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@@Miss Reaper,@@00Pony,  


"Well, where would you think we should start first?"  Break retorted with a question back at Saron.  "I suggest the Library, it's full of interesting reads..."  He was trying to be as non-conspicuous as possible.


Just need to find a book on that eye, and hopefully things will fall into place.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Hold on tight!" Thunder stated as he took to the skies above. "Okay, there are many places we could go around here." Thunder stated as he made a right turn. Over here is where Carousel Boutique is. There's a pony named Rarity who makes fabulous dresses...and suits as well." Thunder stated. "Wanna take a look?" Thunder asked.   

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@@Miss Reaper, @@CharChar


Saronyx shrugs, "I suppose we could make the library a target, and just point out any sort of landmarks along the way. If something catches Ariel's eye, we can make a stop there and see if we can't think of something to say about it." He chuckles slightly, before glancing at Ariel, then nodding slightly to himself as he worked over a schedule in his head, "Right. Well, that's a plan. But first, Ariel - you wanted a shower, yeah?" He gestures with his head for her to follow, "It's just up the stairs. Come along, amice mi."


He strode forward a few steps, then glanced back at the mare and waited for her to follow, "Feel free to wait around here if you want, Break. Whatever you prefer."

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@@Miss Reaper


Frost nodded slowly "I guess thats what I expected..." he said trailing off as he turned to Nano and smiled. "So? Why don't we head off? I'm sure Thunder is going to take her for a ride in the sky. Which means.....we walk." He chuckled "So.....do you two just plan to live the rest of your days here? What if somepony comes looking for you? What if that pony isnt very....friendly." he asked, his voice becoming a bit concerned.

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@, @@Frosty V,


Galatea held on tightly as they took off. It was an exhilarating feeling, leaving the ground to soar through the skies; being an Earth Pony, it wasn't a feeling she had the privilege to experience often. She looked around, seeing how the clouds were so much closer up here, where she could almost reach out and touch them.


Her thoughts were distracted from that, though, when Thunder went on to talk about Carousel Boutique and Rarity. When asked if she wanted to stop by the boutique, she of course nodded her head and said, "Yes, please."


Meanwhile, Nano walked alongside Frost. The robot pony was quiet for a moment as he processed how he would answer the stallion's question. "Well, to be honest, I hadn't expected Galatea to come here... I had resigned myself to the fact that I was here with no way to return to the future. But, now that Galatea is here, I am certain she will find a way to get us back to the time in which we belong."


Nano hesitated another moment, his ears slowly drooping as he lowered his gaze to the ground. "It will be... difficult to say farewell to the friends I have made here. But it will be for the better. After all, this is not where I belong..."


@@CharChar, @@00Pony,


Ariel flicked her ears for a moment, wondering why the library, of all places, would be proposed first as a place of interest. But of course, she didn't open her mouth to ask anything about it; she'd already made it clear that she preferred to be quiet. She had had that tendency even as a filly, when she was too young to understand why others often shunned her.


She glanced up at Saronyx when he addressed her, and nodded her head in response, again favoring silent gestures over words. And with the gesture to follow, the mare followed after him.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder slowly descended towards the Boutique. It only took about 10 seconds for him to descend. "I could have Rarity make you a piece of clothing if you'd like, besides, she doesn't have that many things on her schedule nowadays." Thunder offered. He then went and knocked on the door. Five seconds passed, and Rarity opened the door. "Oh, hello Thunder." Rarity stated. "Hey Rarity. How's it going?" Thunder asked. "Pretty well...oh? Who's that pony on your back?" Rarity asked. "She's a new friend of mine. Her name is Galatea." Thunder stated. "Well, what a fine name you've got ma'am." Rarity stated.  

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@@Miss Reaper,@@00Pony,


Break watched as Saron and Ariel started for the stairs to the upper floor of the inn.  You know, Ariel, you could at least say SOMETHING.  Anything.  You're actually starting to scare me.  Are you really that frightened?  Or is what I feel so much more deeper than I originally thought?  ....The plot continues to get foggier.


