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open Occult in the Swamps


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Twila walked into Mirror Image's hotel room, taking in the scene. She only had one bed opposed to their two, but it looked just as comfy. She couldn't see too much, as there wasn't a whole lot of light coming from the window, but the hotel room looked nice enough.


"You have some nice digs for a hotel room," she added, completing her circle of the room. "So...what do you like to do for fun?" 

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Twila walked into Mirror Image's hotel room, taking in the scene. She only had one bed opposed to their two, but it looked just as comfy. She couldn't see too much, as there wasn't a whole lot of light coming from the window, but the hotel room looked nice enough.


"You have some nice digs for a hotel room," she added, completing her circle of the room. "So...what do you like to do for fun?"

(OOC: Posting from Phone.)


Mirror thought in silence for a few moments before responding. Aren't all hotel rooms the same? It didn't really matter, Twila has asked a question. She had never given much thought about what she did for fun. "I guess I like to read stories. Sometimes I go on walks by myself at night." She stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "I like illusions too, even non magic ones...I...uh...think that's everything. What about you?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart, Twila listened to what Mirror Image was saying, nodding her head in agreement. Two things we have in common, it would seem. 


"Well...I, too, love to read, I'm often found in the library checking out the latest books, or out in the forest reading under the trees--a perfect amount of sunlight gleaming through the branches. I also take walks by myself at night...I find I do my best reflection and thinking in general there. Sometimes I like to go over to Sugarcube Corner and help out with baking, as it would seem I have a knack for it," she paused, licking her lips in memory.


"I'm still trying to figure out what magic is right for me, actually. I've read so many books on the subject, but none really tell me how I should continue..." she finished, a bit embarrassed.

Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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Wish looked up at the sky - sometime while she wasn't paying attention it had managed to get dark. She liked the night - back home it had been the perfect time to sneak out and explore around the farm. Of course, there was never really anything worth exploring around there but after a year or so, she could pretty much recall any location within several miles from memory.


Sighing as she hopped upright, she looked about for the Hydra which had also vanished as she had daydreamed. Certain that it was gone, she yawned and started to wander back into the hotel. Having a room to sleep in was going to be a nice change from camping.


"I should ask some of the staff if Scribe came this way tomorrow... or see if any of the other guests here have seen him." She rambled sleepily to herself.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabellah noted as she got back to her room that Twila was gone and figured the mare must have gone out to see more of the hotel.  With a shrug the griffoness climbs into her bed, still fuming somewhat.  "There'd better be a decent hunt waiting in the swamps tomorrow...  This 'vacation' needs something to make it better after that."


She wasn't used to having a bed to sleep on, which did help her mood a little bit as she sunk into the soft mattress.  As an afterthought she got back up to move and lock the window, then leapt right back into her bed.  She figured Twila would lock the door whenever she came back.  Taking just a minute to preen her wings a little, the griffoness was soon asleep.


((Will jump to morning with my next post, giving everyone an opportunity to be prepared.))











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Realizing how late it was, Twila apologized to Mirror Image but stressed that she had to get some sleep before tomorrow's adventure, but that she'd see her tomorrow.


Wandering into her room, she saw that Sabel was already sound asleep. Poor thing, she looks exhausted. She locked the door as quietly as possible, and tip-hooved over to her own bed, snuggling under the cool covers. 


She looked out of the window longingly at the sky, the moon glowing with an almost eerie serenity to it. Soon, she felt the tugging of sleep, and surrendered to the night...

Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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Hack tried to get up for a late night flight. He had left his window open and could feel the cold air calling out to him, but as he tried to lift his head it fell back down towards his pillow. Maybe he ate a little too much, or the milk had gotten to him; but he wasn't getting up until morning.


"Oh well, I guess we will have an interesting day tomorrow..." With that he feel asleep at night for what seemed like the first time in ages.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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The door clicked shut behind her and Wish was alone. Sighing happily to herself, she dropped the heavy bags beside the bed and pinned one of her maps to the wall - looking at it with mixed feelings.


