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Alaskan Bronies


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Hello. Name is Robby, I'm a brony in Juneau Alaska. I'd like to know if there are any other Alaskan bronies for pop in these forums who would love to hang out and such at this everfree, or maybe hang out IRL.

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Hey! Another Alaskan! I'm up in Fairbanks!



*ahem* sorry for the overeacion but You know what? Alaskan bronies are hard to come by. I was essentially alone last year at Everfree when I barely made it there (600$ plane ticket round trip to Seattle back home) as I was the only alaskan brony there minus 1 other whom I never got to meet sadly.


ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh If my brony friend here is coming to Everfree... WE NEED TO HANG OUT AND STUFFS :D


*Ahem* anyways My name is Robby

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Does living in Kodiak for 3 1/2 Years count? I am currently stationed in Oregon, but I want to go back to AK when I'm up for transfer. I'm hoping for Juneau or Anchorage.


Umm... Disregard the PM I sent you. I'm trying to learn how to forum again.


But yes. I think that counts.

Im gonna be moving down to California hopefully by the end of this year so maybe we can meetup in Everfree?

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Umm... Disregard the PM I sent you. I'm trying to learn how to forum again.


But yes. I think that counts.

Im gonna be moving down to California hopefully by the end of this year so maybe we can meetup in Everfree?


I'm definitely going to Everfree, so definitely.

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Umm... Disregard the PM I sent you. I'm trying to learn how to forum again.


But yes. I think that counts.

Im gonna be moving down to California hopefully by the end of this year so maybe we can meetup in Everfree?


I'm definitely going to Everfree, so definitely.


(Almost sent PM again. HOW DO I FORUM)


Sounds like a good plan :)


Maybe us Alaskan bronies whom are attending Everfree NW... We should try and get together and have a group picture :D

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(Almost sent PM again. HOW DO I FORUM)


Sounds like a good plan :)


Maybe us Alaskan bronies whom are attending Everfree NW... We should try and get together and have a group picture :D




That sounds like a nice idea.

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(Almost sent PM again. HOW DO I FORUM)


Sounds like a good plan :)


Maybe us Alaskan bronies whom are attending Everfree NW... We should try and get together and have a group picture :D




That sounds like a nice idea.


Yeah, just need to round us all up, find a good meeting place. SHow the world that Alaskan bronies exsist

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