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Hello there Chatterbox! ^^


What is your most favorite things in journalism and what got you interested to start your career as a journalist?



"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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Hello there Chatterbox! ^^


What is your most favorite things in journalism and what got you interested to start your career as a journalist?



post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif Thanks for the Question Unovas, to be honest one of the most satisfactory things in my job is that i have the oportunity to meet new ponies, let's say that you can collect lives and learn a lot of interesting stories, my mom told me that all jobs are beautiful as long as you learn new things, it give me the oportunity to understand each thought of ponies, and i heard stories that can make you skin chills in the good and bad way. 
post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif As for your second question dear i think there a lot of things that motivated me to be what i am now, but all end up in the same: curiosity, curiosity for knowing the world and the ponies, is that adventure feeling that makes you be a journalist, writte stories, make inteviews, travel across the world and make a documentation about your adventures and the faces you meet, you never know, and no matter how boring, stupid or lame the story is, there's always going to be somepony who will adore the story so it is never a failure, i hope i could answer your questions


  • Brohoof 1


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  • 3 weeks later...

*Masked Commander appears* 


"Have you heard and read of the Wall Street journal? 


​What has to be your most favorite categories in journalism?"




"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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post-18984-0-79845300-1399345014.gif Wall Street Journal, sounds familiar, i think i heard of it, good articles and sometimes the information is more than what TV offers you, not that i been too familiar with bipedal beings media (a.k.a humans) but still news are always good, even the worst because is always good to be informed.
post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif Categories? hmm... sounds difficult... let's see.. i like to know about important ponies like Luna, Fleur de lis, Coco Pommel etcetera. i like to know about food and lifestyle actually, that's why i ask ponies about their lifestyle it gives me a better view than a single meeting, also i enjoy listening stories and Bios.. i have to admit the only genre i do not like is sports at least they have a very inspiring story.. i mean what can i say when ponies can watch sports themselves right? 


*Masked Commander appears* 


"Have you heard and read of the Wall Street journal? 


​What has to be your most favorite categories in journalism?"

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 3 weeks later...


A large, dark figure with crimson red eyes and a hooked horn that curves back, wearing a black cloak, a dark grey coat. The figure narrows his eyes as he looks over the rather innocent looking mare. "What do you think of me?" 


post-18984-0-43552100-1381950257.png well honey if you are looking for a appereance critique let's say that black cloak aren't precisely the last fashion scream and also add some eyedrops in those eyes, you must have a very severe case of conjuntivitis c-can i breathe now?


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The figure chuckles darkly and takes off his cloak and sets it aside. Revealing a cutie mark with some sort of crown, with an Earth in the center, with a sword through it, his eyes take a shade of a deep indigo-purple. "That better?"


post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif that's better! phew! now the question is, why did you tried to scare meh!
  • Brohoof 1


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'Well. I wasn't trying to scare you.... but alot of ponies think that. And thats why I am hated so much...."


post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif  honey then you should try to avoid use that spooky appereance don't you think?
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"You really do resemble somepony which I know..... No problem." he gently pats her head. 


post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif i do look like most ponies here now, you know when i was a filly i tried to resemble Rarity ya know? i even fixed the eyebrows to be like her she was too popular and i always been.. nerdy


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*As she was busy minding her own business. A humanoid figure with hair covering its eyes with a menacing smile* *As the figure eyes and mouth can be seen by the mare*


Oh hoho, how sweet! An innocent one, don't worry dear. My friend Gigas won't harm you. 


Haha, it would be easy and quick as a light! *evil smiles* 


Isn't that right, Gigas? *as the formless mass appears behind the humanoid* *It then formed into a face thats formless*




So yes, as for our questions there, I'll make it quick.




-1. How long does friendship last for you? If in relationship with any.


-2. What will you do, if encountered by your own self? 






-3. Do you have...any..other...interests..besides..your..hobby?


-4. Are you...close..or...far..sighted?


In case, he meant the kind of glasses you wear. 

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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sig-4825121.post-18984-0-24039800-139934 Is it okay if I be you for April Fool's Day? I have the costume and everything...


