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private Saddle Arabian Nights


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"Indeed: I am afraid I can be old only little assistance." Nodded Bardic - looking up from the page of notes on the curious 'pegacorn'. "I will help however I can. Clothing may be difficult for one of your stature... it is a shame that we are not into homeland in this regard."


Unfortunately, he wasn't terribly sure how to 'act classy' himself. He wasn't even sure what it would mean - presuming it to be relating to the correct manners around royalty though, he pressed on.


"Speak humbly and with due respect: even when it is unearned. Pride and honour must give way to sense and preservation in a place like this."


A shame: the 'Earthshaker'...


'Must remember to ask about that...'


... was indeed large by pony standards - and as tall as Bardic was, his lean frame didn't favour the same type of clothes that the stallion would require - not by far.


@@Alex Kennedy,


He looked from one pony to the other - at a loss for exactly how to ask his question. He wanted... no, needed them to trust him if he was going to be of any help in averting disaster.


"Your princess is mistaken." He said instead. "I am not responsible for this: and I do not believe that my caste are either."

Never quite forgotten.

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Hypno looked over to Bardic, thinking for a few moments before breaking the silence with a simple. "I believe you." before continuing. "The best explanation to me would be: If the speculations of the Windigoes being back are true, and a war were to break out between us here and Saddle Arabia, a very large area of land would get very cold very fast." He said with a chuckle as he leaned up to Bardic's ear and whispered quietly but audibly for the rest. "If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if the Windigoes themselves took the princesses instead for that reason right there." Before he leaned back and shrugged. "Either way, that's just what I'd think."


Afterwards Hypno looked over to where Loveless left. "It seems they probably have rooms for us, so I'm gonna go try to settle down for a bit after that train ride." He said as he started off down the hallway and found the room. He sat down and pulled out a book to pass the time for now.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Artemis looked at the group of remaining ponies, slightly pleased his actions hadn't gotten him killed. Normally he'd have already left the group, retreating to wherever he could to escape attention. However, since his previous statements placed into the others' minds that he was the dignitary's bodyguard, he could no longer do so. Instead, he walked closer to who remained, and addressing nopony in particular, he began to speak.


@, @@Alex Kennedy, @@Scribblegroove, @,


"I would like to introduce myself to those of you that do not already know me. My name, or rather, the name I have taken to be mine, is Artemis. I don't know how my actions or presence has affected any of you, but I'd like to apologize for any of my actions that seemed rash." Artemis' gaze switched to Bardic as he spoke the last of what he had to say.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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@@Pinkie Paranoia,


Runedawn looked at the foreign pony. He had immeadiately comlied to his request for help and seemed respectable. "I believe you as well. There is not enough direct evidence to even suspect ye!" Runedawn exclaimed with a smile. He saw that artemis was approaching and listened to what he had to say.


"You look like a pony of many traits Artemis. It is quite the accomplishment that ye 'ave managed to follow us without even bein' seen!" Runedawn complimented him.


@, @@Alex Kennedy


"I am afraid I have to go now. I have to clean myself, otherwise I would sustain to be an attrocious appearance like I am now. I will see you all at dinnertime. I hope that you, bardic, could accomplish me in my room. I would like to read some of yer poëtry, so that I may improve me vocabulary to the extent that I can converse at the same literate level as me surroundings. t' was nice meeting ye Lost" Runedawn said, obviously trying to practice his manners. He walked to his room while saying: "I really do hope ye could come bardic, 't would help me a lot..."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"I must speak with my guide for a moment. Excuse me..." Bowed the stallion, turning to Artemis and motioning him aside with a pointed look.


@@Pinkie Paranoia,


"Until the question of the missing princesses is solved, you shall continue your duties. I hazard to think the consequences which the most noble princess Cadenza might bring against one in the employ of my nation, should they leave their post unattended." He stated - hoping that his mastery of the Equestrian language was enough to get his point across. The statement was made just loudly enough that the remainder of the ponies in the room would have heard. "When we return home, we will discuss your continued service."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Artemis listened as Bardic addressed him, careful not to misinterpret what was said. When the Noble had finished, Artemis spoke.  "As you wish, Kazamde." He bowed slightly, both to strengthen their ruse, and as respect for Bardic.  Artemis let his thoughts wander as he bowed. 'I guess I'm going to Saddle Arabia.... really wish I had my bow right now, but I guess it's too late to do anything about it.'


Artemis looked at the remaining two ponies, and his thoughts drifted to those already retreating to their rooms. "I doubt you are in any real harm here, as the majority of our party has not the capability, and the part that does is too kind-hearten to harm anything. However, I do not yet know the disposition of the one, Slaes."  Artemis continued to think, adding on to what was already said. "I am certain, however, that if his nature should prove malicious, his actions will not last for long."

