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@@Comet Starflash,


"Comet! Noooo Comet. Come out of there..." she asked, tapping on the outside door to the male bathroom. "Hey, I'm not scared or judging you. Honestly I think it's kinda cool that I got to meet a changeling." She leaned against the wall near the door. "Come on out...It'll be okay..."

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Spacer noticed comet head to the booth by himself "Now that is interesting" He said trotting over to him "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you from the dancefloor, enjoying yourself?" Spacer asked trying to make out comets form due to the cider's effect of making his vision blurred "I don't believe we have met...." he held out a hoof swaying back and forth "My names Spacer, you?"

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"Eer... Comet. My name is Comet. And no, im not having a great time... I've been drugged, on my first party with my first drink of alcohol. I feel like a jerk for lying to everone. I wanna help but no one will let me, and now as you can see, I know why they don't want my help..." sighed Comet, really disappointed and trying extremely hard not to break down into tears.

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Spacers ears folded down "Oh man I'm sorry to hear that, especially knowing that it is your first time out at a party" He sat down next to comet with a bit of a lean "My first party wasn't the greatest either, I ended up being the laughing stalk of Canterlot due to something I did which I was not proud of one bit" He looked out at the other ponies dancing which were just blurs in his eyes "But i couldn't let it get to me, I kept working at wat I enjoyed which was DJ-ing, partying was a side bonus but i still get laughed at by pegusi whenever i visit my parents in Canterlot, I choose to shrug it off and keep flying on and things got better" He looked at Comet "It not often that some one has a bad time out partying but when it does I don't like to see it. Where do u live? anywhere around here?" Spacer asked with curiosity.

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"Me? I don't particularly live anywhere. I stay in the everfree forest but I dont have a home anywhere. How can you be so optimistic? You don't know how rare it is for someone like me to be invited to a party, and after what happened here, I doubt anyone will invite me again.*sigh* It's not easy being a changeling you know... everyone thinks it's just sapping power, but if you don't want that kind of life you have to break through the prejudice."

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Spacer lifted up an ear "I wouldn't mind you coming again and you wanna know why?" He took out a picture and placed it in front of Comet


"This right here is Dubsage, she wasnt accepted by no one due to having a dark past with evil entities and wherever she would go she caused other ponies to quiver, but I met her once randomly coming from school one day and ever since then, we've been friends. Of course she has her background but I look past that, I don't look at what ponies think of 'your kind' I look at what there personality has in store."

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(OOC: Sorry for being away for so long, but I went to bed)


Green could hardly believe what was happening. He was just some ordinary nopony, yet he had just been asked by a detective to help solve a mystery! Green took out his phone and called Red.


Green: Hey, Red. When I hung up earlier, that was me asking Howard if you could help out. And he said, pause for dramatic effect, yes!


Red: You're kidding, right?


Green: I kid you not. We've just been asked to help solve a crime by a legit detective.


Red: Great! I'll be there as soon as I can!


Green: Perfect! Bye!


Green ended the call, and trotted over to Howard.


"Okay, my friend can help, he'll be here as soon as he can. Now, this may not seem like the best time, but... can I get you a beer? Me and Red brought some to the party," said Green.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Huh... I wish I met you in the months I speant travelling trying to find a place that would like me for who I am, but even now, would you have invited me knowing what I really am? I left the changeling empire to get away from the hatred for the ponies, but I kinda wanna go back to get away from the hatred towards me. It was only when I disguised as a pegasi that people sorta liked me... That's why I asked how to become popular earlier." Said Comet, resting his head on the table.

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"No no green, that's fine. I have my particular tastes." Howard quickly and respectfuly said. A long unsettling pause.

"Ah, well, um, Green? I do believe this is going to be very difficult... Without sources I mean. I wonder if that[drugg-er]pony is going to come back. It's not my problem, but I need answers."

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"I beg your pardon?" said a voice behind Green, who jumped and turned around to see Red was back. "Oh, hey Red," greeted Green. "Howard was just talking about-"


"The drugger pony?"


"Yes, that precisely. Why don't you keep an eye out for them?"




Red instantly began looking, with a suspicious look on his face, for any strange happenings.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Howard flicked his light mane to the side as he made his final steps towards the bar.

Howard's head works like the clockwork he creates, and if you'd put your ear to his, you'd be surprised if you didn't hear the churning of gears, complimented by rings of mechanical bells.

