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open Time that Bonds~ RP


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Critical flipped a few switches to see if there was any immediate threats on the trail to the next town over. The scanners showed no such thing at the moment, so they could continue when ready. This shouldn't take long, just a few hours or so. Critical set the scanners to see where the rest of the group is. Night Song and Violet just got onto the cart. Aixi was in her room. So Critical could have the cart moving immediately. Flipping a few switches and levers, the cart began to move with the two stallions appearing in the front. Pulling the cart.



Making for the main portal, Critical began to climb the ladder to the cart. Opening the lid, Critical emerged from the trunk in his and Aixi's room. He got out and found Aixi on the bed. He really should fix thing with her. Critical walked up to her and said her name. She turned to him and... he had no idea what to say. So, he was going to go for it anyway.

"Aixi, I wanted to say, sorry for keeping that secret from you. I had no intention in hurting you. The fact that I have tears me to pieces. But, there are things that I know, Aixi. Things that could tear the very fabric of reality asunder. Secrets... that I never want to see the light of day."

Critical looked to the floor in shame.

"I don't expect your forgiveness, in fact I'm expecting that you may be angrier that I have more secrets that I haven't shared with you. But my secrets are very dangerous for just anypony to know."

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi looked to Critic in shock, he had come out of nowhere. She took a deep breath before beginning, "Critic I have seen a lot and I know all that has happened up until current dates. What you know frightens me, but it's ok. I already know what will happen to me. I want you to know I am at peace and I have no questions about time, the middle doesn't matter if you know your fate." She finished solemnly a single tear rolled down her face.

She took a deep breath, 'No more pity.' she reminded herself.

"I am sorry. I just ask one thing of you. You may choose what to share, but if you do plan on sharing my life you must tell me. Do you know what will happen to me too? I won't ask of after, that's irrelevant. Just a simple yes or no will suffice." She asked this hoping with all of her might that his answer be no, however she understood that it very well could be the opposite.


Aixi sat and cried for him. She knew what it was like to have to force yourself away from others, to protect life and all its glory. She looked to him and apologized, "I am sorry that you must go through this life, truly I am. Me and you however, we fight the same battle, although we fight on different teams. I really do understand, I just wish you would trust me to." She trailed off not knowing if she had really fixed anything.

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"I do trust you. I trust you more than any other pony I've met in my travels. Opening up to you is something I've never done."

Critical looked up to Aixi and saw her cry. He put his hoof around her to bring her closer to him.

"Aixi, If we are able to continue our relationship I will share almost all of my secrets with you. Almost. As to show that I tell the truth, I will answer a question you had."

Critical looked into her eyes, and spoke to her.


"No. I don't know what your fate is, nor do I know of Night Song or Violets. But..."

Critical gave a pause.

"I can find out. The tardis has the ability to look up the history of anypony or thing I search for. Their past, present, and future. Revealing their complete time line. I choose not to unless I have to. Once the knowledge is known to those that the history belongs to, must come to pass. I chose not to look up our journey because if it is to fail, we have a chance of success. But also vice versa."

Critical gave Aixi a moment to let this sink in. He then spoke once more.

"If there is something you want to know, I will not hold that knowledge against you. However, you must take responsibility for that knowledge."

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@@PurplePony, (to violet)


Night Song woke up with the sun warming his body, smiling he gets up and stretches his legs and wings. Stifling a yawn with a hoof, he decides to go to the kitchen. He sees Violet and walks up behind her, wrapping his hooves around her and kissing her, "good morning love" he says as he sees what she was cooking, "mmm hashbrowns and pancakes, my favorite" he says kissing her again.


He looks around trying to see if he can find Critic or Aixi, not being able to see either of them, he sighs a little, "I sure hope those two make up, things would be... awkward if they didn't." He then sits down at the table and waits for Violet to serve out breakfast.


"I told you before that Blue's spirit has been talking with me, haven't I? Well I spoke to Aixi about it last night, and she offered to severe the tie, but..I'm not sure if I want the tie severed. I miss him terribly, as you know, he was like a brother to me. But he comes to me at the most awkward times sometimes." Night sighs but smiles when Violet gives him his plate piled with food. "thank you darling" he says, reaching up and kissing her


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi looked at Critic and stopped crying. She did feel better knowing that he at least didn't know what was to happen. That would make it easier.  "I had no intentions of leaving you yet Critic and I really do care about you, but I must always act for the good of my people, that is my duty. When I say I know my fate I suppose you understand that I must carry it out regardless of what I think should happen, I ask that you do not look this up. I don't want you to have to know yet, you will with time but I want to live in the moment, to love and live while we are all still able to."


