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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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@, Gloom quickly angles his neck and blocks Crimsons blade with is knife and kicks him hard in the side knocking him a good few feet away. Gloom then backed away a bit and gits into his fighting stance as he angles his neck again to get ready to counter Crimsons next attack.

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Star Belle walked into the kitchen and found Lume, Moonlight, and the blue-gray pegasus dummy.

"Helloooooooooooooooooooo everypony! What's up?" She said in a singsong voice. "Oh, and no politeness to certain dunceheads who want to KILL US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER BE LEAVING SOON, MISTER, YOU HEAR ME?!!!!!" her tone went from grumpy to angry.

Edited by EpicHarmony
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Gray Quickly throws down a dark gray marble causing it to burst and create a thick cloud of smoke allowing him to move away from Dusk effectively.


"Try to strike faster Dusk" he said from the smoke


Gray tossed a purple marble on the floor and as it melted and created a  goop like substance that makes it impossible to move when stepped on



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crimson quickly skids to a halt and gives gloom a wry grin, "not bad! not bad at all! but lets try turning it up a notch first before I start with the compliments!" said crimson before rushing at gloom with Helios pointed at him, seemingly in an attempt to skewer him, but instead, at the last possible second, crimson used his sword like a pole vaulting stick and used the momentum from his run to kick gloom in the face, before rolling back to the floor and attempting to sweepkick him.

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Moonlight thrust herself in between Lume and Twisted, with her most annoyed scowl on her face. "Would you two calm down?" she said wryly, giving them her signature eye roll.


@@Brain Drain,


Moonlight turned to Twisted with a glare. "Okay, you, need to quit treating us like idiots, being annoying, and ignoring us. Whether we all like it or not, you're part of our crew, so act like it. Besides, ignoring people and being grouchy is my job."




Moonlight then turned to Lume, and slightly softened her glare at the crewmate. "Lume, I know you don't trust him, neither do I, but you have to accept the Captain's decisions. For now..we just have to deal with it, alright? You can go talk to Gray about it, but I doubt it will change his mind."


Moonlight took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes.

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Hearing the word coward filled him with rage charging back into mess hall he rushed up to Lume, "You want a fight well then you just found it!" Putting on spiked gauntlets. "Before my magic gift was given to me I was a brawler, so I know how to use my hoofs." Taunting Lume. "I'll make you regret calling me a coward!"


As Twisted raced back into the kitchen and confronted her, Lume took a couple of steps back and shrank considerably in scare. It seemed like, at last, she managed to get some reaction out of him, and now he wanted to fight. Oddly enough, she wasn't expecting that.


Her physical strength and general fighting skills were far from decent - and obviously worse than most of the other crew members -, and she knew that better than anypony else. She was quite good at name-calling though, but she had no idea that the mysterious stowaway would run wild to the point of putting on spiked gauntlets and try to hit a mare with them. Inside, Lume was screaming for help, but she kept a straight face.


"Fine!... Okay!...Um... Let's do this then!" She said as she reluctantly assumed a fighting stance, waiting for her inevitable doom. Fortunately, just like she was secretly praying for, somepony stepped in before things got ugly.


"Would you two calm down?" she said wryly, giving them her signature eye roll.


Celestia above, Moonlight, thank you so much! She thought


Moonlight turned to Twisted with a glare. "Okay, you, need to quit treating us like idiots, being annoying, and ignoring us. Whether we all like it or not, you're part of our crew, so act like it. Besides, ignoring people and being grouchy is my job."


Moonlight then turned to Lume, and slightly softened her glare at the crewmate. "Lume, I know you don't trust him, neither do I, but you have to accept the Captain's decisions. For now..we just have to deal with it, alright? You can go talk to Gray about it, but I doubt it will change his mind." Moonlight took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes.


She lowered her head. It wasn't very often that she received a scolding from the others, but that time she somewhat deserved it. She slowly raised her head back up and met eyes with Twisted, who didn't look very happy, behind the yellow unicorn mare. She shuddered and quickly backed up a little more.


"Certainly I'll talk with Captain Gray about this nonsense he somehow agreed with, and he will take an immediate action!... We just stole a freakin' high-tech aircraft prototype from the Royal Sisters. Our mission will not go down the drain by the work of a troublesome freak-show such as you." She started to back away towards the main deck.


"You just wait!" And she ran off.

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@, Gloom uses the momentum from the kick to help him spin around fast enough to block his sweepkick and counter with his own kick to the face, but with a little more force the Crimsons, which knocks him away from Gloom. He then quickly got back into his stance, rubs his cheek and smirks. "Hehe, the same goes for you. Ya red bastard."

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@@Moonlight Fire,

Twisted glared at moon, "Glare at me all you want, but I know you will always have each other backs while i'm left to die." Slamming his gauntlet into a table and breaking it in half. "I'll show you a freak show Lume just you wait..." Looking for something to release his rage upon.


"And for you! I enjoy your presence, but please get off my back." Speaking softly as he walked passed her.


