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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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Twisted nodded at Crimson, "Both of our past are haunting us, but lets keep knowing surface information on our past deal?" Looking at the pony. "You're are the only one that knows anything about me on this ship and I rather keep it like that because I rather be an enemy then having ponies feeling sorry for me." Speaking in a truthful tone of voice.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@slimmyjimjim, @@Moonlight Fire,


The stallion couldn't believe what had just happened. One moment he was getting Sweetie Pie back home and the next she's heaved onto Gray's back and rushed to their ship.


"Tell me that didn't just happen," He said facehoofing himself. Dogboots knew that they were lightweights but this was ridiculous.

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"HEY! Watch it you clumsy oaf!"

Dusk yelled at a swerving pair of -he couldn't tell what- as he huffed along with a pair of saddlebags full of supplies as he pushed a front-loader cart.

"I should have just gone with a regular cart... but then I'd probably be hauling two carts back to the airship and that wouldn't work. And if I hired somepony to haul for me they might ntice the airship and get suspicious. Oy me."

He glanced up at the nearest avenue, couldn't really identify anything and then fell to his flank on the street. Sitting he mumbled.
"Oh dear. I have no idea where to find a feed store or outfitter. Or even a wholesaler would be fine."


Taping lighter on his earpiece he asked general:
"Hello? Guys? I need somepony to help me out with directions in this place. Star Belle? You available?"

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@slimmyjimjim, @@Moonlight Fire,


The stallion couldn't believe what had just happened. One moment he was getting Sweetie Pie back home and the next she's heaved onto Gray's back and rushed to their ship.


"Tell me that didn't just happen," He said facehoofing himself. Dogboots knew that they were lightweights but this was ridiculous.

Moonlight felt herself moan at her drunken captain, then glanced at Dogboots with wary eyes. After watching the two drunk ponies, she said in a quiet and deathly voice through gritted teeth, "Alright. I'll take them to the ship."


Moonlight tugged Gray with Sweetie still on him back to one side and whispered, "There's nothing else to do now but take them to the ship, all because of your stupidness!" she hissed, before taking a deep breath and maintaining her panic. Somehow, she would make up a story about where they got the air ship.


The mare then examined Sweetie, and saw how painful her forehead wound must be. "I should probably fix you up before we go," she murmured to the giggling mare.

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"Hello? Somepony call? Do you have food?" She got up from her sniffing position and looked up "What do you need? Cause I'll try to help as much as I can."


(Note: I may be slow for the next few days, there's a new season of Mythbusters on Netflix. I might be slower(than I already am).)

Edited by EpicHarmony
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@@Moonlight Fire,




"I'm terribly sorry about Sweetie, she normally doesn't act like this. Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked Moon trying to find a way to make it up to the crew.


"I'm pretty good at doing ship repairs," He added, it was the least he could do to help out Gray's crew. Though they probably already had somepony that did the job.

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"Hey sweetie. There should be some hay and leftover soup in the mess. If not try the pantry. Maybe there's some crackers or fruit I might have missed.

If I remember right you said Manehattan was your town. I'm looking for a general store or a food supplier, something big enough to supply the ship. You know any stores that fit that description? I'm in... I think the middle of Manehattan. I can't see the green statue but I can see a really tall building with a horseshoe carved into the building. not the one with a horseshoe statue on top of the building, carved into it."

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Moonlight glanced at Dogboots, and blinked greatfully. She could tell he really did want to help. "It's nice of you to offer but..our ship is a bit different from what you're thinking of. Uh, you'll see when I show you," she said, struggling to tell him. Moonlight then averted her gaze to Sweetie, who was bleeding severely from her forehead.


"Alright, this is going to hurt but..oh, who cares, you're too drunk to even notice!" she grumbled, placing a careful hoof on the mare's forhead. Moonlight closed her eyes, and began to let her healing magic flow, and in a matter of 15 seconds, Sweetie's wound was closed.


"Hmph. That's a new record," she murmured with a small grin to herself.



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@@Moonlight Fire,


The stallion was amazed by what he saw. Normally it would take most unicorns minutes to heal wounds but for this mare it was just seconds.


"T-That's amazing! I've never seen healing magic that powerful before!" He said astounded by Moon's actions then something had occurred to the earth pony.


"Strange, back at the pub you seemed to refer to your vessel as a regular boat and now it's different. I'm guessing it's either a high tech vessel or....something else," He assumed after thinking back to their conversation at the pub.

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Moonlight shrugged slightly, a bit embarrased at the stallion's wonder. At Dogboot's question, she tensed and nervously racked her mind for a good excuse, but came up with nothing.


"Er..yeah. I wasn't really telling you the whole story of our ship back there. It's actually..an airship. But I mean, it's not like we stole it or anything!" she said quickly, nervously swallowing.

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@@Moonlight Fire,


"A-An Airship!? Are you serious? That's amazing. I've always wanted to see one since I was a filly!" He said in an excited tone. Dogboots felt like a kid on Hearth's Warming Day. He couldn't contain the large grin that was on his face.


"Anyways, I'm sure that it's the same concept only different parts," He said in a reassuring tone.

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Moonlight was surprised to see the look of such excitement on Dogboot's face, and couldn't help but grin slightly. "I would hope so. I don't know a whole lot about mechanical things and such, but our carpenter Lume probably-" she stopped shortly, remembering the rest of the crew. How are they going to react to me bringing these ponies to our ship? Moonlight thought.


"Er..I should probably warn you about the rest of the crew. I don't know how they'll react when they see you. We..um..don't usually have visitors on the ship," she said warily.

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"Hey sweetie. There should be some hay and leftover soup in the mess. If not try the pantry. Maybe there's some crackers or fruit I might have missed.