(How've you been? It's been a while since I've asked. :P)



post-18984-0-50443300-1380329280.png whoa.... well i... omgawd i'm impressed and quite... flattered.. gawd i wonder how did you do the outfit and you even used the same jasmine perfume i use wow!
(i been gewd thanks :D )


*As she was busy minding her own business. A humanoid figure with hair covering its eyes with a menacing smile* *As the figure eyes and mouth can be seen by the mare*


Oh hoho, how sweet! An innocent one, don't worry dear. My friend Gigas won't harm you. 


Haha, it would be easy and quick as a light! *evil smiles* 


Isn't that right, Gigas? *as the formless mass appears behind the humanoid* *It then formed into a face thats formless*




So yes, as for our questions there, I'll make it quick.




-1. How long does friendship last for you? If in relationship with any.


-2. What will you do, if encountered by your own self? 






-3. Do you have...any..other...interests..besides..your..hobby?


-4. Are you...close..or...far..sighted?


In case, he meant the kind of glasses you wear. 



post-18984-0-79845300-1399345014.gif ooo kay to answer your questions i say friendship last as long as they know how to forgive themselves.. what? do you really expect that i'll say things like "oh friendship is eternal" and that stuff? we have to be realistic! a lot of ponies get in troubles and fights and that is more than enough to screw such friendship, if friends tolerate and are open minded about the liking of others, are willing to help and forgive all mistakes, friendship can last
the second question ahm.. is a tough one, i meet tons of faces but never my own, i guess i been all around busy with tons of things.. now if i meet my own self i think 2 scenes would happen: either don't mind her because there's nothing to change on me or i would have the biggest feedback of all time with myself.. who knows? could be interesting though
post-18984-0-24039800-1399343692.gif Gygas.. honey you sound like something i could carry on a USB or pc i will answer your questions.. gawd i was a little filly when i played Earthbound! and my my my i found you cute rather than distrubing specially those sounds you did... i didn't wanted to kill you in the game
post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif Interests? .. well not really i'm too devote to my profession.. you can say my life is rather cosmopolitan because i tend to stick in higher circles of Canterlot and other VIP places, i like to go to a fancy cafe and ask for a nice drink while i write my articles either on my laptop or my notebook, i like to go shopping clothes and nice decorations in my house, i love to participate in fancy parties writting articles and interviews for the newspaper, i love to go to theatre, get my mane done and relax on my apartment drinking a glass of wine reading a book while listening Octavia's Special Selection and before sleep, take a relaxing hot bath with rose leaves and vanilla candles on the tub. other interest i have is on weekends, dress in leather pants, white sleeveless tank, good make up with earrings and a collar and go dance in a club in Vinyl's Club
post-18984-0-35675300-1399344126.gif About my sights... i have to say i'm a close sighted pony. Can't see from a far. These glasses are my company ;)


  • Brohoof 2


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@Balareth- .....hon..ey..? *he felt something* .....um..-


Gigas don't fall for it! 


........I..fee.l.. I...don..'t..kno..w..-


Recall from what happened last time!! Recall who you truly are! 


*recalls from past* .....ye.s..m..ast.er


Good, now come.


y..e..s.. *comes too him and stays behind him*


*thinking in head*"To think he got beaten by a song. Better have a back up for that."


Ahem, so as for far as friendship goes.


Tell me this then, what keeps you people here in Equestria?


In your own bubble not be more in gaining power/dominance than trying to befriend each other. 


How come you never go back?



Edited by Mast. Equestos/Gigas

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif your friend Gya (sorry i like to put nicknames! >.<) seems a little uneasy *fix her glasses and waves a little her mane*
post-18984-0-79845300-1399345014.gif now i'm thinking that your questions is unclear though... what keeps... Us? here in Equestria? let me think... hmm maybe we are just used to our lifestyle i dunno.. dominance and power it always leads to same destiny.. monotony.. because once you have all the power and all things you may want like dominate the world and all the universe... what's next? is good that you have a purpose always or your existance will be.. well... nothing.. no reason to live anymore.. just pain and... it hurts.... *goes to Gygas* ....it hurts.... 

