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@Night Song

The group was all together Critic had, joined her side once again, Violet was on her other side looking at her other side waiting further instruction, and Night, 'Wait a second. I swear he was just there a moment ago?' Aixi thought noting his disappearance.


Addressing the group she spoke, "I will be right back, I will just fetch Night and we will be on our way. I almost forgot there was something I needed to ask him."


She left the two awkwardly standing alone. And entered Nights room with out so much as a knock. Aixi was getting rather impatient, as much as she wished the trip would drag on, nothing annoyed her more than wasted time. "Night we are all ready to go." She began.

"Are you ready as well?" She paused for a moment, she didn't mean to sound rude.

"Listen, I don't know if you have given any thought to Blue, but later tonight we will discuss that, I would like to give you some advice and hear your thoughts before anything happens. I must tell you that if Blue is attached to your soul  there are consequences that may happen, removing his soul from yours may endanger your as well. Please think carefully. We can discuss matters later tonight. We will sit down. For right now though we need to go." She finished with urgency. 


She hugged her friend and said "Shall we be off then?" 

@Night SongMr. Critical


Aixi didn't particularly enjoy long embraces so she let go and told him to hurry along.

She left the room and greeted the pair that awaited her at the door. Without missing a step she took the lead and headed for town. She called back instructing them, "From this point on I must ask you to be see and not heard, you may ask nothing about anything. Speak only when spoken to and, please, do be careful in what you say."


The group trotted into town in silence. 'This place has changed a lot since I last visited, but it is all still the same.' She thought as she looked at the ever growing town. 

She looked around, 'the old church was up ahead so they had yet to pass it. Only a little further.' Her mind spoke.

A little ways through the town Aixi came to an abrupt halt. She looked up to a rooftop, perched way up high was an old looking stone gargoyle, "Ahh finally  we are here. She walked up to the stone building she stopped herself before knocking, instead she spoke softly, "Hello Frolo, I would knock but I am in the company of others, would you be so kind as to open it for me? I seek an audience with my god child."


The stone gargoyle began to move from it's perch, he unfurled his wings and swooped towards the ponies landing next to Aixi. "It has been long time since Frolo seen Princess. Frolo sorry about last time, Frolo didn't want to throw princess out, Frolo must obey family though." He apologized to her as her bowed.


Aixi patted the gargoyle she was truly sympathetic towards him, "Frolo you have never been anything less than my friend, I understand the circumstances. Will you please?" She finished motioning to the door, she had no desire to drag this out any longer than it had to be.


"Of course Princess, I will show you to master, although Frolo thinks master will be displeased with companies, NO! Frolo say too much!." He spoke as he unlocked the door and let them in eyeing the rest of the group.


"I promise to take full responsibility Frolo, it is alright." Aixi said as Frolo led them down a short corridor.


He opened the door at the end and timidly poked his head in, "Master, I am sorry. Master has company. It's Princess and." Frolo's words trailed off as he shook slightly. 


A humf and exasperated sigh could be heard from the other side of the door, "Fine, let them in."

Frolo opened the door for the ponies to enter. Aixi barged through the door first slightly angered, "You are so ungrateful! Everything you are is because of us, because of me. We have never met and I can already tell you are just like your father. "


Aixi was steaming, she was furious! How could they continue treating her this way? Horus smiled and spoke, "Aixi, that is who Frolo's princess is. I have heard many noble things about you and I am glad we finally meet. I don't know if I have any answers yet for you. But first who are those ponies and why are they here? Tell me what are your names? Why are you with her?" He looked the group over eyeing them suspiciously.

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Critical followed Aixi into the manor. The place looked old. Something at the back of Critical's head told him that he wasn't going to like this little visit of theirs. The gargoyle presented to us a door. And behind it, his master. 'Okay, we go in, Aixi presents the papers to the stallion in question, leave and goof off for a while. Easy peasy.' Upon hearing the voice on the other side, Aixi burst through in a fit of rage.

So much for easy peasy.

'Not now Sun Stone.'

This was going to get worse before it gets better, so Critical and the rest stood back to let her... "negotiate her business with this stallion.


