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Is Hasbro just trolling us? [spoilery thread]


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Okay all this rainbow stuff is more and more feeling like Hasbro is just being a giant troll.


So first they came out with the Rainbow Power stuff with the strange doll design and a rainbow themed equestria girls sequel.  With all the Rainbow stuff going on in the show, I really couldn't believe that Hasbro was so stupid as to just give away obvious spoilers for the big season finale that's still months away.  But then again, it wouldn't be the first time they were spoilery and leaked info.


But then they came out with a rainbow power playset with rainbow friendship keys... that was just too much.  Really Hasbro?  You're actually incorporating rainbow keys?  At this point I really was starting to question whether they were actually shooting out this many spoilers or if they were just trolling us.


But then this came up on Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/01/vinyl-scratchs-new-name-adagio-dazzle.html


Adagio Dazzle?  Really?  What drinking contest led to that name?  I mean even if it's not Vinyl's new name, why is that a name at all?  What little girl is going to run around a store going, "Mommy mommy, I just gotta have Adagio Dazzle... I just gotta!"


I feel like either Hasbro has gone completely nuts or these leaks from toy fairs and whatnot are going to turn out to be a giant orchestrated attempt to throw the fandom off for some big surprise in the finale.  


So what do you guys think?  Is Hasbro going nuts or are they just trolls?

  • Brohoof 1
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Hasbro has always been nuts, ever since the 80s.  Killing off characters simply to sell new toys, for starters.


I hope that this is all just an attempt to seel rainbow themed stuff to throw us off the trail of whats really going on with the box and the keys.  I want to be surprised darn it!

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The Rainbow Power stuff and the toys are just to give more hype for the overarching arc that is still leading up to something involving the box, I wouldn't say trolling. Hasbro wouldn't go to change Vinyl's name, her name could be Adagio Dazzle in Equestria Girls 2 but not in the show. No trolling at all.

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TBH does it matter anymore?

They already listed scratch as a man to begin with.

To boot, their toy and animation dept's are usually so far apart they never can get anything straight anyways.


It could also just be a new character with similar look to scratch, and this wouldn't be the first time they've cloned characters (Daring Do anyone?).


I doubt its trolling anything, they are a toy company first, so most likely its just more things to sell under the same name without needing to create new molds.


Repaints are a lot cheaper after all.

Only thing I hope is a joke is this "rainbowfied" super powered pony things.. while interesting in passing... if it becomes part of the show.. I dunno.. we'll have to see how it goes.. But most of the designs lets face it, are just silly and simple repaints for hasbro to sell.

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I never thought much about this, but I certaintly don't think the makers of (no offense to bronies) a little girls show would troll us, especially since the fans this show is targeted at originally (8 year old girls) would also be trolled.  I never really looked to much into this, but after what you said they could be trolling us and they could not.  We'll just have to wait and see.

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See I was thinking along those lines that it could be about giving hype to the rainbow theme, but I'm just finding it so hard to believe that the whole mystery of the box which nothing has really been revealed about directly in the show is being spoiled by all this merchandise they're coming out with early.  I mean the Rainbow flashes in the show were a hint, but a rainbow friendship keys playset?  That just seems way to spoilery to me.  I could totally see the rainbow flashes turning out to be the writers of the show trying to throw us off into believing all this merchandise is connected to the box, and then having some completely different story for the keys.

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Hasbro does not troll people, they are in the business of making a lot of money, preferably profitable money.  Hasbro will slowly seal their grip on the show and deny most creative freedom from the writers and this show will turn into nothing but a show that is made to sell toys again.  Hopefully they end the series before this happens.  I hope season 5 or 6 is the last season for this reason.  Hasbro does not really care about us, they care about the 6 year old girls buying the majority of their toys.  




Adagio Dazzle?


Yo I think that name kinda sounds cool!  I hope it's not scratches new name though. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Troll was probably a bad way to word it... I'm more of asking if anybody thinks that all this rainbow merchandise and these changes being released at the same time as the rainbow flashes we're starting to see in the show might be an attempt to throw viewers off and think they have the mystery of the box solved when it's really something different.


I'm not saying that it's all some big hoax, but what if the rainbow merchandise and flashes and whatnot were actually completely unrelated to the box?

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This is hardly a plot twist unless you've been purposefully keeping yourself in the dark. Rainbow Power stuff has been all over EQD, both of the "keys" they've found do far have had an explicit rainbow theme to them, people have put two and two together and accordingly, there are threads everywhere in Show Discussion. Other than what the heck Rainbow Power actually is and what you use it for in the context of the show, there's nothing left to give away. MLP is far from a suspenseful, plot twisty show.


As for the name, not confirmed it's Vinyl. If it is, call her whatever you like. The toys all call her DJ PON-3 or whatever as it is.


Doesn't seem like trolling at all. Sounds like selling toys as usual.

Edited by DashForever
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Hasbro does not troll people, they are in the business of making a lot of money, preferably profitable money. Hasbro will slowly seal their grip on the show and deny most creative freedom from the writers and this show will turn into nothing but a show that is made to sell toys again. Hopefully they end the series before this happens. I hope season 5 or 6 is the last season for this reason. Hasbro does not really care about us, they care about the 6 year old girls buying the majority of their toys.




Yo I think that name kinda sounds cool! I hope it's not scratches new name though.


What exactly is your proof of any of this? Here is the thing, NO corporation cares about us. We exist to give them money. That is it. That is all THEY want, money. HOWEVER, just because a corporation is like this does not mean the product that they produce will be bad. There are many talented people that work on this show and they are still just as talented. We still don't even know why season 3 was shorter and of a bit lesser quality.


