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open Apocalypse

Child Of Darkness

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Hello and welcome to Apocalypse, I am not going to go into too much detail its all in the OOC. Anyway, that question of the game is: What do you do if the place you are tying to live, is trying to kill you? That is what we are going to do here.

All NPC's who have voices such as the princesses and others.. Will be voiced by me, unless you want to control there voice and actions, in which case ask me in the OOC. All further information can and will be found in the OOC thread.
(And now, it begins. This was harder than I thought. The RP starts just before the first major quake.)

Somthing is wrong with Equestria and the lands beyond. There have been are large number of minor earthquakes all around the world, sea levels rising, waves becoming more violent, the air becoming thick and heavy. Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight have been wondering about what to do.

Celestia: I have do not know what is causing these unusual movments in the land, sea and the air.
Luna: Neither have I.
Cadence + Twilight: Neither have we.
Celestia: Although I think we should all be prepared for the future, I cannot escape the feeling that somthing very big is going to happen very soon.

(Go about living your lives as normal, the first major quake that will shatter the land will happen when 3 other good people post and one bad person. I start.)

Violetina and her little sister Niru, where at V's special somponies home in the everfree forsest. They where packing Nirus belongings ready to take her home to her parents in the colony.
('=Bat pony language, "=Normal language.)
'Come on Niru, we have to hurry on home, we don't want mum to be worried about you.' Violetina said with a caring tone on her voice.

'Almost done Tina, there ready to go.' Niru trotted to the front door eager to get going.

'You silly filly. Ok.' Violetina turned to Caras.<--- (Character not staying)
"Bye I'll be back soon." Violetina lifted Niru onto her back and took flight heading back to the colony.

(This was dragged out longer than it needed to be. Also if you are in the RP I recommend following the RP that way you will never miss a post.)

Edited by Child of Darkness
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Jaeger sat, holding his weapons with care, cleaning them with a soft pure white cloth. Every stroke from the cloth made their metal gleam in the sunlight from the window. Jaeger paused for a moment before laying down his things and walking to the window. He stared at the horizon from inside his house in Ponyville, the place he called home. "Something is...…off" he muttered under his breath as he turned back to his work bench and noticed a dirty long bladed knife of to the side. "That's what it was." he chuckled as he sat again and began to polish the blade.

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Twisted took a sip from his flask to get rid of the dusty taste he had in his mouth. He tucked the flask back into his side pocket, took off his protective googles and looked at the damage he had done to the boulder that had been blocking the driveway to his house. It had come down with a rescent mudslide. "I guess thats the downside of living next to a mountain. Heh." The 1 kg charge of nitrocellulose had done the trick. The boulder had been blown to bits. Twisted chuckled a little and went back to his wooden house. Well it was actually more of a shack than an actual house, but he liked calling it his house because that sounded rounder and nicer. He neutralised the acid left from making the explosive and dropped onto his bed. Once again did the wooden frame with a piece of matress ontop not really deserve the name bed, but once again did he like calling it his bed because it sounded rounder and nicer. He picked up his current favorite book. "A worm" and started reading. It was a highly interesting story about a worm who had to race against time trying to get to a magic apple and save his family and twisted didnt feel the need to follow the story because he was not in the mood for literature of that kind at this moment. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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Guardian Angel has just gotten back from his four year training. He was excited for the reason that he finally gets to be home. As soon as the train he was riding on stopped at Ponyville, he dashed out as fast as his legs could carry him. After a short while he finally arrived at his house. It was a normal house, one built by his dads own hooves. He pulled out his keys from his saddle bag and opened the door. The inside was completely covered in dust. "Well, might as well clean the place up first before i go see my parents." With that in mind, he sat down his gear that he brought along and began to clean his home.

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Zinn lay in the cave wide awake.  He would have to move soon; he had already stayed here far too long.  If he didn't leave, they would find him.  They were always searching, always calling out to him, always tempting him to return.  He would not!  He would resist!  They had chased him for seven thousand long years (exactly seven thousand to the day; he had counted) and still had not found him.  They had been close at times, oh so close, but the Great Lord of Stone never failed to save him.


A voice stirred inside his head.  Soon shall come the day when you no longer run, it said.  The All-Powerful One himself!  Not that this was a surprise to Zinn, for the Lord Tectonus spoke to him frequently.  I shall name you my paladin and you shall strike down all who oppose me.  