She cuddled closer to critic and said, "I am sorry I over reacted, it's just the soup tasted like a living soul. It reminded me of the closest I have ever come to turning to darkness. It's a ritual we all experienced but never forget until death."

She laughed a little at her next words, "In all honesty I thought I was going to die if I finished the soup. It terrified me."


Aixi began to nibble Critic's ear affectionately and asked sweetly, "Can I still be your princess?"

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Critic chuckled at her teasing. She really knew how to mess with him. He loved it. Critical brought her closer and gave her a kiss.

"I forgive you, Aixi. And of course you can be my princess, only if I can be your prince."

(I apologize for that line.) He gave her another passionate kiss. Keeping her close to him. He likes the feel of her coat close to his own. She was amazingly soft. Her lips were softer. Clouds couldn't even compare. Critical pulled away from her.

"I love you, Aixi. So much."


He was in a state of happiness. Something that barely came to him, even in the best of times. Critical would never have guessed that a beautiful mare would ever want to be close to him at all. but here he was. A beautiful mare, in his arms. He didn't want to know his future with her. He just wants to be with her in the moment. Holding her in his arms, closer to him. He gave her another kiss. Not a big one, just a small peck on her muzzle. He loved Aixi like none other, his first love. He heard that the first love never worked out, but honestly, screw those guys.

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@Mr. Critical

Critic was surprisingly strong and held her firmly, she loved feeling safe in his hooves. The pair snuggled and kissed for a little longer, it felt so nice to not be fighting anymore. It almost made her feel worse. She whispered to critic, "Promise me you would do anything for me? Tell me how our future should look? What will we do after this is all over? We can at least dream right? I want a family in the future, I want to look over the land that we protected and watch it grow in peace. Where would we live?"


Aixi concealed her true thoughts, her true emotions. she had always wanted a home, a family. Somepony to call her own. She just wanted a life that she could live and appreciate. She wanted more out of the life she was born in it just didn't seem fair.



@Night Song

Violet began to eat her breakfast, "Oh dear, I honestly think Aixi will make it awkward if they are together or not. It's just who she is. All fillies are like that. You also have to remeber she is still a princess, there must be something or other to that, she is loyal to her ancestors and all of us here need to start respecting the fight she is leading, it can't be easy for her." She said to Night.

'I really do believe that she is going through a lot right now. I wouldn't want to be here, I couldn't imagine it.' She thought to herself.


Night began talking about Blue again, and as much as she loved Blue he was gone. She looked to Night and felt sorry for him and spoke trying to sooth him, "I think that it is wonder ful that he is still with you, but if it bothers you or doesn't feel right you should talk to Aixi. It's up to you, and I will support you with whatever you choose."

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NightStrike didn't have to think long. He actually already decided that he would join when he decided to follow that group. "Off we go then" He mumbled.


He headed for the next town. He had heard of it a few times. Though he never visited any town in a long time. He knew a pub was a place where ponies would meet up, tell each other stories in short they would be social. Something NightStrike was absolutely not. Also he didn't like the idea of drinking. It lowers your awareness and in NightStrike his opinion that is what get's ponies killed. "I have to go there though." He thought "If I won't I might miss my only chance on some real adventure again."


It was getting dark when he finally arrived at the town. The other ponies seemed to be a bit scared of him but he wasn't really surprised about that. He had enough social experience to know that a dark looking cloaked pony with a bow doesn't really seem like a kind pony. He made his way to the cleanest looking pub and sat down there in a corner. Observing everypony who got inside.

Edited by Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Critical pulled away from Aixi, a look of confusion an her face. Critical gave a small bow to her and began to speak.

"I promise. I promise to serve you milady."

Critical got up from his bow. and held her tight once more.

"Be it in anyway shape or form. If you wish for a house, then we can go anywhere, in any time in the universe. If you wish to know our future, then I can tell you it looks fairly bright to me. If milady wants a family..."

Critical gave her a deep loving kiss, in the middle of his sentence.

"Then I will do all I can to make that dream a reality. I will not stop until my fare princess has been satisfied. If it be to comfort you when you in times of sadness or sorrow."

He gave her another kiss after each of his sentences.

