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open Time that Bonds~ RP


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Critic continued his walk through the town. When he heard a sound. He took a defensive stance. And he began to observe his suroundings. But what he saw confused him. He saw a pegasus flying of. And he looked like he was... sobbing. It was odd because he didn't know who he was. He seemed really distraught too.


Critic began to follow him. It was difficult because of the no flying thing for critic. He finally founf the one place he could have gone. A small cave. Critic aproached the cave, ready for anything and everything... well, not really but... anyway. Critc began to enter and he found the stallion in the corner.



Critic directed his statement to the equine.

"What seems to be the problem?"

He tried to sound sincere in his question. Citic can't stand seeing sentient beings cry. Even full grown adults. The shadowy figure can wait for now. Should deal with this now. And Critic didn't really have anything else to fix right now. Unless the tardis alearts him to an anomoly, he is top of Critics list of problems to fix. No clue why though.

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When the pegasus stallion left the room in such a hurry, Guardian was glad that he did not get noticed. He did not like eaves dropping, but after what he heard, there was no way he could not resist the temptation. After a few moments, he slowly opens the door. "Excuse me miss." he says, "Is everything all right, and i apologize in advance for listening in on your conversation." He did not enter the room completely, only enough to poke his head through to get a better look.




( i got nothing else so do not pay attention to this little bit as its only purpose is to get to the minimum character requirement so that i can post this and continue with the role-play. If anyone does stop to read this than welcome to nothingness where nothing is true and everything is permitted. Your next mission will be to infiltrate a heavily guarded home to steal the plans that are beings used to build a giant taco machine to end world hunger. This will be ours so everything will be free and not used for someones sick games in profiting.)

  • Brohoof 1
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The town of wintermare. It was supposed to be an amazing place, unfortuantely for the subplot relating to Chain Mail that has yet to even start, this is not where the costar of that plot is. He was in baltimare, waiting on his order of 'everything' to be delivered to his table. It was then that he saw somepony he had heard about. Thunder Dash.


"Well, I've heard about you." He said, getting up from his chair. He was wearing his 'Terminator' armor, sans helmet, in the fancy resturaunt. No matter what it would be clear that he wasn't civilian. The bigger question will end up being was he a merc or a soldier. Unless of course his reputation for the worlds most leathal mercenary alive, Death Side the Terminator, (It was a working progress, but it stuck) proceded him, in which case the armor would be a dead giveaway to who he was.


"Lightining Dash, don't know your rank, but I do know your spec. ops. Just came back from the griffin kingdom." He said, not prying into the fact that he only had that info because he had access to some of the royal war documents, and because thing like the Angus burger were usually reserved for omnivores like the Griffins. "Word just popped up about the most relaxing town ever. I think it's a load of sperm whale intestines, but it's worth a shot." He started, trying to make small talk. "But I take it that you don't k ow me. Name's Chain Mail." He added, propperly introducing himelf.

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The door halfway shut as Aixi thought. "Oh darn I was starting to have fun, I must have gotten to him. I just remember captains being, well a little more, what is the word... assertive." She smiled to herself and with that she walked over to the bedside table and blew out the candle.


Moments later there was some other pony at the door. "So you have been listening, well do not be shy come in. It seems as if I will not get any sleep tonight, which in all honesty is alright. I am more of a night pony then anything."


She noticed that the pony had poked his head in the door. The pony was obviously male, but there was something about him that made her feel uneasy. He opened the door to come in the two's eye contact never breaking. Aixi ignoring her feelings smiled at the mysterious pony. "Please come in, and close the door if you please. My room is small but you may have a seat on the bed if you wish."




So with the world dieing of tacos or whatever I now have the cup song stuck in my head and you all are going to miss me by my "talk ohh"


The mission has been successful. The rabbit fell into the whole and I backdoored that mofo for days. I got the ice and we are too meet with Pappa Cream give him the goodies and spilt before the banna reaches the milkshake. If you can confirm this Mr. Potatoe head we are ready for phase 2 and are standing by for the peel. 


If Jolly Ranchers shows up with the taco's give him the monkey but make sure it can not fly if it flies the deal with Pappa cream doesn't go down and you can bet your first born son Vladimir that you will pay for all the ice o.0

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@@Mr. Critical,


Hearing somepony say something, he looks up from his sleep, he didn't know the pony standing in front of him, but he sounded sincere. "I..I don't feel that I deserve my post and status as Vice Captain of the Guard." Blue gets up, wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, you probably think i'm pathetic, it's just, I get nightmarish flashbacks of when the Changelings attacked, and I was fighting on the front line, I couldn't help my fellow guards, so many of them died." Blue begins, "But that isn't all, I'm just...I'm just feeling sorry for myself, and I know that is probably one of the reasons why I can't get a marefriend, and the one mare who I thought wasn't going to use me for my status, laughed at me."