Break took it upon himself to find his seat in the lobby again, and finish his breakfast while reading the daily news.  A headline caught his attention: "Mysteries of the Crystal Empire: Where is King Sombra now?".  Under it was the article coupled with a picture of his unique horn. 

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@@Miss Reaper


Frost patted Nano on the shoulder, "I'm sure it would be hard to say good bye to you to, but maybe I would see you again in the future." He said with a half smile. "Don't say you dont belong. You are always welcome in fact I'm sure everyone is happy your here." He reassured Nano

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@@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar,


Saron gave a small half smile and waited for Ariel to catch up before he continued to climb the stairs of the inn. The Crystal continued to lead her down the hallway for a few seconds more before finally reaching his room. Fishing through his saddlebags for a few seconds until he produced a key, Saronyx put the small object to the door's lock and twisted, nodding slightly at the satisfying 'click' of the tumblers falling into place. Returning the key, the stallion pushed the door open and trotted inwards, leaving the entrance clear for Ariel to follow. Within the apartment was what any would expect from an inn. Walls with a simple, neutral color, with only a calender and a clock adorning their surfaces.


The main room was a combination of a dining area, kitchen and lounge. Along the wall to the right of the door was a couch, before which was a coffee table covered by various sheets of paper and a spattering of quills. The dining area was standard Ponyville setting, as was the kitchen. There were two more doorways beyond the main room, one of which a bedpost could be seen beyond. The other led to the restroom, as was evident by the tiled flooring, similar to the kitchen, rather than the carpet of the rest. The 'host' had made a beeline for the kitchen, pushing a kettle bearing a similar sheen to his own crystalline coat onto one of the stove top burners, and turning the nob beneath, causing the orange gem beneath to begin glowing. 


Saronyx turned back to face Ariel, gesturing at the apartment, "Nothing spectacular, nor anything compared to Crystal architecture, but it serves its purpose. Make yourself at home. Washroom's just over that way." he pointed to the second doorway, simultaneously dropping his saddlebags onto one of the dining chairs.


As he spoke, the Crystal stallion moseyed about the kitchen area, evidently searching for something. He projected his voice slightly beyond it's normal volume so that she might hear him, despite his not entirely looking her direction, "Shower's one of those types which has a tub beneath it, and it's pretty straightforward. Towels and washrags are in the cabinet beneath the sink." He stopped speaking for a couple seconds, having found what he was looking for and began pulling the objects from their places with his teeth, not being a Unicorn.


Finally, Saronyx turned back to look at Ariel, "Clearly I've put water on for tea," He gestured at the bag of loose tea leaves and the infuser, "If you like, I can make you a travel mug as well. It's black, Earl Grey to be precise. That alright?" He raised an eyebrow slightly in question, stopping his action of opening another cabinet partway.

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"Oh no, that's fine. I'm not really in need of a new outfit or anything," Galatea answered. She wasn't going to say it outright, but fashion really was not her cup of tea. She disliked the idea of being squeezed into some dress that would probably be two sizes too small, being poked and pricked by needles as the fabric would be tailored to uncomfortable perfection. At least, that was what came to her mind.


When she met the unicorn named Rarity, she studied the younger mare's appearance for a few moments. This unicorn had a very elegant air about her; she seemed like a lovely, refined mare. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Galatea said to Rarity, smiling at her.


Galatea then paused for a moment. Knowing that this Rarity was one of Nano's friends, she couldn't help but wonder if Nano had told her anything about his creator. Little did she know that Nano had told Rarity - and the rest of his friends - about Galatea. He had confided in them the story of their separation, and how he had assumed the worst for Galatea's fate after that.


@@Frosty V,


"Unfortunately, the odds of us meeting once I return to the future are close to zero," Nano responded wistfully. "The time in which I belong... is 500 years from this time."


