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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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(Wanderlust has one sunshard, runedawn has the other, and I believe there is a third, but I am not sure... Torrent? :3)




Runedawn had walked silently in front of the group before they had arrived in Baltimare. He had been deep in thought, thinking of the task that lay before him, and the things that happend in the past. He was pondering, absentmindedly walking across the tracks. Searching and hiding at the same time. Searching for knowledge and memories in his mind, but hiding from the traumatizing disasters that he had experienced. His sanity was fragile, but his will was strong. He would strenghthen himself against the cold, barren world that had become their home.


When he entered the town of Baltimare, or better said, what had remained of it, his heart made a little jump. With a few of the houses still standing, there was one that he recognized immediately. A smithy! A good, homely, workable smithy! He didn't say a word to the rest of the group. He was going to redeem a little of himself. It would make him feel better at least. He galloped towards the sturdy building and kicked open the heavy wooden door so hard it unhinged. A loud cracking noise resonated through the street. He groaned. Not of anger, but of statisfaction. The entire place was intact. There was equipment, an anvil, and even wood ready for combustion. He smiled. It was time to get to work...


He took off his saddlebags and put them on a workbench against the wall, along with his hammer and the sunshard embers had given him. He then walked to the wall on the other side and grabbed as much wood as he could. Then he started to ready the forge, placing the pieces of wood carefully inside it. He made sure he also put enough coal in the heart of it. Soon he'd be able to bend steel again. He'd be able to fulfill his artisan destiny once more. How long had it been since he had seen a forge like this? A forge at all?

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Embers looked over at lightwing and shrugged "Naw, its fine, I shouldnt have kissed you, it was a selfesh thing to do" He said as he walked into a house that wasnt very badly burnt. He sat down with a book and looked around, he yawned as he looked down at his drawing

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"Don't feel that ashamed!!!

You kissed me,and i...Kinda loved it..."

She sat near him

"Through all my entire life,i've learned that,sometimes,something that one could think that is bad,it could end on a really precious thing."

She was going to look at his drawing,but she resisted the temptation,and she picked up a paper and something to draw

"Can I join you?"

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Embers shrugged "Sure, go to town" He said with a smile. He slowly put his bandanna back up over his face as he drew luna, when she was still sitting next to the sun. Embers yawned as he looked up at one of the wholes in the roof, where a fire had gotten through it. He then looked over at lightwing

     . +.  |  * . '
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"Mmm...mmm...no that not..."

She was drawing the house on the paper,trying to make it as real as possible,but it was hard...

"No...not that!This hole goes here,not there..."

She tried to make a great drawing,to impress Embers


She ran towards Embers and showed him the drawing

"Can you judge it?I wanna your opinion :) "

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Embers looked over at light, his eyes growing huge "Oh my...Wow, uh...Thats REALLY nice! Pshhh, and you said I was a better drawer then you" There was no sarcasm in his voice, he had never knowen somepony could draw something SO realilistic. He grinned "I really like it"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"Mmm...thank you..."

She looked again at the drawing

"I've always knew that i drawed well,but my problem is that i need more time than anypony to draw well,because i tend to make a lot of mistakes :(

But if i manage to correct them,it ends being a cute drawing...

But you have more talent than me,don't forget it ;) "

She booped again his nose

"Come on...where's that smiley Embers? :) "

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Embers grinned "Yeah, heres my smily" He said as he looked around. He put his drawing of luna back into his backpack, gave lightwing a few more papers, then stood up "Im gunna go explore, see you around" He said as he steped out of the house and started walking

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Willow stirred. She woke, looking at Melody, sleeping peacefully beside her. "Melody? Are you awake?" Melody grumbled.《No.》"Well, fine then." Willow quickly nuzzled Melody and stood up. She left, out into the cold. "Mom?" Willow heard something to the right of her, and coming to investigate, she saw Candela and Alice. "Awww..."


Willow went to the shore, where she saw a glimpse of Luna and Steel. "Mom?" She called, running towards them. "What are you doing here?"




(I wanted to have Willow see Luna kiss Steel, but that wouldn't have been fun for you two.)