"Or if you wish for me to join you in merriment and joy...Or if milady wishes me to satisfy her sexual desires, I promise I will always be there when you need me."


Critical held her close to him, lips locked with the mare he loved. He would be there for her to the end of time and space. When Equestria became a space empire of peace, when the very sun grows dark and then dies out, and when it looks like their future was its darkest, Critical will always be there for her. He pulled away once more to speak to her.

"I love you Aixi, nothing will ever change that."

He got up off from the bed they were sitting on and bowed before her in a playful manner.

"Now. Is there anything the fare princess desires of her prince?"

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi got excited at his words. She smiled and spoke, "Oh, I want adventure and lust, and love if I can find it, I want to breath life." 

The wonder of life often amazed her. "I have lived so long, but there is so much I have yet to see, yet to appreciate. I want to be able to take in all of life's beauty." She spoke with passion and vigor,

"I want everything from you Critic." A naughty smile twisted her face as she carresed his leg.


She wanted all of it. Aixi wanted to feel life instead of walk through it numbly. 'It'a a shame.' She thought

'I wish I could feel I wish I could, but I will learn' Her thoughts were content as she kissed her stalion.


"I can figure out where to go once we are there but for now, I am all yours. I just want to make up with you right now." She winked playfuly at Critic as she pounced on top of him.

She faught his struggles as she held him down giggling softly. "I am too strong for you!" She teased and found it slightly amusing, she was easily half his size.

'He must be letting me win. I will teach him.' She thought as she nipped at him.

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Aixi was on top of Critical, pinning him down. They wanted each other. Body and soul. But for now, mostly body. She began to nip at Critical. She knew how to mess with Critical in the best of ways. He liked how she played with him. But, I think it's time he took the lead. Switching their position. Critical was now in Aixi's former position. He looked into her beautiful eyes. She was gorgeous as always. He began to nip at her as well. Placing a kiss or two in between nips. He began to hear her breathe heavily. He pulled away briefly.

"I take that my Princess is enjoying her attention."
He gave her a mischievous grin as well, sharing the one that she gave him.


He closed the door to their room, locking it so they would have some privacy.

"There's a sound barrier around our room. Should give us some some privacy."

He gave her another kiss.

"That is, unless you're into that kind of thing."

Critical gave her a kiss on the side of her neck. Bringing forth another moan. She may know how to get him going, but Critical wanted to see how to turn her on.

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi laid back and enjoyed the last of the ride in pure extacy. She truly was grateful for the sound proofed walls, other wise it could have possibly lead to an awkaward situation.


She felt sweaty and speechless. As she layed her head down she smiled in a state of pure bliss. She really had forgotten fow wonderful that could feel, and Critic seemed to be getting the hang of it. Her body felt happy all over and she felt satisfied and fulfilled. She nuzzled her companion passionatly and kissed him tenderly tasting him and savoring every moment. 


She looked at her love and batted her lashes, "Thank you." she said timidly. "It was good."

She sighed and shiverd slightly, though not because she was cold.

She looked at Critic, "you don't happen to have any tea?' She asked

"I would really love a cup." she finished smiling.

"You will have to show me around here a little better so that I can get it myself." She said still feeling unfamiliar with her surroundings.

"would that be alright?" She asked timidly.

She didn't want to force him to do anything, but she was currious about him, she wanted to know all she could about him.

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Night Song hugged Violet close, "i know my love, but what I meant, the journey will be even more difficult if they keep arguing..." the carriage started rocking, "oh well never mind about that, it looks like they've made up." He grins widely, and finishes his breakfast, "well I think I should talk to Aixi, but when she's available to talk with. I love Blue, I always will, as you know, he was like a brother to me. But I need my own thoughts, and if he is still with me, and talking with me, how can that be possible? He will cloud my thoughts and judgment." He gets up and takes his dishes to the sink and washes them.


After he finishes washing them, he walks back over to Violet who is sitting down, he smiles and starts to massage her shoulders. "Well it looks like we still have a long way until the next town," he says leaning down to kiss her, "is there anything my loving and very beautiful fiance would like to do in the mean time?" He asks her, gently and lovingly, while still massaging her shoulders. "oh and love, you've got to relax a little bit more, there's so much tension in your shoulders."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critical collapsed onto the bed. Drained physically by his time with his lover. He was brought closer to his lover, and began to cuddle with the mare he loved. He was letting his muscles regain their strength, but he just wanted to stay with his lover for the time being. He heard her ask for tea. He didn't like tea, but he did keep some in case of guests.