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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Lost got the feeling it was about time that he headed out. He still had a lot on his mind anyway, and hopefully he'd get some time to think. He turned to the few who were still there. "I guess I'll see you at dinner. In the meantime, I'm off to my room. I suggest you leave as well before too long. Make sure you're ready when they call us for dinner and all that."


With that, he left the room.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Glory eventually pulled a dress out of her suitcase which she hoped would be suitable for the royal dinner. It was made of silk, rather than cotton, and was a pale blue in colour. This dress had been a gift from her mother, and Glory liked it, but didn't feel comfortable about wearing it very often as it had holes for her wings, and she never felt very comfortable about revealing them. However, Glory still wished she could be as confident and beautiful as Loveless... she glanced in the other mare's direction, shyly.



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"I don't have time for inane conversation," said Slaes snappily, and he didn't cease his walking. "So please, if you have something to say, do hurry it up; I have more important duties waiting."


@@Pripyat Pony

Loveless had exited the shower, and she was toweling her mane as she entered the room to see Glory eying her a little shyly. Noting the drab dress in her hands, the unicorn put two and two together and winked at the other mare.

"Hand that here," she said, levitating the dress towards her and examining it. "Oh, dearie me, this simply will not do, will it?" she sighed, and she tossed it onto the bed - however, even this little bit of magic seemed to strain her, and she winced slightly. "Now, let's see what I can do, shall we?"

Loveless had had no intentions of helping this mare, but an ally would be useful, especially if she could disguise her as an alicorn, and of course there was no need to make the other mare outshine her at all. She flicked open one of her suitcases an gave a little "oops" noise as she closed it, but she was unsure if the pegacorn had seen its contents. It was filled with all sorts of tools and outfits for her trade, and Loveless was wary to keep business secrets to herself, though some of the items were quite intimidating and useful in controlling weak ones like Glory through fear.

"I don't think you would like anything out of that particular case," she said briskly, and she opened one of the others. It was filled top to bottom with clothes, but Loveless touched a switch and it expanded to a wardrobe, each outfit neatly hanging on its individual hook. "Ah, whatever would we do without magic, no?" she said in a satisfied sort of way, and she began pulling off gowns and shoving them up against Glory.

"Now, obviously the way you hold yourself means you're uncomfortable about your wings," she said as she held up a pale grey silk and winced, gently replacing it in the closet. "I guessed you had them the moment I met you, but I didn't think it was exactly a talking point, seeing as you hunch your shoulders just that little bit to hide the bulge. Now, if I could recommend, wear darker colours if you want to hide them, as they slim you out; cloaks are bulky, but they show everything if they get too close. And use eye contact a little more, it distracts from your body."

She finally held up a pale blue dress with dark sapphires hanging around the neckline. "Now you try that on, dear, and we'll see if it needs any alterations; I think I'm a little slimmer than you but that isn't anything magic cannot fix."

Loveless turned to the wardrobe and pulled out her own gown, a gold number with a long train, and swiftly got dressed, looking at herself with a pleased smile in the mirror. She then reached into the last case, which was filled with beauty products, and began to apply them.

When she finally finished her mane had dried into its long waves, and she felt that little flutter in her stomach she always got when she look perfect. In fact, she was quite certain she had outdone herself this time. She fluffed her dress and was about to get her jewelery when she remembered Glory, and she spun to face her. "So? What do you think, darling?"


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@, Glory shyly put on the dress. It fit her, tho it was a bit more clinging that she would have liked, but the cut was excellent. When Loveless turned to face her, Glory smiled. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much for lending this dress to me. I will take good care of it. You're right about the way I feel about my wings; having them makes me feel freakish." She looked at Loveless in wonder. "You look fantastic, like a Princess."



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@@Pripyat Pony

"Dear, your wings are lovely, be proud of them!" said Loveless airily, and she smiled at the last compliment. However, it was almost too close to touching her ambition, so she merely said "I do so appreciate that. And you look quite nice, yourself; blue is a very nice colour for you!"

As she glanced at the time, she looked back. "Assuming you are ready to leave, would you like to go to dinner? I do so hate being late and we have but a few more minutes."

(LOL sorry but I hate writing really short posts so I'm just gonna go. ^^; )

Loveless began to stride down the hall with a little smile on her face, walking delicately so as not to damage her train, which swished pleasantly behind her. However, realizing she had absolutely no idea where she was going, she approached a guard, who stared at her a little stupidly.