The stallion glanced over to Critical, Night Song, and Violet. There was something about this guy, something that Critical didn't like. But, he will do as Aixi had told him. Be seen, not heard. It was a bit hard to when the stallion asked for a name. He was debating whether to answer him, or remain silent. He of course stood silent. Critical found this rather rude. But, he did as he was told. He still didn't like him though. Critical smiled a bit thinking it would be hilarious if he told him he was the lord of time and space. Just to see his confused reaction. But, he did not do so.

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@Night SongMr. Critical


Aixi bowed low apologizing, "I am sorry to have come with guests they are traveling with me. I wouldn't have come if it was no life threatening. The spirit force has been disrupted and I fear it"


"That is quite enough!" Horus raised his voice.

He continued on a little softer but not much, "I asked them." He nodded to the others.

"We do not associate any longer. Or have you forgotten about that? I will honor only my ancestors prior agreement and only that one. We severed our ties long ago." He finished shoving Aixi aside hard.


Aixi straightened her crown and pulled out her scroll. "It's really too bad that this is exactly the matter in which my visit regards now isn't it?" She argued back presenting him with the old documents.


Horus looked angered, "Aixi I was not asking you." He brushed passed her speaking once again, "My name is Horus, What business do you have being in her presence? What could you possibly need with me and my brothers? We fight for no one but our selves, and the greater good of our future. Tell me, what your business is with her and then I will decide if it is ours as well."


Aixi was enraged, "You, listen to me now Horus, their business is the same as mine."

Horus turned a swift hoof upon Aixi striking her across the face. "Silence! If you are indeed in need of help then you best cooperate." He bellowed sending Aixi flying to the floor.

Edited by PurplePony
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Critical's rage over flowed at Horus' display. He had struck Aixi, and this was something he would not stand for. Critical's face showed that of raw rage. Something that would strike fear into the hearts of his enemies if they knew what power was at his very hooves. Aproaching Horus his voice changed to an ominous growl.

"How. Dare. You."

Critical was hungry for blood, and this Horus was going to fill that order. Critical got up to him and he was about to tear him a new anus. But, Critical was better than that. He walked passed Horus and went to help Aixi up. This behavior was unforgiveable. Critical helped her to her feet. He could see a light sign of blood through her fur.


This made Critical's anger sky rocket. Turning back to Horus, Critical spoke to him.

"I am Mr. Critical. Lord of Time and Space. We've journeyed to your home, seeking aid against a threat we can not tackle alone. In hopes that you could assist us. My companions, Night Song and Violet. We lack the man power to, and have come to you."

Critical desperately wanted this stallion dead. But, they needed him... for some reason. If he denies their request, Critical can always throw him into a singularity. Or leave him with the Vasht'narada. They'd be quick, but none the less satisfying.

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Mr. Critical


Aixi stood in shock. Critic had come to her aid and blatantly threatened him. Horus was paying no mind his attention on the document that now lay on the ground. "Hmmm, I see so it has finially happened then." He rolled up the scroll and walked over to Critic as he said this.


"Oh and why do you care so much? Has this foul creature finally found a mate? You would be best without." He said to Critic spitting at Aixi.

"You would also do best not to threaten me. I am the least of your concerns it seems and you do require my assistance. So I would appreciate you leaving my business to myself. She knew how she would be treated coming here. She came here by choice. Aixi is right. you do need me. I must offer my assistance but only if you give your word to never set hoof here again. After this fight our ties will be completely severed and we will associate no longer."


"That is fine by me." Aixi huffed as Horus signed the document and tossed it back at her.

"I will gather my brothers and we will meet you as planned. I am very busy and if you all would excuse me that would be appreciated. Oh, and Critic I know who you are, don't think I am frightened of someone like you, that's cute."

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Critical caught the documents before they could hit the floor. His anger still flourishing within him. Horus spitting in their direction wasn't exactly helping. Still, they wouldn't have to set foot in this house ever again, that was a unanimous agreement. Critical looked to the other two in the background, standing in shock at what they had just seen. Then to Aixi, she too was a little shocked at Criticals action's. As they left Critical narrowed his eyes at Horus. Before they could remove eye contact, Critical let out a small chuckle at his remark.

'If only he really knew who I was. Of the things I've done. He would shake in his retarded striped vest of his.'


