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open Beautiful Morning with you(open and looking)

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Standing in the marketplace, Fluttershy stood off to the side while waiting for there to not be a line at the store she normally went to.  She'd been going here for years, and she was still nervous coming in here unexpectedly.  This wasn't like talking to her friends - she knew the ponies that ran the store, but she didn't know them.


Soon enough, there wasn't a line.  She was still thinking of a reason to put off going inside, when Angel woke up.  Seeing where they were the bunny quickly jumped out of her arms to run into the store, leaving Fluttershy with no choice but to chase after him.  "Oh, Angel, wait!"  The bunny lead her right up to the counter, of course, and she was forced to swallow her anxiety and place her order as she picked Angel back up in her arms.  "I, uhm...  I just...  I need...  My usual order."







The stallion sighed and reached up to brush his mane out of his eye - a futile gesture, as it soon fell right back into his eyesight.  He sighs and lets his hands rest on the hilts resting on his hips, walking down the streets of Ponyville.  


"I can't believe this," he mutters to himself.  "All of this trouble because of a secretary error..."  As a member of the Canterlot Guard, Stahl had been sent to Ponyville in order to make sure they were ready for a supposed trip the royal sisters had planned to take.  It wasn't until after he arrived off the train ride that he learned somepony else had ALREADY made the proper arrangements.  


With another sigh, Stahl pushes his smile back to his face.  "Well, they essentially shipped me off to an impromptu vacation.  I may as well enjoy my time out of Canterlot."  He briefly considered changing out of his uniform, but decided it wouldn't be a problem.  His armour really wasn't heavy, and it made him stand out here in Ponyville.  If he was lucky, it would draw somepony's attention and he'd manage to talk his way into a bit of company while he was here.











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The two talked excitedly. Then Gentle Secret got up, "Here, let me show you a spell I found. Ingenious I tell you." Getting up, her rapier made a clanking noise as it hit the table. Thankfully the blade was in its sheath. Taking off the rapier and putting it on the table, she turned the pages as fast as she could.

Architectural Dream looked around, noticing a royal guard. Which was strange for a small town to have royal guards. Hopefully he won't come and ask about the rather large rapier sitting on the table.


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Dakota walks into Sugarcube Corner, noticing two ponies heading in the same direction. 
Dakota shows his manners by holding the door open for the two.


Somber rushes outside, hands over his eyes. He runs into a tree and falls on his back. Somber scrambles to the shade and looks at the sunlit world around him.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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The library wasn't due to open for at least another... what? Six minutes? Admittedly she was going to be late anyway but...


'Oh come on Twilight! Do something!'


She sighed and levitated the keys over towards the front door and twisted - pushing the door open and wandering inside reluctantly. This was not her day... and where was spike? Shouldn't he be awake by now!


"Okay - okay it's open." Twilight sighed - slumping down in her 'sleeping chair' and hastily pushing aside the book which had been used as a makeshift pillow. "You'll have to find it yourself th..." She yawned. "...though, It shouldn't be too hard: they're all in order."








"For you darling? Well lets see... There's the material... the labor... the... three, four..."


She stopped: she couldn't charge the full price for this: the material was imported and extremely expensive... but on the other hand she couldn't just give it away - much as she wanted to.


"one hundred and eighty bits - to cover my costs: it needs fitting to your size but I can handle that just fine darling: it really is a pleasure!"


Snatching the material aside, she gave a friendly smile - with work to do on top of preparing for later that day, things were starting to get a little busier than she had anticipated!


"I'll have it ready within the hour! Come and collect it whenever you like after them... and be prepared to be astounded!" She fluttered her eyes for effect - she was the very best after all.

hank smiles and walked in as he looks for the book soon pulling out a big book and smiles "ah ha!" he said as he picked up the book and sets it on the table and looks for a certain page and smiles "Twilight.. have you read this book? cause. you would know who i am in this book." he kept the page. "where is Celestia staying at these days? its been years since i seen her."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Genevieve (Who was wearing a long frilly dark blue dress) looked at the colt who held the door open for her before clearing her throat and holding out a jewel covered hand for him to shake...or kiss...she was royalty so she expected the best of course. "Merci monsieur." She said, waiting with her hand outstretched towards him.
Meanwhile, the zebra (Who was wearing a simple ratty old T-shirt and some jeans) standing behind Genevieve facepal,ed.  "Thanks..." She mumbled, not looking at the colt.