He processed each and every scenario, complex plot and function. looking into nothing, hoping to find evidence of the mysterious pony, he thought -almost angrily-.

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Green shrugged, and began searching across the building. He came back a few minutes later, waving something. It appeared to be a dirty rag with a subtle bloodstain. "Hey Howard, I think I found something," stated Green. "Maybe there's, like, a machine to run it through or something?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Yes, But by now it is contaminated. Plus I did not expect to need any bags for holding crime-grime. Keep it with you though."


Howard pulles his goggles off his face, tightly pulling the elastic, his now visible -and horrifyingly tiny- pupils dance to and fro taking a quick glance at everypony present. He cataloges them all. Suddenly wincing, Howard made a reach for his goggles and in one swift movement, strapped them back on. Sighing at a barstool, Howard hoppes on.

"I need a drink" he whispers.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Nuclear trotted over and smiled. "Honestly to me it doesn't matter if I'm popular. As along as I have a few good friends that I can trust and have fun with I'm allllll good."

She patted Comet's back with a friendly grin on her face. "You got a friend in me if you want."

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Blaze entered the building. It seemed that it had already been a fight, since there was a group of ponies gathered in a spot, without their party face on.

"Well that escalated quickly, I'm not THAT late" he thought.


He slowly approached the bar, looking around too see if there were anyone he knew. He didn't see any.

"Well no one I know here, so I guess i'm forced to talk to someone new today. That's somewhat intriguing." he thought.


He leaned over the bar holding his hoof in the air, signalizing he wanted something to drink.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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Green noticed a brown Pegasus stallion at the bar, and decided that he may as well say hello. This was a party, after all. "Uh... hi! What's your name?" asked Green.


(OOC: This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...)

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Heh, an actual friend. So, what now? Party on and let those three solve this or join in with the hunt?" Asked Comet, pulling his first real smile of the night. "Oh and eer, can I get another drink? Preferably one WITHOUT drugs in it... Maybe just a lemonade or a soda this time." Comet remarked with a giggle.

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Spacer smiled at Nuclear and Comet "See? ponies don't judge you for your past, they judge you for your personality, and from what I see, you are one non-evil changling." Spacer looked around the club and hiccuped.  "You are more than welcome to come to any place I am and I'm sure Nuclear here will agree, don't let the past haunt you Comet" Spacer ended with a sleight smile. He was still feeling the cider but surprisingly intuitive when it came to playing with words. "I am going to hit up the bar, I'll get cha your soda Comet, Nuclear you want anything?"

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Red noticed Nuclear, and decided to speak with her. "Err, hi, Nuclear. I know this may not seem like the best time, but, uh... can I get you a beer? Me and Green brought some," he said.


(OOC: This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...)

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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Blaze looked around for the bartender, none in sight to his disappointment.

"Don't tell me he's caught up in that ruckus over there" he thought.

He tapped his hove on the bar, waiting impatiently on something to drink, as a red pegasus approached him.


Green noticed a brown Pegasus stallion at the bar, and decided that he may as well say hello. This was a party, after all. "Uh... hi! What's your name?" asked Green.

"Hey, i'm Blaze" he answered short.

He noticed his answer were very uninterested, so he continued, trying to make up for it "I'm trying to get something to drink here, but I can't see the bartender around. I could need a drink about now. Anyway, what's your name?".



(Drawing by Digiral)

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"I'm Green Unicorn. Glad to meet you, Blaze!" replied Green, and reached out to shake hooves. "Say, my friend Red Pegasus got me to come here, and we brought some beer. Want a can?"


(OOC: This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...)

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Ohh, really, you brought some? Great, at least we got one bartender here!" Blaze smiled. Green held out his hove, and blaze hoofed it. It didn't quite hit as a bro-hoof. "argh, I messed up... he was trying to shake not hoof" Blaze thought, slightly embarrassed and annoyed by himself.



(Drawing by Digiral)

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"Aw, no worries," answered Green. He got up, left, and came back with two cans of beer, one for each of them. "So, Blaze, do you come here often?" asked Green.


(OOC: This is the song that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...)

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Actually, Green, can i please have a beer? The bartender is on break... I think." Howard awkwardly asks. Still thinking about what to do about the previous incident. forget it Maneison, you can't help. "What do you like to do when your not trying to find a criminal?" Says Howard, taking a quick glance at Green.

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