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@@Starbound @@dashian500


Luna had been startled by Willow calling out to her, she quickly stepped back away from Steel, she blushed a bright red that was brilliantly clear against her normally dark tone, "Willow! Umm, nothing! We were doing nothing!" She shook her head trying to think a little more clearly, "I mean looking for a boat, we were going to start looking for a boat!"


It was then that Steel collapsed, he was clearly bent over in agonizing pain, "Steel! What's wrong!? What's going on!?" Her voice now full with a more serious type of fear.





Wanderlust moved over toward Whisper a little awkwardly, she was right he would need some sleep to keep his strength anyways, but the little shack was so small... He finally got up the courage and settled down comfortably next to her, his body resting against hers, he told himself it was because of space and to keep warm but still part of him knew that was not entirely true.


He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the Sun Shard then reached over Whisper to set it down on her other side. For a brief second while setting it down he was laying with one hoof around her and he blushed setting the shard down quickly and pulling back. It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep, and not long after that did he shift again and drape that one hoof back across Whisper to hold her gently as he slept.


@@Scribblegroove @

(Yeah as far as Sun shards go there are eight of them.

We have four 1. Runedawn has and is going to be Embers sword, 2. Wanderlust has and we should probably do something with it, 3. The group used magic and sunk it down to the core to keep it safe and help the earth radiate heat, 4. Luna kept and connected this one to the moon to help the moonlight shine brighter so the night wasn't so dark and so the moon also gives off some heat to keep the world warm.


The other four we still need to find 1. Griffon Kingdom where we are headed, 2. Tartarus a hell on earth/magic prison, 3. Land of shifting fire a desert country, 4. Dragonsbane mountain. )

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Steel groaned his muscles strained underbid skinaking them very pronounced heard Luna "g..g..go" steel managed to say through the pain his body began to smolder and smoke his hooves had embers bistable in them - you think you can bend me to your will well think again- spawn thought at steel

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Ember walked away from the group, happy to be away from them. He trotted into the forest, thinking about his kiss with lightwing. He was happy to have done it...But it felt somehow weird. He yawned as he climbed up a near by tree with a glass  bottle of water and drank it

     . +.  |  * . '
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Willow tilted her head when Luna blushed and stuttered at her. "M- Mom? What's happening?" Willow leaned against Luna, staying slightly behind her. Thank goodness Melody wasn't here. "Does this usually happen?" But then Willow remembered her meeting with Spawn. His aura radiated with such dark evil, that it hurt to even remember it. "Its the monster thing inside him!"


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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@@Starbound, @@dashian500,  


"Get behind me sweetie."  Luna moved between Steel and Willow, "Steel?  Is she right, is it Spawn?  What can I do to help?  Let me help!"  she had lit up her horn and was using her magic to try and soothe Steel's pain, she gave magic to him letting it enter to support him.  She reached out with her mind intending to use her mental connection to Steel to support his will with her own.  


But as soon as she touched his mind something dark and horrible struck out at her mind, lashing out like a wild animal.  Luna yelped and backed up bumping into Willow and almost falling over.  She felt dizzy and now had a horrible headache, her vision was fuzzy and she wondered if she was about to pass out.

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Steel let out growl "go!" Steel yelled his hooves catching fire and his coat began to burn away you could see flashes of scales underneath as his skin burned off "it's not safe!" He yelled through the pain his yelling was I'm part because of the pain but he wanted them to run it was safer for them to just leave him

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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(Well... It looks like Shadow has been following Wanderlust then, it would only seem the logical choice after all ...MUHAHAHAHA *Cough**Splutter*)

Shadow looked down upon Wanderlust and the sleeping Whisper with lifeless eyes. "They still feel affection even now?" He questioned why he was even asking himself this question, feelings were not of priority now.
"The aura this... Sunshard gives off is strange, untraceable by someone of my skill," He approached the two ponies, still under a shroud before feeling a jolt in his senses, there was a horribly dark aura only just appearing out of what seemed like nowhere. Looking outside he restrained his curiosity with the need for finding that strange object, he approached the two even closer and began to quietly search.
Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Whisper groaned and stretched out her long legs, hooking one around the Sunshard and drawing it in, closer to her white underbelly.  After a few seconds of mumbling in her sleep, she stuck her head next to Wanderlust, ear flopping over with content.