"Relax, Aixi. I'll go get some tea for you. You rest up."

Critical got up from the bed, still dripping of sweat. He went down to the kitchen to get his mare some tea.


After a few minutes, Critical brought the tea back to the room, passing his own personal bedroom. 'Really should try our love making in their next time.'

Critical arrived at the guest room and opened the door to their room. Presenting her tea to her. He loved seeing her happy. And he loved to serve his princess. He took a seat next to his lover and began to nuzzle her.

"I hope it is to your liking."

Critical sat next to her and began to let her drink her tea. While he sat and waited for her to finish her tea, Critical let his senses return, and he began to smell their aftermath. The room was heavy with the scent of their love. He needed something to distract him.

"If you want, we can take a tour later. I'll show you around the place. Afterall, it is your now home now."

He gave her a small kiss on her cheek. He was never this affectionate, but he loved this mare immensely.

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@Mr. Critical

The tea was hot and bitter, she sniffed it carefully before taking a sip, she really wasn't up for anymore surprises. Critic had offered her a tour of his home, this filled Aixi with joy. "Oh, yes I would love a tour, when you see fit of couse. I am so excited!" She exclaimed.

It really did excite her however she was unsure if they had enough time or not before stopping. Aixi still had a few last things to prepare before they made it to where they were going. She looked to her love and said,"I need to show you something though. That tour can wait until later" Putting her cup down Aixi ajusted her crown and walked over to her bag.


She pulled out an old scroll and returned to her spot. As she put the scroll down gently infront of her she spoke again to Critic, "This is an old document containing details of a specific ally of ours. In certain times of crisis in the past, the Free Ponies would join with us to fight, They agreed to fight along our side once more, but only if they aprrove the appeal. The Maneson family had signed this document years ago. I am unsure whom I seek out now a day, however I do know of ther residence." She said explaining the scrript.

"That is why we are traveling to the next towns, to forge an alliance. If we perchance meet any pony along the way who desires to fight along my side I welcome them as I did all of you so far. This is growing bigger by the day and I can not afford to rest on more guilty pleasures at the moment. Have we almost arrived?" Aixi finished hoping they would be there soon. 


It had been a long while since she had seen the Maneson family, and their brothers. She wasn't sure how they would react, the last visit was rather unpleasent.

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"I don't know. But. I can find out. Come on."

Critical lead Aixi to the console room to see their progress to the next town over. Critical flipped a few switched on the GPS to see their current position. They seemed to be close to it. But they seemed to be an hour out.

"Hm. We seem to be an hour out until we reach the next town over."

I showed her the monitor. I pointed out our current position, and our path to our next destination. As he was showing the teams current position, I caught a glance of the fuel gauge. It is almost full. This was amazing. It should be done by the time we leave the town. If so, they could travel a lot faster around the planet.


Critical got an idea. Since Aixi didn't know exactly who they were looking for, Critical could search for the one they were looking for with the main console. He had a last name, so all he needed to do was look through the family genealogy and look for the most recent relatives. Then isolate the ones closest to the tardis. Critical began typing things into the computer and...

"Hey, Aixi. I found the guy we're looking for. I removed the future information as to not cause any... problems."

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi looked around taking in her surroundings, it was all quite new and fascinating to her. She looked at the absolute power that he controlled and revelled in the possibilities. It both terrified  and fascinated her. She laughed at his offer however, "I do not need to look up my god children, I know all I need to know about him." She said, "I have been in contact with their family for a very long time, I knew his ancestors quite a while back.Their family has ties within mine dating back cenuries ago, I have never met the current head of the house but I do imagine it to be interesting. It always has been. His father threw me out last time, I only hope he is a little kinder." Aixi finished rather bitterly.


She looked at Critic, "I do imagine this machine of yours will come in handy sometime though. What does it do? What can it do? What is all of this, did you build it? How does it look so small on the outside, this is huge!" Aixi had so many questions, this new world was so different than hers.

To her it was a whole new world of dangers, however the possibilities were endless.

@Night Song

She tried to relax as Night worked on her shoulders, but his hooves were quite clumbsy. 'There is a reason his name is Night Song. His toung is a far better tool.' Violet chuckled comparing the two in her head.

"I am glad those two made up, it's nice to see every pony happy again" Violet remarked to Night.

"Thank you hun, it feels much better." SHe asid trying her best to hide the fact she was being un truthful.