Nano paused, glancing at Frost before he lowered his gaze to the ground once more, his ears drooping. "I did not say that these ponies here were not happy with my presence... I didn't mean it in that sense; I have several friends here. I... I literally do not belong here. I am in the wrong timeline. My very presence here could adversely affect the future. That is what I am afraid of... And yet..."


The robot's expression saddened; he seemed practically on the verge of tears. "The thought of leaving all of my friends here pains me so..."


@@CharChar, @@00Pony,


Ariel slowly followed Saronyx into the room. Once inside, she almost subconsciously closed the door behind her with her magic; a thing that hardly required much thought.


She looked around, taking in the sight of the room and everything around her. Her attention hopped and skipped from one thing to another at first, but she slowly gathered the information together in her mind. This place of residence seemed rather... different than those she had seen in Diadem City. This place felt... warmer, somehow. It had a friendlier, more comfortable atmosphere to it, whereas everything was cold metal and plastic and such in the future. Not to mention that she was particularly fascinated by certain things like the crystalline kettle.


The mare turned her head to look in Saronyx's direction when he spoke, and she nodded "Okay," she said, deciding to vocally acknowledge something for once. She merely flicked her ears when he spoke again, her attention having drifted back to the surrounding area.


When she finally brought her attention back to him, she tilted her head slightly; not enough to reveal the eye hidden by her mane, however. She then shook her head. "N-No, thank you," the unicorn mare answered timidly.


After lingering for a few moments, Ariel turned and headed for the washroom - fairly eager to finally take a shower - stepping inside and closing the door behind her. Briefly, she examined the tub and shower; it was indeed fairly straightforward, and not that different from what she was used to.


She climbed into the tub, and drew the curtain and turned on the shower both with her magic. The water stung her cuts and scrapes at first, but she hardly minded it. After the sting subsided, the hot water felt wonderful, rinsing away all the dirt, as well as the tension that seemed to be constantly pent up within her.


After thoroughly cleansing herself and washing her mane and tail (the latter taking quite some doing with her having so much hair), she turned the water off and got out of the tub. Lifting a towel with telekinesis, she brought it to her and started drying herself off. She toweled herself off to where she was mostly dry - her fur mildly fluffed up from the action - and she stepped to the mirror as she then started to pull at the tangles still lingering in her hair; those now easily came out of her freshly washed hair. She liked how sleek, shiny and soft her hair looked now, and how nice her fur looked when it wasn't stained and matted with dirt; she felt that she could almost like herself for once.


But then she caught a glimpse of her own hidden eye - the ice blue one. The very symbol of her curse. Her gaze was locked on her reflection for a long while, as hatred welled up inside her. Why was she the one stuck with this terrible thing? What had she ever done to deserve this curse that ruined her life and stole who she once was? There were times that she hardly recognized herself anymore; she hated herself.


A sudden, overwhelming urge to shatter the image of herself before her bolted through her mind. The only thing that made her show restraint - made her use every ounce of self-control she had - was the fact that she reminded herself that she was in someone else's home. With a sigh, she lowered her hoof, slightly surprised to notice that it had been raised in the first place.


Then, making sure that her 'cursed' eye was covered once more and that everything was put back the way she found it, she opened the door and walked out, making her way back to the main room.

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@@Miss Reaper,@@00Pony,  


Break continued to flip through the pages of the newspaper as he waited for Ariel and Saron to come back down from the Crystal Pony's room.  He was trying to stay calm as he kept thinking about what Ariel was hiding from them, and how he could find out without upsetting her, although this would probably be impossible he still had to make some kind of effort.  If he made her upset, he knows something might happen and he may never find the truth.

...The last time I found the truth, it caused me to leave Canterlot of my own accord.  ...Let's try not to think about that right now.  Break's thoughts started to race again, and he wasn't even reading the paper anymore.


The pony found it ideal that he return to his room to get something important out of it: a notebook and quill.  "I don't want to forget anything important about things that may go on during our little walk around town today..."  Break started for the stairs, and went straight for his apartment.

