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"If you attempt any hostile actions against me, I will kill you quickly and efficiently, there is nor reason to torture an enemy when you can simply kill him. All I need you to do is have you and your friend Light to stop interfering with events. If he tries, I would hope you stop him" Blood said to Sylver, picking up radion excitement inside of Sylver's body.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon let out a low growl at the guard's words. Looks like he won't be getting any more information out of these two, and now that he was about to either be held hostage or killed by them... looks like they won't be speaking ever again.

"Guess I'll stay here.... FOR DINNER!!"

Abaddon roared and lunged for the guard on the right, claws outstretched and fangs ready to sink into the pony's flesh...

Both guards screamed as they met their fate.

@@super2379, @Everypony


Blast's pink eyes and red wings went away after the sentinel drew his last breath. The element of selfishness came out of the dead knight and returned to it's original state; that of the Element of Generosity. The element gravitated towards him and Blast grabbed onto it. The process of the last element happened again, making him even stronger than before.

"Two down, four to go!"

"It's not over yet!" A voice boomed. From behind Blast there emerged another. "I am greed." It said.

((We should have gave Super a chance to say something. Oops))

The injured pony from before stood up and looked at Blood. "Why did you kill her?" He asked. He shifted momentary into the form of the dead mare on the ground. Her memories rushed in. Shifted owed her, he might be able to save her but, this would require him giving up his unlimited shifting.


@@Commander Tangent


Light, from where he was, let one tear fall from his face. "She's gone..." He whispered. "Now I must die..." He said softly.

Glowing looked at Ambrose's body. "Your sacrifice shall not be in vain." He whispered. "Light has not destroyed your order! How many lives will be taken from this planet over such a false and cruel accusation?!" Roared Glowing.

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How many of those changelings must die, whom you mercilessly swatted out of the sky? Or the many others that have died in this conflict of yours at your fault. Death is a part of conflict. I know this better than any of you." He looked to Light, "Your free to go, for now, she saved your life, but be warned, interfere with Sombra any more, and I will take action" Blood said, walking away from the scene, but keeping his awareness up in-case any of the heretics decided to be brave. He had a chaos signature to hunt




"Before leaving, he turned to Glowing "If he did not destroy them, then why are there no Imperial navy ships in orbit?" he said sinisterly, before walking away.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon had torn the first guard apart more viciously than any creature of the Everfree forest could ever hope to do. As the second guard tried to retaliate, Abaddon didn't even need to stop feeding on the mutilated remains as the symbiote itself extended the tendrils on his back to impale and kill the unfortunate pony.


"#These things taste funny," hissed the symbiote as they reduced the bodies down to nothing but mangled bones. Abaddon chuckled.


"Can't ever match the good old taste of humans, eh? Oh well, it's better than nothing, and it looks like we'll have to get used to eating horse meat while we're here."


"#I suppose something is better than nothing, and honestly these equines would taste almost like cow if cooked...."


Abaddon stood up from his feast and looked around. There were glowing eyes watching him, no doubt belonging to some large and dangerous animals. Apparently though, they had watched him tear those ponies apart, because whenever Abaddon looked in their direction they would quickly disappear and be followed by the sound of steps bounding away from the site.


"No use staying here, we need to get somewhere else... perhaps that castle... we still need to meet the great 'ruler of darkness'... so that we can humiliate him and feed our own knowledge, and show him that his darkness is nothing..."


Abaddon searched for a way out of the Everfree...

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Blood came across a guard hiding in the bushes, about 50 meters from the chaos signature. He saw it was one of the ones he had brought, aiming a crossbow at the contact. He Immediately fired his free electron laser on full blast. It slammed into the guard, utterly obliterating the subatomic bonds in the guards atoms. In bright flash of light, the guard was broken down into his base elements and obliterated. 


He then came out behind the contact.


"State your intentions" He said to it.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon stopped and turned towards the voice. What now, more guards?!

No. This individual was different, he could tell by the armor he was wearing. It seemed strange to Abaddon, it almost resembled other armors the symbiote had seen in the past....


"#Almost reminds me of a space warrior's armor. It might look different from the ones I've seen before, but the build is overall the same..."


Some warning signals went off in Abaddon's head. Space hailing... anythings were usually unkind to symbiotes due to their savageness and ability to "infect and corrupt anything they touched". Blood's demeanor also didn't seem all too friendly.


"I have no clue really," Abaddon said as he stood and raised his claws in a shrug. "Quite lost really, maybe you could show me the way out."


This was a stupid act. Maybe if Abaddon were his actual self, Scipio, he'd have a chance at giving off an air of "innocence" and "naivety". Looking like a demon? Probably not... it was still worth a shot though...