She took a moment to think, before speaking. "I don't really know what to do right now. I know it will be a bit, but I don't really know what to do or say right now. It's just so much has happened. I would have never thought I would be doing something like this with all of you. It just kind of feels like a really weird dream, you know?" She asked feeling slightly confused herself.

Violet sat puzzled and confused, she was alright with her choice however she felt to be used by time. "and what of that Critic pony. He has to be here for a valid reason, he seems to be a time lord and all... the whole thing just kind of spooks me." She finished.

Violet looked to NIght and snuggled him for comfort, it was alright because he was there.

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Critical gave her a smile. The questions finally came, but since it was her, Critical was happy to answer her questions.

"This is the tardis, my home. It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I use it as a base of operation, home, and it is also a machine fully capable of traveling through time and space itself."

Aixi looked in wonder at his home.

"The way the tardis is bigger on the inside is because it is another dimension entirely, existing outside of time and space itself. the outside part is nothing really, its the door that's the interesting part."

Now it was for the origin story.


The blue mare appeared in the center of the console, towering over Critical and Aixi.

"No. He did not. I found him long ago. I come from a race called the Timelord. I escaped the planet Gallifrey before it was destroyed. I came here through a crack in time. Completely lost in another universe. Different from my own. I landed on your planet and found Critical here. I felt a kin-ship in him. A being without a home and another with a home that didn't want him."

The image of the mare finished her tale. Critical gave her a smile and a nod.

"This has been my true home for the last seven years. Even before I began my travels. And if you wish. It is also your home as well."

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi looked at the blue mare in shock, she felt slightly betrayed. She turned to Critic in anger, "I thought you said you had no pony! What is this? Why do you have another home with a pony in the basment, what are you doing? Do you think you can play me? She is a being? What is your relationship with her?"


She felt herself growing hot with anger,she was finished being used she was done with the whole thing this happened every time! She felt her spirit force dangerously pushing forward As she spoke, "What do you play me for? Am I just something on the side to you? Is this seriously a joke?" 


She could feel her anger rise as she walked towards him a step, "You think you can just take whatever you please from me and then go and get the rest later? This is how you treat me? What is wrong with you? Has time corupted you that much?" 

She looked over to the pony as if to spit, and then she realized something, 'I don't know their relationship, I don't know if she's even.. real or alive.' Her cheeks flushed red and the anger was immediatly replaced with embarasment.

She lowered her head and looked up at Critic appolegetically she said, "I am sorry I think I may have jumped to conclusions, would you be able to clear things up though?"

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"Certainly. Aixi, she's not a pony. She doesn't even live in the tardis. She IS the tardis."

Aixi's face turned to that of confusion.

"What you see before you, is the consciousness of my home."

Critical looked into her eyes, rage protruding through them. He could tell by her reaction that she was betrayed by another long ago. Critical walked up to her.

"Aixi, if you think I have another relationship with another pony, I can assure you I don't. I've never even had a relationship with anypony before I met you. You are the first."


Critical looked into her eyes.

"I won't leave you, Aixi. I love you too much. She is my only family, the only thing we share is a mental link."

"It's true. I see what he sees. I feel what he feels. Both physical and mental. And I can tell you now, what he feels for you is unlike anything he has felt for another. He loves you Ms. Aixi."

Critical could feel himself blush. He walked up to her, still red-faced.

"I will not betray you Aixi, I couldn't live with myself if I did. I love you Aixi. I am yours and yours alone."

The blue mare looked to the couple. She found it sweet.

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@Mr. Critical

She nuzzled critic and apologized once more. "So she feels everything though, huh." she wasn't sure whether that bothered her or not..

"As long as you are faithful to me it doesn't matter." Aixi decided

She turned to face the tardis, "what do you go by? Am I crazy talking to you or, I guess you can think, right?" She asked the blue pony awkwardly.


Aixi stood and thought for a moment, and thought, 'this could be great we could get everywhere in a blink, we could just blink and be there.' the amazing feat shocked her and left her in awe until she remebered. Speaking up she appologized, "mainly for selfish purposes I would like to not use the travel capabliities of you. I know you know why.." She smiled at the Tardis. "I just want to be happy for a bit first, I know you understand."


Standing awkwardly, Aixi didn't know if she owed it to him to tell him.. 'I expect so much and can't seem to relinquish that bit of information. I just feel scared. I don't know what it's like.' She felt her thoughts trail off into the unkown and she felt ashamed.


