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"Thank you." Said Light softly. "Thank you so, so much." He added. Light began to him again the first song from earlier that day. After his humming, he turned back toward Klonoa. "And I will do all I can to make sure this doesn't happen. But for now, we need to raid the castle. Come on." Called Light.

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Ambrose stood, Light had come to talk to her, but had been pulled away instantly. She wished that she had some time alone with him for once. Then the singing began and she fell silent. She stood and walked over to Light. "T-that was beautiful" she said quietly. 

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"You mean it's time for a little destructive therapy" I asked after letting the other two have a moment. "I might have a few strategies that'll surprise and enrage ol' sombra, especially since it'll be too late for him to do anything. This time though I'm takin every hit intended for you light, as I was ordered.". I said excited yet solemly.

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"You mean it's time for a little destructive therapy" I asked after letting the other two have a moment. "I might have a few strategies that'll surprise and enrage ol' sombra, especially since it'll be too late for him to do anything. This time though I'm takin every hit intended for you light, as I was ordered.". I said excited yet solemly.

Klonoa looked toward the other pony as he spoke. He smiled. Anything to get that meanie what he deserves. I've seen enough to know he deserves quite a bit for what he's done.


He gave a smug grin, holding his Wind Ring in front of himself smugly. If there's anything I can do to help with your ideas, let me know. I'm happy to help.

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"Think you could quickly and quietly take out any guards encountered with that piece of jewelery?" I asked smugly. "We'll need an assassin to get light and the others in without alarm raising. Meanwhile I'll be a distraction elsewhere, drawing all eyes to me." I conferred with the rabbit like hero. 

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Klonoa briefly stared at the ring in his hand. He held it out in front of him with both of his hands giving support, as the ring released an green energy orb, that gave him quite a bit of recoil. Klonoa sighed in relief.


... Yeah, I think I can pull it off. You can count on me! Zhupiddiduu!


A thought that sat in Klonoa's mind was that he managed to use the ring. He shouldn't... it's "power source" was left in the last world he entered, yet... here, it worked just as it should... it may have been even stronger.


(... I guess it has to do with the world I'm in... I guess...)

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She nodded "then lets go get Sombra" she said. Light had mentioned something about a castle and a plan. She saw no reason to go ahead and get started with this fight, the sooner the better. Ambrose hugged him briefly "Thank you for everything" she whispered.  

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@@The Time Pony

Light hugged Ambrose back. "No, thank you, Ambrose." Said Light. "You stayed by my side, even in a tragic event such as death. And for that, you'll always be in my heart, no matter what happens." Said Light, smiling. "Now, are you ready to kick some dark flank?" Asked Light.

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"All right then if our fearless leader says so let's all go get prepped for what looks to be a possim grade fight for our lives." I said psyched for a chance to redeem myself and have a little fun with sombra. "It's time I tried out a little trolling bit I thought up". I grinned evilly.

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@The Time Pony


"Name's Factor,Hero Factor. I'm kinda the new uber guy in town. Dropped in a while back, helped some locals, all the while being turned to helpless but the broken remote that brought me, You can just call me the shepherd king." I bragged attempting to break any tension by joking. "Seriously though I'm factor and I've been ordered by princess luna to keep light safe" I explained.

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"3 on 3? Are you serious?" I asked noting the roster. "Cool. I'll scout ahead and stat the distraction when you two give me the signal, alright?" I asked goin over the first phase of the plan. I then took off toward sombra's castle my mix of battle songs loaded and ready for use. 

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"Well at least that factor is balanced, let's hope all the other factors we do have going for us can make up for it.: I said noting the tie between groups. Then again you guys got me to keep track and deal with that problem." I laughed at my own joke. "We're gonna need all we can get to win this." I said grimly

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"Indeed we shall." Remarked Light, nodding with a grim look on his face. "We may not escape alive, but it's a risk that must be made for the greater good." Said Light. "Now, get your things, it's time to go to the Dark Tower of the dark ruler and king of the land, King Sombra." Said Light.

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"Wrong you'll survive, it's my job to make sure of that." I corrected restating princess's words.  "I'll grab my bag and meet you three at the castle, I'll be the one trying to wreck the place." I said winking encouragement before I flew away. A stray thought caught my attention as I reached my bag and turned toward the castle; "I hope sombra like roses". As I laughed a twinge of a burp interrupted me and a scroll appeared. Upon reading I headed back to camp to deliver mixed news from the princess.

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"The princess says she and her sister are going to try to assist us by giving us a day of twilight, so that the light will empower us but the dark will cover us" I said. "But there's more. Somba has taken prisoners, the six. Rescuing them could give us an edge over the darkness." I reasoned.

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"How is this possible?" Asked Light in awe. "Last I remember, Celestia was imprisoned..." Said Light. "Wait..." He said. "The sisters can connect telepathically! Brilliant!" Shouted Light. "And yes, we need to rescue the six. Heck, why do they always get themselves in trouble nowadays?" Asked Light.

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"They are related to the elements, you know how power corrupts" I explained jokingly. "So since both princess Celestia and the six are imprisoned how do we keep from taking them out in the crossfire?" I asked. "I tell ya Sombra's gonna go down so especially if he's touched a hair on a specific one of the sixs' manes" I remarked allowing a little anger to seep out.

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"The answer we seek to this important development is simple. Neither the Mane 6 nor Celestia are in Sombra's castle." explained Light. "Sombra just wants us to think that, so we are intimidated. However, I saw through his lies quite easily." Said Light, some pride in his voice.

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@ super2379


"Then again all of your strongest enemies are heading toward your base WHAT SMART VILLAIN STORES PRISONERS IN A PLACE OF EASY RESCUE?" I laughed. "Doesn't matter we'll just take the castle and then go save the girls.....though I hesitate. I'm very close to one of them and dare not let her be harmed" I said worrying about the owner of my heart

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"We'll get her back, don't worry." Said Light, patting Hero Factor on the arm. "Though, I'm not certain Sombra put the six in a place of EASY rescue..." Said Light. "He may have put them in a vile place. We'll just have to see." Said Light, nodding at Hero Factor slightly.

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