@Balareth- .....hon..ey..? *he felt something* .....um..-


Gigas don't fall for it! 


........I..fee.l.. I...don..'t..kno..w..-


Recall from what happened last time!! Recall who you truly are! 


*recalls from past* .....ye.s..m..ast.er


Good, now come.


y..e..s.. *comes too him and stays behind him*


*thinking in head*"To think he got beaten by a song. Better have a back up for that."


Ahem, so as for far as friendship goes.


Tell me this then, what keeps you people here in Equestria?


In your own bubble not be more in gaining power/dominance than trying to befriend each other. 


How come you never go back?



  • Brohoof 1


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......*recalls hardly from his past again* ma.r..i..a....I.m...so.r..- 




Yes and he feels anger too. Haha.  Even though his mind is not there. 


....I..don'..t..know....can'.t....exp..res..s...it.....*tries to recall it*


Of course you can't. You can't feel, only destroy! Haha! 


They didn't call you the cosmic destroyer for nothing! You are a sign of evil!


*evilly smiles at him*


.......*he felt unsure* I...wa..nt.ed. to......*goes speechless for a bit*


What Gigas?! Wanted to what?


....*tries to speak* ..I..just...don.'t...know....what..it..was..or..who....I..wan.te.d....




Hmph, interesting. Baraleth just one more from him. You know what you tell her Gigas.






*sounding puzzled and confused*




Don't tell me, you are going soft here Gigas! :baconmane:  




Fine! :dry: 


Just one more from me.


Baraleth, have you been a fan of any games?  Have to be from every category, one for each.

Edited by Mast. Equestos/Gigas

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif i guess i'll respond for him
what else made me not want to destroy you? well i think everyone has a reason to be what they are, i feel that you are a little misunderstood, you must have a good reason to be the way you are so before i say you are evil and stuff, i look the reasons and determine how much punishment you deserve or how much mercy you get. Plus i ship you and Uboa gawd you both are cuuuute~ <3
post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif As for the second question ahm... i'll repeat what he said one time "he is very selective about videogames, sports and racing never were of his taste, adventures well is difficult, he likes most of them, FPS just Medal of Honor and Painkiller. Horror.... ALL of them. RPG Yume Nikki and all it's fangames, Pokemon but only the emerald verson let me put a list.
Castlevania/ Metal Gear Solid/ Silent Hill - Konami's best selection
Demon Crest/Megaman/Monster Hunter - jewels of Capcom
Tomb Raider/Hitman/Legacy of Kain - treasures of Eidos
True Crime/Tenchu/ Tony Hawk - treasures of Activision
Now if you want me to choose one per category, here goes
Horror - Silent Hill (the king of kings)
Adventure - Castlevania
Platform - Megaman
Sports - ahm... does DDR counts as sports? because i choose it
RPG - Yume Nikki and all fangames
FPS - Painkiller
Free Roam - Scarface
Fighting - The King of Fighters
and...  i think that's it



......*recalls hardly from his past again* ma.r..i..a....I.m...so.r..- 




Yes and he feels anger too. Haha.  Even though his mind is not there. 


....I..don'..t..know....can'.t....exp..res..s...it.....*tries to recall it*


Of course you can't. You can't feel, only destroy! Haha! 


They didn't call you the cosmic destroyer for nothing! You are a sign of evil!


*evilly smiles at him*


.......*he felt unsure* I...wa..nt.ed. to......*goes speechless for a bit*


What Gigas?! Wanted to what?


....*tries to speak* ..I..just...don.'t...know....what..it..was..or..who....I..wan.te.d....




Hmph, interesting. Baraleth just one more from him. You know what you tell her Gigas.






*sounding puzzled and confused*




Don't tell me, you are going soft here Gigas! :baconmane:  




Fine! :dry: 


Just one more from me.


Baraleth, have you been a fan of any games?  Have to be from every category, one for each.

  • Brohoof 1


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@Baraleth- *They both see the photo and were shocked*


O_O" ..Gah.. 