All she could think about was herself she ignored the light, she wanted nothing to do with the words it spoke.

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The image walked up to Aixi, a smile on her face. She liked this mare. Critical had the ability to choose a female from litereally countless worlds, and he had chosen a fine woman for himself. The image of the tardis was face to face with Aixi.

"Its okay. I understand. I'm not even fueled up all the way yet so I won't use the long distance materialization yet."

She turned around and walked over to Critical.

"You treat this one good, Critical. She's quite a catch."

She turned once more to Aixi, a smile on her face.

"By the way. You can call me Sun Stone. It's what I call my new physical form."

With that, she was gone.


Criticla went over to Aixi.

"Oh, I hate that form. It's one thing to mock me, its another to be able to follow me around."

Critical looked to Aixi, a smile on his face.

"Look Aixi, I promise. I will always be faithful to you. Always."

He gave her a smile, and a kiss. After that he walked over to the console.

"Now, since you are my mare friend, I have a gift for you. Something very special."

Critical looked through a container in the bottom of the console and brought out a box.

"AHA!. there you are."

Critical was holding a small box in his hooves and opened it to reveal a key.

"Aixi, I bestow upon you my ultimate symbol of trust. This is a key to the tardis itself. You are no longer a guest in this place, but a full time resident. If there is anything you need from this place, it is yours."

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@Mr. Critical

Aixi grabbed the key from Critic, this trust he had displayed by doing this touched her and made her feel truly appreciated and loved. It was so sweet of him. Gently she tucked the key snuggly under her wing. "thank you, so much. This meant so much to me." As she said this she blushed.


She turned to the giant screen and asked Critic to bring up an imiage of their current point. "Can you bring up our current path? I would like to hoof it before we hit town. It just feels more recognizable from the outside. I feel like I would know where I am going."


"It, really shouldn't be long now so I am going to go and inform Violet and Night of our current plan." She said as she turned around and left.


@Night Song

Entering back into their bedroom Aixi placed the key in her bag and tossed the bag around her neck, once that was done she left to go find the other two. She found Night and Violet at the table. "Hey you two, I wanted to appologize to you as well for the scene that I had caused. I hope you are both doing well today. We should actually be stopping soon and Critic should join us shortly. I need to go and visit a family friend, we had an aliance with them years ago, and I wish to bring up an agreement we once had. I am going to warn you though please do not ask him many questions. I don't even know much about their family and we have been aquainted for many years. We are going there for one thing and one thing only." She finished on a serious note.

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"Alright then. I'll stop it here and we can walk the rest of the way if you want."

Critical sent the message to the tardis to halt. Just as he did, he saw Aixi return to her guest room. 'I have no Idea why she's going there, She can put her key in my room if she wanted.'

Critical found the appropriate place to stop the tardis. Flipping some switches and she managed to stop at the side of the road, only a few minutes walk from the town. With that, Critical went to go find the others, hopefully it wouldn't be in an awkward position. He search the tardis looking for the rest of his guests. While he was doing so some thoughts came into his mind about what he had done.


Critical gave his ultimate sign of trust to another. He has never shown this kind of trust to another. And yet Critical was lying himself before her. Sure there were some secrets he preferred not be brought to light. But if she asked, he would answer gladly. Critical looked for a while lost in thought, but then he found Aixi had beaten him to it. He approached the table with his friends.

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Night Song snuggled Violet, "I know what you mean love, I can scarcely believe it myself. But these sort of things happen for a reason." He leans in a kisses her, then he takes a deep look in her eyes, "gosh, her eyes really are beautiful" he thinks to himself and smiles, "Violet love, I honestly don't know what to do either.." He stifles a yawn with a hoof, "I still feel rather tired, Maybe it is the stress from everything, or the fact I didn't exactly get much sleep last night." He kisses her again, then walks over to their room, he looks back over his shoulder, "You don't have to join me if you don't want, though it would be nice." He says with a smile, then walks into their room.


He reaches into his saddlebags and get out his photo of his parents, he hugs it tight then puts it back away. He lays down on his back on his bed with his forehooves behind his head. Then his mind goes into overdrive, "I have got to be the luckiest stallion alive. a fiance who is loving, kind, caring, understanding and beautiful. And that body of hers, so bucking hot, and she's amazing at making love! Hard to believe that she was a virgin, but I am glad it was me that she gave it to"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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