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My Little Pony G1


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How is what I said 'fashionable'? Or 'bashing' I grew up in G1 if I didn't make that clear.


And its an opinion, but its based off the facts of other opinions too like from Brony Anaylisis "TheVoiceofReason" G1 episodes tend to be outdated by todays standards. Sorry if you don't agree though, is all good if its your opinion.


I even said its good for 'nolstagia' so please read carefully next time before you start 'bashing others' for their opinions lol.

Of course a brony study would say that. Most seem to have this strange hatred for G1. I don't understand why though.

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Of course a brony study would say that. Most seem to have this strange hatred for G1. I don't understand why though.

I never said I hated it either :confused:


I said it doesn't do as well by todays standards against other television shows. Some just can't stand up to it these days.


An example: 1997 Jurrasic Park, many would say that is still a classic and still holds up.


or better, Jaws. That movie was made back in the 70s and it still holds up as one of the most scariest animal horrors to date.


Now back to G1 MLP. While it will always regnite my roots to where I first fell in love with MLP, as an older adult I cannot relate to the characters or plots cause they are either too low in my age department for me to keep excited about it, or the animation isn't what it used to be. However I love the animation and music concepts in MLP Escape From Midnight Castle. That will always be my guilty love in the MLP franchise. Though I don't find it guilty so much, its my roots as a Brony. It's the roots of every Brony if you think about it.


For those of you who ARE bashing G1 however, keep in mind that even though it's not as up to date with the G4, if G1 didn't exist we wouldn't have G4 to begin with :proud:

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@Twilight Mist: I don't think people are bashing G1. Some are just saying it's not their cup of tea. I, for one, don't think it's nearly as good as G4, and there's plenty I don't like about it, but it does have a few things going for it. If nothing else, I like the villains. I'm able to keep going with the series so far, but I don't think it's for everyone.

  • Brohoof 1
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More than half of the comments here mentioned that in nearly every episode there are new characters which destroys the concept of main characters in the show and that the show doesn't focus on character development, so therefore they don't have personalities - this is so not true!


First off, My Little Pony 'n Friends does have main ponies that appear in a majority of the episodes. Some of the main/re-occurring characters are Galaxy, Heart Throb, Wind Whistler, Sweet Stuff, Posey, Surprise, Lickety Split, Fizzy, and Gusty. This may seem like a lot (if you're used to G4), but when you watch the show, it seems like the perfect amount and it makes sense. These ponies re-occur in a majority of the episodes, if not all.


And second, the ponies DO have personalities!


Wind Whistler - An incredibly smart pony who often talks in logic and sometimes gives off the impression that she has no feelings, but she actually does. They even made a whole episode on this matter, watch "Crunch The Rock Dog"! That episode deals with Wind Whistler having trouble expressing her feelings, because she often uses logic instead of showing emotion, and this causes the ponies to believe she has no feelings whatsoever.


Posey - Her personality is actually a lot like Fluttershy's; she's sweet, kind, caring, and a little shy. She loves her garden very much, just like Fluttershy loves her animals very much. Since she is used to seeing such beautiful flowers everyday, she doesn't see much "ugly" things. They made a episode with an INCREDIBLE lesson called "Fugitive Flowers". Posey learning that ugly isn't always nasty and pretty isn't always nice.


Galaxy - She tends to be a leader is situations, and always motivates people and tells them to never give up. In the episode "Baby, It's Cold Outside" she sang a song about how they shouldn't give up and that they should tackle the situation. Throughout the episode, she kept showing leadership and never lost hope/motivation, even when things were getting tough.


Honestly, there are MANY other personalities that I can explain to you, but that'll be too time consuming; I think I made my point pretty clear.

Edited by Mami Tomoe
  • Brohoof 1
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G1 is really good, actually. It's surprisingly dark, and the villains are pretty impressive.The stakes are really high too, which makes for a good adventure arc. On the downside, the characters are a bit shallow if they're not directly in the spotlight. The music is kinda corny too, but it doesn't detract from the story. To be perfectly honest, it's Transformers for girls, i'd recommend watching it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I just read on Tvshowsondvd that the g1 series will be released on dvd in an complete series set on September 30th.  In the us at least, not sure of other places.  It seems it'll be on 4 dvd's and not have the movies/tv specials.  Amazon has it for preorder at: $24.28 



tvshowsondvd article about it: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Little-Pony-Friends-The-Complete-Series/20162