O_O" ..um...I..can..explain..


Please tell me that isn't you. -_-"  *facepalms while feeling embarassed* 


*thinks in head* "Its no wonder no one takes him seriously....."


I..uh...ye.s...*sounding nervous*




Lik...e.d..her...for..that....*looks at Equestos* 




Wha..t..don'.t...look..at..me.....*as he looks away from him*


Agh, boy am I gonna have nightmares from seeing this. Just to think Slenderman was scary and Jeff too.




Yep, by the way. Since you played Earthbound. Who would be your most favorite protagonist throughout the game?


Yes..go on..


So, what..do..you.think..of..Pokey Minch?




That makes wonder why you partnered up with him.


He came...too..me..for..power...not..well..you..know....I..hate..him..


Heh, don't we all.






"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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@Baraleth- *They both see the photo and were shocked*


O_O" ..Gah.. 


O_O" ..um...I..can..explain..


Please tell me that isn't you. -_-"  *facepalms while feeling embarassed* 


*thinks in head* "Its no wonder no one takes him seriously....."


I..uh...ye.s...*sounding nervous*




Lik...e.d..her...for..that....*looks at Equestos* 




Wha..t..don'.t...look..at..me.....*as he looks away from him*


Agh, boy am I gonna have nightmares from seeing this. Just to think Slenderman was scary and Jeff too.




Yep, by the way. Since you played Earthbound. Who would be your most favorite protagonist throughout the game?


Yes..go on..


So, what..do..you.think..of..Pokey Minch?




That makes wonder why you partnered up with him.


He came...too..me..for..power...not..well..you..know....I..hate..him..


Heh, don't we all.








post-18984-0-43211000-1399339235.gif i have to say Poo, since he got a powerful attack called Starstorm gawd i played that game long time ago


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  • 2 weeks later...

He heard his name being called out and goes towards the sound with his machine he is in. There he sees the mare with glasses.


"I knew someone spoke my name!"


"Hello there, I'm guessing you know who I am?" saying in a old dark voice. 


As he evilly smiles at her when the machine he is in makes noises.

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On 22/3/2017 at 11:12 PM, Master Pokey said:

He heard his name being called out and goes towards the sound with his machine he is in. There he sees the mare with glasses.


"I knew someone spoke my name!"


"Hello there, I'm guessing you know who I am?" saying in a old dark voice. 


As he evilly smiles at her when the machine he is in makes noises.

post-18984-0-98404500-1399340807.gif pokey! of course! how could i forget ya?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh my, it's been a while since you got questions :o

Here goes!

When did you wake up today?

What did you have for breakfast?

Do you like coffee?

What are you sitting on right now?

Whats your disposition on socks?


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  • 4 months later...
On 21/4/2017 at 3:20 AM, Sina said:

Oh my, it's been a while since you got questions :o

Here goes!

When did you wake up today?

What did you have for breakfast?

Do you like coffee?

What are you sitting on right now?

Whats your disposition on socks?

Chatterbox asks.gif oh dear! sorry i had some vacations!

Today i woke up at 7:00 i ate some breakfast, took a bath, put my glasses, and my job jacket and then i got out to got my mane done


Chatterbox Blushes.gif Breakfast? oh dear! i ate some cake i bought yesterday, it's called sarchertorte do you know it? is quite delicious chocolate cake but my my my! very expensive!


Chatterbox thinking.gif hmmm well i do love coffee, during on my breaks i go to Starbucks to get some drinks, i personally love the coffee with Chocolate with a nice apple tart *kiss her hoof* delicious!


Chatterbox happy.gif well i'm sitting right now in the grass looking at my laptop, i love picnics so much!



Cleaning her Glasses.gif okay define disposition... do i like to wear them? yes, on the winters, also with a coat or a sweeter




On 21/4/2017 at 4:59 AM, Gemmagoode01 said:

What is this ponys name 




chatterbox thinking.png hmmm... looks like Rainbow Dash's mom... Firefly perhaps?


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  • 3 months later...

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