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"Great plan, Hero Factor." Complimented Light. "Always be on your toes, as well. Don't want to get caught by anypony." Said Light. "Wait a minute... I can feel the presence of it..." Said Light, squinting his eyes. "Stay silent." Ordered Light to the group behind him. "Don't want to become symbiotes." Said Light.

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i leapt to the ground and went straight morph. "I'll pin 'im you use whatever way you can to take out the vicious half?" I offered in thought speak. Raptor was the perfect morph for both stealth and, if need be, taking out enemies. I planned for both, taking out the symbiote being last resort.

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"Do they honestly believe they can stop us?"


"#And do they honestly believe we're like all the other bonds out there, vicious and out of control?"


Abaddon growled as the ponies came for him. He faced alot of this stuff back at home, being hunted by those who were supposedly the good guys simply because he had different methods and ideals than them.

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"Hero, we musnt take out the other half. We have to communicate with the one inside the suit. If we can make him realize what's going on, he could free himself. And for God's sake, let's not hurt either of the two, for risk of losing him." Said Light, starting to creep forward down the dark corridor.

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"Well then I'd say slug would be the way to go but it'd be too difficult for me to get into his ear at the moment with him moving about. I can't think of any music that'd help off the top of head of my head either. Any ideas? I asked looking at the struggling creature.

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(You haven't even seen Abaddon yet, but you're still acting as if you've caught him?)


Abaddon stepped out from the shadows and in front of Light.


"Oh, it's you. Come to deal with the dark king as well we see. You've made some new friends too. What is your kind called again? Alicorns? Interesting. Supposedly bearers of great power. Supposedly. "

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"Ease up, Hero. We haven't even got him here yet." Said Light, as Abbadon stepped from the shadows. He heard the comment about alicorns. "Ah, it all depends on the weilder of the power." Said Light. "And yes, I've made many allies, and we have come to stop the Dark King Sombra." Said Light.

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"Then we share a common goal. We trust you saw the bodies back there? Our doing."


"#You should be thankful, else you would have had a long and arduous time getting this far."


Abaddon paced around and snapped off a crystal from the floor. It was glowing eerily, but whatever energy it had seemed to be sucked into the second mout on Abaddon's torso. Already he could sense just how much power the dark king had, he was growing eager to fight him already.

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@krien  (sorry dude multitasking battles in rps, getting into it a bit much -_-; just ignore it and I'll try backing down a bit as if I hadn't pinned ya)


"I'd explain how it works but tia'll have to explain it to me a bit slower, next time." I laughed. "Until then we ask you let the other half have control and that you not oppose us. We also ask that you not mess everything up. I know how bad the scent of blood can get to a predator but I've learned control so can you. 

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"You honestly think that *I'm* being controlled?" Abaddon spoke, although this time his voice was completely normal. "This is what I hate about you 'heroes' sometimes, you're all quick to assume things based on simple appearances and stereotypes."


"#We both have equal control over, a perfect balance. Perfect unison."


"Also, alicorn, quit talking as if I'm some sort of a mindless predator. Blood does set me into a frenzy, but I know how to use it. And I do believe we explained we're here to kill Sombra too, what we ask is that you refrain from stopping us from doing whatever we want after he's dead..."

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"There seems to be evidence against your statement with all the messy corpses seen lying around. I also take that mindless statement as in insult. I know full well how mindful preds are. I will say you're efficient. As for sombra I do believe that killing him is part of the plan but that maybe a removal of his powers and possible imprisonment is ahead in that line up. If you want to stop sombra though you must join us. " I argued

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"That was purposeful, and like we said before, you should be thankful considering I made the first part of your job a whole lot easier," Abaddon retorted. This alicorn was really starting to annoy him.


"As for joining your little team, 'working along side' you is about as much as you'll get seeing as how our goals meet up to the same thing."

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"If there wasn't a lady present and a few villains to deal with I'd certainly have at you." I snarled. "Maybe you should have the same consideration and learn to play nice with others." I advised. 