"Hello, could you direct me to the dining room, if you would be so kind?" she asked politely, and he pointed down a corridor, staring at her as she went with a quick "thank you".

When she got there, no one else seemed to be present, and she frowned a little; she had hoped there would be some others who would have come, but it was evidently not so. Each seat had a placecard, and she slipped into hers, leaning on her hooves demurely and waiting.

However, a few minutes later, a bell rang sweetly, and she realized they were likely supposed to have been waiting for that. She cursed and hoped someone else would arrive promptly so she didn't look stupid.


EDIT: Stupid emotes :c

Edited by Queenie-chan


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@, Glory soon followed Loveless to the dining room. It took her a while to find her place and she sat down, hoping that the others would arrive soon. She guessed that they were supposed to wait for the bell, but decided it didn't matter. The ponies of the palace no doubt thought that she was clueless anyway, being only a priestess. Glory didn't mind; she was so enchanted with the beautiful dress that Loveless had lent her, that she couldn't really mind about anything any more.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Ignoring what the 'earthshaker' would have considered a personal insult of tone, Myopia closed the distance with haste and matched the pony's pace as he walked beside him. "To the point then. The Crystal Empire is at war with windigos. War has a habit of putting major strain on resources and personal. Thus, I want a list of what the Empire needs, what it is running low on and what it's low on that it vitally needs so that I can send a few letters and ensure that while we're running around in a Celestia damn desert that Thneed Co is providing this city with the supplies and resources it needs to not die pro bono. After all, ensuring that innocent ponies aren't eaten by ice ghosts sounds like it's in the public interest."


Myopia would admit to himself that by doing this the company was going to lose a lot of profit, but it was the right thing to do. Besides, if anyone complained he could argue that the free good will from all of pony kind and being in the good graces of the High Queen herself would more then make up for the short term losses. Sometimes he had to wonder if he was a bastard, or just really good at thinking like one.


As the dinner bell rang and after awaiting Slae's reply, Myopia politely nodded his head before asking " Which way to the dinning room?"


Once he had that answer, the business tycoon began to make his way towards it and arriving after the two mares, both of whom had dressed up nicely for the occasion. Taking a moment to politely tip his hat towards both of them with a polite "You both look absolutely wonderful ladies." Myopia began the search for the place card with his name on it. He took his time, reading each card in turn before finally finding the one with his name on it... right next to the pretty mare in the golden dress. "Forgive me for asking, but I don't believe we were introduced earlier. Myopia Oncler, at your service." He offered to both of them, even if his attention was more on the mare in the golden dress.

Edited by Myopia Oncler
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Slaes stopped and looked at Myopia with new appreciation.

"Unfortunately, I am not of the Princesses employ," he said with some interest, "but I can see a good attempt to get in her good books...and this one is most excellent. She may not like me, but I'm sure she'd like what I have to say after that proposition. Yes, I shall relay the message to her, and lest us hope that her foolish pride doesn't get in the way of your lofty goals."

After that, he directed the pony to the dining room and grinned as he left. Slaes was fond of the power-hungry, so long as they didn't interfere with his own, and here was the perfect chance to knock a few ponies down some rungs...




Loveless looked up at the pony beside her, who had tipped his hat politely. He seemed to be around her age and was (here she noted) well dressed as well, obviously coming from a position of power. She smiled at him graciously, with just the right amount of shyness, and dipped her head a little.

"Lovely name," she said kindly. "Now, seeing as it appears that we shall be together quite a time I ought to give out my actual name rather than my business address. I am Loveless. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Folding her hooves in her lap, she was pleased to see even the pretty dress she had put on Glory hadn't really distracted any attention from her. Presently some servants arrived with water, and Loveless delicately sipped as she eyed him.

"So, if I may be so bold, what do you do?"


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Runedawn stepped out of the shower. The floor was covered with black mud from the ash and soot that had been all over him before he had taken a shower. He was smelling funny too. Lavender... For some reason he liked the smell, but it was totally not like him. "Well, I guess tonight i'm not going to be like me. I'm not going to be like me for a long time." He thought to himself. Still in the bathroom, he stepped in front of his mirror. His soaking wet hair was no longer all greasy, but it was still uncombed and messy. "Why am I doing this..." He doubted himself. But he didn't want to be considered a fool again, so he got to work. He combed his hair backwards, opening his face and bright orange eyes more properly to view. He already looked a lot more friendly and a lot less like a savage blacksmith. He made sure that there was no bit of hair out of place. "Geez, grooming yer hair is nearly harder than bending steel"



Then he had a good look at himself in the mirror again. He had taken the braids out of his beard before he went showering. It was long and uncared for, and it still made him look like some sort of hermit... Runedawn sighed. "Let's get this over with..."