In a snap, he was able to open the door and grab his things with ease due to his magic.  He set his glass on the counter, and went to open up a book called 'Character Traits: Tell Tail Signs of Trouble" just as he did all of those previous actions...

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@@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar,


Saron shrugged at her declination of his offer of tea, "Alright then." He said, his tone sounding as though he thought to say 'you're missing out'.


He turned his attention back to the cabinet, drawing out a mug, which like the kettle, shimmered. They were obviously of Crystal pony make. Trinkets from the Empire that Saron had brought along with him on his wanderings. His ears inadvertently swiveled as he heard Ariel's hooves against the tile of the bathroom, the door shutting and the subsequent sound of water pouring out of the nozzle.


Saronyx figured he'd have a few minutes to think while he waited for her to finish. He didn't leave the small kitchen area until the water in the kettle had begun to boil, and he poured it into the infuser. Carefully balancing both the infuser and mug on a tray held in his teeth, Saronyx makes his way over to his couch. After clearing a small space, he set the tray down on the coffee table and sighed. Normally he was good at keeping notes in his head, but he often felt it helped to write them down. So after a few seconds of pushing and stacking his other papers aside, all of which were covered with some kind of writing, ranging from stories to notes on the different worlds he'd observed through a Rift, he found a blank sheet and spread it out before him. Taking a bit of carved charcoal, much like the one on his cutie mark, he began to write out his thoughts in neat, compact words. The read a follows: Easily the most interesting day I've had since reawakening. Granted that was a decent amount of time ago, and I've certainly seen some interesting things since then - worlds where I'm a Pegasus soldier, and others where I am in fact a mare Crystal Visionary just as I am in my reality, with the exception of the fact I am a stallion. But what I've seen today is most interesting.


I had been in Everfree, for I find it's atmosphere to be rather calming in all honesty, Nevermind the creatures lurking there. Not to mention the Zebra mare, Zecora, who takes yore sidebar there is quite sagely and a good conversation it's, even if it is a chore to decipher her rhymes. Plus she makes an excellent cup of tea... Reminder: get some of Zecora's tea.


I am getting sidetracked. While I was in the Forest, shortly after a sight seeing session, I witnessed something I never thought would happen. A Rift, not one of my own nor one that appeared where I saw a ripple, but a completely new as separate one opened in the sky and from it fell a mare.


My curiosity piqued, and I suppose a slight gentlecoltly subconscious thought racing through me, I made for the sight, led by the sounds of magical discharge. What I found was... Well, astonishing. I found the mare, an admittedly lovely, albeit knackered, Unicorn by the name of Ariel, standing amidst the wreckage of trees, leading me to deduce the magical discharge was her venting frustration. I spoke to her, and it did not seem that Ariel knew were she was, mentioning she came from a place known as Diadem City. A name that I have never heard. And if I've never heard of it, then it is strange indeed. Through a bit of conversation, I eventually led Ariel back to Ponyville, and she is now washing up in the other room.


On the walk here, I made a very astounding discovery about Ariel. She is, simply put, a mystery. Allow me to sidetrack myself once again. I ran into Break once again. He was in the foyer reading the papers, when I entered the inn with Ariel in tow. He decide to engage conversation, and if I am not mistaken his interest has been piqued. Whether it be that he found her attractive, or something deeper than that I do not know. But I imagine it has something to do with her mane covering one of her eyes. I would be a liar to say that I was not curious about that myself. I originally passed it off as merely her preference, but she seems rather conscious about keeping it there. I speculate something deeper than a mane fashion statement.


Furthermore, Break has decided he will assist me in showing Ariel about town. Not being sure how to respond, I let the lady decide, and she responded in the affirmative - that being one of the few things she said during that conversation. I speculate she is rather shy, and with good reason. Break's gaze seems to pierce through you, and to affect me in such a way is impressive.


He suggested we go to the library. Why, I cannot be sure, but I have meaning to go there myself anyway, so I suppose it is alright. Besides, it is a rather curious architectural delight, being made from a hollowed out tree and all. Break is something of a mystery himself, if not for the fact I've never made physical contact - not even a hoof shake despite knowing the fellow's name. I new only a touch before he is no longer a mystery to me.


