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Child Of Darkness

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Welcome everyone, to Living in the free world. A fully expansive, open world RP with no limits in what you can do. Feel free to do what you want in the land of Equestria, it is all open to you, and is just waiting for you to explore. For your first post, please make it clear where in Equestria you are starting.


(Sign up/OOC) http://mlpforums.com/topic/85969-living-in-the-free-world-open-world-real-time-improve/


All information about the RP is in the OOC, including rules and the Moderation team. But for now, enjoy yourself in the Land of Equestria.


RP date/time

1st February 2014 1:35pm



Snow Storm

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Aaron was looking out of the window of Canterlot castle, watching the snow pelt his home town. He didn't like the snow. He was more accustomed to rain. Though the clouds are the same, the cold icy winds were nothing without the pelting of heavy water to him. Aaron walked away from the window, and wandered the halls aimlessly. It was in the middle of the afternoon so he didn't have much to do. Luna was definitely asleep by now. Celestia was working, and probably getting complaints from the denizens of Canterlot about the snow being too cold. And Blue Blood, luckily for Aaron, was in somewhere else. He didn't really care. So, being bored, Aaron was going to do what he always does when he's bored. Teach himself something new.

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Tempest smiled as he trotted through the snow storm. He had always loved the cold, and wasn't exactly bothered by it. He then walked into the castle, and stretched. "Well, that was interesting." He thought to himself. The cyan pegesus then shook some of the remaining snow out of his mane, before heading to his private quarters. He had a bit of paperwork to do, along with other things. Tempest then rounded the corner, and accidentally hit somepony, sending both to the floor. The cyan pegesus got up, and went to help the other pony. "Sorry about that. I guess I should be paying attention to where I'm going." He said, extending a hoof.


Ivy sighed as she meditated in Tempest's secret armory/meditation room. She would normally come here whenever possible,which was basically when her plant shop was closed, and simply try to calm her mind. She wasn't exactly complaining, though. The silver unicorn would always see her husband, and spend some time with him.

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Aaron extended his hand , accepting the pegasi's offer. Pulling himself up he introduced himself.

"Think nothing of it. I wasn't really doing anything so think nothing of it."

The human patted himself down.

"Sorry if I caused you any inconveniences. Name's Aaron. Pleased to meet you."

Edited by Mr. Critical
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The snow was falling heavily in the everfree forest. All the creatures had gone underground in order to avoid the cold. But for Caras and Wade, their was little escape from the snow. Their home was but ruins of a time long gone and the cold filled their home.


"We have faced a harsh winter this year my student, and this seems to be the worst of it. Another month or so, and spring will be hear. We just have to hold on until then." Caras said as he used his magic to keep the fire going.


"If the snow does not stop falling, I fear that come spring we will be too weak to hunt for food master. At least now we can kill the animals as they sleep and eat that way, let's just hope we can find the burrows. Food is short this time of year so its best we make do with what ever we have." Wade said as he mediated on his magic.


As the sun starts to set the cold became even more intense and the snow becomeing more heavy. The night are going to be harsh over the next few days.


(Yes, Caras and Wade will both eat animals to survive. They are both powerful and both very dangerous, recommend you avoid them.)


RP time 5:45pm

Edited by Child of Darkness

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After bumping into that odd pony, Aaron continued to wander through the castle. Hopefully Celestia or one of her researchers will unlock one of Star Swirl's secrets in his journal. He was eager to go on some kind of journey with Celestia. Being cooped up was dull. Reaching the main library. Aaron saw some of the students at the academy here, some giving him odd looks. He ignored them all. He began to start looking through the books.

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Cleo wandered through the Canterlot Library, carrying her guitar on her back. She was looking for books on Music History, but the librarian was too busy and stubborn to even point her in the right direction. 


Why must this library be so friggin' big? Cleo grumbled to herself.