((also for you, Auron))

Chirp (Who was near the lake, in between Ponyville and the everfree forest) Continued to read in silence...until a pony rushed out from the forest with his hands shielding his eyes, only to run right into the tree Chirp was sitting by. The birds all around Sweet Chirp made some angry noises as they quickly flew off...Chirp on the other hand gave a loud high pitched scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Before he scrambled away from the pony, his book flying high into the air as he...slipped right off the bank and into the water with a splash.

Something something something something


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Dakota grabs the ladies hand and kisses her hand.
"What a magnificent hand." Dakota says.
Dakota looks at the other mare and smiles at her.
"Two cute ladies in one spot? Must be a dream." He chuckles.

In Somber's haste to make it out of the sunlight, he neglected to notice another pony there. It was only after he heard a splash, that Somber looked to the back. Somber saw a book in the water as well as a pony shaking in fear. Somber stared at the pony, wondering why his ears and wings weren't pointed like his. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Dakota grabs the ladies hand and kisses her hand.

"What a magnificent hand." Dakota says.

Dakota looks at the other mare and smiles at her.

"Two cute ladies in one spot? Must be a dream." He chuckles.


In Somber's haste to make it out of the sunlight, he neglected to notice another pony there. It was only after he heard a splash, that Somber looked to the back. Somber saw a book in the water as well as a pony shaking in fear. Somber stared at the pony, wondering why his ears and wings weren't pointed like his. 



Genevieve smiled at the colt, finding him quite polite. "Oui monsieur. Ze finest in ze land." She said, smiling before walking into the bakery.

Snow had a bit of a different reaction to the colt as he complimented her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking past him into the shop. "Thanks." She mumbled again.



Chirp was still panicking. He had no idea that this was a pony, not because he didn't know what a batpony was, because he was cowering and literally couldn't see him. "Please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me." He repeated, shaking out of fear until a small hummingbird landed on his shoulder. He looked up passed his wings and blushed. "Oh...s-sorry..." He said, his voice in a near whisper as he looked over the colts wings and ears, knowing instantly that he was a batpony.

Something something something something


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Dakota walks into Sugar cube corner after the mares and looked around.
Dakota glanced over the mares and thought about his interaction with them.

The well dressed one was nice, but the other gal....she was a bit annoyed with my presence....maybe i smell? Dakota thinks to himself. 
Dakota smells himself and shrugs.
I smell awesome.

Somber looked over the stallion more and more. He was so intrigued by the stallion that he shuffled out of the shade and next to the cowering stallion. Somber tilts his head to the side and pokes the stallion's face. Somber quickly recoils and looks at his finger.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Atlas once again stumbled out of the Everfree forest with a few more bandages than normal. What he needed was a bath and decent food. To Zecora!

"Thanks for the hot water!"

"Anything for my friend, who just back from a bend!" He walk off clean of the blood and dirt. As he slowly flew to Ponyville he thought of this recent adventure. He was supposed to be on a simple grab and run. Grab a tablet from a ruin and run out of the forest. But somehow his current arch enemy, the baron De Flanko from the Griffon Kingdom, had tracked him to the ruin and sent his thugs after him. Well he got the tablet and had either chased off the griffons or they had followed him and got themselves killed in the ruins. He had several names. In The Griffon Kingdom: a hero, In Equestria: an unknown, In The Changling Kingdom: a demon, To Celestia: a hidden hero, to his friends: well a friend, In Ponyville: the owner of the house in the middle of town that is never in there. He never talked about his adventures really. He wasn't one for bragging.

He was so ungulfed in his thoughts he nearly crased into a weather pony.

"Hey! Watch it!" cried the rainbow and cyan pony.


He began to drop below the clouds and hovered a just a few inchs above the ground. Ah! The Suger Cube Corner. He readjusted his fez before he went in. Wait... He swiped it off his head and inspected it. 

*GASP* Food could wait. He flew in the opposite direction and stopped a pony in the street.

"Where the hay is the tailor!" he cried grabbing the pony by the shit and shook her.

"I-In that s-shop" She pointed towards a tall building that almost appere ot be a tent. It was decorated like it was from Canterlot. Atlas flew towards the door. The pony he had asked stood there shaking. 

Atlas burst into the shop.

"I need service now!" he yelled. He looked almost insane with his eye twitching.