As they left, the gargoyle opened the door, ushering them out. Critical was happy to have that gotten out of that place. He had only been in there for only a few minutes, but it felt as if he was put into a vice. Still, the way he treated Aixi was unforgivable. If he did that again, there would be no force to stop him, regardless of important.

"I'mma... Sorry for my behavior in there. No idea what came over me."

Critical looked to the group, Aixi especially.

"I'm just glad its over, now. So."

His expression shifted to a happy one.

"Who wants to go goof off for a bit?"

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@@PurplePony, @@Mr. Critical,


Night Song looks at Violet and she nods, they were still in shock but maybe this news may shake the shock off.

"Aixi, Critic, umm.. Vi and I have some news, some wonderful news, and hopefully what just happened, won't sully this."

He smiles and waits for Violet to nod, Critic and Aixi looked at them, a little confused.


Night Song clears his throat, "the news is... well.. Violet and I we're..we're..."

Violet butts in happily, "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!"


There was an awkward silence, Night Song says, "We both decided that, if we're going to die in this fight of yours Aixi, we may as well do it as husband and wife." He says as he squeezes Violet tight.


He looks at Critic and Aixi, "Some goofing off sounds pretty good right about now" He turns to Aixi, "We shall discuss the other matter later tonight, it has been weighing heavily on my heart, the sooner we talk about it, the better, but I think we all need to relax right now."


As they walked back to the carriage, Night couldn't stop thinking about what happened, he sighs, he turns to everypony, "I..I'll be right back, I just need to..." he spreads his wings and prepares to go for a flight


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@Night SongMr. Critical


Frolo opened the front door, and showed them out. "Farewell Princess Frolo is happy it worked out this time." He called after the group.


Aixi looked at her pony friend and smiled, "No, thank you. I just didn't want to say so in front of him. Thank you for all you did back there, I doubt it would have went as well if you were not there." She spoke gratefully to Critic and kissed him.

"He is right though, you do deserve better. I am sorry." She felt ashamed she really was no good for him, he could do much better.


She nuzzled his mane affectionately. "Well what should we do to unwind a bit I know I could use that."


The group continued back to the cart, when Night spoke up saying how he and Violet decided to tie the knot. Aixi gushed at this, "Oh, I am so happy for you! We have to party though before you do! Let's celebrate life together tonight. Hurry back!" she called as he took off to have some alone time for the moment.


They had finally reached their cart and Aixi was excitedly looking about for her other luggage. "Critic I bought a bunch more alcohol where did those other bags go.. you know the ones you packed on here before we left? I know I had some.." She trailed off as she searched.

Edited by PurplePony
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Night Song sighed as he soared through the skies, he finds a cloud and sits on it, thinking for a while. "How could that pony call Aixi foul? She was far from it! He was the foul one!" He slams his hoof down in anger, thanking the stars that none of his friends saw this display of rage, "Aixi can't be blamed for what happened, It wasn't her fault, some power hungry pony did all this!" He slams his hoof down again, then takes a look at himself, "This isn't like me, what's come over me? that's it, I need my music, I need something to soothe my soul." He spreads his wings and starts his flight back to the carriage, "this, all of this. it's all so strange, yet familiar."


He sighs as he lands next to the carriage, he walks past Critic and Aixi, lightly kisses Violet on the cheek and walks into their room. He gets out his travel violin and starts to play some music. Saint Sáen's Danse Macabre, his anger soon goes away, but is quickly replaced with sorrow, he drops his violin to the ground and breaks down in tears, burying his face in his pillow, so as to muffle his cries..

Edited by Night Song


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Oh, don't say that. That guy was a prick. You're the only one for me. Come on, lets get back to the tardis."

A few minutes later, Aixi asked him to assist her in searching for her bags. Critical gave her a nod at her request, and went to go look for the bags. Critical began his search for her bags. His memory wasn't the best, but that didn't stop him from searching. After a few minutes, Critical came back to Aixi. Holding her bags triumphantly. The bottles clinking lightly in them.

"Here ya go."

Alcohol had little effect on Critical, and he didn't like the taste much. Unless it was wine.


