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Why I'm turning my back on FiM!

Twilight Mist

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What on earth did you see on youtube? Uh...Does that really qualify as meeting someone? Were these like video's of people bitching about bronies or something?



Again, I wasn't talking about everyone, I was discussing the attitude that comes along with the statement of those who insist G4 wasn't made to sell toys. There is a difference there, again, no talking about everyone just people who seem to be ignoring the reality. And again, my points aren't about if the show is good or bad or whatever.


Also, it's interesting that people come at it from the Cartoon standpoint when talking about G1-G3. Most previous gen people don't come at it that way. The cartoon was an accessory to the toy. Ponies actually had personalities in the toy line before the show ever existed, but I wouldn't expect people to understand how/why without me explaining the toy dynamic of G1 to you. I think the issue is FIM fans seem to come at it straight from the cartoon whereas G1 fans for instance come at it from a Brand standpoint, it's not just cartoon, it's all of it toy+show.


For me personally the cartoon was just that, an accessory. By the time I got to watch the G1 cartoon my ponies already had personalities and they were not based on what was on TV. I had developed identities for my ponies already...so the show didn't affect me in the way G4 fans view FIM.

no, I was talking about conversations an comments I've seen on youtube. And like I said, I don't care about the toys. The only part of mlp I care about is the show. I acknowledge that there are toys and that's what the show advertises, but I couldn't care less.
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I can understand where you're coming from to some degree.  But trust me when I say we don't have nearly as much influence on the show as you think we do.  If you don't believe me, then wait awhile, because you'll probably see what I mean soon enough.

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Whats so laughable is that this whole fandom takes itself far too seriously and can't take any critism. Seriously Guys it's just a cartoon. Sometimes I worry for some of you guys when FIM finishes!

You responded to a decently well-thought-out argument with a logical fallacy.




You are basically saying that the person you quoted cannot be taken seriously because he as a brony takes the show too seriously and is therefore laughable.


But just because bronies can take things too seriously it doesn't mean that a brony is automatically incorrect for making the statements that he made.


I call troll too. Or, at best, someone not worth arguing with.

  • Brohoof 4
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no, I was talking about conversations an comments I've seen on youtube. And like I said, I don't care about the toys. The only part of mlp I care about is the show. I acknowledge that there are toys and that's what the show advertises, but I couldn't care less.


If we're talking about comments on youtube, well, I have seen plenty of negative stuff posted about previous gen. But that's a bit different than meeting previous gen. fans isn't it? I think youtube comments, anyone can say who they are online but that doesn't prove anything, who they are or whatever.


And again, it doesn't matter if you do or don't like the toy, what I was talking about is people insisting that the show was made outside of hasbro's involvement, as in, not made to sell toys. Since you know it is, then you're not what/who I was referring to in my comments.

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Wow. this person has just started a thread about Gen 1 people hating us. AND NOW HES CHOOSING OUR SIDE! Like can you PLEASE choose a side? You were all like Gen 1 is better. Now that you've been ragged on your crawling back saying Gen 1ners hate us... GOOD FLIPPING JOB!


(Not trying to argue. Cause he assumed we would be ok. But Assuming always makes an ass out of you. ((Its a Saying))

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Wow. this person has just started a thread about Gen 1 people hating us. AND NOW HES CHOOSING OUR SIDE! Like can you PLEASE choose a side? You were all like Gen 1 is better. Now that you've been ragged on your crawling back saying Gen 1ners hate us... GOOD FLIPPING JOB!


(Not trying to argue. Cause he assumed we would be ok. But Assuming always makes an ass out of you. ((Its a Saying))


Actually the guy was never ragged at on the threads he started on the mlparena. It's why I posted the link so people could go read and judge for themselves and others have pointed out nobody was yelling at him or being mean to him over there.

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I don't like 80's Cartoons (Maybe He-Man purely due to how hilariously camp it is), and there isn't anything G1 does to seperate it from the others.