If I remember right you said Manehattan was your town. I'm looking for a general store or a food supplier, something big enough to supply the ship. You know any stores that fit that description? I'm in... I think the middle of Manehattan. I can't see the green statue but I can see a really tall building with a horseshoe carved into the building. not the one with a horseshoe statue on top of the building, carved into it."

"Stores... Yeah I could help you a bit... I mean, I haven't been there in eight years, but the major stores probably haven't changed. Of course, I remember the city from living there twelve years of my life, but cities change." Star Belle sighed.


"Oh, thanks for telling me where some food is!"


(I might zzzzzzzz off...


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@@Moonlight Fire,


"Well I'm sure that if we explain the situation there won't be any quarrels. The last thing I want to do is start any conflict," He said before realizing that they already have a mechanic.


"I would actually like to meet the mechanic and learn a few things about airships and even see parts of the ship as well," Dogboots said fascinated to see the ship.

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Twisted walked back onto the deck watching over the city's lights, "The more I think about how easy it was to join this crew the more I question Gray's judgement...he seems to happy and open to much to be a captain, but then again look at his crew...yea now I understand why he is captain of this ship." Smiling to himself. "I should pay my respects to my grave since I died in the experiment many years ago." Letting out a small laugh, before staring into the city.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"You're the best Belle."
Dusk gets the directions and about an hour later is at a distributor. The whole affair doesn't take too long and a few hours later he's out with a cart and several dozen sacks of hay, wheat, oats and alfalfa. The sacks are all loaded into new water-tight barrels that Dusk can personally vouch for in terms of cleanliness.


A short haul and jog later he's up on the dock for the airship starting to load everything into the cargo bay.

The last of the Canterlot supplies, barrels and misc cargo are up on deck.
A normal pony might suspect Dusk is planning to just dump it over the side when the ship leaves...

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She jumped off Grays back landing shakily on her hooves, "lesh jusst stop talking about it and get to it I wanna go for a shippppzzz.... RIDE!" partly from loss of blood, partly from exhaustion but mostly from excessively drinking but Sweetie's eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground. She slept with a smile on her face sweet dreams dancing in her head.

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@@slimmyjimjim, @@Moonlight Fire,


"Here, I'll take her," He said before heaving the mare onto his back. The mare didn't weigh that much, in fact she was lighter than most of the cargo that he moved at the docks.


"I'm so sorry about all this. I feel bad for putting you guys in this situation and for Sweetie's behavior," He said apologizing again to Moonlight. Dogboots smile soon faded after realizing that he too was also intruding on them due to what happened at the pub.

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Gray looked confused at the thought of Dogboots taking Sweetie Pie home "Whatch zhe hay you guys doin? We promised thems ta shows dem da ship! dey can'tch leaf nowsh!" Gray leans in to whisper into Moonlights ear 




"Beshides We don't know if The shep wall be seen tomarrowsh sho wesh uld showsh zhem as shoon ash poshible..." he leaned back out of moons ear and proceeded to lean against her back to keep himself up  (don't worry Grays got the body weight of a mare)  


@@Moonlight Fire


"Beshides I keepsh My promishes! Now dagbooz Commun  Fallow me I can navergate dish shitty no matters how drunkish I am. I wontish takes no forz an ansher!"



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@@slimmyjimjim, @@Moonlight Fire,


"Here, I'll take her," He said before heaving the mare onto his back. The mare didn't weigh that much, in fact she was lighter than most of the cargo that he moved at the docks.


"I'm so sorry about all this. I feel bad for putting you guys in this situation and for Sweetie's behavior," He said apologizing again to Moonlight. Dogboots smile soon faded after realizing that he too was also intruding on them due to what happened at the pub.

Moonlight shook her head. "That's okay, it wasn't that much trouble," she said reassuringly to the stallion.


The mare then nervously glanced at Gray nervously. "Fine. But if they find out where we got it, it's your fault!" She whispered furiously. Moonlight flinched as he leaned onto her for support. He was very light, but she wasn't a huge fan of unfamiliar contact.


She turned back to Dogboots. "Well, Gray insists you come see our ship, so you might as well," she told him.

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@@Moonlight Fire, @@Gray_Spectrum,


"Well, okay. We won't stay long though, the last thing I want to do is intrude," He said following Moonlight. The stallion was a little unsure at first, but after noticing the behavior of the two ponies he couldn't help but be a bit suspicious of them.


"Lead the way," The earth pony said while keeping the mare on his back.

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Twisted looked at the city with curiosity, "Could I start over and begin a clean life? Me being kind to others and trusting others....that's not me." Staring to hum a melody to himself. "Fallin' out of aeroplanes and hidin' out in holes waitin' for the sunset to come, people goin' home jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head now everybody is dancing the dance of the dead the dance of the dead, the dance of the dead." Silently singing to himself as he watched over the main deck.





I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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She was in the shop, her shop, but it was huge flowers covered the walls that made the air taste sweet. She was walking around and looking for somepony but she couldn't remember who, who was she looking for? Who, who. An owl outside the window flew in and began furriously pecking her forehead. It only hurt for a second before customers began pouring in she tried remembering their names but it wouldn't come to her. And none of them seemed to notice the owl still angrily pecking at her head except a screaming filly whose voise was so small that she could barely hear it. She looked over at a miror that floated in midair, "damn..... my dreams are weird."

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"tis no prablem Dagbooz I thinks Itsh dis way" He fumbled around the street and fell over


"Ops hehehe, my legsh are nots workin pruperly. Thatsh ok Moony knowsh de way" he said as he crawled back to Moonlight to keep himself up.


"Moony ish Really Nish Zhatsh why i likesh her! Shesh a true frand," He said before he nodded off while leaning on moonlights back. 




@@Moonlight Fire,  

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