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(Ooc actually morphing is the only power I use aside from jutsu and normal equestrian magic (natural, energy wise, to all ponies, used in spells), other wise he would be mary sue. Music isn't a power so much as an equipment, the love interest is not twilight, as for the psychic thing that's kind of an irl thing. When I get the willies it means something bad is going to happen (that's as specific as it gets, no other details except sometime in the near future something bad is going to happen. Being my characters are based of my real self (me only with powers) they do it to. factor only knows the princesses and mane 6 due to a few times they bumped into each other in the past (for example he was fought sombra but lost before the girls showed up and saved the crystal empire) or when he was awarded for saving a town (all events before cimmy aquired him). If I seem over the top it's not on because I'm trying to be. I've actually cut back, otherwise I'd be immortal, jumping from one morph to another without returning to alicorn form, becoming something that doesn't exist in  equestria's plane (i.e. pokemon or kaiju, specific alien species, etc), turning cards into real monsters, instantly defeating everyone (the this person dies method, not I attack this person with blank). interplaner jumping (with or without others), manipulating everything in existence without using any equipment, powers. spells. etc.


Again I have limited factor to just morphing, normal equestrian magic (natural energy to all ponies, used in spells) and jutsu outside of equipment, which includes music (through necklace and ring), and an assortment of weapons. I apologize of this seems like arguing but I'm just trying to clear up the confusion. Again the premonition thing is an irl thing (not sure what word describe because it's not voluntary, not wanted, not chosen, so basically other than curse I have no other words that describe it) that I gave to all my oc's because they are me but with powers)

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(I do believe your profile stated that whenever Factor morphs he acquires the skills and abilities of whatever it is he morphed into. From what I gained about the music in your posts, it seems to actually manipulate other characters thoughts and whatnot. That's at least what it seemed like whenever you autopinned Abaddon and were wondering what tunes you could use to subjugate him.

Basing characters off yourself is no excuse for having overpowered or Mary Sue characters. If your character is basically capable of "playing God" when he's "not cut back", then sorry, you've got a lot to learn about making an OC. Abaddon is based off of me, but despite this I haven't crammed him full of abilities that make him unstoppable, uncut or cut back.)

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((OOC: To put it delicately, Krein is correct. Cimarronboy, I'm going to have to ask you to please tone down your characters powers, as I think Krein has a very good point. If we wish to continue this debate, please do so in the OOC thread, as I wish for this roleplay to continue as soon as possible.))

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(I agree that if I crammed alot of powers into him that he'd be overpowered. Right now he's limited compared to the other rp he's in. He's normally an elimist which is what to humans call a god but to gods is little more than human. Yeah the music bit seems much but all it takes is to find the weakness to that strength. Music can be used anywhere from changing one's heart to changing stats/appearence to even manipulating nature itself. It's just dependent on the energy. 


Actually the musical energy thing is something I'm researching irl.  Music has a power over us as it is and I'm looking to discover the source of that influence. I believe it is the energy music gives off that does this. If we could harness and use this energy tia knows what effects could come from it. I've based effects based off the energy type and lyrics of the songs.


Anywho I actually cut factor down just to be in this rp. Admittedly it's tough to not use my other powers but so far I've kept my word.)




was typing this at the same time you typed yours so I didn't see it until this was posted

Edited by Cimarronboy
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  • 4 weeks later...

Abaddon had wandered off on his own again, but not before examining the other ponies the alicorn had gone to. His main interests were the three alicorns whom he had heard about from the dark spirits he had encountered in Equestria. The white and blue one were the princesses of the sun and moon, but as powerful as they were, Abaddon had a few plans for fighting against them should things ever go that route. The other purple alicorn, Twilight, was a master of magic, and was more or less a "good counterpart" to Sombra.


"This lot isn't getting anything done... looks like it's just us again..."

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((OOC: Praise The Lord! Someone finally replied!))

"Indeed." Says Light, nodding his head. "The time has come to take action. We must, by all means, destroy this vile villain,and so it as soon as possible for our kinds." He says. "Do you agree?" He asks Abbadon, looking into his eyes.

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"Obviously, why else do you think I'm here?"


Abaddon sent a spiraling tendril of symbiotic matter infused with dark power at an approaching abomination, spearing clean through its flesh and armor in an instant before it was eaten away by the magic.


"Now... where is the main course?"

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Light watched in utter amazement as the symbiotic being absorbed the other organic being within seconds. Impressive. "He should be in his tower." Begins Light. "I wouldn't try eating him, though. He could easily take over your mind in spirit if you devour him. He must be killed by one mean." Said Light.

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Abaddon chuckled at Light's statement.


"I've faced many dark beings like Sombra before, so I think I know better than to try and subjugate him at first go. Powerful dark rulers like him must be whittled down physically and mentally first."


He ventured further into the tower with Light.

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"You do not understand. He isn't a mere being of darkness, he IS darkness." Says Light grimly as the small group proceeds. They come to a staircase. "Here is the path up." He says. "We all ready?" He asks to all the group. All but Abbadon and Hero said yes. "So, what is the verdict?"