She was doing it - she was on a real adventure, just like her brother. Out in the middle of a swamp with Griffons and mysterious hooded unicorns - Hydras and Bogs and who knew what else! It was everything that she had wanted but she still couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness when she considered that she was probably no closer to finding Scribe than she had been back home on the farm.


"Just wait until he hears what kind of friends I'm making!" She reassured herself - climbing into bed and curling up with a smile. She would find him - sooner or later - and when she did she would have so many stories to tell...


Everything was going to be just fine.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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((Cue morning!))




@@Twila Starshimmer,


Sabellah was out of bed as the sun had barely started to rise - she had always been an early riser in the mornings.  She spares a glance at the other bed to see Twila asleep before climbing off of the soft mattress.  I'm going hunting today, no more of that fake junk...  I should gather up some supplies though.


Not wanting to wake up her roommate, Sabel searches around a nearby desk for some paper and ink.  Plucking one of her own feathers to use as a quill, she writes a brief note.


Ran to kitchen to get supplies

Be back soon



Satisfied that it was more than enough to get her point across, the griffoness pins the note to the inside of their door using her hunting knife as she slips into the hall.  Further proof that she'd be coming back - she wouldn't go hunting without the knife, after all.


As Sabel slips into the kitchen, she tries to flag down one of the employees to ask for supplies.  Surprisingly it takes her longer than she thought - they all seemed rather frantic in this morning rush.  "Hey, hey!  I just want some of that fake meat stuff to use as some bait, can't anypony just help me out for a minute?"


One of the employees stops and nods at her, bringing the griffoness the requested meat substitute.  "Sorry, Miss.  We're all extra busy this morning...  One of the cooks and two waiters haven't shown up to check in yet.  We've checked their rooms, and we're not sure where they've gone.  They must be around the hotel slacking off somewhere, since you can't get back to the nearest town without the ferry, but no one is sure where they're hiding."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Skuldaf got out of his meditation with a start as the Sun began to shine. He slowly popped his limbs as protocol had taught him before leaping to the ground from the roof. He needed some bird feed. Skuldaf entered the kitchen and ran in to Sabellah getting her fake meat.

"I thought you hated this" Skuldaf droned, giving her a look of curiosity

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Hack got up, surprisingly well rested for once. "So, that's what good night's sleep feels like. I wonder how  long it's been Fi... Fi!" He looked around surprised to not see the Firefly by his bed. He quickly jumped up and searched the room. He was relived to find her rummaging through a bag candy he had brought with him.


"Yesh... second heart attack since we got here... Come on, lets go get something to eat." He grabbed a book from his bag on the way out as he made his way down stairs.


He sat down at the same table he sat at yesterday and called for a waiter, hoping that the same one he met would be there. "I was too tired to ask his name." @,

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Wish awoke as usual: curled up somewhere at the foot of the bed with the covers strewn across the room haphazardly: blinking, she stretched and glanced at the map - reminding herself of her plans for the day.


"Okay! Step one - make sure all my stuff is ready..." She said to herself as she opened up the bag beside the bed and started to run through her possessions one by one. The worst situation she could possibly think of was forgetting to take something important with her, and then something bad happening that could have easily been avoided because of it. "Step two - go and ask about Scribe..."


Fastening up the bag and grabbing for a brush, she went about carelessly dragging it through her mane, not really paying attention - there were more important things on her mind.


"Step three - explore the swamp!" She said with a grin - that was more like it: adventure!




It wasn't long before Wish had gotten bored of grooming herself, declared her mane 'good enough' and ventured out to go about step two - asking after her brother.


"Excuse me!" The mare shouted after a particularly rushed looking staff member that she managed to hunt down in the hall outside her room. "Uhm... you've not seen a unicorn wandering about have you? White with a blue mane... big appetite?" She asked the bemused looking stallion. "Probably wearing a suit of armor, could have been any time in the past say... two years? "


Looking at her blankly, he shook his head.