Are there any pre G4 forums? Because to be honest all you're gonna find are G4 Forums nowdays, eveyone in the MLP fandom either only cares about G4 or have been assimilated into mostly caring about G4.


We can all Agree that G4's better than G3/3.5 though Right?



  • Brohoof 1
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That's just a simplistic comparison without real knowledge of animation and it's purpose. But, to each, their own....


I will say that G1 resembled the 'political correctness' of the 80's (it was okay for a villain to die to a children's show, try finding one on today that has done that for the >12 demographic of either sex).  The animation, although hand drawn, was horrible compared to other hand drawn cartoons of that time and previous (seems like the 'toy' cartoons were the worst across the spectrum). The villians have been done similarly to G1 prior to that and better.

FIM 'seems' to take itself seriously because there's actual CHARACTER to the character's portrayed, thus creating a more believable world with believable inhabitants. G1 characters were flat...a massive understatement to say the least...


Don't get me wrong, there were some things in G1 that were different and new for the time because "girl" shows were just starting to coming out as a market. However, G1 was the beginning of what would have girls in the future to be: a cheap cash in to sell toys.

I don't like 80's Cartoons (Maybe He-Man purely due to how hilariously camp it is), and there isn't anything G1 does to seperate it from the others.


Are there any pre G4 forums? Because to be honest all you're gonna find are G4 Forums nowdays, eveyone in the MLP fandom either only cares about G4 or have been assimilated into mostly caring about G4.


We can all Agree that G4's better than G3/3.5 though Right?




There are forums out there that predate G4....most of them focus on the toys though and those that do exist for the shows have been flooded by G4 fans....to some of the older fandoms dismay....


Actually, I had a young friend tell me that G3 is way better than G4 because it was more appealing to her when she was the targeted demographic. G4 presents mature morals and themes that she did not like because she wants to turn off her brain...seriously. :okiedokielokie:

Edited by Treble Bolt
  • Brohoof 1
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After watching several episodes from G1 I've come to the realisation that G1 is better than FIM. Let me explain:


•G1 was handrawn. Badly yes, but that took effort. Anybody can use Flash nowadays.


•G1 had better villians. Terak for example. He was a proper badass.Plus he was actually killed. Something that would never happen in FIM


.FIM in my opinion takes itself too seriously. The makers of the G1 show knew that the core audience would be girls so didn't try too hard


.The Brony community itself. With the rise of Bronydom the FIM creators have seemed anxious to please our every whim.If they are not careful Hasbro will begin to turn their core audience away.


These are just my opinions tell me if you agree...or not!

OKAY, my bronies, I thought we would never discuss this agian.

*flashbacks from other gens(especially G3)*




  • Brohoof 1
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I will say that G1 resembled the 'political correctness' of the 80's (it was okay for a villain to die to a children's show, try finding one on today that has done that for the >12 demographic of either sex).  The animation, although hand drawn, .


Actually, I had a young friend tell me that G3 is way better than G4 because it was more appealing to her when she was the targeted demographic. G4 presents mature morals and themes that she did not like because she wants to turn off her brain...seriously. :okiedokielokie:


Sombre did get shattered and blown the hell up.


I really don't know what to say to that, except maybe at she was honest about her reasoning if nothing else XD.

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Sombre did get shattered and blown the hell up.


I really don't know what to say to that, except maybe at she was honest about her reasoning if nothing else XD.

That doesn't mean he was killed. I believe the villain she was talking about was killed on screen and reiterated THAT the villain was killed. Crysalis and her army were tossed out of Equestria but that doesn't mean she was killed....cartoon logic (go fig)....

Again, to each their own....I mean I don't like Breaking Bad...and just wait, there will be a fury unleashed....

  • Brohoof 1
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Are there any pre G4 forums? Because to be honest all you're gonna find are G4 Forums nowdays, eveyone in the MLP fandom either only cares about G4 or have been assimilated into mostly caring about G4.