Looking at the pony infront of him now, he did seem familiar, but he couldn't quite place him. He extends a hoof out, "I'm sorry, where are my manners, my name is Vice Captain Blue Blur, but you can just call me Blue or Blur, and I'm sorry, but I don't know your name, have I...Have I seen you someplace before?"


Blue Blur then hears a screech, he flinches for a moment.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Critical. My name is Critical. And if you mean the Canterlot invasion during the royal wedding, you probably caught a glimpse of me."

Critic began to think of Blue blur's words. A Vice captain of the guard, who doesn't deserve his guard.

"And to be honest you don't seem pathetic to I. You show that you cared for your fellow guard, when others would just carry on as if nothing happened. You regret you could not help them, but I'm willing to guess that you could not. No matter how much you wanted to. You would risk everyhthing you had and more for their safety. That, my friend makes you stronger than the others. Ponies die, its the natuarl world. Believe me when I say I've seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ponies fall to great enemies. But I continue, for if I cannot continue forward. Then their lives will have been for nothing.

The stallion seemed suprised by my words.


Critic looked out the cave as if hearing something began to scan the area. He saw nothing, bu didn't turn around.

"Tell me blue blur. This... mare. Describe her to me. Her features, quirks, personality. What's she like.

Blue Blur looked confused at this new question.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Blue smiled, "You're the first pony outside of the Guard to not call me pathetic, I appreciate that." He looks at the same direction that Critic was looking in, "Well her name is Aixi, she's a strange one, she is. She's new to the town, but what happened was, she was looking for the resting place of her penpal, who happened to be an acquaintance of mine, so I helped her, seeing as he was an aquintance and he actually died pretty close to my house. But what happened was, well for the rest of the day and night, I couldn't stop thinking about her for some reason, and then I had one of those flashbacks, and decided to go for a late walk, and thought I'd go see her at the inn. I made a big mistake in telling her that I thought I was falling in love with her. She just laughed at me, that is why I was crying." He pauses for a while, "Critic...Sorry, Mr.Critic, you're right, I should go forward, and I do my best to, but the thing is, I'm quite lonely. I pretty much have no friends outside the Guard, as I have trouble trusting other ponies. I'm always afraid that they would just use me for my status."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Sounds like you've got a good head on your sholders. Along with a good heart. I won't deny that there are ponies out there who will use you and take advantage of you."

Critic thought back to his foalhood years. The whole town seemed to only abuse him and use him for their own gain.

"But to assume that all of them will take advantage of you is most unlikely. "

Critic began to look through his words. Then he thought of something.

"So this Aixi. She came all the way out here to look for a friend of hers who recently passed. And you offered to help am I correct?

Blue Blur gave a nod.

"And you two like each other, correct?

He gave another nod.

"So answer me this, why would she mock you, a stallion who was willing to help her out with no compensation, reject your advances for a relationship?"

Blu Blur looked like he was thinking a bit.

"Understand this Blue Blur..."

He looked at me escaping his thoughts for a bit.

"A stallion is truely worthless, only when the stallion himself acknowledes this. And I see so much more to than you can know."

Critic began to leave, leaving the stallion with his thoughts. Until he thought of something.

"Hey Blue. Does Wintermare seem a bit off to you by any chance?"

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@@Mr. Critical,


Blue smiles at Critic, "I don't know why, I suppose it could be that we had only met earlier today, and didn't really know each other." He thinks for a while, "She was right in a way though, it was most likely because I was lonely, and..." Blue remembers something, "Oh for Celestia's sake! I was such an idiot! She didn't reject me because of me, it was because of her!" He tries to think what Aixi said..

