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private Welcome to Beacon

Demonic Soulz

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/85080-welcome-to-beacon-sign-up/page-4#entry2220091
((Let's just say this was playing at the moment: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqQAuZ9ZBK4‎))



Flame was in the store looking through the various crystals of Dust till he head the doors open. He paid no mind till he heard somepony talk to him. He ignored them till he turned around. "What do you want" He said as the pony had a sword. "Hands behind your head and get on the ground" The pony demanded in a threatening tone. "Are you, mugging me" Flame asked. "YES" The pony yelled


Flame sighed before kicking and sending the pony out through the window and shooting the others. "Hey I just need these two" Flame said grabbing two dust crystals and placing the bits on the counter before jumping out. "Ah...there is more of you" He took out a small rod and clicked a button on it that changed into a doubled ended spear.


Throwing a dark blue crystal into the air a compartment opened up and the crystal landed in it causing the compartment to close and cause electricity to flow from the spear. He struck the pony coming at him and spun the weapon before implanting it into the ground. hitting a trigger he shot upwards and look at them below him. "Lighting doesn't strike twice" He hit the trigger several times before landing hitting a few of the ponies. "It strike where ever I want it"

He smiled but that faded as more appear. "Never give up...do you" He said as he made a cartridge fell as he reloaded it. "Alright then I'll take more of you on" He said. "Though I'm going to be late since I got this letter from Beacon" He said holding up a piece of paper before putting it away.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Traveller finished putting on his armor. It was a bronze gold chest plate with metal chained backplanes. He slid his javelin onto his back, it's sling going over his shoulder. He began walking to the airship that would take him to Beacon. He found a comfortable place to sit. He stared at the screens as the replayed the welcoming message. He sighed and closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep on the journey.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Argh dammit! I should've left sooner. Would've been able to go get some stuff... The unicorn turned the corner of a street to see a pony fighting several others. "Need some help there?" Without waiting for an answer, Grimfrost levitated a quarter staff off of his back and flung it at a pony. The staff connected and was brought back towards Grim. He put pressure on a button with his magic that caused the quarter staff to extend and produce a curved blade. He sent the scythe spinning through the group of ponies, hoping it would kill a majority of them. He wasn't actually trying to help this pony. He just wanted to have some fun before the trip. 

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"Thanks man" He said as he pointed the spear behind him causing the pony to stop. "Bang" He shot the pony and flew forward and struck another. After killing more of these ponies the others ran from them both. "Well...that was annoying" He said as he grabbed a few dust crystals and gave the bits to the man. "There is enough to pay for the window also" Flame said as he looked at the red and blue crystals and a few other colors Different shade differen't abilities" He said as he sorted out the lighting and fire dust. "Hey you want any" He asked the pony that helped him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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@, ((I feel like fire should be orange, just cuz the power stuff is red))


Grim shook his head. "No thanks. Those aren't really my kind of Dusts. Actually... Have any Ice or red ones? Think I'm running a bit low on Power..." Grimfrost opened a small compartment in the quarter-scythe and nodded. There was a fairly good amount of small, icy blue colored  crystals, but a minuscule amount of red crystals.

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((Yeah I agree))

Yep here" He gave some of the ice and red colored ones to him before placing the rest in his bag. "Now I need to get going before the airship heads off" He said as he made the doubled ended spear retract and started to head off to where the airship was at

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Grimfrost nodded and levitated the crystals into the compartment. He contracted the scythe into a quarter staff and began walking in the same direction as this stallion. "I take you're heading to Beacon? There isn't much this way other than where the airship docks, so it's just a guess."

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"Yep I got a mission also on the letter said that I am supposed to head to the forest near Beacon when I arrive" He answered as he opened the letter. "Also says something about a pony controlling the Grimm and everything" He placed the letter away. "What about you" He asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Grimfrost shrugged. "Just goin there to be a Hunter. More for having fun than helping people though. And to improve myself. I heard there's supposed to be teams or something, so I'm not too excited for that. But yea, that's about it." Grim shrugged again and continued walking. 

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Gwyn walked towards the airship to beacon with a hand resting loosely on the hilt of her sword, in the same fashion that someone might loop a thumb through a belt-buckle. She had been forced to leave the shield, as it was school-property, but her sword was her own little master piece. The tip drew up int a sight, while the grip and hand guard folded down beneath the blade. A trigger could appear from nowhere. She was rather proud of her sword. On her left hand side, her dust pouch was slung with care, so as to avoid an accidental elemental experiment. And her invitation to beacon was in her hands, motivating a nice smile on her face.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"H-hey! get your hooves off me!" Lost Thought was kicking and squirming in two guards hooves. They had caught her in ships engine room, "I was just looking alright, I'm into machines you pigs!" She could see one of them laugh and hold out an odd bag. ​"For someone interested in seeing, these devices look like they were made to destroy."