OOC:sorry i was late. I didn't pay attention or look to see if it started.@,

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Genevieve looked up as the colt yelled. She raised an eyebrow before walking to the nearest table. Snow however, couldn't help but chuckle...maybe she had the wrong impression of this colt? He sure seemed to do a good job of pissing off Genevieve...which was basically Snow's whole life...well...afterlife?
With a small puff of smoke that left a couple snowflakes to fall to the ground, Snow walked over and sat across from Genevieve who was looking over a small menu. "Zis place...is ze best it town? méprisable...what kind of town is zis?" She said, quite obviously not impressed as she snobbishly shoved her menu towards Snow. "Looks fine to me...oooh~ cinnamon rolls." She said, licking her lips as she flipped through the menu. "I will get ze buttered Croissant's...at least zey 'ave one prench sing 'ere." She grumbled. "Snow, Order." She said, directing snow up to the counter. "Fiiiiiiiine." She grumbled, standing up and getting in line.

Chirp went cross eyed as the colt poked him in the nose. He quickly jumped up, the water deep enough so it was splashing against his Tarsals (With digitigrade legs, that'd be the first joint) He held up his fists and gulped. "I'll...I'll hit you...d-don't make me do it..." He mumbled, ruffling his feathers in an attempt to get the water off them if he needed to fly...but the humming bird that had stopped him before stopped him again, landing on the end of his nose and humming away. "Sunny...no...we cant...stop. I don't even...Don't interrupt me." He proceeded to talk with the humming bird for a minute before he sighed, lowering his fists. "Um...whats your name?" He asked, his voice still dead quiet.

Something something something something


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"Oh no, I couldn't... Oh but expertise such as mine is one of a kind!" Rarity answered coyly. "Very well! See you soon darling!"


She breathed a sigh of relief as the door was closed - not that she wasn't happy for the business, or even the company... but how was she supposed to get ready while standing about chatting? There was plenty of time left but it had been whittling away.


She'd seen him a few times before: always polite enough - not like certain otgers who came into the boutique... alas, such was the life of a talented and, dare she say beautiful designer...






The door burst open again, in a most unruly fashion at that!


"Ahem... Manners cost nothing..." Rarity announced pointedly with a look of distaste. "Now, I am terribly busy right now, so if you are here to make a purchase then please say so without causing any further damage to my poor door!"








"Well you must just not be very memorable..."


Twilight probably would had sat up straight, clapped a hand to her mouth in shock at what she had just said and apologised profusely - had she not been tired, irritable and deprived of the sweet taste of...


'Stop thinking about coffee!' Her mind snapped back at her wandering thoughts. She shook her head and blinked sleepily.


"Sorry... sorry..." She mumbled - mind still away at the stand down the street. "I just need to... you know, clean up a little. You caught me at a bad time - it's been a long night."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Dakota looks at the display and gets in line behind the zebra. He could not help but to stare at her head. Dakota quickly pulled a menu to his face, so as not to be caught looking. Eventually, Dakota decides to speak with the woman.
"Psst...hey...Zebra lady...watcha gonna get?"

Somber looks at the bird then back to the stallion.
"You...you are not like me...What are you?" Somber asks in a strained tone.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Atlas came out if his insane mode once he saw the fashionista. He took a deep breath letting it out.

"Ma'am my fez here has a little damage to it and I need this fixed. This old hat has been with me to Saddle Arabia, a few stays at a griffon dungeon, the Changeling Kingdom and back, and a few more places I can't pronounce" he held out his fez to her. It appeared perfectly fine until closer inspection one with a keen eye could see a very small tear on the side.

"I've had this thing for years and it has to be in the best shape possible. If it were anything else I would have gone to Zecora but see isn't exactly a tailor. You wouldn't know her. She lives way out in the Everfree"

Atlas had a nervous smile on his face. He mentally face-palmed for going crazy in front this pony.

OOC: I'm going to bed it's late over here. Really late. Living in Hawaii does complicate stuff when talking to someone in the other side if the world or at least halfway around the world ie the east Coast of the US but at least I'm not in DC right now. Goodnight

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Well why didn't you just say so dear? Come now, sit down... this will only take a moment!"


She looked over the fez with a trained gaze - flicking on a spotlight to get a better view of the tiny amount of damage. Tutting, she shook her head with a smile as a tiny needle and roll of thread were summoned across the room.


