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planning Beyond these walls Chapter 2: A Darker Fate (Adventure, Survival, EPIC!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Hey, ronin is plenty sympathetic... As long as your name isn't clockwork :lol: sorry, I couldn't resist. Sometimes I just wanna punch him as hard as I can. But at least that means he's doing a good job at being bad.

  • Brohoof 1
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Very true, and its entirely reasonable to think that the spell is up. (I just don't want people to think that i'm wasting any power... I'm not malicious i merely want a terrain advantage should i be attacked. (Basically its purely OCC and doesn't really matter :P))

Apparently Shadow's been building pits... I'm totally alright with that!  :catface:

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Very true, and its entirely reasonable to think that the spell is up. (I just don't want people to think that i'm wasting any power... I'm not malicious i merely want a terrain advantage should i be attacked. (Basically its purely OCC and doesn't really matter :P))

Apparently Shadow's been building pits... I'm totally alright with that!  :catface:

YES! Finally, I do something right XD

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Well, Midnight and Sunshine are now gone from Eclipse and co. and joining you.

Sole can't get on AT ALL most of the time now.

Frost doesn't have time to respond.

And Cinder has a life to live.

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Actually their right next to you and the current light source, he also posted right before you did. Ronin's on quite often (More than me at least.) and Frost just helped Eclipse out of a pit... (And just because where online and their not does not mean its fair to ignore them.)

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Actually their right next to you and the current light source, he also posted right before you did. Ronin's on quite often (More than me at least.) and Frost just helped Eclipse out of a pit...



The other part was just to point out that just because where online and their not isn't a good reason to not interact with them.

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Sorry for the confusion but Midnight and Sunshine are still with Eclipse, Amethyst and the others, but looking back my wording could have been clearer on that. And I know what you mean, I've neglected Sunshine pretty badly just to help keep things going throughout this thing.

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