"Uh... sorry miss. Cant say I have..." He said anxiously.


"Are you sure? It might have been a while back..."


"I'm certain miss, sorry I can't stop to chat - some of the staff haven't turned in today - nowhere to be seen! So everything is a bit chaotic at the moment!"


Wish nodded glumly, watched the pony rush off and kicked at a stray tuft of carpet as she wandered through the hotel... Of course he hadn't seen anything - nopony anywhere had seen anything!


Shaking herself out of her stupor, she ambled through the hotel and turned her attention back to current events: missing staff members? That sounded like adventure to her! On the other hoof the swamp was still just waiting to be explored... and there was the mystery of hooded friend as well!

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel turned as she heard someone addressing her, scowling slightly and rolling her eyes when she sees that it's Skuldaf.  She hadn't quite forgotten the bird seed comment from the night before.  Picking up the can of fake meat with her tail, she explains as though it were obvious.  It was to her, anyways.


"I'm not going to eat it.  I need something to use as bait if I'm going hunting though.  Anything worth taking down will have teeth or claws to fight back with, and if nothing else this stuff stinks.  The smell of it should bring in some curious carnivores."





With the missing employees it took a while for a waiter to make his way over to Hack.  It was a different waiter than the one who had been working the night before.  "Sorry, we're a little short hooved right now.  A few employees think it's funny to skip work and hide somewhere, apparantly."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Hack looked at the new waitress funny when she said that. He thought back to the conversation that he had with the stallion from yesterday.




I thought I was ready for the hotel to open, but I never expected our first guests to have such... My apologies sir, duty calls!



That stallion didn't seem like the type to slack off. At least from the conversation they had yesterday. Actually Hack respected him for doing his job so diligently, finding his odd order of Firefly food and the ones from the ponies that the stallion had told him about. It didn't seem like he was one to quit or goof off because he had one rough day. "Are you sure he doesn't work another shift?"

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Skuldaf frowned at the "worth taking down" comment. 

"You could just go after a sickly old squirrel instead of doing this. I know one that needs to be put out of its misery" Skuldaf called, not knowing why she seemed slightly ticked off. "Or better yet, just grab a chicken from the hydra nest that's a mile south of here" Skuldaf said, pointing in the direction of it

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The waitress shakes her head, tapping her hoof slightly.  She seemed eager to get back to work.  "Nope, he's on the schedule for first and last shift.  Nopony can find the slackers anywhere though.  Were you ready to order, sir, or do you still need a minute?"







Sabel snorts, already walking towards the door back to the hall.  "I'm not eating sick animals.  Do you want me to get sick in return?  I go after prey that can fight back.  It's more...  Fair that way."  She had nearly said fun instead of fair, but something told her that would have only brought about another lecture from the strange pony.  Something she really didn't want to deal with first thing in the morning.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Th worker from yesterday was kinder too. "Sure, I'll take a decaf. The morning wouldn't feel right without it." He pulled out 7 bits and placed them on the table for the waitress, "You know what Fi. I don't see why we can't get you some grass dew in minute. The air would be nice anyway." He heard the Firefly buzz her wings slightly. He laughed and said, "Just the decaf."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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It was decided!


The griffon had suggested going into the swamp together: and Wish had absolutely no intention whatsoever if doing anything remotely likely to incur the wrath of such a predator... Her friend Mirror hadn't been seen since yesterday - she was probably shut away being shy somewhere...


Which left the mystery of the missing staff members!


"Maybe it needs a catchier name than that?" She pondered aloud as she wandered about the ground floor of the hotel: generally not sure where to begin her investigation - but pleased to have at least some plan of action!

Never quite forgotten.

