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Bronies Take Over The Internet. We Be everywhere!


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The herd census is full of crap, they took less than one thousand participants in a survey, received a percentage, and applied it to over 2.5 billion...no matter how fancily they worded it, this is the most inaccurate survey I have ever seen. and has no credit as fact whatsoever.



me acting like an idiot again

Edited by TheChosenPony

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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   All's fair in love and the internet, if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be a brony, much less learn about how diverse the fandom is, and I do love to chat with people from around the world. Now to be fair, there was already a lot of bronies on the internet before I even knew about the show, it was between season one and two I began to see pony art and MLP references, on YouTube, Deviant art and other sites I frequent, so of course there is bronies everywhere, for the fandom is growing into a culture onto itself, also to be fair there is always praise and denounce on the internet, on any comment section or forum, the internet is populated by people remember, now our growth is because of the internet, no matter what amount of surly that might incur, any good fandom is a balance to the curmudgeonly, and we are making a difference, love it or loathe it bronies are on the internet, whether it is discrete or displayed.  

Edited by Emperor Peter
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I don't think bronies are over the internet. The internet is a magical place where all the worlds groups can put their crazy thoughts and share them with everyone else. While bronies may be a large chunk of this collective, messed up place, we will never be the overwhelming force. 

My signature is signature... you get it?

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There were over 2 million responses to this survey


this screenshot of the online survey webpage stats seems legit enough



Thats awful strange considering that the site it's self said that they only surveys 2 thousand something...and that little screenshot? it says "1028 responses"

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Haha, no kidding! I was on ar15.com forums and their are actually a LOT of bronies on their, even people thinking about making their guns pony! ^_^


That...kind of made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! :yay:


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Thats awful strange considering that the site it's self said that they only surveys 2 thousand something...and that little screenshot? it says "1028 responses"

All I read was "by hour of day" and I thought it meant there was 1000 responses every hour.. I didn't look at the graph.


Forgive me for my arrogance.

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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Well, growing this large will only cause more people to attack us. The bigger we are, the more of a looming threat we appear to "secret" fan clubs on the internet, and that causes more back lash. And the fact that most bronies tend to spout endlessly about the show, and relate it to every single facet of whatever website they are on, tends to annoy alot of people. And then they get the perception that most bronies are like that due to the fact that most of the ones they have encountered are. This then creates a large "anti" movement, as we grow as a group, and gain more power due to the largeness of our populace. So, growing more large will not deflate the attackers, trolls, and "haters", it will only increase them in size and ferocity, as more and more places become home to bronies. 

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Well, bronies are normal people, just like me and just like you, they just happen to like MLP, the thing is you may not see or know that some people are bronies because some bronies don't wear a T-shirt about My Little Pony and so on.


Many people believe I'm not a brony, but yet I am one, and I think that's how most people are.


It's just my opinion on the subject though, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong ^^.

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No, people are attacking you guys because of your ignorance and arrogance, things like exactly what is displayed on this thread, Don't claim to have "millions" in your fandom when you have no sturdy facts to back you up, and no, unless you cite your sources and do your research to verify accuracy, online articles or polls of any sort are NOT sturdy sources. I'm not mad, I like what I have seen of the brony fandom, but you can't trust information on the internet no matter how official it looks. I would be willing to put money on on the fact that somewhere false "proof" exists on the internet that the world is flat.

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No, people are attacking you guys because of your ignorance and arrogance, things like exactly what is displayed on this thread, Don't claim to have "millions" in your fandom when you have no sturdy facts to back you up, and no, unless you cite your sources and do your research to verify accuracy, online articles or polls of any sort are NOT sturdy sources. I'm not mad, I like what I have seen of the brony fandom, but you can't trust information on the internet no matter how official it looks. I would be willing to put money on on the fact that somewhere false "proof" exists on the internet that the world is flat.

This fandom IS big, no doubt.


The fact that each new fanart from each episode comes from a different artists and almost immediately (1-2 days)after the show airs


All I've got left to say is.


March on!


May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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  • 1 month later...

I wonder how large bronies will be in the estimated five more seasons MLP will have. In the three years the show has been running there are over ten million of us, just imagine how large the brony community will be in five more years.

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*Lowers pipe*

Yeah, ya know, I see Bronies all over the place myself, but I'm not sure if there are that many Bronies compared to other fandoms. Really, I see far more Anime-inclined folks than Bronies out there. By the same token, for some odd reason, a lot of the Anti-Bronies that I see also happen to be Anime-inclined, but I'm not sure if that's just my experience or if that's actually a thing.


I see a lot of folks in here lamenting Bronies shoving the show into people's faces. To be honest, I don't really care what other Bronies do. I've seen so many folks concerned about the image of Bronies being decayed because of that behavior, but I honestly don't care that much. If people can't judge me as me and instead judge me because some Brony out there was a jerk, then they're just not worth my time.