"That's my bag! I got a letter from Celestia and~" She groaned out of agitation, "Listen! I'm trying to turn over this new leaf thing. That's my bag, and If you don't give me it back in five seconds both of you are going off the side of this ship!" They both just laughed and shook the pony around in their hooves a bit.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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((I am changing this into a human Rp since it would seem to work better hope you guys will still stay in))

Flame nodded as he arrived at the airstrip and saw two people holding a pony who seems to be having troubles. He thought for a moment before going up to the two ponies. "Hey you two what are you doing with my 'cousin' "Flame said giving a sign for Lost to just play along.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Traveller heard a problem going on nearby. He saw two guards holding a student and another person trying to con the guards into letting them go. Travelled figured and easier way out.


Taking his javelin, he lined up the shot. He threw, and caught the guards attention as it passed just by. The guards turned to him and he ran, slowed down by the bronze armor.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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(Gggfglaaa! I didn't know it started yet lol. Sorry for not posting sooner)


Sole yawned lazily as he walked to the airship that would take him to the prestigious school known only as beacon. "Well, hope this'll be fun. Or I just wasted my time." He said with a grin, as he walked up to see others. He simply nodded to them and got onboard. He couldn't wait to see what they could do.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson stood silently in front of the large airship window, seemingly admiring the view, but actually in deep thought. "Finally...I've been waiting for so long and working so hard to get here, and its finally paid off...I'm gonna show them, I'm gonna show everyone...I'm more than just a nobody, and I'm not a freak..." he said, putting a hand distinctively on the hilt of his cutlass, causing his long, black trench coat to billow slightly. "I'm gonna be the best, no matter what..." he thought, adjusting his hat.

Edited by ragestar
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Lost was still struggling to get free from the guards hooves when a pony approached her. "C-cousin? Cousin! right you good old... Cousin? Think you can tell these two guards t~"


A spear went flying by one of the guards and they assumed it was another act of terrorism. One continued to restrain Lost, and the other ran after @@Delernil, (no longer controlling this guard) 


The remaining guard gave Lost and Flame a suspicious look. "Hey 'cousin', can you get me my bag. I think I left it in the 'room'." His hands tightened around her; and Lost's and her eyes darted towards the bag around the guard waist. "I'm going to need both of you to stay put while I get someone to call this in."

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Flame took his spear and pointed it at the guard. "Give the bag before I electrocute you" Flame said as the guard did so. "Thank you" He put the spear away and gave the bag to Lost. "You need to be more careful...and why were the guards holding you exactly" Flame asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Traveller kept running. He was faster than the guard but just barely as he turned the corner into a small closet. The gaurs began running near the closet and stopped, searching for him. Content with his search, the guard continued forward as he kept looking for Traveller.


Traveller let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and crept out if the broom closet. He began moving back to where his spear was before he realized only one guard had come after him. He sighed as he moved back anyway, trying to look casual.


The other guard hadn't noticed his appearance, so Traveller snuck up behind them and took his spear back. He slung it over his back and walked off, trying to not draw attention to himself.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Lost looked at the spear for a moment and examined its work, as she brushed herself off. "Well, first time in this town, sees a big flying airship." She smiled a little, "I just wanted to how it works. Then there's these guys who accuses me of terrorism." She slung the bag back around her, then removed two small batons and placed them around her waist as well. She realized that she would be needed these sooner than she thought. "It's funny to see how this world punishes curiosity... Lost Thought, you?" Holds out her hoof.

Edited by Dreamless

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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"Flame Stryke, nice to meet you Lost" He made the spear change into a short rod before it extended. He opened a compartment and sighed before putting an orange crystal in it. "Yeah well at least you're not a Fannus" He closed the rod and placed it on his back. "Heading to Emerald forest since I got a letter that told me to do so siad the 8 people will be there and there will be two teams" He said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Crimson looked over and noticed traveler trying to look inconspicuous, but obviously failing. ""Let me guess, your trying to act natural to hide from someone...what did you do? And why is your weapon out?" he asked with an amused smile, showing his sharp, carnivorous teeth.

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Smiles a little, "Well if it helps, I think seeing in the dark is pretty cool." Shuffles through her bag, "And funny you should mention a letter, does it happen to look like this one?" She holds it up next to her face, "I was called to the emerald forest myself. It seemed like an opportunity."

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Traveller sighed as he realized he wasn't acting normal at all. 'I may have helped someone accused of terrorism...by getting myself accused of terrorism...and then lost the guards who are probably on their way back now.' He smirked as he holstered his spear. 'Names Traveller. Yours?' He asked as he extended his hand for a handshake.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"Yep that's the exact letter I got" He took out his letter and held it up. "Well this is going to be fun...guess I'll be working with you I guess" He put the letter away and took out a crystal. "I got so many Dust crystals after some dumbass tried to mug me" He explained. "COme on lets get on the ship before we are left behind"
((Is everyone on the airship))

((BTW any one who wanted something like Weiss that's glyphs not dust))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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