But on the note of 'mysteries'... I go back on my original path... I made a very shocking discovery about Ariel. She is from the future. The future of my world, my reality. For all the things and places I see with my 'gift', my own future is something I can never gaze upon. To meet someone from such a time is... Astounding. The future was always a mystery to me, and now I have a means to learn about it. But therein lies another problem.


Ariel herself is a mystery. The greatest mystery to me. And the most brilliant, for she is the center point of a mystery that I can solve, but as her past is technically my future, I will have to solve it the old fashioned way... The hard way. I believe that is what makes her so fascinating. And to be perfectly honest, frightening. What will become of all of this I do not know. But I will in time. This much I am sure of.


By the time he finished his writing, Saronyx had nearly finished his mug of tea, and as he rolled up the paper and carried it over to his saddlebags to place inside, he heard the water of the shower shut off. Ariel was finished now. Saron calmly stuffed the paper into his saddlebags and returned to his couch, finishing off the last of his tea and carrying it over to his sink, placing it alongside as the door to the restroom opened.


His ears once more swiveled at the faint, muffled sound of Ariel's hooves against the carpet of the sitting room. Saronyx turned his body to match the direction of his ears and looked at her. He still stood by what he had said about 'lovely' earlier, and this just further cemented it. Who was to say that mysteries couldn't be beautiful? Inwardly, Saronyx walled off that section of thought in his mind and carted it off for the time being. Outwardly as if nothing had transpired in his head, the Crystal smiled his usual smile at her, "Feeling better, Ariel?" He asked.


He waited a few seconds before gesturing towards it, "Whenever you're ready to go, just say the word.

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@@00Pony,@@Miss Reaper

Just as Break was about to finish one of the chapters in the book he was reading, this sudden chill ran up his spine. He's felt this before. It usually indicated something about the truth being near, or something to do with the truth being nearby. His horn started to glow a faint blue color as if it were being used.

"But what does it mean?" Break asked himself, as the book fell to the ground due to a lack of magic being allocated to it. "...?"His unicorn magic was tied to his special talent: Truth Seeking. A pressure was starting to build in his head as he heard a very faint voice in the quiet of his apartment.

The voice was so quiet he could barely hear it, so Break thought it would be a good idea to walk towards the opposite wall of his apartment to see if that would get better "reception" .This has happened before, usually during this time of day on the occasion. Although hearing something was completely new to the pony. It started happening ever since he met Saron: a pony that has always been a mystery to him, and this state of relations has always bugged him to this day. Is it Saron? It could be... But the feeling might just go away after a little bit, so it's probably nothing...Again.

A sudden nausea fell over Break as he heard a voice go through his mind, it was unknown to him who's it was, "-curse has ruined my life!" The voice deteriorated for a moment, but then it came back with a force that could crumble a building, "Smash it!! Smash it to smithereens!!"

The nausea was overwhelming for Break as he ran away from the wall, and vomited into the nearby trash disposal.His magic slowly faded from his horn as he slumped to the side, and onto the floor. The room seemed to spin as he attempted to get back up.

"What...was... That?!" Break quickly shook his head to get his bearings once more. The sick feeling slowly faded as he pulled out something to drink from the storage in his kitchen. Was that Saron? I've never actually heard a VOICE before... I can't even tell if it was a mare or a stallion.  He glared at the wall for a moment to think about what he just "heard".


Break walked over to the bathroom and turned on the water to wash his face. "Could that have been Ariel? ...I'd better write this down."  As he finished washing his face, he pulled out the notepad and wrote down what he had heard then quickly shoved it back in his pocket as he started for the door.

Just before he could open the door, he started to have the same feeling again. "...buck me." he uttered as he trotted over to the wall again.