Wow, I hope you are joking because if you believe what you wrote...it just comes across as both ignorant and elitist at the same time.

That's just a simplistic comparison without real knowledge of animation and it's purpose. But, to each, their own....


I will say that G1 resembled the 'political correctness' of the 80's (it was okay for a villain to die to a children's show, try finding one on today that has done that for the >12 demographic of either sex).  The animation, although hand drawn, was horrible compared to other hand drawn cartoons of that time and previous (seems like the 'toy' cartoons were the worst across the spectrum). The villians have been done similarly to G1 prior to that and better.

FIM 'seems' to take itself seriously because there's actual CHARACTER to the character's portrayed, thus creating a more believable world with believable inhabitants. G1 characters were flat...a massive understatement to say the least...


Don't get me wrong, there were some things in G1 that were different and new for the time because "girl" shows were just starting to coming out as a market. However, G1 was the beginning of what would have girls in the future to be: a cheap cash in to sell toys.


There are forums out there that predate G4....most of them focus on the toys though and those that do exist for the shows have been flooded by G4 fans....to some of the older fandoms dismay....


Actually, I had a young friend tell me that G3 is way better than G4 because it was more appealing to her when she was the targeted demographic. G4 presents mature morals and themes that she did not like because she wants to turn off her brain...seriously. :okiedokielokie:



turn off her brain...mkay.


I think probably part of the problem is FIM fans feel the need to compare the G3 cartoon to G4. Hasbro representatives told us back when G3 was being produced that the G3 cartoons were made for younger children, because we asked why it was different from G1, why was it more simplistic in plot and story. Add into that that a majority of the previous generation fans do not view MLP ONLY through cartoon glasses. People like me, who are pre-FIM view it as a brand and the cartoon is just an accessory to the toy line.


The Hasbro rep also made comment that they thought the G1 cartoon with the 'bad guys' would be too intense for younger children so they did the direct to video G3 stufff or younger kids.


So to compare G3 to G4 or even G1 doesn't really work if you ask me; especially since hasbro explained why they did the G3 programs the way they did. It's like trying to compare cartoons that a 1-2 year old likes to watch and then trying to get 10 year olds to watch it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Wow, I hope you are joking because if you believe what you wrote...it just comes across as both ignorant and elitist at the same time.



turn off her brain...mkay.


I think probably part of the problem is FIM fans feel the need to compare the G3 cartoon to G4. Hasbro representatives told us back when G3 was being produced that the G3 cartoons were made for younger children, because we asked why it was different from G1, why was it more simplistic in plot and story. Add into that that a majority of the previous generation fans do not view MLP ONLY through cartoon glasses. People like me, who are pre-FIM view it as a brand and the cartoon is just an accessory to the toy line.


The Hasbro rep also made comment that they thought the G1 cartoon with the 'bad guys' would be too intense for younger children so they did the direct to video G3 stufff or younger kids.


So to compare G3 to G4 or even G1 doesn't really work if you ask me; especially since hasbro explained why they did the G3 programs the way they did. It's like trying to compare cartoons that a 1-2 year old likes to watch and then trying to get 10 year olds to watch it.


I agree...This all comes back to political correctness of cartoons. I think that many fans compare G3 to G4 because most young adults remember it, whereas G1 and Pony Tales take place a literal generation before most G4 fans. At the end of the day, it's an brand created to sell toys, and the cartoon show is there to act as a long, entertaining commercial saying "buy the toys!"...

As for my friend...she's 15, and is trying to be a hipster among her friends, and we are all weird, so she's trying to "like" what we don't...but the fact that she said that just made me facepalm all over...

Edited by Treble Bolt
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That doesn't mean he was killed. I believe the villain she was talking about was killed on screen and reiterated THAT the villain was killed. Crysalis and her army were tossed out of Equestria but that doesn't mean she was killed....cartoon logic (go fig)....

Again, to each their own....I mean I don't like Breaking Bad...and just wait, there will be a fury unleashed....