If Hasbro wanted to completely tighten their grip on the show, they would have done so by now by far. They know it is successful, they know about bronies, yet they are not yanking the show away from the writers. Perhaps, and this IS big possibility, they know that we love the show for how it is currently and don't want to mess that up. You never know, this is very possible. We give them money and they may not want to lose us like that.


This kind of doom and gloom gets old. Just because Hasbro is a rich and huge corporation doesn't mean they are automatically going to ruin everything.


In terms of Hasbro 'trolling us', they aren't. It is just new product. Every company like them does it.

Edited by Kyoshi
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This is hardly a plot twist unless you've been purposefully keeping yourself in the dark. Rainbow Power stuff has been all over EQD, both of the "keys" they've found do far have had an explicit rainbow theme to them, people have put two and two together and accordingly, there are threads everywhere in Show Discussion. Other than what the heck Rainbow Power actually is and what you use it for in the context of the show, there's nothing left to give away. MLP is far from a suspenseful, plot twisty show.


As for the name, not confirmed it's Vinyl. If it is, call her whatever you like. Headcanon Vinyl Scratch as a stage name or something.


Doesn't seem like trolling at all. Sounds like selling toys as usual.

That's just what I mean... it's seems so obvious with all these releases that the box mystery has to do with Rainbow Power, but I keep wondering if rainbow power might have nothing to do with what's in the box, and Hasbro is releasing all this rainbow stuff at once to make people assume that must be what the season finale will be about and then surprise everybody with something completely different.  Granted it's probably not the case, but I honestly would love to see Hasbro surprising everybody and making the whole rainbow thing some completely unrelated thing.

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Hasbro...my dear friends...


it has come to my attention that you may possibly be considering renaming my favourite pony...


so...as a sensible, calm, and peaceful pacifist, allow me to respond in the most polite and restrained way possible...





  • Brohoof 1
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What exactly is your proof of any of this? Here is the thing, NO corporation cares about us. We exist to give them money. That is it. That is all THEY want, money. HOWEVER, just because a corporation is like this does not mean the product that they produce will be bad. There are many talented people that work on this show and they are still just as talented. We still don't even know why season 3 was shorter and of a bit lesser quality.


If Hasbro wanted to completely tighten their grip on the show, they would have done so by now by far. They know it is successful, they know about bronies, yet they are not yanking the show away from the writers. Perhaps, and this IS big possibility, they know that we love the show for how it is currently and don't want to mess that up. You never know, this is very possible. We give them money and they may not want to lose us like that.


This kind of doom and gloom gets old. Just because Hasbro is a rich and huge corporation doesn't mean they are automatically going to ruin everything.


In terms of Hasbro 'trolling us', they aren't. It is just new product. Every company like them does it.


Maybe, who knows, but that's just how I feel homie B)

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I say they're crazy. I thought they were crazy since I saw the new Equestria Girls rainbow dolls. The ponies were enough. But no, they have to take their Bratz-doll looking THINGS and make them rainbow colored now! Insanity, I tell you, utter insanity!!

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So I was on the comments on Equestria Daily for this article, and somebody said that the definition of Adagio is apparently music made to be played slowly or something. It's rather unfitting for Vinyl, with her wubs and such. I'm thinking Adagio will be a new character. At least that's what I'm kind of hoping.

Edited by Mikami
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I wonder what would happen if Hasbro sells "MLP:FiM" to another corporation. I hope this happens and it will be for the best.

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Although Macho Pony would have been a better name at least the name Bulk Biceps actually made sense, but Adagia Dazzle? Bah, even if it does become Vinyl Scratches officila name I am still caliing her Viny Scratch just like I still call "Bulk Biceps" Macho Pony. The rainbow themed toys seem a bit spoilerific but it is not exactly the first time they have done that so I don't think it is anything to panic about.

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They still have time to redeem themselves with a huge end of season event where Celestia and Discord join forces to defeat a returning and much more powerful/evil Chrysalis, then Celestia goes all Optimus Prime on everyone and dies of her wounds while handing Twilight a final key to the mystery box, allowing Twilight to use its rainbow power to destroy a humungous parasprite monster that was about to eat the entire world.


You know what...I'm just going to pretend that's how the season ends no matter what the real finale is.


Seriously, if this generation of the franchise ends without Celestia either dying in an awesome blaze of glory or transforming into the most horrific villain of all time, then the whole Brony fandom movement will have been a waste of time and the show really is just a shallow advertisement for a girl's toy line. don't waste the potential, Hasbro! :)

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This is a Hasbro in its truest form. He tries to put on the illusion that he cares or gives a buck about any of the fan base, but all he really cares about is money. He keeps his true motifs a secret, for he is an all powerful being thanks to his fan base and followers who got him where he is today. He started out fine, but over the years became evil and cold. He knows he can screw us over with just one finger, he's just wondering when though.


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...Hasbro sells toys, it's pretty strange to consider what they do as 'trolling' - this would mean they are going out of their way to spend money making products just to give a certain group of people a hard time.


I just can't see that being logical.


They are trying to sell toys and regardless of what the adult fan base wants - this includes the collector fanbase and the Brony fanbase - there are a lot more 'children' out there who parents buy them toys.


As far as MLP goes Hasbro is put into a position of trying to please adults and children and parents. Add into that they are trying to produce a inexpensive product which is profitable.


Maybe the easiest way to put it is, it's not all about you. And the you would be (Adult collectors and Bronies)

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