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A red targeting laser came out of the side of Bloods helmet, aimed right at the contact. His helmet began to collect data on the subject, DNA, body rates, anything it could pick up/


"I will not ask again, state you intentions" he said, ready to engage the creature if needed. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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How many of those changelings must die, whom you mercilessly swatted out of the sky? Or the many others that have died in this conflict of yours at your fault. Death is a part of conflict. I know this better than any of you." He looked to Light, "Your free to go, for now, she saved your life, but be warned, interfere with Sombra any more, and I will take action" Blood said, walking away from the scene, but keeping his awareness up in-case any of the heretics decided to be brave. He had a chaos signature to hunt




"Before leaving, he turned to Glowing "If he did not destroy them, then why are there no Imperial navy ships in orbit?" he said sinisterly, before walking away.

"This is not the universe in which that has occurred!" Shouted Glowing. Light let out one last cry, "I will continue to defile Sombra! It is my duty to be the one who takes him down!" Shouted Light, now out of breath, slinking to the ground.


Out of the gloom came two dark wolves. Their intention was obviously to attack.

((OOC: this is a chance for you two to learn each other's fighting style. Blood and Abaddon must meet, and this will be a good way.))


@everyone else

Light lay slumped down. "She... She is dead... I cannot carry on... I have no will to live..." He groaned, before becoming silent again. Glowing felt his pulse. He was alive, but slipping. "Somepony, anypony, help him!" He shouted, now performing CPR on Light.

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Icarus ran over to Light and lightly moved Glowing out of the way. He started to preform recesitation on him.


"Glowing" He yelled " Get a syringe out of my bag and fill it with the purple liquid, it might be the only chance Light has if he lets go" Icarus yelled. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Shifting, his current form of Crimson came over. "Quick get him over to the mare, i have an idea." He decided he owed the mare for saving him. A life for a life, it would be fair enough. True he had killed many changleings but they had deserverd it. He hated his brothern. 

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Icarus ran over to Light and lightly moved Glowing out of the way. He started to preform recesitation on him.


"Glowing" He yelled " Get a syringe out of my bag and fill it with the purple liquid, it might be the only chance Light has if he lets go" Icarus yelled.


Glowing ran and retrieved the syringe, and ran back. "Here it is, doctor." He said.

Shifting, his current form of Crimson came over. "Quick get him over to the mare, i have an idea." He decided he owed the mare for saving him. A life for a life, it would be fair enough. True he had killed many changleings but they had deserverd it. He hated his brothern.


Glowing carried Light with Icarus to the mare. "What, per say, do you plan to do?" Asked Glowing, with a tear in his eye. He loved his brother dearly, and didn't wish to see him die. Not now, and not ever.
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Abaddon had quickly jumped to the trunk of a large tree to avoid the laser. He was quite familiar with targetting beams, and while some had resulted in him getting shot with annoying bullets, other times he had been shot with some very painful energy shots. Considering this guy was a space soldier, he figured he might have one or two energy weapons on him.


"Really, are you horses all hostile to newcomers in this land? We need some Bill of Rights business up in this place or something," Abaddon growled as he stayed perched on the tree. Two large wolves emerged from the darkness, snarling and looking as if they wanted to hunt. Apparently these creatures didn't know a superior predator when they saw one...

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Blood shifted the laser and fired. It hit the wolf square in the head. Once again, the wolf turned a bright blue before disappearing without a trace as it was broken down into it's base elements. 

He then shifted to the other wolf,  pulling out his Chainsaw blade, ready to strike the other wolf.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon watched as the space soldier showed off his weapons. Wonderful, looks like he was loaded with some hi-tech gear, and the type that could destroy just about anything organic in a single blow.


"What a hax," Abaddon thought to the symbiote. "How much could we hold up against that type of firepower?"

"#A bit if it's just us. He might zap me off you for a while, but seeing as I am bonded so strongly to your being I can easily reform so long as you're not struck again while exposed."

"Good... we can withstand even several blasts of those if I use the Aura... no worries at all..."


For now at least. Deciding to play to the favor of the soldier, he lashed out a tendril from his left arm and entangled the wolf and then sunk sharpened edges into its body.

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Blood charged the wolf as his laser went through it's recharge cycle. Firing it at full power like that required massive energy. Instead he drew his chainsaw blade, and rammed it into the gut of the other wolf, once it was in, he activated the chainsaw, hopefully destroying the wolf.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Just then, out of the sky, a portal boomed open above Light's team. It wasn't there long, though, dropping a solitary being, and closing up. You could almost say it was being hasty. But it wasn't. Because portals aren't sapient. Don't be stupid.


The being I mentioned it dropped, on the other hand, was fully sapient. And it was falling pretty rapidly. It was still conscious, too. As could be told by its cry. In fact, here it is.




... Anyone else think it didn't like falling?


The creature then hit the ground with a thud. People could now get a good look at it. It was a cat-type of creature, with extremely long ears. It sported a blue cap (with a symbol of Pacman), a red collar wrapped around his neck slightly too big for him, a pair of yellow gloves, and a pair of red pants. It's eyes were swollen, possibly from crying a time before arriving in Equestria.