Breaking Bad...I've never even watched an episode of breaking bad...I do however watch game of thrones, if FIM was GOT, a lot of ponies would be dead by season 4.

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Breaking Bad...I've never even watched an episode of breaking bad...I do however watch game of thrones, if FIM was GOT, a lot of ponies would be dead by season 4.

HAHA! That would be a very interesting installment into the MLP franchise...although I am not sure what toys would come out of it :P

All I know is the story for Breaking Bad, never saw an episode; it just sounds so...depressing. Of course I really don't watch Tv at all and only know about popular shows because it's plastered on the internet...much like FIM was/is/will be

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Wow, I hope you are joking because if you believe what you wrote...it just comes across as both ignorant and elitist at the same time.


Yo dood I was being friendlier than you think I was, unrustle your jimmies for a moment and realise that I was talking about the fact that maybe a dedicated older gen forum needs exist for people who don't always wanna talk about G4.


As I said, I don't care for 80's cartoons and I don't know how many dedicated classic MLP fans there are (I only know like 2 and one of them only because they made this crackfic Pokemon Fangame about Meloetta teaming up with Pinkie Pie, Hatsune Miku and Splash Woman that was kinda hilarious, if only for him totally forcing his opinion that Madoka should have been a straight up Magical Girl show down our throats, but I am hella Digressing here lel). So what I meant was that are there any classic MLP forums that either aren't dead or mostly talking about G4 nowadays.

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Yo dood I was being friendlier than you think I was, unrustle your jimmies for a moment and realise that I was talking about the fact that maybe a dedicated older gen forum needs exist for people who don't always wanna talk about G4.


As I said, I don't care for 80's cartoons and I don't know how many dedicated classic MLP fans there are (I only know like 2 and one of them only because they made this crackfic Pokemon Fangame about Meloetta teaming up with Pinkie Pie, Hatsune Miku and Splash Woman that was kinda hilarious, if only for him totally forcing his opinion that Madoka should have been a straight up Magical Girl show down our throats, but I am hella Digressing here lel). So what I meant was that are there any classic MLP forums that either aren't dead or mostly talking about G4 nowadays.


Yo dood...in other words you know nothing when it comes to MLP forums that came before FIM.

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Well I still love G4 best. But I do agree in some of what you say. I saw G1 (cuz I was doing a report on mlp and bronies) and I really liked it. For an 80s cartoon for little girl children, it was pretty good. The only negative thing I thought of it was it went by so fast! They would be here, and next they were there just like that! It would have been nice if they went longer, and possibly made it more episodes with the time they could have made.

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  • 6 months later...

Don't let other people's opinions change yours, G1 was definetely superior to FiM, which is overrated, unoriginal, clichéd and generic, a show that tries to be complex for little girls more than the previous gens.


Hell, I dare to say that G3 was far more enjoyable than FiM. FiM is insanely boring.

Edited by Darker
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  • 3 weeks later...

After watching several episodes from G1 I've come to the realisation that G1 is better than FIM. Let me explain:

•G1 was handrawn. Badly yes, but that took effort. Anybody can use Flash nowadays.

•G1 had better villians. Terak for example. He was a proper badass.Plus he was actually killed. Something that would never happen in FIM

.FIM in my opinion takes itself too seriously. The makers of the G1 show knew that the core audience would be girls so didn't try too hard

.The Brony community itself. With the rise of Bronydom the FIM creators have seemed anxious to please our every whim.If they are not careful Hasbro will begin to turn their core audience away.

These are just my opinions tell me if you agree...or not!

Honestly, if G4 were handrawn, as someone who wants to work in the animation industry, I'd be beyond ecstatic (since bloody 2D animation is dying out!!!). But the character design of G1 is sucky from what I've seen.

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Yeah, this show would be better if it  was hand drawn.


I can only see the show being improved by making episodes take waaaay more time and effort to produce a product that is way choppier and crappier looking.

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