Zinn sighed.  Soon.  That was a word he was all too familiar with.  Soon was a relative term.  For an infinite being such as Tectonus, 'soon' could mean a hundred thousand lifetimes.  Even so, he would not disobey His orders.  He would wait patiently for his Lord's command, even if it required waiting for another seven thousand years.



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Iwiek and his sibling, Tenebris lounged about near a bar. 

"So sibling, what do you suggest we do?" the fat and squat Iwiek hissed from below the floorboards. 

"We have fun and play board games" the smoke cloud known as Tenebris squeaked happily while doing loop-de-loops. Iwiek face-hoofed at his sibling's childishness before walking into the bar, Tenebris following him happily. As the patrons stared at the foal like Iwiek with a smoke cloud following him, Iwiek had a sinister idea. 

"Hey, Tenebris, they think you're stupid" the chubby demon lied to the smoke cloud. 

"MEANIES!" Tenebris squealed, steam jetting from the top of it's head with a sound like a tea kettle before flying down a pony's throat and choking her from the inside out. Tenebris had swallowed the lie completely and was goign around palying pin-ball with the pony's body. As a bar fight started, Iwiek grinned.

"I love violence" Iwiek tittered before leaping into the fray

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Gloomfury was in a bar, nursing his third glass of whiskey. For some reason he's been feeling really uneasy and he's been drinking more then usual. The only time he gets these feelings is when something bad is going to happen. He drinks the rest of his whiskey and bays his tab and heads out. He never cared small towns like Ponyville. But some small towns can cast the biggest shadows. Meaning it a good place to pick up some black market goods, or a job that fits in his line of work.

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Gloomfury was in a bar, nursing his third glass of whiskey. For some reason he's been feeling really uneasy and he's been drinking more then usual. The only time he gets these feelings is when something bad is going to happen. He drinks the rest of his whiskey and bays his tab and heads out. He never cared small towns like Ponyville. But some small towns can cast the biggest shadows. MEaning it a good place to pick up some black market goods, or a jog that fits in his line of work.

There was a crash as the wall of the bar that Gloomfury was in collapsed, introducing a mob of fighting ponies. Iwiek stretched out his arms, scoring a clean hit against a blue pegasus before being kicked in the gut. While his elastic body meant it didn't hurt, the small creature was still sent flying out of the fray due to his light-weight. Tenebris was having problems as well. Turns out that fighting unexperienced fighters was a bad idea because they insulted you while fighting. To a normal creature, this wasn't a problem but to Tenebris, it was a huge problem.

"Disgusting freak!" one unicorn yelled, causing Tenebris to wince in pain as part of its body broke away, losing its ability to hold itself together when insulted. Tenebris quickly called back the piece of smoke before turning solid briefly to punch the offending unicorn. 

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There was a crash as the wall of the bar that Gloomfury was in collapsed, introducing a mob of fighting ponies. Iwiek stretched out his arms, scoring a clean hit against a blue pegasus before being kicked in the gut. While his elastic body meant it didn't hurt, the small creature was still sent flying out of the fray due to his light-weight. Tenebris was having problems as well. Turns out that fighting unexperienced fighters was a bad idea because they insulted you while fighting. To a normal creature, this wasn't a problem but to Tenebris, it was a huge problem. "Disgusting freak!" one unicorn yelled, causing Tenebris to wince in pain as part of its body broke away, losing its ability to hold itself together when insulted. Tenebris quickly called back the piece of smoke before turning solid briefly to punch the offending unicorn. 


Gloomfury  watches the ponies brawl out uncaringly. If he was more drunk or more sober I would have joined in. But he was half buzzes and he never felt like doing anything when he was like that.So he walks passed the brawling ponies to try and avoid it and get where he's going.

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Wish Scribe.


Wish yawned. She stretched. She blinked and groaned.


"Never again." She muttered to herself as she shook herself to return her coat and mane to some semblance of normality, kicking out the remains of the fire. "Mental note: rocks make terrible beds."


Still, another uneventful night. Much as she knew the stories ponies tended to tell about travellers in the wilderness going missing - or worse - she never seemed to run into anything scarier than an irritable bird.


"Where was it..." She mumbled, rummaging through her saddlebag until she pulled out a map, which she unrolled onto the smooth stone she had been using as a bed. It hadn't been difficult to learn how to read them properly: if only she knew where her brother was supposed to be - she might have stood a chance of finding him.


Sighing, she smiled as the warm sun beat down on her coat and made to continue her search: just as she had for the past year or so.




