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searching Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance]

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Me too, I just gotta prove I'm respectful and mature.. ugh

Oh you see respectful. You just need to work on controlling your anger in those situations. If you do that you'll be off in no time.


But I might just keep the thread and see if I can bring the old crew back.

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May i be rarity? I imagine it should be a fun little game of mine to make her shatter and act dramatically at every little thing and then be perfectly fine the next moment when a giant spider appears out of no where (That was an example.) So...Yeeah.....I just....Rarity would be fun to play as..Can i? XD That went weirdly. 


And i could very well help in rebooting this since i'm on about every day. :) 

Edited by Dawn Arethia Whooves
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Wellll...I can't help you with that but maybe so that you have time to prepare around July? From there time will take  you. 

Nah, I just have to copy and paste this thread again and put reboot in the title. 

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i didn't notice you hadn't organized it very well. Although i'm not an organized person so who am i to say that it was organized

Yeah, well, I felt that way. I just needed to have more things on the goals list, it was sort of mixed up before. 

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Hey. I hear that you want to bring this RP back. Well, if you are interested, I could help out with the story. Plus, if it works, I could join. And this time, no humans, or space chuck norris. Just my OC and nothing more.

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