"Don't take me wrong, I am flattered and I am sure you are fun, but you don't need me. I am no good for a person of your stature. It would never work out. I can't see myself with any pony again and that is fine but I wish that you would respect this." Blue facehoofs, "I've been such a idiot! Oh Celestia, Aixi probably hates me now!" He slams a hoof on the ground, "How could I be so insensitive and selfish!" He turns to Critic, he liked Critic, even though they had just met and could tell that he was a good pony, "Would you be so kind as to come with me, so I can apologize to her? It's just if I have some support, I hopefully won't get like this again." He pauses and then quickly ads, "i know we've just met Mr.Critical, but I can already tell you're a good pony."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Thunder Dash soon finished ordering and his food. He then decided to fly back home. On the way back home, he made a stop in the Everfree Forest by Zecora's hut to take a quick nap. He then resumed his flight back to Ponyville. After a 10 minute flight, he arrived in Ponyville. 


There, he saw some ponies chatting with each other, but continued to walk. He then looked up to his home in Cloudsdale, where his cousins lived, but he decided not to fly there. He had this feeling that someone needed his help, but he regarded it as just a hoax as he kept on walking. He walked past the flower shop, the market and soon ended up on Sweet Apple Acres. He then decided to fly off in a direction where that somepony who needed help was. "I don't know why I'm getting this feeling, but I'll do whatever it takes to help that somepony who needs it." Thunder stated as he kept on flying. 


(OOC: Sorry, don't know where you guys are, trying to get my character to where all of you are at. I'd really prefer this to be a regular RP instead of an advanced RP.)

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"Thank you. And if it is what you want, then I shall acompany you back to town. Really don't want to be there in the dark unless something... weird happens again."

Blue Blur and Critic began there walk to the inn. Both deep in thought and remaining in silence. It was Critic who decided that the silence shall end.


"Sooooo... what do you plan to ssay to this Aixi mare of yours."

Critic was indeed curious. He had never had a marefriend before, let alone a mare speak to him. Then again he never got a chance to. Traveling all the time. He thought that they would get between him and his hobby. Blue Blur looked to Critic as they walked back to the inn.

"Its just I've never really had any expieriance with mares, and I'm not really..."

Critic tried to find the words he was looking for.

"Knowledgeable in this subject."

Critic thought this was ironic. He could calculate the time a meteor could hit a planet , calibrate the most complex machinery in the universe, but the ways of the heart are impossible to him. Critic began to wait for his response from Blue Blur. Hopefully Critic didn't overstep any boundaries.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Blue sighs, "To be honest, neither have I. Except for maybe helping ones who were in distress, and I guess...I don't really know what I am going to say to her. Maybe apologize for the way I acted and tell her that she was right about the first part she said." Blue says as his thoughts trail off to exactly what he was going to say, "I just hope that she accepts my apology." A glint of hope lit itself inside Blue's heart, "But I cannot see why she would say she was no good for me, but maybe it's something that happened to her in the past." He thinks, "I should respect that she doesn't want to be in a relationship, and I certainly won't pry into her past, not unless she wants me to."


Blue smiles again, he didn't know why but for some reason just the company of Critic was having a good influence on him. "I'm sorry, listen to me ramble on about myself and everything. So tell me, if you don't mind, where are you from? I have a feeling we may have met or at least seen each other walk by at some point, but I can't seem to figure out where or why."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic looked to Blue Blur with suprise.

"Oh you know, I just have one of those faces. Happens more than youd think."

Critic may not have met this stallion before, but with his... hobby, it could have been possible that Blue Blur has met Critic, and not even know it.

"Your friend, Aixi sounds like quite the lady. She sounds really nice. Hopefully, things work out for the best."

No pony should be alone forever. And Blue Blur seemed like he needed a companion more than Critic did.


The inn was drawing near, and blue blur would be in the spot light soon enough. Critic was hoping for the best. Minutes passed and they were in front of the building. It was time.

"So, were here. Anything you wish to do before you go in there?"

Critic wanted this to go down in a positive way. Then he could get back to the mystery of this town.


(This is for the word limit thingie. This is non important giberish and if you think it matters well then you are wrong. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh damnation to tartarus itself for this confounded word limit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnggggg.

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@@Mr. Critical,


Blue smiles, "I hops too and she is, a bit strange, but there's nothing wrong with being a bit strange, makes things interesting." He says as they step into the inn, "I wouldn't mind some cider to calm the nerves, but that may be a bad idea. I'd prefer to have a clear head when I do this." Blue then talks to the owner of the inn and finds out that Aixi hasn't left her room. "Well probably best we get this over with. I'd be more at ease afterwards." He starts up the stairs with Critic following him close behind. They soon reach Aixi's room. "Well, here goes nothing."




