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private The Mountain In The Forest

Feather Gem

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@@Miss Reaper,

"Demence." This was an interesting turn of events. First he was walking through the Everfree Forest, and now he was face to face with the villain who brought the elements of harmony together. And she was being kind. Or, acting kind. That was debatable. "So, why hide in a mountain, when you could be taking over Equestria?"

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She had been scared before, but now she was completely terrified as the pair of yellow and red eyes glared her down.  A whimper escaped her throat as she found herself lowering down closer and closer to the ground like a frightened puppy.

Control yourself.

Chamois heard the voice again.  The voice that had helped her through thick and thin.  The voice that belonged to herself and no pony else.  Chamois very slowly rose herself back up to full height, though she couldn't lower the quick pace of her heartbeat or stop herself from trembling as easily as that.

Say something now.  Try not to stutter.

"B-but...would you really want to prove all those horrible ponies right?" Chamois said, her voice getting quieter as she spoke until it was nothing more but a whisper.  "Would you want to...to prove me right..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem,


The eyes watched the little pony for a moment longer - barely containing tears of laughter at her pathetic display of courage. They crossed: looking at each other before closing as the voices started to snigger, then laugh. The laughter built up like an entire theatre filling the room - all laughing in unison until the illusion was dismissed - leaving a chuckling spirit of chaos sprawled across a chair just behind her.


"... And why exactly would I care about what you think of me, my little pony? Why would Discord be concerned with what one with so little... entertainment value... thought? Clearly you believe all of those old pony tales about me: surely there's no reason to disappoint you now, if that is what you're expecting? Can you answer me that?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Chamois just watched with wide eyes as the voices around her laughed hysterically at her.  And why wouldn't they?  Even Chamois would snicker if she could only see herself now.

Chamois spun around as the mismatched creature appeared behind her.

"W-well..." Chamois stammered.

Sweet Celestia, Vine.  Would you stop your stuttering?  You're making an even bigger foal of yourself, the voice in her head chided in exasperation.

"First off..." Chamois said, her voice still quiet, but more careful and clear.  "I think I've been quite the entertainment considering how much you've just laughed.  And secondly...I...am always finding myself disappointed that I don't…I don’t think it matters much anymore..."

I think?  I don't think?  Be more sure of yourself, Vine.  C'mon. 

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@, Fire breathed heavily and wheezed when she landed on the ground, her ribs hurting and her throat the same. She heard the the door to the room she had been thrown into lock itself, though Fire was trying to keep herself awake. The pain was something horrendous, she was used to large amounts of pain, but with the added effect with her brain and not enough oxygen for it things were slightly worse.

Sombra kept on watching his prey and after a few more seconds of observation his time to strike had come. "Miss Sharp..." He hissed out in a deep, menacing tone of voice. "Get up!" His tone suddenly took on a more commanding voice, both in volume and harshness as if he was speaking to one of his slaves when he ruled the Crystal Empire, he emerged slowly from the shadows of the dark cavern, "We have much to discuss...like the fact that if you want to live, you will cooperate."


(Sorry but I can't use the mention option on my phone.)

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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"Not hungry" Chrysalis lied. She was in fact, almost starving, but she wasn't about to eat something as vile looking as that. It might not even be safe for her to eat.

*This is just small talk. Something needs to happen!*

Her stomach then rumbled, clearly pointing out that she was lying about the hunger thing.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Gloom chuckles. "Hehe, the mouth lies where the stomach tells the truth. I thought since you got fangs you eat meat. This is just smoked cow meat. But you being a changeling I bet you prefer the taste of emotions. Are you on a strictly love diet or will any emotion do?"

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Smoked cow meat. Now that she thought about it, that did sound kind of appetizing. But that still wouldn't help her. "Only love will do. Bad emotions rot at your insides. We can have good ones, but anything that isn't as good or better than love just hurts slightly." Talking about emotions just made her even more hungry. Guess she had no choice. "Um, you wouldn't mind passing one of those things over, would you?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Gloom thought about it for a bit but shrugs and nods. "Sure, why not? But I got to tell you. I don't got a lot of those good ones in me. Life will do that to you. But I'll give it a shot." He closes his eyes. Then he started to think about  all the good times he had with his mother, the happiness and joy he felt when we was with her. As he thought about her a smile grows on his face.

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Chrysalis sighs. "I meant the things; the kind of, strips of meat in that packet." She then realized that she was complaining over a positive. "But you can continue anyway, I don't mind. But then again, you should have something good to spare..." As starving as she was, the good ones were probably far and few between for him. Didn't really feel right.