"Lume, I promise you once we hit the ground I'll show you freak show I can become! I hope you are ready to meet your fate." Running his gauntlet along the wall as he went to the main deck.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Brain Drain,


Moonlight angrily watched Twisted leave, fury melting her tiredness away. He's not taking me seriously at all! she fumed to herself. Finally all the sleep deprivation finally got the mare to snap, as she raced out to Twisted on the deck. Moonlight Fire pushed herself in front of him, her angered face threateningly close to his.


"Alright, let me set you straight. I don't trust you at all, that's pretty evident, but I will never leave somepony out to die, got it? I meant what I said, we're on a team now. I tried resolving this calmly, but I guess I needed to assert myself," she hissed, narrowing her eyes in a chilling stare. Moonlight then shook her head and began to walk away, still in a huff.

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Moonlight thrust herself in between Lume and Twisted, with her most annoyed scowl on her face. "Would you two calm down?" she said wryly, giving them her signature eye roll.   @Brain Drain,   Moonlight turned to Twisted with a glare. "Okay, you, need to quit treating us like idiots, being annoying, and ignoring us. Whether we all like it or not, you're part of our crew, so act like it. Besides, ignoring people and being grouchy is my job."  


"WAIT, HE'S PART OF OUR CREW NOW?!!!!!!!!!!" Star Belle screamed  at the top of her lungs. "HE TRIED TO KILL ME! TWICE!


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@@Moonlight Fire,

Twisted heard Star's voice and he slowly lost more control, "Part of the crew you say? Seems I got more ponies trying to get me kicked off and calling me a freak. If you fall you have people to help you up, but if I fall I only got myself! You can distrust me all you want, but it's just putting a knife in your own sails." Feeling the angry build inside.


Finally snapping he couldn't hear anything, but only feel his body calling to him for bloodlust, "Excuse....me....moon....need...to....find..." Walking slowly up the stairs to the main deck.

Edited by Brain Drain


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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In the middle of the fight Gray Raised his left ear.


"Hold on a second dusk do you hear that? I think a majority of the crew is yelling.. It doesn't sound happy either. Should we check it out or Continue Sparing?" He asked the Chef as he stood upright ignoring his battle stance and allowing the smoke to clear.



Edited by Gray_Spectrum
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Gray Quickly throws down a dark gray marble causing it to burst and create a thick cloud of smoke allowing him to move away from Dusk effectively.


"Try to strike faster Dusk" he said from the smoke


Gray tossed a purple marble on the floor and as it melted and created a  goop like substance that makes it impossible to move when stepped on




Dusk was expecting that move. Landing from the leap he backs away into the smoke, using Gray's screen the same way he did and rushes forward from a different angle. Dusk makes a double handed downward swing that obviously falls short of target and when he's at closest Gray makes a face like he's going to whistle and blows a snoutful of smoke towards Gray's face.

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crimson rolled away from gloom to lessen the blow, after standing up, crimson grinned at gloom, "that really means a lot coming from you!" said crimson tauntingly with a chuckle before slashing at glooms side with the back of his blade, in an attempt to stun him for the win.

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Dusk was expecting that move. Landing from the leap he backs away into the smoke, using Gray's screen the same way he did and rushes forward from a different angle. Dusk makes a double handed downward swing that obviously falls short of target and when he's at closest Gray makes a face like he's going to whistle and blows a snoutful of smoke towards Gray's face.

Gray coughs a bit as what remains of the smoke hits his face and enters his mouth and nose. Quickly he jumped back.


"Alright then lets continue." He said with a smile as if he was just playing a game with a friend


He took note of his surroundings as fast as he could Then he pulled chewing gum out of his vest and started chewing.He then tossed a hooffull of marbles in the air They burst mid air and shocks everything in the area Including both Gray and Dusk.



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Horsehide is thick but not that thick. Gray wouldn't make jolters too weak to do anything to a pony.
Still, Dusk is confident to continue his planned maneuver.

"Consequences Gray. That gentlepony came on and set this entire ship to blow. He's got enough in his kind of magic to tell when an actual unicorn is trying to find the cards too."

His eyes narrow at Grey.

"And he upfront told everypony if he didn't get what he wanted when he left emptyhooved he'd blow detonate the ship for spite's sake since he didn't care about anything here.
Personally I thought he was bluffing, and I went after him on it. And boy did that make him mad at me."

Dusk puts the club in his teeth and pulls out his third and last peg. He rushes Gray who he noticed didn't wipe the breath-smoke from his glasses and flings one club onto the floor. It bounces at the low point and goes up, making a V angle a little off to Gray's side.

Taking the club from his mouth into the hoof he just threw with he chases after the bounced peg leaping into the air with a slicing roundhouse hoof, landing into a one-legged mulekick.

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@, Gloom drops his knife from his mouth and catches it in his hoof, thin quickly blocks Crimsons attack and counters it by using the force from the blow to gain more momentum for a even more powerful kick, then last time, to the face. This time knocking off Crimsons hat in the process as he roles away. "Likewise."