She took them and placed them on the ground, searching through them to see if they weren't damaged. Critical looked in a and saw they were unharmed. In the distance Critical could hear a violin. It was probably Night Song or Critic's record player was going insane again. Critical looked around Aixi's guest room, and a thought came to mind.

"You know, Aixi. Since you and I are together, you can stay in my room if you want to. Its a lot better in there. Only if you choose to though."

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@Night SongMr. Critical


Aixi laughed, "He is right and he does have a reason to be a prick. It is alright I would expect the same reaction from you if you knew what he does. "

She sifted through her bag making sure that no bottles were damaged. She picked out various wines and champain standing them before Violet

She was feeling rather sorry for herself but she was putting on a good face tonight was about Violet and Night. We were celebrating with them A smile pushed forth on Aixi's face as Critic said he wanted to share his room. "Oh Critic my dear! Of course I want that! I would love nothing more than to share your room with you! Thank you my love I didn't want to intrude. Thank you." She leaped joyously at her stallion and covered him with kisses.

She was relived that he still didn't think ill of her. "My Critic your emotions may change for me with time, but please know that I care deeply about you. I would never want to hurt you." She snuggled him and kissed his neck as she spoke to him.


Violet looked at the two and decided to give them a moment. She heard the sound of a violin and thought of Night, leaving the cart with a bottle of red wine she approached her sobbing fiance. "Are you alright? Honey?" She asked putting a hoof around his shoulders.

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Critical gave a chuckle at Aixi's affection. And at her statement. Critical would never think ill of her. It was rather amusing in a way.

"Aixi, I would never think ill if you."

Critical pulled her close and gave her a passionate kiss, lasting for a few seconds. He pulled away and gave her a smaller kiss. Critical was insane for this mare.

"I care about you too."

He brought her closer to him with a hug. And he then whispered into her ear.

"In fact. You could even say, I love you, Aixi."


He pulled away from her once more. He let what he just did sink in. After a while, Critical went to the alcohol to prepare it for tonight's celebration of Night Song and Violet's engagement. He knew of a few things he could do with equestrian alcohol. He'd have to stay away from Baru Root as to avoid the incident from last night. But, he could make some interesting dishes and beverages. They could have the party in the aqua cultural grove.

"So Aixi, do you want anything special to eat tonight. Any dishes you would really like to request for yourself or the new wedding couple?"

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Night looked up at Violet, the tears streaming down his face, "N..no." he says, looking deep into her eyes, "love, the reason I went for that flight...I let my anger control me. It got hold of me and I had to be away from everypony. The last time I was angry around you, I badly hurt you." He kisses her lightly, "but then when I came back, I needed to calm down, that's why I was playing that song, but I couldn't stand it, the sorrow then took control of me." He grabs her and puts her on his lap, kissing her deeply. "I love you, for all eternity" he says, rolling over, pulling Violet on the bed, "Right now my love, I just want to snuggle with the most loving, kind, caring, beautiful and sweet mare in the whole entire world" He muzzles and kisses her.


"B..babe?" he asks, "if we do survive this battle, there's something I want...I want to have with you." He kisses her lightly, "Darling, I want to settle down and have a family with you, maybe somewhere in Ponyville. It's a nice enough little town, with friendly residents." He wraps her up in his wings, and nuzzles her, nibbling her ear a little.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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@Mr. Critical

Her ears rang, 'What did he just say to me? I didn't hear that right.. I couldn't have. Did he just say that? Her cheeks deepened in color "I uh." She squeaked out.


How could she tell him how much she loved him how could she tell him how she felt when she knew how much she would hurt him. She didn't want him to cry that much. Aixi just didn't want to be alone, she just wanted to share her love without consequences. 


"I don't know what that is any longer but I do know I feel different around you, and I like it." She felt her whole body grow warm she was blushing immensely.


Her feelings ended by the mention of food she replied, "I am not hungry, but thank you. Cook whatever you please. I think I will just stick to a little wine tonight if that's alright."

She hugged her stallion closer, "The only thing I hunger for is you." She nipped at his neck playfully landing a few soft kisses between teeth.

She stopped suddenly and sat up straight pushing him back slightly, "Oh no, I forgot to fetch somepony who we were to meet with. Is there any way to send Sun Stone perhaps? I would go myself, but I would rather stay here with you." Aixi asked thinking her idea was actually pretty good. 