Blue Blur lifts his hoof and knocks on the door, "Miss Aixi? It's Blue Blur, I..I'd like to talk about...about how I acted before. May I come in please?" Blue was hoping that Aixi would forgive him and that they could at least be friends. He stands idly at the door waiting for Aixi's response. As he waits, he starts getting a little nervous, so he starts humming one of his favorite songs that he likes to hum when he's feeling anxious or nervous or just plain bored. He lets a little "Cant you see I'm not a threat?" slip.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"Not being able to fall asleep was tiresome." Aixi thought. "I really don't need sleep, any way."


With that thought she scooted down to the main lobby, where a tavern was conveniently located for the guests. "Just one glass of cider.. that will perk me up."


Aixi ordered glass after glass. She forgot how good a beverage could taste, it had been a while since she had anything other then the left over residue of souls and the sweet frothy cider felt like a delicacy.


Finially satisfied she hiccuped and glanced around the room. "Now where did that bar wench disappear too? Another glass would be nice but I should just pay." She said in a light giggle.


Getting up out of her seat Aixi stumbled about looking for her server. After a bit of time and no luck she laid the payment behind the counter with a sizable tip and walked around the lobby to the front counter. "Miss, I left the payment for the drinks behind the counter, would you tell your server?"


The older mare behind the counter nodded gruffly and with that taken care of Aixi trotted cheerfully up to her room. As she approached her humble abode she noticed a couple of ponies outside her door. She strolled up behind them "Excuse me. Oh it's you again? I thought I had scared you off." she stammered tripping slightly sideways. 


"Whoopsies!" Aixi sang out whimsically pushing her way past the two stallions to open the door. 


"So what pray tell has brought you back? And with a friend? You are both welcome to come in for a moment if you wish." She said this with a smile as she entered her room.

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Critic and Blue Blur looked at each other with expressions of confusion. They both walked into the room and took a seat.

"Um, my name's is Mr. Critical. And by what Blue Blur has told me, I'm willing to believe that you are Aixi.

She gave a nod to aknowledge that Critic was correct. But there was something off about her. She seemed... intoxicated. Critic could see it clearnas day.


"My friend here would like to tell you something."

Critic nudged Blur to put him into the spot light. Critic thought if Blue wanted to... tell her whatever it is he was going to tell her. It would be now. Blue looked like he was preparing himself for what he was about to say. While Critic was gazing at the odd mare. Never really seen her species before. But what was catching his attention was that Aixi was swaying her head as if she was swimming.


"Imma...imma give you two some space to talk."

Critic got up and went to the kitchen area. And awiated for the two to speak.


(Sorry I took control of your characters a bit guys. Had to to advance the story a bit. Won't do that unless I have to.)

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@@PurplePony, @@Mr. Critical,


Uh oh, it looked as if Aixi had gotten drunk, well they were here now and there wasn't much else he could do. They walked into Aixi's room. "No, it wasn't that. I..I was being an idiot and a foal. All I heard was a rejection and for some strange reason, with that I heard put downs, but at myself. That's why I flew away crying." Blue Blur begins, he looks to Critic for support, Critic nods for him to continue, "I was wallowing in self pity, which was rather pathetic, but then this kind pony, Mr. Critical found me in the cave, and he helped me to see that I was wrong. After talking to him, I fully realized what you had said." Blue was now sitting down on the bed, "I truly am very sorry for the way that I acted, it was incredibly selfish of me, and an attitude that no guard, especially a Vice Captain of the Guard should ever display." He pauses to collect his thoughts, "I hope that you can forgive me, and um listen, about the..the love thing, you are partially right, it is most likely because I was lonely, but what I cannot understand is why you would think you would be no good for me? However, I understand that you do not want to be in a relationship, and I will respect that, but I do hope that we can at least be friends."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Sitting down in her seat under the window with slightly more grace than she would have normally Aixi sat and stared at the pair for a moment. She noticed the unfamiliar stallion carefully watching her from the kitchen. She couldn't put a hoof on it but she felt as if a part of her distant self remembered. 



Blue Blur


She shook her head to clear it. Aixi held Blue's stare for a moment before answering, with a grim voice she answered "I can forgive, do not fret and give your self more night terrors. I understand being alone, I have been alone for so long. It has to be that way though, you see my friends and family were slaughtered by your kind. It was not their fault they understood not. They feared for their own lives the lives of the ponies they protected, and without understanding the circumstances jumped to conclusions. With no other pony left of our kind I am left to carry forth our duty. I can not have any more blood shed on my account. Like I said it is not you, it is me and me alone. I am sorry to say this but I do believe you have wasted your time, I have no friends, no family nothing."