It's hard hit toward the ground seemed to leave it teetering between consciousness and unconsciousness. It hit hard. But, at least for now, he was awake.




It looked around a bit, spotting the group that was currently looking to protect Light. He didn't know what to say, or how to approach them, so he didn't talk, move, or even attempt to stand up. It simply sat there for a bit, watching. Wondering what they were, and where he was.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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"That was unnecessary," Abaddon told Blood as he watched the chainsaw tear the wolf apart. "Not everything needs to be killed with mawsive weapons you know, my tendrils had it dead the moment they stabbed their way into its body."


Abaddon dropped down from the tree and continued to examine Blood. He had a couple of things about this guy sorted out, all he wanted to know was the durability of his armor and his final disposition towards him.

The armor was bulky, definitely made to withstand a beating and penetration. Looks like Abaddon might need to go about different routes for fighting this marine should things get hostile.

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Blood turned to the contact.


"Your natural weapons are of unknown strength to me, thus I was not able to know" he said, after the wolfs bio-signature faded.


"I once again ask, what is your intent here?" Blood asked as his visor picked up 2 different life forms. His helmet let out a red flash for an instant as it collected data on the two in front of him.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon grunted in frustration at the repeated question. What was he supposed to say? Whatever, anything might as well go in this weird world.


"I don't have any set intent here. We actually just kind of... wound up here by accident. However, if there is one thing in mind, it's to meet some guy known as Sombra..."

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"And what are your intentions with Sombra?" Blood asked, with a cold undertone in his voice. In the meantime his visor finally labeled the target as a non Chaos, but also unknown.


If these fools are to attack Sombra, they will meet a most unfortunate fate.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Abaddon tilted his head slightly to the side as he heard the slightly threatening tone in Blood's voice. Two possibilities were at hand: Either this guy was some sort of elite guard to Sombra, or he was a rebel against Sombra whose obvious goal was to bring his downfall and take out anyone who may be allied with him.

Abaddon thought to lie, but his pride began to grow. Why did it matter whose side this soldier was on? Abaddon feared no one. He was a king in his own regard, was he not? Why should he fear the wrath of anyone, it was everyone else who should be wary of him. He laughed a little as he began to pace around, still wary of Blood.


"From what I've heard, Sombra is a ruler of tremendous power who overthrew fair and just rulers of this land. His rule is... unfair in the eyes of even some of his own guards. Now imagine what everybody else feels like."


The tendrils on Abaddon's back stilled themselves as they stood ready to strike and swat at any sudden movement.


"But I'm all for rising to power by deposing rightful rulers, and maybe even creating a bit of a more... harsh government," Abaddon continued to say in an amused tone of voice. "Sombra's reign isn't important to me, it's his power I'm interested in. Perhaps he will be a decent enough challenge in my search for power...."

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Bloods armor activated it's combat matrix automatically. It's neural network attached to Bloods nervous system to prepare for combat.. But first he would try to dissuade them.


"I would highly warn you against that. Sombra controls a power you may call magic. The ability to manipulate atoms at their base elements to create diverse effects, like lightning and fire.It is something I would not even dare to face" Blood explained what he knew of the God Emperor, whom he believed to be Sombra.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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The six tendrils on Abaddon's back grew larger and sharper in response, as did his claws and fangs. It was almost showtime....


"Hahaha! I have felled countless mutants, mages, and entities that could all do the exact same thing! Do you think I should be worry about a few magic tricks?!"


Abaddon refrained from telling him about his own supernatural powers.

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"I have fought far worse then you. Large towering beasts that could destroy cities. Hoards of orks. If chaos did not stand a chance neither will you. Now I will give you one chance to back down from your goal" He said as his laser pulsated, showing fully charged.

He would save that for later. Bloods armor let out an ultrasonic wail as it shifted into its heavy combat variant. He awaited to see what the enemy would do. He did not pick up an extended hear rate. Good, no fear. No fear is exactly what had allowed his to befell so many of his enemies. He felt a surge of the Emperors will, but stopped it. He would fight fair, for now. 


He rose on his hind legs to a full towering 12 feet, and  positioned himself in a combat stance.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"And so have I," snarled Abaddon as he assumed his feral stance. As Abaddon had observed before, the armor would be much to difficult to pierce immediately, so his six tendrils morphed into a Daedric warhammer's design. Bludgeoning and slightly piercing on one end, and wholly piercing on another.


"I'll have you know however, where I come from, the size and numbers of your enemies does need't matter. There are individuals much like myself who have also leveled city's just through fighting with another like themselves! Individuals who have reduced the ranks of soldiers down to nothing! And guess what?... I've killed more than my share of these beings."


Abaddon roared and screeched as Blood's armor let out a terrible sound. Great, he also came packed with super sounds as well.... it would take more than just this to faze Abaddon however, he nd his symbiote had adapted well enough to resist such a weakness for a short while. Despite the fact that his "battle cry" was a result of pain, Abaddon was able to pass it off as nothing but a battle cry itself...

Edited by Krein
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