Edited by Kulstor


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You SHOULD watch it! I LOVE G1. It is adventurous and sometimes crazy. Just don't expect the polish of G4, especially with the voice acting and songs. But I personally feel that the heart of G1 is the heart of MLP. To me there are way less slice-of-life eps. in G1 and way more crazy adventures, including ponies who steal your shadow and thereby your soul or trap you in a hallucinatory, idyllic wonderland that slowly drains you of your life energy. G1 is awesome.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'll be honest yes at least (I) almost enjoy it as much as fim,


G1 gets to a dark stage time to time and has got fair humor, well written villains (and Tirek) well written ponies and much more


although some bronies don't like it from one I used to watch it as much as FIM when I was younger and I have to say it's heartwarming and all so at least give it a try. :) 

  • Brohoof 1

The deepest of the Everfree!

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I just read on Tvshowsondvd that the g1 series will be released on dvd in an complete series set on September 30th.  In the us at least, not sure of other places.  It seems it'll be on 4 dvd's and not have the movies/tv specials.  Amazon has it for preorder at: $24.28 



tvshowsondvd article about it: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Little-Pony-Friends-The-Complete-Series/20162

 I'm really excited they're re-releasing it again. I got my complete series box probably about 7 or 8 years ago. But I'm still disappointed they're dragging their feet about putting the movies and specials in the set. What the heck is holding them back? Those are essential to a completed set. I had to buy separate DVDs for them even when I bought the old set. Disappointed they haven't figured this out yet.

Edited by Heliodor
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Watched Rescue at Midnight Castle.

I'd say,

Meh, it was alright.

The pacing was rushed, the dialogue was awkward, the songs were boring. The rest was okay.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. If it's any consolation, it was better than Boast Busters. God that episode was awful. I might watch the second one later.

Oh, on another note, instead of bashing G2 and G3, I don't talk about it at all.

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Watched Rescue at Midnight Castle.

I'd say,

Meh, it was alright.

The pacing was rushed, the dialogue was awkward, the songs were boring. The rest was okay.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. If it's any consolation, it was better than Boast Busters. God that episode was awful. I might watch the second one later.

Oh, on another note, instead of bashing G2 and G3, I don't talk about it at all.

Sounds like the 80's: the villains are always the best part.

And what's wrong with Boast Busters?

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Sounds like the 80's: the villains are always the best part.

And what's wrong with Boast Busters?

The episode to me is filled with awkward dialogue, Spike is an annoying brat, The remane 5 are unlikable, Twilight is, well I don't know what to say about her, the moral, Snips and Snails, Trixie wasn't very likable either. It's my personal worst episode.

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My favorite song is I'll Go It Alone. The G1 I've watched was like WAY back, it's been a while. But go ahead! You may learn more about MLP. WARNING: Tirek

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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Adorable image manipulation of what Derpy might look like in My Little Pony and Friends form <3


This picture has actually compelled me to check out the TV-specials.

Edited by Derp My Life



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Adorable image manipulation of what Derpy might look like in My Little Pony and Friends form <3




This picture has actually compelled me to check out the TV-specials.


The pony that was manipulated to look like Derpy in the picture is actually a male.  :P

  • Brohoof 1
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The pony that was manipulated to look like Derpy in the picture is actually a male.  :P

Oh... I see.

Well, it doesn't take away from- or diminish the adorability of this edit at all.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm into the second season of G1, which is more like the final stretch. This series has grown on me considerably since I first started. Having recurring pony cast members really helped a lot IMHO. In the beginning, I could never get too attached to anypony, because they weren't around long enough, but now the majority of the main cast consists of regulars. I'll reserve my final thoughts for when I'm finished, but I'm positive my opinion on the series now will be the same in 11 more episodes.


Obviously, I still think FiM mops the floor with it, but it's still an enjoyable series, and I'd highly recommend it to those looking for an additional pony fix after finishing FiM. The villains are solid all the way through, the songs generally suck, but there are a lot of colourful characters and situations that the ponies encounter. I think the G1 show is a solid series.

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I agree. As I mentioned either in this thread or another G1 thread I'd put G4 first as my favorite, then 2nd I'd put g1.  Nice that they had some recurring characters, mostly the humans and Spike.  The ponies seemed pretty interchangeable to me, though some seemed to have individual personalities, many ponies didn't seem to, to me.  Though I've not seen every episode of the g1 tv series.


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