"Zecora you say darling? How is she these days? Haven't seen her in... why, in months!" Rarity asked casually as the thread slowly worked its way back and forth with absolute precision - one of the benefits of magic being that she didn't have to rely on her hands for some of the more delicate aspects of her work. "I can't imagine there is much to do in that ghastly forest... but to each their own I suppose!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Rye started walking towards the apple farm, eager to get some work done to get off his mind, he hope Applejack wasn't as hyped up as everyone else, he really know what was happening today he arrives at the apple farm and looked around until he saw a tan mane enter a barn he walked into the barn and saw Applejack in a green gown with her mane flowing down face "uhm hey Applejack don't tell me your all hyped up for whatever it is today?"

(Typing on my iPod can't change text color)

(Applejack) "Well Howdy Rye didn't see ya come in, and for your information I'm not hyped up, I'm simply getting into something more formal, do I look fine, how's my mane?"

"Formal, right , you look awesome anyway did you have any work for me to do?, I put in an orde for Rarity uh about 400 bits, not that I'm low on bits but it's always good to have some in the bank"

(Applejack) "If you must know today the Princess Sisters are arriving for a special visit, I'd like to get some apple bucking done myself but I don't got the time"

"What!? That's today!?, awe man I don't wanna miss it, tell ya what, I'll get some apple bucking done and then I got to get ready!"

Rye wasn't anywhere close to as strong as Applejack was but he got the job done applejack nodded and pointed towards the trees Rye got to work eagerly


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"It's very complex as you can see," Gentle Secret began as Architectural Dream read the workings of the spell. It appears to be a form of a two way portal. The spell also seemed to need a large rune circle, which would lessen the strain of the caster or casters. Then she spoke, "So that is why I need you to help me. And I also heard that Princess Celestia's protege was here…"

"And you're hoping that she'll help you," Architectural Dream finished, a nod from Gentle Secret. Then Architectural Dream sighed and nodded, "Right."


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It was getting darker, Rye had done a lot of apple bucking today, more than any day really. He was eager he hadn't really ever gotten a chance to see the Princess Sisters. Honestly he never really cared, he heard they were beautiful but he didn't pay much attention to beauty, it was all about the personality to Rye. Rye walked into the barn to see Applejack pacing back and forth. "Hey Applejack I'mma head off and get ready for the Princesses arrival if you don't mind"

"No I don't mind none, you go along and get yourself ready, do you mind if I pay you tomorrow I've got a lot on my plate right now"

Rye was feeling generous "You know what AJ don't worry about it, it was my pleasure"

"Well that's might kind of you Rye but you worked so hard today It just wouldn't sit right on my conchies"

"AJ I won't take no for an answer, just don't worry about it I'll see you at the welcome party right?"

"Thank yah kindly Rye, and yes I'll be there right on time hopefully, I'll see ya there"

Rye nodded and marched out of the barn he was so very excited to see if Rarity finished his suit, Rye knocked on Rarity's door and awaited her to open it and show him something truly astonishing.

Edited by Fiery WillPower


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"You know Zecora? I couldn't think of you bieng in the Everfree. It's gotten worse out there. The timber wolf population has gone up a lot lately. Anyway she's doing fine. The standered potion making and isolation"


He looked at his hat as Rarity gracfuly patched it up. "And what do you mean not a lot to do out there? Half of my adventures were out there! The ponies of old left many ruins there many briming with treasure the villains of the world want to get there hands on. Many of which I have had the misfortune of meeting...how much is the cost?"


He asked as he took out his wallet. He then eyed a (must think of something besides leather!) wool jacket. He looked down at his. His jacket was covered in dirt stains and small almost unoticable blood stains. His jackets never did last long. He could also go for a new one.

"How much is the jacket over there?"


The door then opened. He lookd over to see another customer. He gave a wave and wnet back to looking at the jacket.

Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Oh no, I couldn't... Oh but expertise such as mine is one of a kind!" Rarity answered coyly. "Very well! See you soon darling!"


She breathed a sigh of relief as the door was closed - not that she wasn't happy for the business, or even the company... but how was she supposed to get ready while standing about chatting? There was plenty of time left but it had been whittling away.


She'd seen him a few times before: always polite enough - not like certain otgers who came into the boutique... alas, such was the life of a talented and, dare she say beautiful designer...






The door burst open again, in a most unruly fashion at that!


"Ahem... Manners cost nothing..." Rarity announced pointedly with a look of distaste. "Now, I am terribly busy right now, so if you are here to make a purchase then please say so without causing any further damage to my poor door!"








"Well you must just not be very memorable..."


