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Cześć... oh wait, um... hello everybody!


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My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

How did you find MLP Forums?: I've got link to this forum from my friend, Burning Question. Thank you! :)

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: It's quite a long story. Everything started two years ago when I was watching some funny pics at the Internet. Suddenly I saw some images with ponies. Then I thought "Ponies from kids show in this page? What the hay?". After that I went to Youtube, where I had a MLP:FiM episode as proposal video. I watched it (it was "Secret of my Excess" episode). And then I got addicted to ponies ;d .

It would be polite if I write something about me, I think :unsure: .


So, hello! As you can see, I'm Imeshovy. Some people calls me also Marcin. I guess because that's my name...  I'm 19 years old.


Anyway, I'm from small town called Zgierz. Sounds weird, don't you think? ^^ That's because it's located in Poland, near 3rd largest city Łódź (eng. Boat   :) ).


Currently I'm studying Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Łódź. I'd like to become an press journalist. But some friends says that I'll end as KFC worker :V. I hope they'll be wrong ^^.


I created an account on this page because I am curious about non Polish bronies and pegasis. I hope that I'm gonna meet some creative people here and of course have fun  ^_^ .


Sorry for my possible mistakes. My English is not perfect, but I'm doing my best! :D

  • Brohoof 2
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welcome to the forums! 

don't worry about your english, i've seen some people do a lot worse on here :P

anyway, if you ever need any help, feel free to ask me or any other member. i'm sure they'll be willing to help you out.

hope to see you posting around!

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Thanks for kind words :)

English language is one of the reasons that I've created an account here. I haven't used this language for a reeeeealy long time (over half year, I guess). So I hope I'll recover my memory and also improve my English language skills ^^.

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Omg, omg, omg, omg, polish brony! Hi, cześć and siema! :D Finally yet another person from Poland on forums! :3 Enjoy Your stay and I am adding You to friends right away xD

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Hello nice to meet you,

I'm gonna go with the mane consensus here, your english is just fine. Journalism and communications, how interesting :D I have some friends that also studied in communications and ended up doing some very interesting things. Not to worry about the future. I just finished my Psychology and they have a similar saying that we just end up working at Starbucks :)

Have fun!

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Oh, I didn't expected that there will be more bronies and pegasis from my country.


Sweet :3 .


Haha, we are a small group here on forums, so it's always nice to see someone new from Poland :) 

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