Edited by LittleRawr


Signature by Azura

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Midnight Gaze was sitting in his little house in Trottingham, packing his things, getting ready for his trip to Canterlot. He had been a few times, but this is the first time he would actually be there because he wanted to be. Other times had been for parties or events, but not this time. He had decided to go to Canterlot library. He had seen a new star the previous night and wanted to see if it was part of something he had missed before. Midnight finished packing his things, a telescope, some star charts, and a map, and went on his way.


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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Tempest watched the human leave, and shrugged. He then continued on his way. When he entered his private quarters, he pulled a candle, which triggered a mechanism that would move a section of the wall and reveal a staircase that lead downward. He trotted down and noticed his wife. "I was wondering if you were still here." He said, smiling slightly.


Ivy glanced at Tempest, and nodded. "I had a lot to think about." She said. "Most of it was about you." The silver unicorn then trotted past Tempest, and headed to the Canterlot gardens.


The cyan pegesus blushed slightly, and sighed. "I missed you to." He whispered. Tempest then put everything back into place, before exiting the palace, and flying up into the mountains. He loved coming up here and it helped to clear his head.

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Aaron began to look through the books. None of which were in the least bit interesting to him. Celestia had tomes of magical oddities, books on the secret societies that should have been forgotten. But what Aaron really wanted was to see that journal once more. He loved looking for Star Swirls secrets. And hopefully Celestia and he would be able to go looking for one. After this snow storm is done pelting the land hopefully. Still, he did like the idea of spending time with Celestia and Luna.

"Maybe she would like to accompany me on the next journey? Nah, she's a bit busy."

Aaron was thinking out loud again. He liked to do that sometimes. Luna says its some kind of psychological thing. But Aaron didn't dwell on it for long.



Aaron saw a mare looking in the music section. She looked more frustrated than Aaron did. She must have been a musician of some kind. By the looks of the guitar, Aaron could tell what kind. Looking through the books she was, Aaron grabbed one of the books on the higher shelves.

"Here. This is an excellent place to begin for any musician."
Aaron placed the book on a table, and walked away. It was almost time to join Celestia for lunch.

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"Here. This is an excellent place to begin for any musician."


Cleo was startled out of her thoughts when she heard Aaron speak. What the hell is that thing? She flattened her ears against her head, and took an aggressive stance. But before she could answer back, the creature was already gone.


Has Canterlot always been this weird? She looked away from the direction where the creature had gone and stared at the book on the table. After a couple of moments, she gingerly poked it with a hoof. Doesn't look like it did anything to the book. And hey, it's the book that I had been looking for too. Cleo looked back at where Aaron had gone.


" Maybe that thing isn't too bad..." She murmured, and sat at the table to read the book.


Signature by Azura

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Hunting in the thickest of the snow storm was not easy. The strong winds made it had to walk and the cold relentlessly assaulted your coat. Despite the weather, Caras and Wade still brought back enough food to last them a few days.


"Ok, so we have enough food here to last us a few days, some deer and rabbit will go down a treat. But this hunt was far longer than it should have been, and with the snow the way it is, it seems your expectations will become true. We may just make it through the last month of Winter. Student, use you magic, find out when this cursed snow will stop. Its freezing in here." Caras was freezing in the weather, his body was made to live in the heat of tartarus, not to survive out in the cold.


"Yes master." Wade opened a time vortex to the next day and it seemed that the snow will pass. "Caras, the snow will be the most heavy tonight, but that should be then end of the snow for the rest of winter time."


Both wade and caras let out a sigh of relief at the though of being warm again, and away from the snow.


"Well my student, cut yourself some meat, eat up and get to sleep. If the snow will be the worst tonight I will have to stay awake to keep the fire going again. Do not argue just do as I say."


Wade did as his master said. He cut some meat, ate it and settled down for the night.


"Darkness preserve you Caras."


"And you aswell Wade."