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Luna was afraid now, she knew how powerful Spawn could be.  She turned to start running, she called out to Willow, "RUN Willow!  We've got to run, keep going don't stop and don't look back!"  She started to gallop forward but only made it maybe a dozen steps before her wooziness made her stumble and fall flat on her belly.




@@RunsWithSquirlz, @,  

Wanderlust was woken gently by Whisper's ear flopping across his face, he opened his eyes groggily at the strange feeling and smiled when he realized what it was.  He thought it was cute and without thinking nuzzled the top of her head; his foreleg tightening a little to hold her closer against his chest.


Then his whole body stiffened, in the moonlight their was a shadow falling across them and a gentle wind was hitting his back.  The door behind him had to be open and someone was standing in it.  He tensed himself ready to throw himself at this enemy, he would protect Whisper.  He didn't dare twist his head around to see the stranger afraid it would invoke an attack, so he just spoke, "Hello, who's there?"

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Steel was losing control and fast he did what he could trying to give Luna and wipe time to flee his hooves turned into dragon claws and with out him wanting to he took flight on a ball of flames and finished his transformation in the air he let a roar as he spread his wings he was silhouetted in the fire

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Impressive..." He glared down at Wanderlust, who had so far refused to turn to meet his gaze. Shadow decided it would not be wise to get into yet another confrontation, otherwise he would lose even more of the group's trust, if he had any to begin with.


Instead he decided to use Wanderlust's decision to his advantage, and he cast his magic over the shadows around him. To Wanderlust, who was looking at the shadow rather than the real thing, it would seem as if the moonlight as well as the figure revealed in it were both temporarily smothered by the dark, as Shadow retreated from the doorway as quickly and quietly as possible.

Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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"Mom! Mom?" Willow flashed with a sudden light and a shimmering shell surrounded Luna, picking her up. "I'm sorry, but just hold on!" Willow ran forward, as fast as she could, with Luna levitating to the left of her. "Mom? What's happened to Steel?" She found a suitable hiding place behind the ruins of a house and put Luna down.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Luna was seeing horrible things in her head, flashes and images of such atrocities it made her stomach turn; but even so she was an ancient being and had seen so much in her years that they didn't not bother her as much as to pulse of dark magic shooting through her skull to accompany each. She could barely speak to Willow, "it's the demon. Spawn, the demon in him. He has to control it or we're all already doomed." She felt like she might puke, how did Steel live with something like that inside him?




Wanderlust was confused the shadow over him seemed to spread and disappear, he twisted around to look and there was nopony in the doorway, but still the door was open... Somepony had been by them, had opened the door and looked in on them and that gave him goosebumps.


Though the experience had unsettled him, the sleep he had gotten had been good and he felt rested. He started to shake Whisper to wake her so they could start moving again, he completely forgot how close still was to her, nestled up next to her and looming a little over her to shake her awake.

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The fire around spawn died reveling spawns true form a gold and black dragon with beady read eyes he seen Luna and willow but didn't care he was free he looked around at the cold Baltimore he began to throw fire from his claws hitting buildings and the frozen bay he was getting ready to build his new home

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers worked quickly, he dumped the rest of his glass water onto the ground, then hoped down and went to one of the houses. He filled it with achahal, then tore of some cloth and stuck it inside. He grinned as he rememberd that the only one who had seen his scarf was lightwing

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Candela woke to a horrible sound of destruction. "Alice?" Alice squeezed Candela tighter. "Candela. We must hide this very second." They found a suitable house, that had an impressive amount of wall left, escaping to the part which they thought was the most protected. "Alice?" "It sounds like a dragon of some sorts, but a dragon would not be such a fool as to come here." Candela sought protection from her sister. "Do not worry. I shall never let anything happen to you, my love." The fog hid them from sight, which was perfect, given the current situation.

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