@Night Song,


Violet hugged her stud and kissed him softly. "I love you and I never want to see you sad I want and desire a family and all of those things that you want too. I want to have some fun for right now, let's stop being so serious just for a bit. Let's play a game we used to enjoy. Violet cracked the bottle and sipped lightly, "Tonight is ok to drink and make merry." She laughed assuring him.


"So I guess I will start." She spoke as Night held her in his lap somewhat confused.

"I know it's a little childish but oh, whatever! I don't care alcohol is childish too!" She giggled

"So, my Night, truth or dare?" Violet squeed in delight it felt so much better to be laid back and she saw him smile.

Nights smile was truly all she needed, his sweet voice was just a bonus. She remembered when they were younger playing the game, that is how he confessed his love for her the first time. She giggle at the nostalgic feeling.


Kissing his now smiling face she looked at him and teased him a little. "Do you remember the last time we played? Oh you were so cute! "Now come on, truth or dare! I wanna know!" She sat with him kissing him playfully in between her words she loved how he held her so close and enjoyed being silly with her every now and again.

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Sun Stone appeared out of no where, a smile on her face.

"Of course Lady Aixi. I'd be happy to help you. However, you won't be able to leave the tardis for a time. I need a body to communicate and I can only make it out of the exterior."

The image walked over to Aixi and retrieved the address. With that, Sun Stone disappeared. Critical could hear the tardis wheeze to life, changing its shape outside. Luckily, they were all inside. Critical brought Aixi closer to him, lust in his eyes. Continuing on from where Aixi started, nipping her neck this time.


"Well, I think we were around... here."

Critical began to kiss the mare of his life. Enjoying her contact with him. Each kiss seemed to get longer. After a minute of enjoying each other's company, Critical had to cut it short for a time.

"Sorry, Aixi. Had to cut that short. But look at it this way. It serves as a sampler for tonight's main course."

Critical wanted to go all the way right there, but now was not the time.

"Until then, I'll stay with you until you wish to be alone. Unless you want another sample, all you need to do is ask."

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Night smiled, he did indeed remember the last time they played truth or dare, though it was so long ago. He held her close and kissed her, taking a sip from the wine, being careful not to drink too much. "I know you want a family too love, but like I said, we best wait until this whole battle is over. Neither of us would be of much use if you become pregnant now." He kisses her again and takes another drink.

"Later tonight, I will have to talk with Aixi about Blue, and him 'clinging' to me. She said that there are dangers of 'removing' him from my soul. I think, I think I ought tot keep him with me, as much as nuisance as he can be..."


"I heard that, you silly filly!" Night song says out loud in Blue's voice and covers his mouth.


"Quiet you!" Night says out loud half light heartedly, then squeezes tight to Violet and kisses her again, "See what I mean, he can just enter my mind and cut me off half way through a sentence, anyway, as I was saying, as much of a nuisance of him, if the risks of removing him from me are greater than the ones of having him with me, then it's best I keep him, I suppose."


He thinks for a bit, "alright love, I'll play your game, Truth"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Sun Stone was making her way to her meeting point. A hotel. She was supposed to find a stallion. She didn't know what he would look like, but at least she had a room number. She materialized at her destination, out of sight from wandering eyes. Looking around she came out of her hiding space and went to into the hotel, passing the front desk. She came to a hallway of rooms and trotted through the halls. After a few minutes, she found her room. Knocking on the door as to alert the residence of her presence. The door opened and she was greeted by her contact. Speaking in her usual sultry voice.

"Greetings. I come on behalf of a one Aixi."



Back in the tardis, Critical was fixing up a few dishes for the new wedding couple. A few dishes that conveyed love amongst other species. He did have to avoid the ones that contained pheromones that excited the consumers. To be honest he really didn't want to fill the whole tardis with the loud screams of pleasure. There wouldn't be a sound barrier strong enough to silence those. He would know, he tried when he visited those planets. Occasionally he would glance up at Aixi and gave her a wink in her direction. Making her blush a bit.