Aixi paused allowing this information to soak in. Glancing about the room she felt their confused stares ripping at her. "My name is Princess Aixi, I am the last of my kind, We were called soul reapers by the likes of your ancestors. This information alone could have me detained and beheaded so I beg of you both to keep this information a secret. We were supposed to have been exterminated centuries ago for feeding off of living souls. Truthfully the only stallion who had done this still roams, he took most of the souls from my heard, the rest were slaughtered by the fearful guards. It is my duty to finish him so that the living can rest with knowing they are safe." 


"Now if you can't keep your nosy mouth shut, I can make sure you don't speak of this ever again.." She giggled a bit to herself. "I mean you no harm and would never harm a living being  unless provoked, but now do you understand?" She asked.



Mr. Critical


Aixi directed her attention towards the kitchen. "That warning is directed to you as well. Who are you? I feel we have met some time ago..." This particularly bothered Aixi as she had far out lived other ponies. 


She started to sway slightly, anxiety mixed with cider had put her slightly on edge.

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Blue was shocked at what Aixi just told him, he didn't know what to say.. He had heard stories of this Soul Reapers, both as a little colt and as a Guard. But he never believed them, he thought they were some sort of cautionary tale about not jumping to conclusion and acting without thinking. He shook his head, his ancestors and fellow guards slaughtered Aixi's family and friends, and yet she didn't blame them.


"Aixi, I have heard the tales of what happened, but up until now I didn't believe they were true, But the way they were told me, I thought they were cautionary tales about not automatically jumping to conclusions and acting without thinking." Blue pauses, "But things have changed since then, or at least I hope that they have. But you do not need to worry about me, your secret is safe with me, and I give you my word as Vice Captain of the Guards that I will keep it to my dying day, if my word means anything to you that is." He pauses again, "And no, I do not believe I have wasted my time, for if I had not come to apologize to you, I would not have learned the truth about you, nor would I have been able to understand more."


Blue thinks for a moment, "How-ever i may not be able to rest knowing that there is a pony out there living off the innocent, I would fail as Vice Captain of the Guard, if I did not offer my help. So it is there if you need or want it."

Edited by Blue Blur


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic went over Princess Aixi's words. Her friends and family wiped out. Out of fear no less. This was not unheard of for critic. He knew of Equestrias history. The known and the not so much.

I'm... just a traveler. Just here to stock up and be on my way. I just have one of those faces."

Critic had given that explaination many a time. And he knew it won't be the last time.

"Do not worry your self of your secret. I will not speak of this to anypony."

Aixi gave a smile. She seemed relieved.



Her smile faultered a bit.

"If this eater of souls is sill out there. He must be stopped."

Critic walked out of the kitchen and joined the duo. And he sat facing both of them.

"And I will not stop knowing such a being is living on the innocent."

Critics words were filled with seriousness. He knew what such beings were capable of. He has fought various forms of such in his four years of travel. And Critic knew this one won't be the last.

"So, Princess Aixi. What exactly can you tell us about this consumer of souls?"

If Critic wanted to take this thing down, he would need all he could get his hooves on.

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Swaying Aixi thought to herself "I will tell them, it may be wise to be able  to ally with somepony again, the time has come closer and when it does."She blinked hard trying to erase her last thoughts


@Blue Blur

Aixi swayed  for a moment, back and forth, back and forth. "Nope! I am real. We were all real... I do appreciate your word and I value it. It has honor until proven other wise. I have to be wary though and I believe you understand why, both of us are living to protect, you have to guard yourself." She lowered her head in thanks and acknowledgment.




@both of you 

Aixi's eye glazed over as she spoke "I will tell you both a little more..."

She trailed off choking her tears back, she would not cry. "He was so kind and gentle, I would have never suspected him to change, he was a good pony. But he lusted for power and in his quest for that he broke our most important law. By feeding of of a living soul he tainted his own. In that moment he perished turning into a demon that changes hosts when the old host is no longer capable of housing him. That is the short version for you." AIxi sighed as a tiny tear fell to the floor.





Aixi looked back at critic. Her eyes hardened "however, what do you plan to do? Kill a demon who can't be slayed? You are not capable of handling such a feet especially on your own. Do you think I could just tell you who he is and what he looks like, it simply is not that easy and I can tell you know this already." 





