breaks pretty much all stereotypes)

Those are all the ones I can think of right now that involve queens or princesses, but please feel free to add your input.

Edited by Rainshine
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I personally think they. should've gone for Queen Celestia. Not only would it rid of the evil queen stereotype but it has a better ring to it.

Celestia does deserve the tithe after all the service and leadership she did for Equestria. Showing she earned the title rather then born into it.

The question is though can you have two Queens in power at the same time? Remember Equestria a diarchy, where there is supposed to be two equal rulers rule Equestria (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna).

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The question is though can you have two Queens in power at the same time? Remember Equestria a diarchy, where there is supposed to be two equal rulers rule Equestria (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna).


You can have anything you like. Two Kings, Three Dukes. Six Barons, four Jarls and a Cardinal. Those all happened at one time or another. The modern need to slot all titles of nobility into rigid definitions is not reflected in any way when you look back at actual historical usage.


[The rest of this is not in reply to your post, but additional stuff for the thread in general.]


It may in fact be that Celestia and Luna are actually Queens, but in their culture what we would consider the ancillary title of Princess (from being an Alicorn) takes precedence. They may have even more titles that we are not aware of. For example, the Queen of England has approximately 140 different titles, including Duke of Normandy, Lord of Mann, and Duke of Lancaster. I pointed out those three because notice that the titles did not change due to the holder's gender. That change is not automatic. The Duchess of Normandy is a *different title* and Queen Elizabeth II does not have that title. Titles of nobility are not simple and easy to work out.


All evidence so far points to all Princesses being Alicorns and all Alicorns being Princesses with the five examples we've seen in show. We can't count the three or four animation errors where alicorns showed up in the background because they weren't in any way addressed, so we don't know if they also granted the Princess title, unfortunately.


If the titles were generated at the same time as the names of the territories, and according to modern dictionary definitions, Celestia and Luna are also Queens, and Cadance is an Empress simply because the rule over a Kingdom and an Empire respectively. However, they are alicorns, therefore also Princesses, and evidence shows that in Equestrian culture being a Princess takes precedence over any other title they may possess.


But then, as I mentioned before, having a Prince rule over a Kingdom *is not unusual*. There are uncountable number of circumstances that can reach this end. Regent in absentia, title degradation, title promotion, territory acquisition, linguistic migration, etc.

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In Equestria there are no deities,

Yes, there are.



Remember at one time the unicorn race as a whole were able to control the movements of sun and moon.

No, I don't remember. I wasn't there. Neither were you.

Everything we see in "Hearts Warming Eve" is a legend. It's not more truthful, than our christmass story. Sure, it was based on some historical events, but we don't know on which.

And even if you trust that story, you should remember, that they kinda sucked at it. There was a frakin' Ice Age underway! So, trying to manage wether and seasons on their own they didn't do a prticularely good job, did they?


P.S. When you quote a post, please, don't skip the whole text. Because that way I didn't get any message about your responce.

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They were doing so until the Windigos got there because their own racism/hatred against each other.


Also I'm sorry this is the real world where history can be inaccurate. Unless it shown otherwise I'm going to believe the history that is shown and yes treat Hearthwarming Eve as canon.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The question is though can you have two Queens in power at the same time? Remember Equestria a diarchy, where there is supposed to be two equal rulers rule Equestria (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna).

Well I'm sure in a world like Equestria such a system can work. Celestia could've been a technical queen during Luna's 1000 year absence. Even after Luna returned; Celestia would maintain her title while Luna would later gain the Queen title as well with time.

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P.S. When you quote a post, please, don't skip the whole text. Because that way I didn't get any message about your responce.

I apologize it was because I forgot to quote and I quoted you after the fact... which looking back it looks like I may have done this with my last post.

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Equestria seems to be an Oligarchy, where a group rules the land (4 princesses & 1 prince) and a meritocracy where ones deeds and achievements determine their place in society (Twilight being promoted for finishing the spell, Luna being demoted during her banishment). Kingdom can be discounted as a poor choice of words during season 1. I'm not so sure the word kingdom has been mentioned again outside of the pilot. It's just been referred to as Equestria. So it's possible the whole kingdom title may have been retconned already.



  • Brohoof 1
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No Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are absolute rulers of Equestria.


Princess Cadence at first did not rule any land until the Crystal Empire came around.


Princess Twilight Sparkle currently does not rule any land either, being more in training than anything else.


Blueblood's title comes from being related to Princess Celestia and that is all. he has given no reason to even suggest he is worthy of the title.

Equestria seems to be an Oligarchy, where a group rules the land (4 princesses & 1 prince) and a meritocracy where ones deeds and achievements determine their place in society (Twilight being promoted for finishing the spell, Luna being demoted during her banishment). Kingdom can be discounted as a poor choice of words during season 1. I'm not so sure the word kingdom has been mentioned again outside of the pilot. It's just been referred to as Equestria. So it's possible the whole kingdom title may have been retconned already.



I do apologize it would seem i again forgot to quote. My post was for you, in your suggestion that Equestria is ruled by a group.

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