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"Why not, I'll take the girls and go provide a distraction. I'm pretty sure ol sombre wouldn't mind one of his walls goin missing. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I come out of nowhere and shred him with my horn. Hopefully he's home so our efforts aren't wasted.",

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Light shook his head. "Ypu can privide a distraction, but don't try and kill Sombra. We do still have 2 others to kill as well. other than that, you're good." Says Light.


"What say you?" he asks Abbadon. "We must make haste. there is no time left to lose." He adds quickly.

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"Killing will of course be a last resort but wearing him out is always the first ideal. I'll refuse to sit idly by if he he attacks me or the ladies though and will unhesitatingly defend accordingly.  I think I know exactly how to get him out of his sanctuary...."

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@@Commander Tangent

"Sombra most likely will not attack you himself, he will instead send one of his three guards: The Master, Dark Spot, or Blood Rift." Says Light, reviewing what he had known. "I will allow self defense as a last resort, though." He says.


"We need your verdict." Says Light. "Once you're ready, we can proceed."

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@ super2379


"Chill dude it's all laid out; Incapacitate, render helpless, then kill if all else fails or the need is greater importance than the target. I'd still say we should set something up in case ugly 'imself decides to do something different. Randomness is always the ONE factor know one controls. It's best to be prepared rather than in trouble. What strategies can you give me for the other three in case the king sends one of them?"




"Yo dyewde might wanna snap into it or you'll miss the chance for sombry's blood that you're so lustin for.  The moment is just right and the prey is within reach, separate it from the herd and feed now or starve and try again later." 

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@@Commander Tangent

"Good thinking." Compliments Light. "Let's see... If he sends The Master, his weakness is the drumbeat in his head. Get him to focus on that, and he's vulnerable." Says Light. "Dark Spot is the second. He is an alternate version of me, and his weakness is any act of goodness. He despises all that is good." He says. "Finally, we have Blood Rift. If Sombra send him, well, you're bucked." He says. "Only Blood Wing or Abbadon here could stop him." Says Light.

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"We're ready," spoke Abaddon. He was revving to go and fight whoever he had to to reach Sombra. Once they were dealt with and Sombra's knowledge was taken into his own mind... Abaddon had plans to enact afterwards. Plans he had been thinking about for a long time.

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@@Commander Tangent

"Then it is time to take action!" He shouts, unsheathing the blade. "For Equestria!" He shouts, "We FIGHT!" He finishes. He begins to charge up the stairs.


"T-That's a lot of stairs..." He says, huffing and puffing as he lethargically climbed the stairwell. He could see the top as he trudged along.


Meanwhile, Sombra prepared.

The final battle was at hand.

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"Commencing operation draw out preds part one." I said as I started making as much noise as possible. As soon as a shadow appeared in the nearest window I threw a nearby rock straight at the shadow. Hearing a growl and an "ouch" I started throwing insults at the shadows owner. Barely dodging as a figure pounced from the window I turned and found myself staring into my opponents eyes. We moved in a circle watching each others movements. When my opponent stepped into a light area of the field behind the castle I found I was facing.....


(ooc I'll let super spin the wheel of opponents on this one) 

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((OOC: it's time to play... WHEEL OF VILLAINS! XD))

The Master. He glared with a look of evil in his eyes. "Hello there." He said in a calm and sophisticated manner. "I do believe you know that you're on private property, but, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Leave now, and I won't be forced to use anything against you." Offered The Master.

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"I take it you didn't like my performance? No matter I'm here for your master anyway, could you point me in the right direction so I can tear into him like he deserves or are you gonna protect him like the dog he makes you into? Are my words stinging a bit or is something else distracting you? Looks as if I might actually get to practice my new fighting style. Can't wait to see what playin ol' hooves, teeth and horn do to a super villains ego while they're beat by a regular alicorn.". To myself I could only think "Really wish I had dash, twi and pinkie right about now. With their special skills they'd be pretty useful in this fight. Some type of comms to get them here would be perfect at this moment in time. I just hope nothing happens to them, rare most of all. 

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It was almost comical how many steps they had to climb to finally reach the top. Were it not for the symbiote enhancing his physical prowess, Abaddon probably would have stopped midway, fallen off, and died. Thankfully though, they finally did reach the top, and each one of the group spread out to face their opponents.


Abaddon hissed, challenging his soon to be opponent.


"We've come for your flesh and soul, mere slave of a pathetic king..."

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"I wouldn't count on it." Said the Master, laughing like a mad man. "For I fear it is not I who shall perish, but you shall." He says, laughing again. "Try me, even The Doctor himself couldn't stop me." He says.


@@Commander Tangent


((OOC: Until Tangent returns, I'll play as Blood Rift.))

Blood. Rift lept from the shadows to face Abbadon. "You shouldn't have come here." He says. "I will show no mercy." He adds.



Light faced now his inner darkness. Dark Spot was fast approaching.

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"If I do then it shall be by my choice and not by some underlings hooves. Do yourself a favor before you get hurt and go find a drum kit to beat on, it might just be the only opponent you could win against. Now step aside or I'll move you the hard way."


(ooc srry bout the reply delay, family emergency)

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((OOC: Don't worry yourself, I know them feels.))

"The hard way sounds nice, but something tells me this will be quite hard. FOR YOU!" he shouts, cackling. He pulls out his laser screwdriver. "Let's dance." He says, a look of utter hatred and insanity filling his eyes.

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