Runedawn had searched around for clothing his size, but the only thing he could wear properly was the armor that he had forged for himself and packed. "Not exactly an evening gown..." So he decided to only wear a medallion which was imbued with the same runes as which were displayed on his cutie mark. It was a nice piece of jewelry, consisting out of an 'impossible alloy' of gold and marble. One of the perks of runesmithing was mending different minerals together which would normally not mix together. It looked very good with the chain of bronze that it was attached to.



He took a while to read a few books that he found in the bookcase, hoping to find some fancy new words that he could use during dinner, but then the bell rang and he knew it was time. "Right then, show 'em your best side..." He took a last look at his hammer. Should he bring it or not? He got ridiculed for carrying it around all the time, so he eventually, after a lot of indecision, chose not to take it with him.



When he stepped into the dining room, he was a different stallion in whole. He had left his hammer behind, his hair was combed backwards properly and was no longer full of ash, and his beard was also groomed into a proper shape, no longer making him look like some sort of viking:







"Good evening, me dear acquaintances. May I compliment you two fine mares with the marvelous job you did making yourself look absolutely divine this evening. You simply outshine all equines that I 'ave had the luck to set me humble eyes on in quite a long time. I hope you do not mind me unclothed posture. The wardrobe's that I have searched through didn't have any attire that sufficed to dress a stallion of my particular size. I do not fear being eyeballed at too much however, since all the guests attending will most likely only pay their attention to the beautiful pair of mares that they have the honor to be in the vicinity of." He said with only a slightly hearable accent, and a lot of expensive words shoved into it which were pronounced perfectly.



He sat on the other side of the table of the two mares. "I do hope, me fair ladies, that you can excuse me for my previous behavior this evening. I was not informed that I would be in the presence of ponies of this stature. It still does not explain me horrendous behavior to the princess though, and I can do nothing but apologize for that. I let me emotions get the upper hand over me at the time. I am but a mere blacksmith, and not a stallion of class and education. I do hope you two do not mind me sitting here..." He said with smooth tone of voice and proper articulation. He stroked his substatially shorter beard and winked slyly at the two mares. There could be no doubt that he had surprised them.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Pripyat Pony,




Before he was able to comply with the large stallions request, a sound rang out to signal his attention. Thankfully, the Bard was already wearing formal attire - or at least, the outfit he was wearing was the same as was worn for diplomatic missions. He looked about curiously and made his way towards the dining room.


'Most impressive, the crystal ponies truly have an eye for beauty...' He noted mentally, approaching the table and browsing through the names on each seat. Of course, a real ambassador shouldn't have been surprised by the lavishness, but even back home among the upper places of his caste, he couldn't possibly be chosen as an official - however thinly the Equestrian blood ran in his veins, it stopped him from ever hoping to rise to and position of importance.


Taking his place, he nodded in acknowledgement of the trio as he regarded them each in turn: the diplomat was - as expected for her position - dressed in a fine outfit of gold and conversing with the equally well dressed stallion he had seen earlier. The priestess was also there - it was only through common courtesy that he didn't move to question her fascinating heritage further...


Finally, it appeared that the... what had he called himself? The Earthshaker, had arrived shortly before him.


"Warmest greetings again." He said simply - not wanting to interrupt.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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As one of the servants placed his glass of water down, Myopia turned to look them in the eye with a warm, friendly smile and a polite "Thank you" before removing his top hat and carefully placing it down on the table and turning back to the now named Loveless. He had to admit that there was something about her that drew his attention beyond her beauty. It was rather like encountering a kindred spirit...


Offering her a small chuckle, he answered her question with a good natured "I am currently the founder, CEO and driving force behind the up and coming Thneed Co. I don't take it personally if you haven't heard of us since we've only recently expanded into fields that would be mentioned in the social circles of a lady of your statue. We started off in Manehatten, but as of last month and our reopening of one of the gem mines under Canterlot we now have a presence in every major city in Equestria." 


Pausing long enough to reach for his glass of water with his hoof and take a sip of it, as well as politely nod to each of the other guests that had arrived at the table to acknowledge that he had noticed their greetings, he turned back to Loveless and asked "Since you were bold enough to ask me what I did, I'm sure you would have no issue with me asking what a lady such as yourself does to support herself?"