"I'll let you handle this fearless leader, I'mma go hang with the ladies and maybe cool down a little before my temper gets to me." I said turning to the princess and her five friends. My temper would easily go away with the company kept in that group. I also decided that maybe twi could give the symbiote a shot.

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"Even though you alicorns are hailed as grand beings in this realm, to us you are nothing more than horses with wings and a horn stitched on. We are not here to quarrel with your kind, but if you so much as take any hostile action towards us, we wouldn't hesitate to rend you to pieces."


Abaddon watched the alicorn walk off and then switched his attention to the other equines he left behind. If any of them ever did grow hostile, Abaddon was more than assured he could take them.

Edited by Krein
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"Fine." Said Light. "I'll give this a shot." Said Light.


Light stepped forward. "Allow me to apologize for the hostile behavior of my friend. He isn't familiar with different properties of sumbiotes. Here, symbiotes take over the mind. My apologies." Added Light. "I'd be glad to accept the offer put forth in the table earlier, but I want to know what you plan on doing once this is said and done." Requested Light.

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"Depends on what we feel like doing really. Maybe we'll look to go home, or maybe we'll stick around and go face threats here on our own."


Abaddon didn't really know what he was going to be doing after Sombra was beaten, other than absorb his knowledge and stuff.

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Light was a little suspicious, but he always gave ponies the benefit of the doubt. "Alright." Said Light. "Seems like a fine thing to be doing after we complete our journey." He added. "However, don't think about turning your back on us. We will make sure you stay in line." Said Light. He held out his hoof. "Deal?"

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"We will do no such thing," Abaddon said as he grabbed Light's hoof with his claws. "Though be aware that we will do things our way, so I don't want you or any of your little lackies complaining. Ok?"


On their team or not, Abaddon was still going to use his usual methods of killing his enemies in cruel ways.

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"Then it is agreed. I'll keep the group from moaning and groaning on about it." Agreed Light.


Sombra knew the group was coming. "They hope to de-throne me." Said Sombra. He laughed. "Then they really are brainless!" He scoffed. "Surely they cannot stop us..." Phished Sombra.

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Back by the elements I was wracked by severe tremors. I looked at the elements as soon as I stopped. "Don't ask ladies for I will just say that it was and I'm going to warn our fearless leader." I stated. I moved toward the symbiote and light. "Yo dyewde ah bad news. I just had the willies Might wanna duck and cover, somethin bad's gonna happen." I said in a grim tone.

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Light had been chatting with Abbadon on the topic of what to do to stop Sombra from doing his evil course, when Hero Factor came in the castle and told Light that he had possessed some grim dark news. "Well." Sighed Light, "what dark news do you wish to tell me?" Asked Light.

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(Yeesh, does the alicorn morphing dragon have premonition sense too now? Just how many things are you going to cram into this guy?)


Abaddon crossed his arms as he waited for the alicorn to speak. He already had an idea of stopping Sombra and was pretty sure he could do most of the work while the others took care of his forces.

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((OOC: I don't know what's up. I'll have to take a look at the character's profile. Maybe that'll shed at least a little bit of more light onto the situation at hand.))

"Well, Hero Factor, tell us, what is it?" Light asked, with a mix of fury and some fear in the eyes of his.

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(Before anything, I have nothing against Alicorn OCs, I myself have one and think they have the potential to be interesting and unique characters like any other OC. The probem with this character though, is that I notice it seems to be very... over the top. It's a dragon that can morph into an alicorn [among other things] and has been around just as long as the princesses have. It's participated in the defeat of Sombra, is very good friends with the Mane 6, and is inclusively in love with Twilight...

Basically.... it has a bunch of things crammed into it I feel are defining characteristics of a Mary Sue. It has a lot of things that are honestly what give alicorns a bad name.)

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((OOC: I may have to review this one again. I'm sorry to Cimarronboy, but I may have to excempt him from this if he doesn't try and maybe tone down the powers of his character. I'll have to look again, like I said earlier, and I'll get back to him and you about it, Krein.))

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