... well except that I am a huge jerk, so I guess their judgement would be sound. But you get my point.



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Yeah there always seems to be at least one brony in every site I have some presence in no matter how unrelated to pony. I think this is less an indicator of the size of the fandom and more an indicator of it's diversity. It's not that we're the biggest fandom ever or whatever, but more that bronydom attracts people from all walks of life, who do all sorts of things otherwise.


This is so true. It doesn't matter what site you're on, there's always going to be at least one brony.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Before I got into the show, I never noticed anything MLP related online, really.  But that's because I had no reason to look for it.  Now, I'm noticing it popping up a lot here and there, in places where I wouldn't expect it.  It's not spamming or anything, either.  It's just little stuff, like MLP avatars popping up in the comments on non-MLP related youtubes or what have you, and lots of MLP related mods in the L4D2 Steam workshop.  It always brings a smile to my face when I see that kind of stuff.  It's just like, "Yeah, brohoof, rock on!"  But that stuff was always there.  I just notice it now, because I'm looking for it.  But I certainly don't support or condone the spamming of MLP related stuff in non-MLP related places.  I agree that that gives us a bit of bad name as people feel like they're having MLP shoved in their face all the time.  But at the same time, I completely understand the desire to want to talk about something that you're really into.  For me, when I became a part of this fandom, I was really excited and proud and basically wanted to talk about it to anyone who would listen.  I love being a part of something so positive.  But I also wanted to be careful to not shove it in anyone's face and make them feel like they have to like it.  It's just like any other TV show.  You can like it or not like it.  Either way is fine.  I just think that for many bronies it's natural to want to talk about it because it feels special.  It's not unexpected for us to like Game of Thrones, so no one feels compelled to tell the world, "Hey, I love Game of Thrones!  Deal with it!"  So yeah, it's natural to want to talk about it, but important to not spam it in the wrong places.


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This is so true. It doesn't matter what site you're on, there's always going to be at least one brony.


Try like at least 5-10 bronies.


Every non pony related site I have been to has had a least that amount alone just based on the avatars and titles of their usernames.

  • Brohoof 1
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And people wonder why there is so much brony hate... 


Since you asked for my opinion, (bad idea by the way) my opinion is that the brony conquest will ultimately prove to be a bad thing and will aid in speeding up the fandom's inevitable demise. I made a previous blog post related to this, actually...


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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my friends noticed this the other day everything we search mlp comes up and they aren't bronies , i was on the creepy pasta wiki and mlp came up and it was nothing to do with a creepy pasta , every YouTube video i watch there is one pony avatar and every game of tf2 i play there is one brony in the game

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my friends noticed this the other day everything we search mlp comes up and they aren't bronies , i was on the creepy pasta wiki and mlp came up and it was nothing to do with a creepy pasta , every YouTube video i watch there is one pony avatar and every game of tf2 i play there is one brony in the game


Yes its crazy how much we have grown. And with five more years coming up and MLP being Habro's longest running series so far its going to continue to grow.

Edited by GXPBlast
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Yes its crazy how much we have grown. And with five more years coming up and MLP being Habro's longest running series so far its going to continue to grow.

what about the theories about the show getting worse and worse because of hasbro? :huh:  

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We are large enough to take a small country. I'm gonna go with Estonia. They are mostly militia supported but strength in numbers will be our victory. Ten million bronies coming over the hills. It will be biblical.

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what about the theories about the show getting worse and worse because of hasbro? :huh:  

Well that's why we have the fandom. The show was an inspiration for many bronies to create awesome fan made animations and artwork.


Many of the animations are so well done that they rival to better the quality of the show itself.


Like myself, I watch very few episodes of MLP and usually am the person who watches the more epic clips on the internet of parts of episodes.


I became a brony mainly due to the fandom and not the show. The HUB network puts many restrictions on the show so the writers cant be too creative. Also I think bronies in general tend to be more creative and it shows with the fan made animations. So despite Hasbro and the HUB making the show worse we will see the fandom pump out even better animations to make up for what the show is lacking.

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May not turn out to be a good thing that bronies are everywhere. I know some people who dislike mlp specifically because ponies show up wherever they go.


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May not turn out to be a good thing that bronies are everywhere. I know some people who dislike mlp specifically because ponies show up wherever they go.


I have the World's Smallest Violin on stand by the next time their eyes have to accidentally look at a pony.



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Yea, I know what you all mean, noe everytime I go to youtube, watch a video, dosn't matter what that video is, I look at the comments and see pony avatars everywhere, it is truly amazing jusr how large our fandom has really grown, starting off from a joke on 4chan to actually having MILLIONS! :yay:


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