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@@Mr. Critical,


NightStrike had been spending his time in the inn for most of the night. He didn't drink too much like he promised to himself. That mare he saw this morning had still made no contact with him. He really wanted some adventure in his life, he wanted to join that group badly. Actually it didn't even really matter to him what kind of quest it was. As long as it would make his life somewhat more then it used to be.


After a while he decided to rent a room and call it a night. If they wouldn't make any contact he would search for them the next morning. He had his knife ready next to his bed, in case someone unwanted would try to break in. It might seem paranoid but acting like that saved his life multiple times. He lay down in his bed and quickly fell asleep.


NightStrike was a light sleeper though and he immediately woke up when he heard a knock on his door. He lifted his knife at ready when he opened up the door. It was a mare, seemingly unarmed. NightStrike decided to throw away his knife as she didn't seem like much of a threat. Then she spoke to him, NightStrike had next to no social experience especially not with mares, he didn't know why but her way of speaking made him blush.


He wouldn't just thrust anypony of course so he asked with his calm voice: "If you come on behalf of Aixi, why couldn't she come to pick me up herself like she said?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Do to a jarring encounter with another contact, Ms. Aixi couldn't come to meet you in person. However, she has sent me in her place."

Sunstone spoke in her normal sultry voice. Eyeing the black unicorn, looking him over. She was making him feel a bit odd.

"Well?... Aren't you going to invite me in. It's not nice to keep a mare waiting."

After a bit, Nightstrike cautiously let her inside. Sun Stone was anxious to get things over with so she could return her focus back to the lovers.

"So, let us begin our discussions."


Back in the tardis, Critical had gone to the table to set up the food he had prepared. He had created some of his favorite dishes. 'Tiil fruit salad. Minus the Baru root and the pheromone leaves. A nice Scourn fondue. With  little additions of equestrian cheese. And finally, some simple fettuccini alfredo with garlic bread. It wasn't romantic, Critical just needed something to fill the third slot. Critical began to retrieve plates and set them on the table. He also retrieved some wine he had gotten from the reneighsance area. Courtesy of King Solaris. All was set.

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@@Mr. Critical,


NightStrike looked at the mare. There was only one chair in the room. He pointed his hoof to it: "You can sit down if you want to." NightStrike himself walked over to the edge of his bed and sat there. She seemed a bit hasty like if she'd rather want to go back to wherever she came from as soon as possible. He was a bit unsure where to start. So he just explained in short what already happened to him and Aixi


"Well it seems like I got the opportunity to join that group of yours." He said to her, playing his hooves a bit. He was still quite anxious around other ponies. "I was ehm.... analyzing and following your group for a bit when a certain mare of your group named Aixi decided to fly and take a nap in exactly the same tree I was in." He chuckled a bit at that last part "She didn't notice me until the next morning, Let's just say we talked for a bit and she invited me to join your ehm.. group. She said I should wait here in this town in one of the inn's. So I decided to do just that and here I am."


He wanted to know what to do next so he asked: "So what are you going to do, are you going to take me with you? Do I need to come back at you tomorrow? Or should I do something else?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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Sunstone began to think about his words. If he was invited by Aixi, then he had the freedom to choose to stay here or join them.

"You were invited by Lady Aixi. You can come to our cart a few miles south of he town gate either now or later. But, we will not wait forever. We will be moving at noon or when you arrive. Know that we have business to attend to."

Sun Stone thought she should warn the unicorn of what he woud see when he got into the cart.

"And... I should warn you."

This caught his attention quite well.

"If you choose to join our little fellowship. You will see... things. Things very little on this world have seen."

Sun Stone stood from her seat.

"What you choose is your decision. For now, I take my leave. If you choose to join us. The cart is a little ways from the town's south entrance. We will be on the side of the road so it should be fairly easy to spot us. With that, I bid you a due."

Nightstrike nodded his head and got up to let her out. Upon turning around, he found that the mare had vanished. As if she was never there.

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@Mr. Critical,

Aixi sat with a half empty bottle of wine in front of her. She was just beginning to relax and enjoy herself for a bit Her head was still a little sore from the earlier incidents however, past was the past. She didn't want to even glance back, that was gone. She took another deep swig directly from the bottle avoiding the glass Critic had gotten for her. It just seemed like such a shame to dirty a perfectly good glass when there was no need to.