Scribe Shield


"Come on!" Groaned Scribe as the train he had been running for promptly started to move out of the station without him - just moments after his arrival. "Just once can't you be late when I need you to be! You always are when I'm here on time!" He yelled at the train: which didn't respond due to the fact that it was a train.


As he swung a foreleg towards the locomotive in frustration he was surprised to lose his balance - toppling over between the carriages: the strap of a pice of armour catching against a stray price of metal. Dangling helplessly as the train picked up speed, he shrugged to himself and resolved to watch the scenery from what was at least a seat with an excellent view: it might not have been the convention manner of riding the train back to Ponyville, but it was a way at least.

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Violetina and Niru landed in Ponyville to get some supplies. Some food and drink for the long flight that they had ahead of them.


'Tine are you ok? You look like your scared? Are you ok sis?' Niru was not great at reading others, but she could read her sister like an open book.


'Something is just wrong Niru. It just feels like something very bad it about to happen.' Violetina's bat like senses let her detect imminent and great danger. Even thought the happenings were rare, she had learned to trust her natural instincts. She looked up at Canterlot, hoping that she would be wrong for once.


(Hold onto your hooves, her comes the Earthquake. Its going to be a bumpy ride.)


As Violetina looked on to Canterlot the ground started to shake, and began to move. A large bang could be heard from the direction of Canterlot and the Mountain that supported Canterlot above the ground began to crack and crumble. The rubble from the top of the mountain rained down upon Canterlot destroying many homes, killing many ponies. But that was not the worst. The supports on Canterlot, holding it to the mountain broke, and the city fell the the base of the mountain. Rubble was flung large distances in many directions. Rubble rained down on the Everfree forest, Ponyville and the surrounding planes.


'Niru come on, we've got to move!' Violetina shouted to Niru, then picked her up on her back and flew to the Train station to avoid the falling Rubble.

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Suddenly Twisted sprung up. Something had woken him up. He opened his eyes only to be blinded by the sun. That was probably the reason for him waking up. "Stupid sun" he said and got out of bed. He rubbed his eyes and opened them. This time. A bit more slowly. He opened his eyes and saw the beautiful mountains surrounding his house and the sun, which was still a bit blinding but he managed. Suddenly he spotted what had seemed a bit weird to him. Why the sun was able to blind him. His roof was missing. Twistedshadow blinked and looked again. Yes his roof was infact almost entirely missing. Some small pieces of the clay-tiles he had used were still lying on the floor of his house ( which wasnt one really, but he liked to call it one ) but other than that: No roof.
"This is interesting!" Twisted said to himself, only to be immidiately interruppted by a massive earth shattering bang. He immidiately got down on the floor, incase something had blown up and was about to turn him into a mush of flesh and bones by showering him with shrapnell. This however did not happen. If his assumption had been the case he would be dead by now. Obviously was he wrong. He got up and touched the door to his house. It fell over like the piece of plywood it was. And opened his view to the absolute destruction that had once been a valley. It was as if the mountains had collapsed, which they appearantly actually had, because they were mostly gone aswell. Twisted looked at the scene and wondered what the mother f*ck had happened, when another earthquake shook the earth. He quickly flew up, to evade a falling boulder. From up here he also saw where his roof had gone. Everywhere around the house. Twisted waited for a massive boulder to roll past him and directly through his house. Twisted noticed with a bit of horror, how cleanly the boulder cut through the house. Like an oversized knife it left a gap, seperating the house. When the earth settled down again Twisted quickly flew down to his house to look what of his stuff had survived the earthquake and boulder. He quickly saw, that his trusty bag had. He grabbed it, as if another earthquake was about to hit. He sat still and listened. Nothing. He looked through more of the shelves, which were now on the floor and therefore no shelves anymore, but when they had been intact, they had been shelves. On said not-anymore-shelves Twisted found some of his chemicals and quickly put them into his bag. He also found his lighter, flask, a collapsable blowdart-shooting-thing, some darts for it and multitool-knife-thing as he called it. He packed all those things into his bag and flew off in search for .. well... for what actually? Twisted didnt know, but he knew he couldnt stay here, because otherwise he would be grinded to a powder by the rocks coming down from the mountains surrounding him at an increasing pace now.

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Tenebris squealed in excitement as rocks passed through its body. Iwiek wasn't so happy.

"Owowow, help me, Tenebris!" the pudgy creature screamed as rocks battered and fell upon his body. A few minutes later, the earthquake took a brief break and Tenebris touched down to check upon Iwiek.

"Wasn't that fun?" the smoke cloud giggled before being answered with a punch to the face as Iwiek crawled out of the rubble.