*Bah! What am I thinking? The less happy thoughts he has the less distracted he's going to be. Just take them!*

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Oh, hehe. I thought you meant emotions. And sure I don't mind." He puts out his cigarette and walk to the cell door and holds the bag out for her. "And it called beef jerky. I don't doubt you ain't heard of of it. You mostly get this stuff back in the griffin kingdom, where I'm from. You got to really chew it and the flavor is fantastic. But if it's not to your liking I can always fall in love with you." He loughs at the joke he made.

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"Yeah, sure." Chrysalis gave a look that clearly showed the joke wasn't funny. She then focused her attention on the packet, pulling a strip of this "beef jerky" with her hooves, and held it in front of her. She tried biting it with her canines. It didn't budge. She tried pulling a bit off, which was hard. But she was able to do it eventually. It tasted... weird. she couldn't tell what it was. She just didn't like it And it was obvious.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Gloom laughs at the face  Chrysalis was making. "Hehe. Yeah, some don't like the taste to much. But you grow to love it." He pulls out a water bladder and holds it out to her. "If you want, I also have some salted meat in my bag. Just point me to a kitchen and I can cook it up for you. It has a better taste then jerky."

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@@Feather Gem,


Discord grinned widely - perfect.


"You think? Or don't you think?" He echoed her words: ponies were so easy to read: so full of emotion - she might as well have painted her thoughts above her to read... and once you could figure out their insecurities they were so, so easy to command.


He cleared the air - reducing his size as he approached again - still taller than the pony but closer to her height now. Without breaking his smile, he gazed at her intently and threw an arm around her in a friendly way. "Let me be quite honest with you: you saw my... ahem, acquaintances..." He said with the air of genuine annoyance: possibly the first genuine emotion he had shown so far. "Nightmare moon, who eats ponies on Nightmare Night! 'King' Sombra who... well, he's generally not a very nice chap." He tittered. "The Changeling Queen Chrysalis... do I really look like I fit in with this lineup of joyless villains?"


He released the mare with a heavy, defeated sigh - pulling once more on the non-existent rope that would open a new way out of the mountain right before them. With a snap of a talon the various objects which Chamois' bag had once held materialized in the air before them: drifting downwards like feathers as he directed them into the still slightly damp bag.


"I suppose I was wrong about artists: I'll just... stay here. Maybe poke fun at Moony until she tries to take over the world again... at least she doesn't run away from me..."


A hundred backup plans streamed through his head: though he didn't think he would need them. Manipulation was easy, especially when you had pride to work with. Failing that... he was the lord of chaos: an empty, straight passage was much more of an obstacle whenever he was involved...

Never quite forgotten.

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Chrysalis snatched the drinking thing off him and took a small drink to wash down, before handing it back over. of course she thanked him for it. except then he asked a question that kind of interesting. "Wouldn't the meat have decomposed by now?" She sighed. "I suppose. As long as you don't try to stab me with the utensils." She picked up the key and opened the cell door.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Not at all.  Salted meat can last about a hundred days. The salts locks in the flavor and preserve it so it will last a while. And if I wanted to stab you I would have." He pulls out his knife and spins it in his hoof as he smiles. "You never took my knife." He sheaths it and walks out the cell and stands next to her. "Lead the way, darling."

Edited by Gloomfury
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"Demence..." Nightmare Moon slowly repeated, coating each syllable in her honey-sweet tone. "It's a pleasure." It was gradually becoming more and more obvious that her supposed kindness was a put-on; she was laying it on too thick, and she mentally grimaced when she realized that soon her 'nice' facade would fall.


Unfortunately, that moment came sooner than she thought, and quite unintentionally so, when the zebra asked the reason why she was hiding in a mountain. That facade of hers cracked almost immediately as her temper flared. Her wings automatically spread out to their full span to make her seem all the more intimidating; her fangs suddenly seemed much more apparent; and her eyes glowed menacingly.


"You should know very well the reason why," she growled, all notes of sweetness gone from her voice. "The Elements of Harmony, the very bane of my existence!" As she spoke, the shadows around her rose, making the immediate area seem much darker. "And I am not some fool that will go charging to her own defeat - again!"


The dark alicorn paused for a moment, took in a deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh. The shadows settled into their proper place once more. "As much as I am loathe to admit it, I cannot overthrow my dear sister on my own. I require a little assistance. But, oh, these fools which I reside with in this mountain drive me to my wit's end..."


A small smile crept onto her face as she closed her eyes. "I desire help from someone that would at least appreciate the eternal night which I so desperately wish for. Someone that I would enjoy scheming with. Someone that is more... ideal for someone like myself."


