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Taking Story Requests!


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I would like to request a story.


Title: Prehistoric Ponies


Synopsis: Long before Equestria, there lived various bands of caveponies living alongside dragons, dinosaurs, and other creatures. A particular tribe lives in the village of Caveponyville. Adventure, hilarity, and wheels ensure.


Genre: Slice of life, comedy


Characters: The mane six, various background ponies


Setting: Stone Age-era Equestria

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@@Soren Nightwing,Thank you...how may I repay the kindness of thee?  I must, I feel guilty otherwise.. 


All you need to to repay the kindness is simply read the final product. I'll get to it here soon. I estimate maybe by tomorrow I'll be able to post it up. I make no promises, though, as life and school are hammering me like a blacksmith right now.

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@@Skijarama,If that's what it takes then may it e so...I understand you can make no promises (question, did you read the character info I included?)  Also, would it be possible to PM me a link to the final product?  


Once again...thank you. 

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Maybe do one about queen chrisilis back story, like where she came from and how she became the changeling queen.

Or maybe one with Octavia as just a filly.

If you dont mind  slightly grimdark on the chrisilis, i can take that on ASAP!



Sorry, s soon as i can find one of my old writers to take on that story, i will have them on it, it will be marked, and i will not forget about your story, at some point in time, it will be written, sorry again!

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@@Skijarama,If that's what it takes then may it e so...I understand you can make no promises (question, did you read the character info I included?)  Also, would it be possible to PM me a link to the final product?  


Once again...thank you. 


Yes, I read the character info.






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@@Skijarama,Alright, thank you again for doing this for me, Ski!  I hate asking people for something I don't deserve, for I feel I receive too much sometimes and I don't give...I want to repay in full but if reading it is what I can do, then so be it.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Skijarama,Alright, thank you again for doing this for me, Ski!  I hate asking people for something I don't deserve, for I feel I receive too much sometimes and I don't give...I want to repay in full but if reading it is what I can do, then so be it.


You are very welcome, Mr. Serious.




Sounds like a bad parody of Mr. Incredible, for some reason. ... weird. Eh, oh well.

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I'd like a story request


Title: CIA: The Canterlot Intelligence Agency


Summary: A dashing detective, a scintillating plot, and murder! Our adventure takes us into the murky depths of Equestria's capitol, unearthing secret gangs, poisoned bakery shop owners, and even a plot to assassinate princess celestia herself.


Genre: Dark / Adventure


Characters: The mane six, Celestia, and a daring detective OC of your own

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I'd like a story request


Title: CIA: The Canterlot Intelligence Agency


Summary: A dashing detective, a scintillating plot, and murder! Our adventure takes us into the murky depths of Equestria's capitol, unearthing secret gangs, poisoned bakery shop owners, and even a plot to assassinate princess celestia herself.


Genre: Dark / Adventure


Characters: The mane six, Celestia, and a daring detective OC of your own

Setting the story to the side untill we have a writer open to do it, if none come up, ill take it, but anyways, thanks for using this request shop!

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Okay, here's "Today is a good day for a deathbed." I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so sure about how well I did it. I guess it comes with me having a profound lack in medical knowledge, as well as not knowing the character on a very deep level. Oh well, I'll let you be the judge of how well I did.


Today is a good day... for a death bed.



“Well, doc? What's the news?” Steam Iron asked, glancing over as the doctor stepped in. The doctor was a tall pony, with graying spots on his green fur, and a gray mane and tail. There was a tense moment of silence. “Hello? Equestria to doc, come in please.”


“I can hear you. I'm just... trying to figure out how best to tell you this...” The doctor said, trailing off slightly. As soon as the doctor said that, Steam Iron tensed up a little bit. The clinic room they were in seemed to disappear as Steam Iron focused intently on the doctor. “Steam, I don't want to soften or hide the truth, so I want you to brace yourself, okay?” The doctor said, nodding to himself.


“Alright. I'm all ears.” Steam Iron said, sitting back slightly. The doctor cleared his throat.


“Steam Iron, I'm afraid that your blackout earlier, your chest pains and your other symptoms are all indicators of a fatal heart disease. One for which there is no cure.” The doctor said simply. “At least... not for somepony so far along. Any attempts we could make now to reverse it would be wasted energy. If we'd caught this sooner, we might-”


“I get it.” Steam said simply, head tilting down as the realization dawned on him. “How much time do I have?” Several seconds ticked by before the doctor answered him.