"You idiot! Why didn't you help me" Iwiek screamed at his sibling.

"But it was fun" Tenebris said, bouncing back from the blow like it was nothing. Iwiek scowled while shaking dirt off his body. If it weren't for his rubbery body, he would have died. 

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Wish Scribe.


As the first quake hit, Wish paused.


"... Huh."


She shrugged to herself and lifted her hoof to continue - just as it made contact with the ground a terrible shockwave hit as a second quake echoed through the ground.


"Aha! No! Stop doing that!" She lectured the ground loudly before a tremor caught her off balance - she stumbled about, keeping her centre if gravity low as she tried to see any sign of what was causing the ground to shake - in the middle of nowhere, there was nothing. Justifying she must be a good distance from the centre, she dashed (and stumbled) onwards.





Scribe Shield


"Vengeful Cel...!"


Having just departed the city, Scribe had been sitting hanging for only a short while when it seemed to simply give way. He watched open mouthed as the castle plummeted downwards: instantly turned to ruins by the single, unexpected event.


"I... Oh no..." He said in a deadpan tone. "This can't be happening..."


'Cant it? Because it kind of looks like it is!' His mind responded - sounding more panicked than sarcastic. 'You really need to move. Now!'


Twisting against whatever it was that his armour was latched onto, he fell bodily into the stone station platform - more by accident than design - as the train raced right through without stopping. With a dull thud he hit the wall, stopped and stood up with a groan.


"Ugh... My me..."

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Suddenly the world shook.  This startled Zinn.  He had felt Tectonus touch the world before, but never like this!  Never so strong!


He had to get out of the cave.  He knew he should have moved!  He ran, and stumbled.  A glow emanated from his horn as he tried his best to hold up the ceiling.  If the cave collapsed around him...  Memories.  Memories from long ago, a time when he was ignorant, flashed.  Darkness.  Screaming.  His fault.  Weakness.  Thirst.  Starvation.  Then pain, searing pain, in his skull.


He needed to escape.  The mouth of the cave was not far now.  He crawled frantically, tears streaming from his eyes.  He would not be trapped again.  He would not!  Finally, there was light.  The glow of his horn faded, and seconds later, the cave behind him was no more.  A sigh of relief escaped his muzzle.  "My Lord," he managed, "what... what's happening?"


There was a brief silence, before the voice answered.  Soon, my champion, it said.  Soon is becoming now.

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Iwiek looked around the destroyed remains of Ponyville with disgust.

"Jeez, where are we going to bunk now? I am not going anywhere without checking the bodies first" Iwiek growled before using some electro-whips to lift up a piece of rubble covering a body. The body was unrecognizable save for a bulge which indicated the pony had been expecting a foal.

"Why isn't she moving?" Tenebris mumbled while poking the body.

"You idiot, she's dead" Iwiek said while looking through the nearby saddle bags.

"What's dead?" Tenebris mused while poking the body.

"You stop moving and thinking forever" Iwiek said carelessly as he chugged down some apple-cider that he'd found on a pony's body.

"....Can I eat it?" Tenebris asked innocently while looking at the dead body. Iwiek shrugged and Tenebris tore in with gusto. "I like death" the smoke cloud squealed happily as it gorged

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Jaeger slowly opened his eyes. "Celestia....what...what the hell happened?" he said pushing himself up to his hoofs and stumbled before regaining his balance. He turned to see his home in ruins. "You've gotta be kidding me!" he yelled as he searched through the ruins, picking up his weapons as he found them.


@Evil Dragon Master


Jaeger adjusted his jacket as he strolled down the street. He finally saw a pony....and something else, he called out. "Hey! Are you....." he trailed off as he got closer, noticing that the other.....something, appeared to be feeding on another. He put his hoof over his mouth and stepped back. "Dear Celestia, what the hell?!" he growled, putting his other hoof on his pistol, drawing it slowly.


((I'm guessing guns are allowed?))

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Jaeger slowly opened his eyes. "Celestia....what...what the hell happened?" he said pushing himself up to his hoofs and stumbled before regaining his balance. He turned to see his home in ruins. "You've gotta be kidding me!" he yelled as he searched through the ruins, picking up his weapons as he found them.


@Evil Dragon Master


Jaeger adjusted his jacket as he strolled down the street. He finally saw a pony....and something else, he called out. "Hey! Are you....." he trailed off as he got closer, noticing that the other.....something, appeared to be feeding on another. He put his hoof over his mouth and stepped back. "Dear Celestia, what the hell?!" he growled, putting his other hoof on his pistol, drawing it slowly.


