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The Time Pony

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SharpWit understood that this must be a personal issue, and decided Crimsons lesson could come later. In the mean time, he took not that Dam and Lost were no where to be found. "I bet Crimson didn't even notice they were gone" he muttered to himself as he loaded his new weapon and leaned against the window sill. He glanced over at Crimson and Evergreen. "Hmph, love birds. Never seem to see what's in front of them. Even if it want's to sink its rotten teeth into you". He took a sip from his flask and focused on the streets below and beyond, watching for any sign of movement.

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@@The Time Pony
"It's nothing!" she protested, standing up and stepping away from him. 
"I just..."
Want to be alone.
Love you so much it hurts.
I'm hurt.

None of these three options made it out of her mouth.
She let herself calm down, and turned back to Crimson, fresh tears in her eyes.
"Crimson... Please be honest... Wh-what do you think of me?" she asked, voice quivering again.

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He put his arm around her "honestly... you are the most amazing mare I have ever know, you smart and beautiful and overall ... I love you" he said blushing rapidly "I know this is a bad time to say that but well, otherwise I would never get the courage I say it" he put his head in his hooes

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@The Time Pony
Evergreen was so shocked that she couldn't find any words until she saw him put his head in his hooves. She gently pulled them away from his face and lifted his chin up so he would see her face. Her eyes still had tears flowing from them, but one her muzzle was now a relieved smile.
"I wish you'd have told me sooner," she said, before leaning forward and kissing him softly.


Edited by Mint Drop
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Crimson was shocked by the kiss. He recovered fairly quickly and leaned forward kissing her back. He has never kissed a mare before and it was all very new. He pulled back to grab a quick breath, before leaning forward again kissing her again. "I love you" he whispered quietly

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@  ((Are you still in this rp? Or did i creep you out??))


He wondered what Lost was doing, perhaps she was  building some sort of crazy, uncommon weapon. Or something that could help us in the near future. "Say, what are you doing exactly?" He said to Lost while still holding his shotgun up towards the door covering her six so no turned creep up on her. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her..... but he did not really have to courage to do so since he has no experience with relationships before. He has never kissed a mare in his life before. He is one very, lonely pegasus.

Edited by Damonater
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"In the name of all that is royal,,, you know what, this room is all yours". SharpWit left for the roof knowing he'd have a better view from up there anyways. "We're in a hotel, get a room, don't get all personal in the one we all share". He was getting edgy. Other than straining his wings from earlier and Crimson not being at his post, he wasn't sure what he was upset about. Something seemed different though, and he didn't like it. "I sure hope Dam and Lost get back soon. No real entertainment around without the man that plays cards by himself. He waited for their return, swinging his legs over the edge. Maybe the sunrise would cheer him up

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@@The Time Pony
"I love you too," Evergreen murmured, lost in the kiss. Her stomach was doing flips and she was happier than she thought she could ever be, despite everything happening outside of the moment. She heard the stallion complaining about them being public. She watched him leave, and giggled at his reaction. Crimson had just admitted to being in love with her, and she was in bliss from their kiss. Somepony getting annoyed by a kiss wasn't going to bring her down.

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((Btw crimson only left watch for like a minute to talk with winter, otherwise he has been outside keeping watch))


Crimson also laughed "you know what, I don't care what he says" crimson pulled her in once more before backing off slightly. "One more thing you amazing at" he said.


(Also sharp a Pegasus wouldn't strain there wing after a few minutes of hovering, it would take a lot longer)

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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(Yeah but he just flew cross town carrying a ton of stuff, not to mention he flew through a window and into a shelf. As a member of the guard he was strict with timing and keeping post because that was the majority of his job. It just so happened that Crimson wasn't there when he was which ticked him off)


SharpWit needed to put his mind at ease. If he wasn't in battle overseas or keeping watch he could always be found in a bar. He missed his simple life. At a bar he picked things up from ponies he met, such as his very limited blacksmith skills. Out here he could put those things to use and he had some thrill with killing the undead, and all of his drinks were free. But it wasn't the same without the constant babble on either side of him. Now it was just silence in a world that was trying to kill you. He shivered slightly. "A silent, cold, dead world".

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@@Damonater, (sorry was busy irl; also I think she only met everyone 5 minutes ago, not sure how I can fit love in there?)


Lost was nearly finished crafting a device. She put the gauze inside of the rubbing alcohol and made what she believed was a Molotov. The only thing keeping her now was a lighter. She grumbled, "They had to use something to catalyze wounds..." She was so caught up in her search she didn't pay attention to what Dam had said. 


"I'm looking for a lighter. I've noticed these things are attracted to light... I prefer diversions instead of killing them, so I'm just making one. Have you found any supplies?"

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Damonater just happens to pull out a lighter from his bag. He happened to have one because that he smokes weed every so often, but not to often to be a stoner. He does it atleast once or twice a week to 'calm himself' if he got stressed from working too much on his projects or making mistakes on his piano. "Yeah, i found a few medkits and painkillers.... Also i do have a lighter.... Dont really ask me why though. Its a bit personal." He replied with a kind of a soft voice while concentrating his gun at the door so no turned can make their way in. He chucks the lighter at Lost's hoofs hoping she would catch it in mid air. "I wonder how the others are doing. Hopefully they are not dead for one thing.... we need everypony alive." He said in a curious tone of voice to himself.