The voice was excessively faint this time, and it was really hard to hear unlike earlier. Break had his whole head pressed up against the wall. An extremely far off, but distinct voice was heard,  "...The future is something I can never gaze upon..."  Break waited a moment as the voice faded. It slowly came back once more for one final utterance, "...the old fashioned way. The hard way. I believe that is what makes her so..."

Break's eyes were wide and surprise was written all over his face. "W-What!? Makes her what!?"  He started to feel pale as he shoved his hoof in his mouth to quiet himself. Then after removing the hoof, he shook his head around, and said, "No....Break, you mustn't think that way. He isn't like that. There must be something else. ...A-ariel! Yes! Ariel is the enigma at hand here, and well..."  Break was at a loss for words as he slowly paced around the room. "That was definitely Saron, but... What does it mean? Is he also curious about her as well?"

Break looked up at the ceiling with a very aggravated expression and let out a loud groan.  He then looked forward once more and recited what he heard, "....'The future is something I can never gaze upon.' Which means...?"  Break's analytically brain started to think about all the things he had heard so far, and attempted to piece them together with hypothetical thesis's and inferences. He quickly wrote down the voice he heard, just under the louder one from earlier.

A curse ruining their life... then smashing something. They were mad about the curse ruining their life. Yes, well that would make sense....That was probably Ariel. Ok. Let's assume that was Ariel. Now, what would she be mad about? She doesn't seem the type to be mad about----!! Break's eyes widened as he looked back at his notes on Ariel. Shy, timid, quiet... Hiding some kind of strangely colored eye. Yes! The eye! It's the eye! ...But why the eye? I mean, I understand hiding it just out of embarrassment, but being mad about it is a whole other issue....And what about,I'm assuming, Saron's voice? ...Let's worry about that later. I should probably head out before they leave me behind.

The pony stuffed the notebook back in his pocket, and head out the door once more. This time, he didn't feel anything which made him sigh with relief.

Edited by CharChar
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@@Miss Reaper


Frost smiled "Well you said close to zero so at least there is a chance." He said with a chuckle as Nano's next response made him slightly more depressed and guilty for making the poor thing feel the way it did."I'm sorry....I didn't mean it like that it's just.....I'm to happy all the time." He muttered to himself as he began to feel sympathy for the robot. "I know how you feel. I have had to leave friends many times. You think you'll get over it but it is something you can't just forget. That probably doesn't help....sorry." he said his head drooping to the ground as well

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"No, thank you, I'm fine," Galatea said a little too quickly as she glanced at the baby blue aura holding the tea cup. The mare was trying to hide it - and was doing a relatively good job at keeping her polite expression - but the unicorn magic made her somewhat nervous. And being the stubborn mare she was, she wasn't about to admit to such, nor would she explain it, even if she were to be questioned about it.


On another note, Galatea was mildly surprised that Rarity didn't seem to recognize her as Nano's creator, even though she strongly suspected that Nano had mentioned at least something about her. But then again, she reasoned, perhaps Nano was quite vague in his description of her. With him having assumed the worst, Galatea wouldn't be surprised to find that he had been sensitive about the subject in the past.


@@Frosty V,


"It is alright," Nano sighed. "After all, it is not your fault... There is but one pony to blame for mine and Galatea's current predicament..."


He trailed off, giving a slight shudder that made his mechanical parts gently clack together. He didn't even want to think about it, let alone name the mare that had gone insane on that fateful day. It had forever left a mark on his artificial consciousness as a traumatic event.


The robot pony then raised his gaze, noticing that the boutique was now within sight. He tried to clear the recent conversation from his mind, but of course his memory preservation protocols overrode his desire, as it always did whenever he wished to forget something. His system simply wasn't designed to allow him to erase his own memory files. The best he could do was to simply continue onward.


@@CharChar, @@00Pony,


Ariel was completely unaware of Break and Saronyx's curiosity about her. She never once thought about the enigma she embodied, nor did she realize that they were attempting to seek the truth of the matter. She still didn't know that she had, in fact, left the future in which she once lived. She was simply... lost.