((I'm guessing guns are allowed?))

Tenebris got up from the feast to take take a look at Iwiek. Iwiek simply drank some more cider before spitting it out and growling angrily. Tenebris looked back and saw a pony heading their way. Maybe he'd play with them?

"Hey, mister, you want to play with us?" Tenebris squeaked good naturedly.

"Shut up!" Iwiek retorted before diving into some trash to absorb it. A second later, Iwiek's body was less durable, but faster. He'd need to be fast to get the gun

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@Evil Master Dragon

Jaeger paused for a second and put the gun back in its holster. "You guys alright.....you seem to be fine." he chuckled at the creature who seemed so inoccenc and then turned to the pony who emerged from the garbage. "Dumpster siving is not very healthy." he laughed as he pulled out his small flask from his jacket pocket. "Fan of cider eh? Few these days.." he trailed off taking a swig.

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When the ground started to shake Gloom's instincts kick in and he started hulling ass to get out of the town as fast as he could. Dodging falling buildings and rubble. Then a big crack in the ground stated to form. He stated picking up speed and jumps over it and keeps running until he reaches the train station and notices that the shaking don't seem to happen much around there. So he decidss to take a breather by lighting a cigarette and watching hell unfold on the land of Equestria.

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Jaeger paused for a second and put the gun back in its holster. "You guys alright.....you seem to be fine." he chuckled at the creature who seemed so inoccenc and then turned to the pony who emerged from the garbage. "Dumpster siving is not very healthy." he laughed as he pulled out his small flask from his jacket pocket. "Fan of cider eh? Few these days.." he trailed off taking a swig.

Iwiek let his guard down briefly, smiling at the fact that the pony hadn't made fun of his weight. 

"Dumpster diving is healthy for me, considering I eat trash" Iwiek chuckled before continuing to pick through the dead bodies. Tenebris laughed and giggled while doing back-flips next to Jaeger. "Excuse my brother(or sister, I don't really know) he/she's a moron" Iwiek mumbled while Tenebris made farting noises.

"Yay, a new friend" Tenebris giggled while looping about

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@Evil Dragon Master

Jaeger let out a laugh. "You eat garbage huh? I've seem weirder things don't worry," he chuckled as he looked over to Tenebris. "Haha I don't mind...in fact I kinda like him....or her."he chuckled as he did a back flip. "Hey what's your name?" he asked Tenebris, in a joy full tone, continuing to preform flips. He was surprised that these two were so calm in the situation.

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@Evil Dragon Master

Jaeger let out a laugh. "You eat garbage huh? I've seem weirder things don't worry," he chuckled as he looked over to Tenebris. "Haha I don't mind...in fact I kinda like him....or her."he chuckled as he did a back flip. "Hey what's your name?" he asked Tenebris, in a joy full tone, continuing to preform flips. He was surprised that these two were so calm in the situation.

"My name is Tenebris, though my brother calls me stupid. That's silly, I can't have two names" the smoke cloud giggled. Iwiek groaned before smacking his sibling. 

"Enough, we're going now Tenebris" Iwiek growled angrily. "I may have been created in a petri dish but I'm not going to die underneath a boulder" the chubby creature grunted before waddling off with the smoke cloud following him

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@Evil Dragon Master

Jaeger cut his laugh short. "Wel- Hey!" he yelled as he followed after them. "Mind if I tag along? I'm sure Tenenris won't mind, but it's you I'm more concerned about letting me follow." he said stubbornly. "Look I got no where to go and you guys seem nice, we could....help eachother you know?" he asked, wondering slightly about these ponies backgrounds....he didn't mind what they looked like he was just....curious.

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Jaeger cut his laugh short. "Wel- Hey!" he yelled as he followed after them. "Mind if I tag along? I'm sure Tenenris won't mind, but it's you I'm more concerned about letting me follow." he said stubbornly. "Look I got no where to go and you guys seem nice, we could....help eachother you know?" he asked, wondering slightly about these ponies backgrounds....he didn't mind what they looked like he was just....curious.

Tenebris gave Iwiek a look and Iwiek sighed in defeat. 

"Fine, you'll tag along" Iwiek grumbled, despising the change in the pecking order. "But I don't want any complaints on morality because we'll be having fun without morals" the fat creature laughed. 

"What's morality?" Tenebris mused as it flew through a tree. Iwiek's scream of rage was heard all the way to what was left of the Ponyville train station.

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