Twilight probably would had sat up straight, clapped a hand to her mouth in shock at what she had just said and apologised profusely - had she not been tired, irritable and deprived of the sweet taste of...


'Stop thinking about coffee!' Her mind snapped back at her wandering thoughts. She shook her head and blinked sleepily.


"Sorry... sorry..." She mumbled - mind still away at the stand down the street. "I just need to... you know, clean up a little. You caught me at a bad time - it's been a long night."

hank sighs "i guess your right." he sighs "well. i think imma go and explore." he looks down and walks off "thanks though for the help." he said as he left the library looking down as he walked around "i wonder who else is here.." he said to himself as he still looked down



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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"What, that old thing?" She asked, glancing across at the coat - It was nice enough to be sure, everything in the boutique was beautiful! It was one of last seasons pieces though...


She set the Fez down carefully - flawlessly repaired. 


"Eighty bits: for the coat and the repair darling: it's an older piece -  think I can manage a discount." She smiled: turning to open the door.




"Aha! Almost perfect timing dear... come in, come in... I still need to make a few finishing touches - wont take me a moment at all." Beamed Rarity with a polite wave - motioning Rye inside. "So much to do - not enough time in the day is there dear?"


The suit sat prepared - almost at least - the second pony had entered before she could place the finishing touches, but that would only take a moment of course!

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"No problem Rarity , don't stress it, I'm in no rush at all, also before you finish sorry if this was kind of a last minute order, I just wanted to look good when Celestia and Luna show up, I've never personally met them, I know Applejack has met them before, I hoped maybe she could introduce me. By the way I walked in while Applejack had her dress on, green, with some dashes of red. It looks fantastic, I assumed it was your work?" Rye looked at the suit, it looked stunning if he did say so himself, too bad he didn't have any one to impress, because he was pretty sure a lot of ponys were going to be impressed by his new suit. Rye was excited not every day he got to meet royalty.

Edited by Burning Endurance


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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"What, that old thing?" She asked, glancing across at the coat - It was nice enough to be sure, everything in the boutique was beautiful! It was one of last seasons pieces though...


She set the Fez down carefully - flawlessly repaired. 


"Eighty bits: for the coat and the repair darling: it's an older piece -  think I can manage a discount." She smiled: turning to open the door.




"Aha! Almost perfect timing dear... come in, come in... I still need to make a few finishing touches - wont take me a moment at all." Beamed Rarity with a polite wave - motioning Rye inside. "So much to do - not enough time in the day is there dear?"


The suit sat prepared - almost at least - the second pony had entered before she could place the finishing touches, but that would only take a moment of course!

Atlas placed the bits on the nearest table and then looked at the suit. It wasn't quite down but still! It was amazing. He took up his fez and gave it a good look. Flawless. He walked to the jacket and too it off the rack. It looked as if it were made to last. Good. 

"These items you have are astounding! I'll be sure to metion you nxt imte I'm taking to one of my friends from Canterlot" He was about ot leave until he heard metion of the princesses. 

"Wait. Did you just say the princesses? Like Celestia and Luna? Cause if so is there any chance I could talk to her about something?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Rye looked at the pony "Uh yeah, at least that's what I heard, they were coming to stop by and say hello to everyone, and they don't just talk to anyone you know? They have lots of royal duties to attend to" Rye wasn't even certain he would get a word with the Princess and her sister, he hadn't directly known them either but he hoped AJ would be able to get him a word or two with the Princesses.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Snow glanced over at the colt and gave another sigh, still unsure what to think of him. "You call me Zebra lady ever again, and you wont have a jaw to make the mistake a third time." She replied looking up at the menu again waiting a moment before speaking again. "The croissants for miss prissy pants and two sticky buns." She said, just loud enough for him to hear.



Chirp gulped. "Um...I'm...S-Sweet Chirp...a pegasus..." He said, his hands behind his back as he looked down at the stallions hooves, seriously debating whether or not to just book it.

Something something something something


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Rye looked at the pony "Uh yeah, at least that's what I heard, they were coming to stop by and say hello to everyone, and they don't just talk to anyone you know? They have lots of royal duties to attend to" Rye wasn't even certain he would get a word with the Princess and her sister, he hadn't directly known them either but he hoped AJ would be able to get him a word or two with the Princesses.

"If you can't it's alright. I just want to talk. I've meet with her before and by her Celestia's request gotton a few pieces for the Canterlot Royal Museum with her" Not to metion some political esponage He thought after explaining himself. "Like I said it's okay if not"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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