And where she came from, nearly everypony knew of the Ice Eye; she had assumed that the ponies here would also know. That was why she was so conscious about keeping her left eye hidden. In Diadem City, all it took was a glance at her to know that something was wrong with her - and the fact that she was a member of the race resting on the bottom rung of the future's social ladder on top of that made her a complete outcast. In Diadem City, she was doomed to forever be shunned by all except a few rare kind souls.


What she didn't realize was that she had a chance for something resembling a normal life here. If others could look past her mental condition, she could possibly be accepted into Ponyville society. But, perhaps it simply wasn't meant to be.


Her ears perked when Saron's voice reached them, and she turned to look at him. Giving a little smile that seemed at least marginally more sincere than her previous attempts, she answered, "Yes, I'm feeling much better now." Aside from the bleak reminder about herself she received upon glancing in the mirror, but she wasn't about to mention that.


She did her best to brush all the negative thoughts aside, and thought on if there was anything else she needed to do before leaving. With nothing coming to mind, she decided that she was indeed ready and said timidly, "I'm ready now, so, uh... l-let's go now." She wasn't used to giving the word for anything; most things were decided for her, against her will a lot of the time, especially by her parents when she was younger. She mentally cursed herself, forcing those thoughts out again and trying to command herself to not be so afraid - although she knew that there was nothing she could do about her anxiety problem except to cope with it to the best of her ability. She just had to keep moving forward, and not stumble backwards; her past was best left alone, and that was that.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Anyway, we've gotta go." Thunder stated. "Oh! Already? You've been here for a few minutes." Rarity stated. "Yeah, well Galatea wants to see more of Ponyville." Thunder Dash stated as he waited for Galatea to get back on his back. His next stops would be Cloudsdale, Sweet Apple Acres and finally the Library. He would save Sugarcube Corner for another time.  

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@@Miss Reaper


Frost put on a half smile. "I....I want to ask more....learn more about you and the place you came from...it is something I felt I have never been able to wrap my head around until now....but things can complicate them." He said with a sigh, he could tell his curiosity was getting the best of him, which appeared to hurt Nano in the process. He looked up and saw the boutique. "Just....if you can....answer me this....why...why did you come here?" He asked l, immediately feeling regret and guilt for asking it. "You dont have to answer...it was probably to personal Im sorry." He said his head hanging low again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar,


Saron was one of those ponies that smiled often, as he had demonstrated. He was able to see Ariel's own smile when she responded to his first question was actually closer to the real thing. Though his knowing that probably had more to do with his being Crystal Pony than anything else. He nodded slightly, "I'm glad to here it." He said in response.


When Ariel hesitantly stated that she was ready to leave, the Crystal nodded once again, a slightly more decisive motion this time around, and stepped over to the door of his apartment, opening it with an, "After you," and he waited for Ariel to step through before following. He could see Break leaving his own apartment at around the same time, and he gave the Unicorn a slight nod of greeting, though he wasn't sure that it was heard.


(Hardly long enough to justify this taking twelve days to post. I am appalled at myself)

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@@00Pony,@@Miss Reaper,  


Break looked over and saw that Saron had been leaving his apartment at the same time as him.  How strange it was that they were leaving in sync.  Saron nodded at him in a friendly gesture; Break nodded back.

"....So we're off now, huh?"  Break asked, rhetorically.


He watched as Saron held the door for Ariel.  Break's eyes pierced Ariel as she appeared down the hallway, but only for a split second.  There was a touch of guilt in Break as he looked away and started for the staircase.

I need to...  ....I just need to stay calm.  Can you do that for me, Break Shimmerald?

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@@Frosty V,


Nano was at the boutique door when Frost's last question was asked. The robot pony paused, looking back at Frost sadly for a few long moments before he answered.


"While the memory is still painful to me, I shall say this. Coming here... had not been my decision to make. It was a decision made for me, for the sake of my safety..." he said softly as his gaze met with Frost's. He then turned back to the door, pushing it open and heading into the boutique.