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She catches it, and turns the lighter around in her hoof for a bit. "I see..." She pockets the lighter and Molotov, and looks down slightly. A picture comes into head, one that she wished she could tear out of her book. She continues to look away from Dam and says, "Yeah, 'we' need everypony alive. A common problem I've noticed is that they don't think they need to live themselves..." 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Damonater quickly turned to Lost and said in a concerned tone, "I think we need to get out of here.... I think the others are starting to question on our whereabouts. Plus, who know how many turned are in here anyways." He drank the last drops from his vodka bottle and began to wonder if SharpWit actually brang him vodka. Most likely not he thought. Damonater began to smell quite horried due to the blood stains and fleshy bits on him. He needed a shower or bath to get rid of such a horrid smell..... He had not showered in at least a week.

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Connor had been sitting on the roof ever since his meeting with crimsons fist he had been a bit ticked off but life was like this to connor he turn around and saw sharpwit sitting on the other side and walked over and sat down next to him.


"we live in a silent cold dead world like you said but its not as silent cold and dead as the people living on it"


Connor looked around and sighed and turned his head back to sharpwit.


"So did you get what you needed to make some spears then friend"

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(Holy crap! the sites back on! XD)


"Agreed" Sharpwit smiles at Conner. "I got the spears finished actually. they're just pipes with flattened and sharpened ends so the tips wont snap off or get stuck in something. They're downstairs in the main room with Crimson and his special somepony". He grinned and took out his flask, holding it out to Conner.

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"I am going to have one last look around here." That was his second last words to Lost as he left to check out the rest of the clinic. As he scouting and looting the clinic, he heard a scream. He knew it was Lost, dying...... being eaten alive by the turned. He quickly rushes to the room where Lost was and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lost's flesh being ripped apart by the turned, Damonater had a rage and killed all the turned that were eating her. After all the turned were dead, he collapsed to the ground in tears..... There was nothing he could do to save her now. But he knew he had to carry on...... but he also knew the fact that he might never might find love ever again. He looked at Lost and he knew what he had to do. He gave a sigh and put his gun up to her head and said softly into her ear, "Im......sorry...." He pulled the trigger, thus ending her misery. He then slowly and depressingly walks/trots out with her stuff and begins to head back to the hotel. But little did he know it was a decoy.

Edited by Damonater
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(( can we not kill her, what if she decides to

Come back. Please let me consult on thigs such as killing some pony off. Just have her follow around))


Crimson decided to stand up and go apologize to Sharp. He went up to te roof and offered him his hoof "hey sorry about that, completely my fault"

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Connor took the flask from sharpwit and took a swig and sighed and looked out onto the streets below.


"You know were gonna die right there's no way we can keep fighting the undead indefinitely they will keep on coming they have numbers we have... I don't know intelligence but that can't win us this war some times I wonder if i should just give up on life but I can't do that the universe seems to have a way of stopping me"


Connor took another swig and passed the flask back to sharpwit and looked up at the sky.

Edited by lonewolf1735
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SharpWit met Crimsons hoof gladly. *I think you've got the wrong idea there, Connor". He takes the flask back. "This here". He waves is hoof out to everything. "Is nothing but a little bump in our history. We've already lost the war, but we haven't lost the fight. For as long as we live, we will keep on fighting, just by living. It may come to a point where it's more of just surviving than living but eventually we will have won our own little war, if we make it to old age.

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Connor looked around the town all the shambling corpses the fires the death he closed his eyes and sighed.


"We've lost the war sharpwit we might win the battle and end up dying of old age but our species will die with us we would have failed are mission to survive as a race we have lost no matter what happens"

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"Are you sure? Crimson and Evergreen are getting along quite nicely. Maybe they'll take it a step further. If ponies can still focus on that during all of this I think the species will make it. And I think you're forgetting something friend". SharpWit flapped his wings. "We have an advantage".

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Connor was sitting there thinking about what sharpwit had said and chuckled.


"So have you seen canterlot seen the amount of dead walking the street we ain't fighting Griffins or the changelings the elements of harmony can't save us this time hell I'm not sure if the bearers of the elements are even alive anymore

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"Not up close I haven't. There was a huge fire there, I can tell you that for sure. Huge plumes of smoke in the air. Ash raining down like snow in parts nearby.`Even if there weren't any undead there, it wouldn't be safe to venture very far in. There's enough fuel in that entire city to keep the inferno going for at least a month. And by then any still standing structure would be charred to the point where it may just crumble to pieces. The castle itself may be fine but the smoke and heat make a haze. The griffons I've no idea about, but the changelings might be doing better than us. The way the Macintosh mountain range curves around the badlands is a sure way to keep anything that doesn't fly, out. just like we can keep them in. The DMZ has probably collapsed by now, and they're likely to be on the defensive. The elements, I could care less about. They may have a lot of power together but they're like an arch. You remove one piece and it comes tumbling down. Surely they have no idea on how to deal with this". SharpWit gazed out towards the river. He pondered on whether or not they could use it for travel, but finding a good enough boat without any dead on it might be to risky of a challenge.

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@@Damonater, (need to correct this since I kinda got shot without warning, and I may still want to be in this if I get time later on...)


Lost thought appeared from behind a cabinet as a decoys slowly bleed out. "Figures." She started to take a safe route towards the door, and for the time being avoided the group at all cost. She had been alone before, another while longer might not hurt.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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