Critic was preparing dinner it smelled incredible. Every now and again he would shoot her a wink or a look that bade her face hot. Wouldn't you celebrate with me tonight?" Aixi asked holding up her bottle. "I know you don't drink much and you don't have to." She continued on she didn't want to force him.


She took another swallow and glanced his way. She put the bottle down and cheerfully trotted up to him. She breathed in, "It smells wonderful. I am actually pretty hungry." She stopped talking for a moment and thought.


'I am hungry, that's not right. I just say that as it is a custom among them, but I am hungry.' Her thoughts of realization bothered her.

Making a mental note for the morning she resumed her conversation with Critic, "Are we almost back yet? And do you know if Sun managed to find the stallion?" She asked.

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NightStrike was dazzled. Never in his entire life did a pony apart from himself vanish that silently out of nowhere. When he turned around and he noticed she was gone, he spend 15 minutes to search every little part of his room. "This can't be" He mumbled "she's just gone". The fact that he didn't know how frustrated him. But after a while he accepted she was just gone. He couldn't get any restful sleep anymore though, so he decided to search for that cart.


He trotted out of his hotel to the town after he ate some of the food he brought with him from the forest for dinner. He had put his cloak on again. His bow and quiver on his back. It was still nighttime. Morning was far away. There where some shady looking ponies walking around town, but they didn't dare to do anything to him. NightStrike loved the night. Not only did everything seem more beautiful at nighttime in his opinion. It was also useful for his specific skill-set. Which consisted mostly of sneaking around.


By midnight NightStrike neared the southern entrance and quickly noticed a cart. "That must be the cart she was talking about." He thought. It didn't seem like anything special but there where no other carts around so this had to be the one. He decided knock the doors and see what will happen.

Edited by Tribunus Wayzer


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"Indeed I have."

Sun Stone was in the kitchen and had startled the two a bit.

"Your friend Nightstrike knows of our location and if he chooses to join us, all he need do is knock on the doors. From there, you can take care of the rest. Until then, you two enjoy yourselves."

With that Sun Stone disappeared. Critical looked to Aixi and her nearly depleted bottle of wine.

"Well... alcohol has little effect on me. But, since you offered."

With that, he grabbed the bottle and took a swig.

"'Tis good."

He handed the bottle back to Aixi.

"I know that you're hungry, but it will be ready in a few minutes. And we won't be moving until that guy you sent for gets here or by noon tomorrow"


@@Night Song,

Critical cooked in the kitchen for a good while. Then finally, he was done.

"Haha! Molto bene, it is done."

Critical left for the console room and grabbed a microphone.

"Night Song and Violet. Dinner is ready."

Critical's voice echoed through the halls of the tardis. Sending his information to the two. He then made it back to the kitchen.

"All right, let us wait for the two, then we can eat."


Aixi looked to Critical and took her seat, stumbling a bit but Critical was there to help her if need be. He began to set the food on the table and various plates he never thought he would get a chance to use. They were just there. His attention was then turned to Aixi, a drunken glint in her eye. She did almost drink an entire bottle of wine. She was looking to Critical now and this time, she shot Critical a wink. This made him smile. Walking up to her he gave her a passionate kiss. He pulled away and sat down next to her awaiting for their friends

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@@Night Song,

Critical and Aixi sat at the table for a few minutes, just eying each other, awaiting their friends. Critical began to worry on where his friends could be. He had made a really good dinner for them and yet neither Violet or Night Song could be seen.

Maybe they're getting intimate again.

'Sun Stone!... probably.'

Tired of waiting, Critical got up from his chair and went to go see what the hold up was.
"I'll be back in a little bit. Okay Aixi."
"Hurry back. I can't keep drinking wine forever."

Critical was racing down the hallway, in search of his friends.

"Where in tartarus are those two?"
After a while of searching he finally found them in their room, playing spin the bottle.

The two looked to Critical a bit surprised.

"Come on, I cooked a dinner in honor of your engagement. You wanna join me and Aixi, or are you going to play college games all day."
After that, Critical turned around and started walking back to the kitchen. In doing so he passed the console room again, with the blue mare over head.

"Oh man. I was hoping for more awkwardness."
"Hey, the nights still young and there's a lot of wine untapped right now."

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