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slice of life A Simple Memory Part one.

Solar Shadow

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A Simple Memory


Part One


The First Memory



At the moment Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza are sleeping in their room on the other side of the castle tell they hear shouts coming from the hallway.



“Princess Cadence… I mean princess Mi Amore Cadenza Shining Armor we have an emergency!!” Bronze Armor yells as he pounds on the door frantically.  BANG! BANG! BANG!



“What.. what’s going on?” Princess Cadence replies as she gets out of bed.



“It’s the mirror! Something is wrong with the mirror! Silver Shield sent me here to get you both.”



Shining Armor opens the door and they both enter the hallway with Bronze Armor.



“Bronze Armor, can you tell we what’s exactly going on?” Shining Armor Asks while they all run down the hall towards the mirror room.  



“Well, we were just finishing our usual room checks before the end of our shift, than we heard some loud Banging coming from down the hall. When we went to go check it out we found three unconscious ponies lying next to the mirror and the mirror was glowing a bright red. That’s when Silver Shield told me to come and get you.”  Bronze Armor says with a worried look on his face.



“Don’t worry I’m sure we’ll figure out what’s going on, but for now let’s hurry” Shining Armor says as he looks at Cadence with a uncertain look.



The three of them finally make it too the mirror room and meet up with Silver Shield and the White Pegasus. Who appears to of finally settled down.  



“Silver Shield, what’s going on with the mirror and the three ponies?” Princess Cadence asks as she turns to look at the mirror.



“I thought it was glowing red It looks pretty normal to me.” States Shining Armor with a puzzled look on his face.



Silver Shield starts to explain. “Well I think I know why it stopped glowing you see the White Pegasus over there. While you were on your way here he calmed down and walked over to where he is now and the mirror stopped glowing. When I noticed that I asked him if he could walk closer to the mirror and when he did it started to glow red and have the dark aura again.”



“So you’re saying the mirror is reacting to him?” Shining Armor asks in a confused manner.



“I’m just a guard so I’m just saying what I observed. I also don’t think it’s just him I think the other two ponies also affect the mirror in an odd way. Silver replies.



“If they are affecting the mirror in a weird way don’t you think the mirror is affecting them in a weird way as well.” Princess Cadence asks the group.



“I….I'm not sure what’s going on here or why everyone’s a talking pony even if this is just a dream shouldn’t we get those two somewhere safe and away from the mirror if it’s affecting us?”



The four ponies are shocked as they look to see the White Pegasus standing by the two still unconscious ponies trying to move them. He pauses and looks back at the group.



“What? What’s wrong? The White Pegasus confusedly asks.



“You're….you’re not afraid anymore you were just frozen in fear a few moments ago?” Silver Shield replies.



“Well dream or not talking ponies is a pretty hard concept to grasp  so it took me awhile to wrap my head around it. Now can you help me move these two they shouldn’t just be lying here.”   Says the White Pegasus.



The four ponies still confused look at one another and try to understand what’s going on when Princess Cadence asks the White Pegasus.

“Do you think you’re in a dream?



The White Pegasus looks back and response “I do but at the same time I don’t. I don’t remember anything before waking up I just know I wasn’t a pony and that there’s a heavy pain in my chest like I messed up something important like I’m missing something but I don’t know what it is.”



 At that moment Shining Armor looked over at Cadence and said, "We need Twilight, now!"



Cadence Nodded and said to Bronze Armor, "Quickly, Write a letter To Twilight Sparkle, There is no time to waste!"



"Yes your Highness!"



As he runs off to send the letter, the White Pegasus looks at Shining Armor and asks. "Who is Twilight Sparkle?"


Before Shining Armor gets a chance to respond, Princess Cadence says. "She's somepony who knows more about this mirror and what's on the other side then anypony else. I'm sure she will be able to answer all of our questions."


"But let's not worry about that tell she gets here for now we should get those two to the clinic." Shining Armor says as he lifts the unconscious unicorn unto his back.


"What about the mirror Sir?" Asks Silver Shield.


"We will have two guards posted here at all times to keep watch over it tell Twilight shows up." He quickly replies.


"You should come with us to the clinic for a check up to make sure you're not hurt as well...um I'm sorry I don't know your name."Princess Cadence says with a sad look.


"Princess he may not remember it. His memory loss seems to be quite extreme." Silver Shield states to the Princess.



"It's alright" Says The White Pegasus as he turns to look at Princess Cadence "It's Solar.....Solar Shadow"




To Be Continued In Part Two The Three Ponies


Story By Solar Shadow


Editing and Proofreading by BronyDash465



Link to prologue http://mlpforums.com/topic/79615-a-simple-memory-prologue/

Edited by Solar Shadow
  • Brohoof 1
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This is a good story! It grabs readers attention, and it was really good! I can't wait for Part 2! :D

Thanks! i was nervous when i first released the prologue but everyone kept telling me they liked it thank you for your support  :yay:

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Good job.


This one is much better structured then the first part.  If you improve your writing slightly in each part by the end It will be really good.  Like with the first part I think you should improve on the he said she said lines before and after the dialog.  Honestly I think that's one of the harder parts of writing.  It's hard to not be repetitive or cheesy with those. 

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