Galatea noticed Nano and Frost just as she was climbing onto Thunder's back once more. "Hey there, you two. We were just getting ready to leave."


Nano tilted his head slightly. "Already? But we have just arrived here," he stated, mildly confused.


"Well, you know, places to be, ponies to see!" Galatea responded with a happy ring to her words. She was enthused, apparently, about seeing more of Ponyville and meeting more of Nano's friends.


The robot blinked once before he replied, "Very well, then."


@@00Pony, @@CharChar,


Ariel stepped through the door, and happened to glance in Break's direction as his piercing gaze fell upon her. It almost startled her, feeling that gaze on her again, no matter how brief. And it was always, always going to be unsettling to her. But she already resolved to keep her anxiety in check as well as she could, just as she had been all this time.


She was doing well, she told herself. She hadn't done anything to bring attention to herself or her mental state. At least, nothing significant. She was acting as normally as she could whilst being, well... not normal. No episodes, no anxiety attacks. That was good. She just had to keep telling herself that.


With that, she pushed the thoughts aside and continued on. No more lingering on things; the more she dwelt on something, the more likely she was to start worrying, more and more so until she would send herself right into an anxiety attack or even a total breakdown. Just keep moving forward, she said to herself. Keep it together.

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Can I show Galatea to Cloudsdale, or should I just head to the library?)


Thunder Dash waved to Frost and Nano. "Are you ready Galatea? Let's go see Cloudsdale...where I live and also where the weather's made. Yep, us pegasai do make the weather here. Pretty interesting huh?" Thunder Dash asked as he spread his wings.  

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@@Miss Reaper


Frost looked up from the ground to look into Nano's robotic eyes, knowing that he was a robot, Frost didn't want to believe that. He saw a pony, a living pony with feelings and emotions. He nodded slowly. "I understand how that feels more than you know Nano." He mumbled as he followed behind him to see Galatea and Thunder. "We're leaving already? Ugh...where to?" He asked

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar,

(Long overdue)


Saronyx glanced briefly at both ends of the hallway as soon as he had exited his room. It was a habit the Crystal had picked up during The Oppression Era. Make sure none of the Indoctrinated were around to give you trouble. Wasn't necessary anymore, but old habits die hard they say. He finally let his gaze settle on Break as he asked his question. Saron nodded, "That we are." He said, giving the unneeded answer.


He glanced from his fellow stallion to Ariel. Saron hadn't missed the look, though he knew not the effect it had on the poor mare. He spoke naught on the matter, and shifted his gaze back towards the staircase. So, the library then. Splendid place if you were into books, and the Keeper was a delightfully amiable mare. Plus the place was just neat to look at. Still, wasn't particularly the first place he'd have gone while showing someone around, but it at least provided a set destination. He'd honestly been planning on simply wandering and seeing what landmarks that lead to he recognized, or just letting Ariel ask what questions she might.


The Crystal began to walk towards the staircase with the words, "Well, come along then, amicorum*." And he began to quietly him the Crystal Anthem as he went, glancing back to make sure that the two were indeed following along.


*'Amicorum' loosely translates to 'My Friends'

(Just thought I'd mention, I'd be up for giving Twily a shot, if need be. Just let me know.)

Edited by 00Pony
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@@00Pony,@@Miss Reaper,

The pony just shook his head as he started for the staircase.  I didn't mean to give her that look...  Break's lament was translated as an estranged expression upon his face.  He looked over at the Crystal, whom had most certainly seen his look.  Ah jeez... this isn't good.  ...It doesn't help since I just went through a bit of an experience back in my room.  The staircase got closer, as Break rubbed his mouth for a moment as if to make sure it didn't have any residue from his vomiting.


 Break stopped at the end of the staircase, and looked back at his pony friends.  "Just making sure, the Library is where we are headed, correct?"  He wanted to make absolutely sure.  "I'm just....double checking."

When he looked back, he could see a bunch of locks loom over their faces as they looked at him.  Break shook his head again, and the illusion disappeared.

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