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OC name and cutie mark ideas... HELP


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I just recently made an OC but I still need to figure out a name and cutie mark as well... Could you guys help me... I would like it to have something with music and or animals :) any help is welcome and I have attached a pic of my OC


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If you'd like a name for her to do with colors, it's always a nice idea to use names of eyeshadow to help you. Some can be extremely good pony names believe it or not. Same goes for nail polish. :3


Her colors look like sand so maybe Sand Shimmer... I'm bad with coming up with names. XD


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Definitely music related...

MELOETTA! (Pokemon fanatic here)

Or Melody

Or Piannisimo (okay, that sounds weird)



Cutie Mark ideas...

Three music notes

One or those awesome.piano things that only have the keys, that spiral(if you know what I mean)

Three instruments...


~Pokemon forever!~

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The reason I said music and animals is cuz music has helped me through a lot and I use lyrics to say how I feel and animals because I'm going to school to be a vet tech but I was also thinking something with love like cadence but it's funny because cadence is also a musical term...

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Okay let me think... um... uh... how about fli-nah that's stupid. How about... Conch. You know those shells that if you hold to your ear, you hear the ocean.

I like conch.


Ok, that was kinda unorigional, but I can't think of a better one. For a cutie mark, I like your Treble clef idea.


Maybe you could also do a bass clef version, like this.




please forgive the poor quality; I drew it with a mouse pad with paint (Plus I'm terrible at drawing on the computer)

Edited by Lightningstar
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the name now it's Lonely Melody. Still looking for my cutie mark.. Please help

These are some of the ideas I found and if my name was Broken Melody I could have the heart in my cutie mark broken. Feedback please :) the one with the rainbow wouldn't have that




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