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Atlas looked through the window of the train. He would be in Canterlot soon as they had just gone through Ponyville. The snow outside was really bad. Not as bad as he's seen but bad. Anypony caught out there for too long and they'll freeze. He opened his sattle bag and looked at the artifact. Post-Discord era (When Discord ruled) but before the banishment of Luna. For once he had no idea what it was. Well it's what the Royal Museum wanted and he got it. Another artifact, another happy Canterlot pony, another scar... He really needed a break. A free exploration just on his own. Some time to catch up with friends. That's what he needed.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Moonlight Fire watched with a lack of interest at the flurries that floated outside her window, letting out a yawn. The grumpy unicorn looked down at her medical spell book, continuously studying. The mare glanced behind her, surveying the various healing herbs littered across the table. "I need to restock some of it...but it's so cold," she groaned, debating whether she could go outside or not.

Edited by Moonlight Fire
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Aaron walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Making his way to the royal dining hall. He passed the familiar faces of the guards. Even though they all looked the same to the naked eye, but Aaron memorized the shifts of most of them. Again, teaches himself things when he is bored. Entering the hall, Aaron found that no pony was there to greet him. Celestia must still be working, so he would be eating once more without company. Taking his seat, the butler pony came up to him. As usual, Aaron ordered the fish. It was one of the few meats that wasn't taboo here and by the elder gods he was going to abuse that. The butler came back with his meal. They were practically expecting him to eat the fish. A bite or two into it, he saw the doors open and came his favorite eating companion. Celestia herself.

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Caras looked over to Wade and then back at the fire that was burning with the smallest of flames. The snow was now at it heaviest and the world was now at its coldest. Lack of food was now one thing that was far from Caras mind, but medication was top priority. Ponyvilles hospital would only open this late if it where an emergency and Caras did not have the strength for break in, and Zecoras medication was weird and did not sit right with both himself and Wade. The only option was Canterlot City Hospital.


"Rest Wade, I shall return after the sun rises."


Caras cast a time vortex on the fire, so it will burn for at least 12 hours. Caras gathered up his equipment; swords, armour, bow and arrows and some food and drink for the journey. He would have to move on hoof after all. Once everything was packed up. Caras set out of his home and into the thick snow blizzard.


RP time 11:13pm

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Atlas stepped out of the train car and onto the platform. Still cold... The wind howled and the snow keep falling. He could deliver the artifact in the morning. He just needed to find a place to sleep and get warm. Atlas held his trench coat close to his body and held onto his fez so it wouldn't blow away. Now all he had to do was get to a decent hotel and not get mugged. As he walked through the streets the snow got deeper than it already was. Atlas realized he couldn't get to a hotel in a decent amount of time. He checked the streets signs to find where he was. Hey! He had a friend that lived on this street. After taking a few minutes to find the address he knocked on the door.

"Hey! Done Deal! Hurry up in there!" Atlas shouted into the house. Like that would help... After a minute the door open to show a annoyed looking earth pony in a bath robe. Once the pony recognized the one at his door he brightened up.

"Atlas! What are you doing here?"

"I'll tell you once you let me inside. It's kinda cold out here"

"Oh yes. Come in"

"How's the company going?"

"Fine. Had some hard times but that's over now"

"do you mind if I stay the night? The nearest hotel is a good ways and the storm is only getting worse"

"Of coarse you can stay. Let me take you to the guest room"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Today had been boring for the both of them. Celeatia was going through the journal once more, trying to find something of interest. Aaron was on her bed clipping his toe nails. It was a slow day for the two and neither one wanted to think of the day they had. Celestia had been bombarded with question after question on how the snow was too cold and asked her to fix it. Aaron couldn't really believe how tedious these requests were. It was all boring until Celestias face lit up. Aaron saw this.

"What'cha got, Tia?"
"I may have found another artifact."
Aaron stumbled off the bed and darted over to her. He was ecstatic. Finally, something interesting to do.

"Yeah, what is it?"
He could barely contain himself. He needed to get out of here.

"Ease yourself. Its not an important artifact per say. Its just a medallion that can see the desires of other ponies."
"So what, I want something to do. I can tell you do."

"Its not that simple. I have responsibilities to my subjects. I can't just abandon them to go adventuring."
"Aaron dead panned his face. "Tia. Are you telling me. You'd rather stay here and listen to a bunch of cranks complain to you about the cold, instead of going to find ancient artifacts from Equestria's most powerful mage?"
Celestia was pondering this.