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Skuldaf sighed as the gryphon left. Such talent wasted on a Blood Knight. Oh well, maybe he could talk to Insomni Hack. He had been nice on the boat after all. Skuldaf set off to search for the pony with the mysterious Fire Fly who was named Fi and liked him

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The waitress quickly trotted off to fetch Hack's coffee.  After a couple minutes she brings it to him and takes off to the next task, muttering under her breath unkind things about the ponies who seemed to be skipping work.







Sabel was making her way back to her room when she noticed Wish hanging around the hotel.  With a grin the griffoness walks over to the pony, still holding the can of fake meat in her tail.  "Hey, Wish!  You still up for going into the swamps later?  When did you want to head out?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Wish looked up from the suspicious scuff of dirt to see the griffon - Sabel - addressing her. Not cowering at all, she quickly considered her priorities - concluding that 'not getting eaten' was up alongside investigating and exploring.


"Oh, Hey!" She said, flicking a hoof in a half wave. "I'm good whenever! I was just... uh... Hey, did you hear anything about those missing ponies?"


And while she was on the subject...


"Or, uh... A unicorn? White coat, blue mane... not all that bright? Seen anyone like that around?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Still balancing the can of 'meat' with her tail, Sabel shrugs slightly.  "Yeah, seems like it's driving all the other employees crazy having to work harder, hehehe...  And hmm...  I've met plenty of ponies that weren't too bright, but I don't think any of them were a unicorn like that.  Sorry."


The griffoness smiles slightly as a way of apology before nodding back down the hall.  "I need to grab some stuff for my room before heading into the swamps, but anytime you want to head out I'll be ready...  The sooner the better, really.  I'm starving, and hunts tend to take a little while."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Skuldaf gave up his search rather quickly as he saw a small bird in the window. 

"A Blue Throated Warbler, I must study it" Skuldaf mumbled, showing more emotion than usual at the bird. Skuldaf followed the hall outside where the bird sat perched, hoping it wouldn't be frightened.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Golbez wearily pushed the front doors to the hotel open as he made his way slowly to the front desk, pausing a moment to bring a talon to his beak as he yawns loudly.

The previous day Golbez had missed the earliest ferry to the hotel which in turn forced him to wait the rest of the day...and most of the night to catch the next one, only managing to catch a faint few hours sleep as the ferry brought him to the hotel.

Golbez places down the suitcase he was carrying in his beak, standing at the front desk the griffon looked around for a member of staff, but there didn't seem to be anypony around.

Sighing as he tapped his claws against the front desk he looks around at his surroundings when a pony dressed as a waitress catches the corner of his eye, he turns to face her as she quickly trots behind him, "Excuse me Madam but...", she didn't hear him, perhaps to busy with whatever task she was doing to notice, Golbez then spotted another pony behind the front desk again in the corner of his eye.

The Pony seemed to be searching for something under the desk and had turned around back tot he doorway by the time Golbez had faced him, "Excuse me sir but can I...", too late, the pony had already disappeared.


Golbez sat back on his haunches, raising one talon to pinch the bridge of his beak,"Oh, it's too early in the morning for this...I need some Joe...badly", glancing around Golbez noticed a few dining tables looking within one of the surrounding doorways, assuming it to be the dining room Golbez picked his suitcase in his beak and headed straight for it.



Sitting at one of the tables closest to him Golbez glances around and notices a waitress just leaving another table on the other side of the room, clearing his throat thoroughly, he calls out to her,"Excuse me madam, may I please possibly have some service?".

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The waitress begins walking over to the next customer as though on auto-pilot, beginning to speak before even looking at him.  "Yes, my apologies sir, what would you-"  


The pony stops short when she realizes she was speaking to a griffon.  She had heard that there was one staying at the hotel, but she had also heard that the griffon had already come to the kitchen and left...  And she had been told that their feathered guest was a female!  The waitress had obviously not been expecting a second griffon to join them this morning.


"Uh, erm...  What would you like, sir?"  The pony fumbles for her notepad and pen, attempting to remain professional.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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