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Moonlight watched Twisted walk away angrily, and twitched her ears as she heard him mention her name and finding something. Her anger ebbed away to sadness as she climbed up the ship, heading to the top deck where she could be alone. I've probably made a new enemy, she thought, frowning. No matter. It's okay if he hates me for a little while, all I did was set him straight. But, unfortunately, my grumpy heart feels slight sympathy for him. How can he become part of the crew, when the rest of the crew hates his guts?


As Moonlight Fire made it to the top deck, she spotted Crimson and Gloom sparring. She groaned. At the end of the spar, she would only havore wounds to clean up.

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" you know for a chef you fight rather well" He spits out his Gum onto Dusks back releasing another sudden jolt of electricity to shock Dusk. This time strong enough to Send a pulse into Dusks muscles making any body movement hard to control.(only lasts a few seconds)


Suddenly Gray threw two more green marbles on the floor once again causing the sticky ooze to appear.


"Lets see what you can do with a limited area to fight in"



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"Chef is what I do, right now at least, not what I am. Some day I'll tell you some stories."

Dusk crouches low, holding the clubs at the ready, waiting. He notices Gray hasn't replied.
"On a similar note. I want to reinforce every beam, every wall, every surface and machinery that was carded. With an iron overcoat if nothing else. I don't know how powerful those exploding cards are, but I want to know that just because one pony gets on board it wont be that easy to knock us out of the sky. I'll understand if you're hesitant to believe me... due to that auto-toilet idea."

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Twisted spotted Gray and Dusk and watched closely, "The subject can handle more pain boost the machine up!" Hearing a chilling voice in his head.


Looking at Dusk with a murderous look, "My gauntlets wouldn't mind bashing his face in or Gray, Moon, Lume, Star, and that one pony that almost caught me." Clashing both gauntlets together.


"Mind if I join this fight?" Walking slowly up to the two.

Edited by Brain Drain


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Dusk blinks in surprise.
"Guess I'm not going to find out if I can cut that glue and see if it's strong enough to hold my weight on a wall or the ceiling after all."


"Don't give me that look, it's a big patch of goop on the floor. It's either an oil slick or glue. Acid would have burnt through the floor already and that's waaaay too much shock jelly. Sure it'd knock me out but that stuff doesn't hold a charge forever and it's too obvious a trap for a pony who, no offense, seems to fight primarily with his marbles."

Turns to Twisted. "You've been watching and I've been talking. Are you sure you haven't already won?"

Turns from Gray stepping away from the patch of glue on the ground to face Fate.
"You booby-trapped the whole ship over one night. Impressive you weren't caught but as far as feats are concerned not too hard, given a sleep-deprived crew that numbers 6."

"Cards. Magic, glowing, floating cards. If you had a choice in levitating weapons you wouldn't chose cards unless they did something special. If somepony can do an air burning spell they might destroy the cards before you activated them. Unless you're a pyrokene. Either way, you activate those things with fire or magic."

"You familiar with a firebreak?"

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Lume hanged around the main deck for a few minutes, not wanting to interrupt Gray and Duskrunner's training. She was completely lost in deep thoughts the whole time, about the way she behaved earlier and about the "freaky" pony who had joined the crew. Was she wrong? She chose not to believe that she treated him unfairly. After all, he almost killed the entire crew. Whatever his motives were.


"Mind if I join this fight?" Walking slowly up to the two.


Her ears perked up as she heard that eerie tone of voice. It was Twisted once again, wielding his spiked gauntlets. Lume interfered.


@@Duskrunner, @@Gray_Spectrum, @@Brain Drain


"Woah, that was a darn good fight, you two! You guys should be exhausted by now. How about some fresh juice? There's still plenty in the kitchen!" She gave them a cute, though forced giggle, and then frowned immediately upon rolling her eyes towards Twisted.


"Um... Gray." She called out for the Captain. "I gotta talk to you. In private. Now."

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 I want to reinforce every beam, every wall, every surface and machinery that was carded With an iron overcoat if nothing else. I don't know how powerful those exploding cards are, but I want to know that just because one pony gets on board it wont be that easy to knock us out of the sky. I'll understand if you're hesitant to believe me... due to that auto-toilet idea."


"I already have that covered. whenever Lume gets around to it we won't have to worry about it."


He noticed Twisted approach


"Mind if I join this fight?" Walking slowly up to the two.

"I don't see any harm in it. So long as it's ok with Dusk that is" He says with a happy smile on his face "You don't seem all to bad to me to be totally honest"


Then suddenly... 

"Um... Gray." She called out for the Captain. "I gotta talk to you. In private. Now."

"oh um sure... one moment guys." He walks over to lume "uh, whats up?"

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Twisted saw Lume glaring at him, "Doctor the subject has a reaction to the experiment he has grown wings, but they are useless." Removing his gauntlets he stared at Lume with fury.


"Lume watch your back because I'll be waiting to strike you down." Walking back to the stairs. "Have fun with your talk Gray." bitterness in his voice. "Another time than Gray because your about to have a ear full." disappearing below deck.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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