Looking towards Critic Aixi stumbled forward "So, what now? she asked


Not paying attention she clumsily fell into Blue "Oh, whoops. *hicough* I am so sorry" Aixi apologized.


Aixi began to further her apology this time directed at the both the ponies"I am sorry you two, I shouldn't have bothered you with my story. It is not very nice is it? I am sorry, I have been rather careless and loose lipped it seems." 

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Blue Blur nods in thanks, "I appreciate you trusting me, not only about my word, but with telling me your story. Sadly, the lust for power story isn't one that is new to me." He blinks back tears as he remembers the Crystal Empire, "I am sure you are familiar with what happened with the Crystal Empire." Blue says, "And before that was Discord's lust for power and the throne, before he became reformed."


Aixi bumped into him and fell over, so he helps her to her feet. "It's ok Aixi, sorry. Princess Aixi. These things happen." Blue says as he sits back down on the bed, "And well I can't speak for Critic, but I didn't mind you telling us your story, not only does it help us understand more, it shows that you trust us, and trust is something I value very highly, not only that too, but I know it mustn't have been easy for you to tell us."


Blue thinks for a little while, "I certainly wasn't going to go after him by myself, and even though I am Vice Captain of the Guard, I doubt I would be able to get a contingent of guards together, besides a smaller party would be better and a lot more stealthier. I do not know how I can fight this demon, and I am sure you can protect yourself, but I will protect you to the best of my ability,"


He then looks to Critic who looked like he was in deep thought.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Critic gave a small chuckle of amusement.

"Oh princess. In my time of travel, one of the lessons I've learned is this. There is no such thing as unslayable."

Critic had fought beings of immense power, slain warlords of the stars, and staired into the abyss multiple times. One demon was merely a problem.

"I assure you Aixi, this being will be brought down. By any means necessary."


Critic began to walk away and was going to make his way home. Until

(Aixi) "And what makes you so sure you can succeed. He will kill you with a mere thought."

Aixi was sure the demon would end Critic if he took him on alone. Critic looked back to the princess and he spoke something a bit eerie.


Critics expression was now that of something grim.

"I know this isn't how my story ends here. I know, that this devourer of souls, doesn't take mine."


Critic knew full well, that that was information not information he would give to anypony, under any circumstance. All Critic knew and cared for was the safety of those around him. Even if he didn't know who they were.

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She was gratful for his kindness and it made her blush. It had been a long time since she allowed any pony to care. She made it a point to stay in the shadows. Aixi knew there would be no turning back. They had wandered into her life for a reason and it brought a tear to her knowing eyes.


@blue blur


"I may need help. There may come a time when I am not able to do this on my own and if I call you to help me with something you must give me your word to do so."


Critic seemed to grow bored of the whole thing and felt it rather pointless in lingering any longer.Aixi could not allow this she had to say something anything. As hard as she tried to worn him the stuborn Stallion continued to leave




AIxi began to panic as quick tears fell freely from her face. She darted at Critic and plunged to her knees. "wait, I beg of you please wait. Do not do this alone. Please." She cried on


Critic put his hoof on her shoulder as if to comfort her. He did quite know how to react to this situation. 


"There is a way to defeat him, you are correct in saying so but you need me. This is all I can *hiccough* tell you. I will need help but if you are serious about this you can not do it by yourself." The mare continued Sobbing at his hooves almost uncontrollably at this rate.

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Blue nods, "I give you my word as Vice Captain of the Guard. If or when you call on me, I will immediately come to help you." Aixi was crying, and out of instinct, Blue immediately went to her and gave her a hug, he hugged her tightly, and also out of instinct, he starts to stroke her mane and whisper soothingly, "Shh..shh..It's ok now, you're not alone anymore. I can't speak for Critic, but I will always be here for you, and unlike this demon, I will never change...well maybe, but for the better, not the worse."


@@Mr. Critical,


He then looks at Critic while still hugging Aixi close to him, "Princess Aixi is right Critic, you can't do this alone. I have no doubt of your abilities and strength, but this is something that cannot be done alone. Please, allow us to help." He looked at Critic, not with his usual piercing stare, but with a look of pleading and fear in his eyes.



Blue Blur was still hugging Aixi close to him, he didn't know why, but something inside of him cared very much and deeply for her, but he wasn't willing to risk what happened before, so he kept it to himself, but he did say this, "on my honor as Vice Captain, I give you my word that I'd never hurt you."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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