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Artemis heard the bell resound, signifying dinner was to be served. He looked down at the cloak he was currently wearing. 'I'm not properly dressed for a royal dinner, but I don't have enough time to change, nor do I have anything to change into.'  Simply, he followed behind Bardic, shortly coming into the dining room. He quickly sat down in the first open seat he reached, finding himself next to the giant of the group, Runedawn. Artemis sat quietly, not bothering to start a conversation, but not unwilling to continue one if he was spoken to...



((( I dont know if Runedawn still had an empty seat next to him, but if he didn't someone let me know and I'll edit my post.)))

Edited by Pinkie Paranoia

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

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"I did hear about the opening of that mine," she said, "but I hadn't heard the company behind it. It sounds like you are doing very well, you must be very pleased with your progress." She lifted her glass with a little smile. "To Thneed Co."

@@Pinkie Paranoia

After taking a sip of her water, she placed the glass back on the table and noticed that the mysterious fellow she felt she recognized was at the table. She couldn't help but feel a little unnerved, but she ignored him, more engaged in her conversation with this Myopia fellow.

"Well, it's not exactly commonplace," she said slowly, "but I happen to be the Mare, if you've ever heard of me, as it appears we remain in...similar social circles." She stirred her glass in her hoof slowly, watching the ice cubes clink together. "If not, the nicest way to say it is that I am a mare for hire, and one that engages in more...power-play opportunities. Perhaps not the most honourable profession, but there is much to be gained when you know every single one of the High Council more intimately than their own spouses. They may call me many names, but they also do call me...and often." She smiled at him coyly, looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. Loveless felt no shame about her job, and in fact quite liked the influence she had.

  • Brohoof 1


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Raising his glass to meet hers with a soft tap, Myopia offered Loveless a warm smile as he sipped his glass of water again, listening to what she had to say about her chosen profession. She was a professional whore. Admittingly she had used much different words to describe herself and her career but that was pretty much what it summed itself up to. If she had explained that to anypony else at the table they might have reacted in a much different way then what the business tycoon did.


He did nothing.


Well, that was a bit of a lie. He took a moment to look at her body, outfit and manner of holding herself in a completely professional manner, much like someone checking to see how ripe a melon was compared to the others for a few silent moments before giving her a nod of approval. He didn't really care one way or the other about the kind of work she did; who was he to judge her for finding a way of using her abilities to make money after all? No, what he was judging was how good she was at her job. All the evidence was positive on that front.


Offering her another smile, he politely inquired "While I'm fully aware you must be a busy mare, would I be able to tempt you to become a casual adviser for Thneed Co's Canterlot branch? Very few, flexible hours and a well paid position for all the work of having the odd tea break."  

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Much to his embarrassment, Lost found that almost everyone had arrived to dinner before him. He hated being late, so to avoid drawing any attention to it, he just quickly sat down in the nearest available seat.


((I have no idea who still has an open seat next to them, so I'm just not going to specify who I'm sitting by. Easier that way.))

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Hypno walked into the dining room, sitting down next to Lost. "Looks like I'm just about as late as you." He chuckled out quietly to him as he leaned back in his seat. He just wished he wouldn't of gotten carried away in that book so close to an important event. He looked over to the rest and waited for stuff to happen.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Seated next to Loveless, Glory looked around the table. It seemed as tho everypony had arrived, save the Princess. Idly sipping at her water glass, Glory wasn't paying attention to the buzz of conversation; tho she had smiled at anypony who had greeted her on arrival, she was content just to sit quietly and observe. She thought back to her earlier conversation with Loveless; the beautiful mare had said that her wings were beautiful and that she should show them off. "Perhaps I should..."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Wearing an alternate suit, which was a much more formal onyx black, Stormwing arrived late. He sighed relieved-ly at the fact that the princess was not yet there. He found the final seat, which was next to the pony who remembered being the CEO of some big company. Thweed, was it? He shook his head a little. It was something close to that. He walked around the table and pulled his seat out, sitting politely in his seat. He waited until everypony was done speaking, then addressed them all: "I apologize for being late, everypony. I had difficulty finding the dining room." He made himself look presentable, moving his mane around. He took his glass of water and sipped it silently.




Storm looked over at Myopia. He smiled and said, "Good evening to you, sir. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name's Stormwing. And you?"

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Bardic shook his head, looking away from the commotion briefly to chuckle to himself slightly. It was the same as back home: that was one of the first things he had noticed on his arrival. Stallions clamouring around trying to impress mares by whatever means they could. He didn't really understand it - hadn't ever really found the time to want to understand it and never caring about mares (or stallions, for that matter) in that way.


Still, some of the language they used was... entertaining, to say the least, but... well, he wasn't in a position to judge - it just seemed unusual.

Never quite forgotten.

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