Nightmare Moon opened her eyes and looked to Demence. Whether she had piqued his interest or not, she did not know. But she had laid the bait, perhaps planted the seed of an idea that would take root sooner or later. At least, hopefully. If not... well, there was more than one way to persuade others to see her point of view.

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"Not at all. Salted meat can last about a hundred days. The salts locks in the flavor and preserve it so it will last a while. And if I wanted to stab you I would have." He pulls out his knife and spins it in his hoof as he smiles. "You never took my knife." He sheaths it and walks out the cell and stands next to her. "Lead the way, darling."

Chrysalis facehoofed and begins to trot in the direction she thought was the kitchen. "Remind me to take that knife off you. And don't call me darling" She retorted, deliberatley making sure to look away so as to seem as proffesional as possible. "What were you thinking of back in that cell? You know, when you were smiling?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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A small but prideful smile makes it way on his face. "My mother. She was one of the only few griffins to ever care for me. I was thinking about a when I was a colt and were reading together. One of the best times of my life. She found me one day on the street and took care of me." He pulls out his knife again and shows her the names Sheila and Elly carved on the handle. "This was my mas. She gave it to me when I enlisted into the military. Would you mind if I keep it? It's the only think I have of hers. You have my word I wont use it against you."

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Did he just read your mind?

Chamois stumbled slightly when he threw his arm around her.  She automatically lifted a hoof to put on the arm.   She was uncomfortable to be touched by anypony, much less this creep.  When he let go of her with a sigh, Chamois sighed as well, but in relief rather than in defeat like him.  She snatched her freshly filled bag by levitation and pressed it tightly against her chest as if to make sure it never left her again.

Chamois peered uneasily into the passageway that he had just conjured up, supposedly for her to escape through.

The thing was...she knew much better than that.

"Uh," Chamois said, turning back to him and away from the passage.  She looked at him questionably.  "Yeah, I don't think so."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Feather Gem,


"Well then, now I really don't know what you want..." He grumbled - still without any further special effects. "You don't want to go, you don't want to stay... I mean its all very chaotic but I didn't know that ponies thought that way!"


He chuckled under his breath, much more softly than before: tugging at a seam where the tunnel met the chamber they were in and watching gleefully as the entrance rolled up and snapped shut as if it were nothing more than a picture.


"Well, I'm bored." He declared without a hint of boredom in his voice - how could he be after all? This was perfectly delightful! "Your free to explore! Just try to stay away from the others. You might not think much of poor Discord but they really are much worse... and I really would hate to see anything bad happen to you..."


His smile widened.


"Or... you can come with me - you know, if being eaten, enslaved or lost in the mountain forever doesn't really appeal to you..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Chamois glowered down at the ground as he whined about her 'indecisiveness'.  It wasn't as if she didn't want to leave.  Of course she did.  She just didn't expect it to be that easy.  She refused to play his little game.

But she may have to play the mini-games that might come with it..

Chamois looked around at the stone walls and wondered anxiously what could possibly be behind them.  She knew that Princess Luna - or Nightmare Moon rather - would be about.  Quite frankly, she would not want to be the ‘subject’ to meet an angry princess.  There was also Chrysalis.  She knew that had happened at the Royal Wedding.  Changelings weren't appealing to her either, what with their diet of emotions.  Then there was King Sombra...


"Well, I couldn't possibly let you be all alone while your...fellow crazies hang out with my acquaintances," she said, smirking at him despite herself.  That's what she presumed they were doing anyway.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Chrysalis was kind of shocked by his story. If that was really the best thing that happened to him then his life must have sucked.

"Fine. You can keep it; Just don't use it." She couldn't believe she had just said that. but then again she needed him to be as happy as possible in case she ever did need his emotions.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Thank you, lass." He sheaths his knife again. When they passed a door he could see the kitchen. "Oh there it is." He makes his way in and gets everything ready. "You can just take a seat, it wont take too long."  He gets out some thing to make a marinade with to souk the meat in. "So if you don't mind me asking, why are you guys up hear anyway?"

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@@Feather Gem,


"Excellent!" Cheered Discord - all the while turning over the events in his mind - calculating every possibility and the best reactions to make in every eventuality to achieve his ultimate goal.


With a sweeping bow, he motioned towards a dark tunnel - which should have been obvious but may, or may not, have actually existed until that very moment in time.


"After you, my dear... and please, think what you want of me but don't assume that I am like them. It's insulting both to me, and to your own intelligence."


Really, the audacity of it! Discord, spirit of chaos, embodiment of strife... like them? It was enough to make him laugh!

Never quite forgotten.

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