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searching A Loving Home


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RP: http://mlpforums.com/topic/79447-a-loving-home/#entry2040400

A role play that is essentially playing house. 


A small family moves to Ponyville and creates a life there. Even though the family members don't always get along they always manage to get through the day without killing each other. 



Site Rules Apply

This rp is rated PG - 13 for language.  

No Godmodding. No Gary Stus/Mary Sues

Grammar and Spelling really do count for this rp. 

No Alicorns. No non ponies. (Unless you are a neighbor or something)

Depending on how many people want to join, I will add more family members or neighbors. 

No canon characters. 

This rp is supposed to be a comedy not a drama. 

All rp members MUST follow the OOC thread and the RP thread. 

Third person, past tense. At least five sentences per post. No cheating with short sentences like 'He said./She responded. They laughed. etc' No OOC cheating either. (On the rp post)


Mother - Sweet Melody


Father - Forest Wind


Son - Repsol Rave


Daughter - Arctic Soul


Baby/Youngest Foal - Angel Light

Edited by DarligPegasi
  • Brohoof 1
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Er, I don't really see why, and her being blind is a part of her character. If I wanted to be a pony who could see that was happy and kind, I would enter Sweet Symphony pre-friends death, or Kisu around age 8. Angel's never had much drama about her eyesight, other than some bullying in school, but at her age she wouldn't be in school yet, and by that age she and her family would have adapted and accepted her blindness, so I don't see why you'd like me to take that away. I'm not trying to be difficult, it's just that I don't see why and would like a reason, as Angel Light just isn't Angel Light if she's not blind, at least to me.

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@@Mint Drop@@@repsol rave,  


Because I have found that even if people say there isn't going to be drama, there still is drama and the rp goes off course. A lot of my rps have died because of 'drama magnet' characters.


And often times I make rps where someone brings in a character with some type of disability then get upset with me when no one interacts with them for a long time or at all. 


@@@repsol rave,  

Also 'edit' wouldn't work for a bit, but now the rules have been properly changed.  

Edited by DarligPegasi
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@@DarligPegasi, @-@ Just when I was coming to terms with her seeing a bit in this RP xD
Thanks, and don't worry about it, I was just somewhat reluctant because I'm so used to Angel being fully blind. Sorry about that.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know, But i had to spend this week, (since college got out for this week) with my family, now i'm back and should be able to post. I'm sorry for not leaving a reason for my departure. plus my sister has no internet at her place.

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