"But its a bit late."
"So what."

"its cold."
"I'll warm you myself if I have to. Please, lets het the hell out of this castle."

Well, Celestia was out of arguments. With a smile, she glanced to Aaron.

"Pack some things. I'll prepare a train."

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Midnight arrived in Canterlot a few hours later,it was dark. The first thing that he noticed is that it was just as boring as he remembered. The next thing he realized is that he had no idea where the library was. On all of his trips to Canterlot he had not once found the library, or at least bother to remember where it was. He decided to try and find it. After not being able to find it for a while, he decided to ask some of the other ponies he saw. Realizing it was late, and that everypony else was probably asleep, or would be soon, he tried instead to find somewhere to sleep.


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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Caras arrived in Canterlot just over an hour after he left home. A simple storm was not going to stand in his way of getting medication for his student. Caras encountered a problem at the city gates, a few guards would not let him in so he had to kill them both.


"I was hoping there would be no blood shed tonight, but it looks like their it has."


Caras moved into the City under the cover of Darkness and began to explore the city, looking for a place with medication, such as a hospital or a hotel.

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Midnight had still not found any place to sleep for the night. "no matter," he thought to himself "I'll just camp out, its fine." and with that, he started to unpack some of his things. Within a few minutes he had a small tent set up. He thought about where he could find the library, or more accurately, who he could get to show him where it was, and tried to go to sleep. Yet for some reason he couldn't, so he decided to take out his telescope and start a new star chart from somewhere other than the roof of his house.


I'm a bomb. . . made of fire.

So I bomb things. . . with fire. . . and do nothing else


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The two were heading out for the artifact. A butler carrying both of their suit cases. As the two made their way to the train, they idly chatted.

"So Tia. Where are we going?"

"We are going to the town of Hollow Shades. Just north east of the Foal mountains. I have no idea how long it will take for us to get there. Especially in this snow."
"It matters not. Gives us time to rest for whatever trial this artifact throws our way. Speaking of which. What are we after?"
"I don't know. I'll have to translate it in the morning."
"Fair enough. Let me know if you need anything."

The two walked for a while through the endless halls. Celestia gave Aaron an nudge with her flank. And Aaron did the same to her. All the while they played the Butler watched, rolling his eyes.

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Cryptical Code looked outside of the small cave they found. Luckily, that was a few minutes into the snow storm, and not a hour into the storm, or otherwise that would have been a different story. A small magical wall separated Cryptical Code and Gentle Secret from the coldness of the current weather. Taking off his winter cloak, he turned around to face a mare that was in the inner depths of the cave, reading a large tome. He spoke, questioningly, "When do you think this storm will stop?"

"Hmmm," Gentle Secret thought as she turned the pages a couple of times, reading as fast she can, all the while taking notes. Then she looked up, the tome settled down, on top of a sheet, to prevent dirtying the already ancient tome. After a while of thinking, she spoke, "It is going to be short enough that we won't die from starvation." Then she returned to reading her notes, Cryptical Code smiled at that before staring outside. 


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Gareth was walking through around Canterlot. Well, It's just like home here now. Except the vodka. It needs more vodka. Staring into the cold, there was a rare appearance on his face: a smile. Brushing down his feathers from the wind, he decided to take a small fly around Canterlot. He needed a break from the duties of being a guard. He hit a rough spot in the storm and started looking for a cave. He came across one in no time, finding it to be sealed with some sort of magic. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he called out.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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During his search for medication, Caras had passed out from the cold and nearly died from hypothermia. When he woke up he was freezing cold and his body was half buried by the snow.


"Damn it, I passed out. I need to get to the hospital."



When Wade awoke in the ruins, he was warm, but sickness had taken him again.


"Flu again. Where is Caras?" Wade discovered a note which told him where Caras had gone. "Canterlot, for medication. He should be back by now."


RP time 10:20am



Clear skies

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