“Three, maybe four days?” The doctor sighed heavily, shaking his head. “I'm sorry, Steam, really. If there was a way to help you, I would jump on it in immediately.”


“It's fine.” Steam Iron muttered, barely audible. He slowly stood up from his seat, and made his way for the door. He flashed a smile at the doctor. “Thanks.” He said, before heading out the door.




Day one.


Steam Iron looked over his favorite train model. It was a sleek, well-made model of a fantastically designed train. He sighed a she looked over his collection. He ran the Baltimare train station. Well, he did. He knew he had very little time to spend, so when he went to work that morning, he gave the position to his friend Fire Engine. Engine, while much better at running individual trains, knew almost as much about trains as Steam Iron did.

Iron gave him the position, telling him that he wanted to spend his last days free of obligation as much as possible. Engine was surprised, understandably. All the same, he handled the news fairly well, and gave Steam Iron his best wished. It was noon right now. What to do? Steam Iron didn't know. He set himself down on his mattress and began to think. Memories, dreams, hopes both met and lost, fears. Amazingly, despite the news that he was going to die in less than a week, he was feeling remarkably fine.


Maybe it was because he had lived a good life and was happy with it. Maybe he simply hadn't realized the real depth of his situation yet. Whatever it was, he really didn't care. He heard the clock on his wall ticking. It reminded him of how little time he had left. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. He turned an annoyed eye on the clock before stepping outside.


To say it was a beautiful day would be a tremendous understatement. The masterfully designed port and train city was rarely seen to be this wonderful in Steams eyes. Tall buildings with grassy hills beyond the city limits, small parks here and there, ponies happily going about their business. He smiled to himself as he just took in the sight. Then the smile faded slightly. He wasn’t going to get much more of this sort of experience.


His good mood now thoroughly shattered, he started trotting down the street, no clear destination in mind.




Steam Iron looked around from his park bench at the surrounding park grounds. Foals were enjoying themselves on a playground not far away. It was almost sundown, and many ponies had already left the small park. He had been here for a few hours. He had decided to sit down after his chest gave a painful throb, and he became dizzy. The warmth of the sun through the trees was nice, and he decided he would stick around to just enjoy the warmth.


A breeze came by, however, shattering that perception. With the sun just about gone the warmth it was casting was severely limited. Not wanting to be out in the dark, Steam slowly got to his hooves and stepped down from the bench. He felt another painful throb in his chest, but it was far better than the prior one. He slowly started walking, running through some memories as he went. There were a lot of them, he soon realized. Many he had forgotten were coming back to him.


He nodded to himself, and made his way back home.




Day Two.


Steam Iron awoke with a start. It felt as though a white-hot anvil had just embedded itself into his heart. He let out an airy gasp, the pain intensifying with his movements. His vision blurred and flickered for a moment. He clutched at his chest uselessly as he tried to sit up. The attempt caused him to scream in pain and he began thrashing. What was happening?! The doctor said three to four days, right?! Looking around, Steam realized he had awoken in the middle of the night. Not even two days?!


He tried calm himself down, but the pain was greater the before, and he involuntarily twitched. Moments later, and he rolled off of the bed and hit the floor hard. He wanted to scream again, but it was no use. His breath caught, and his mind began swimming. Suddenly, he was scared. All of the calm acceptance he'd had over the last day or so was washed away. He panicked, and looked desperately for something, anything that could stop this.


His eyes landed on his favorite train model, which now rested on his bedside table. He had put it there last night for reasons he wasn't aware of. He simply did it. Whatever the reason, he felt content with the choice, and he began to reach for the train. It was his. If he was to die here, it would be with a model of what he had worked with his whole life resting in his hooves, where it belonged.


His hoof never made it to the train, however. A sound, like shattering glass hit his ears from the inside, a surge of agony...


And then silence and darkness.

Edited by Skijarama
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Sadly, both sound like they'd take a considerable amount of thought, and multiple chapters. Ive got a lot of my own writing to do, so I can't take the current two, sadly.

No problem. Anyways, for anyone ellse in the group, can someone try to take on the last two storys, we need them written ASAP

Maybe do one about queen chrisilis back story, like where she came from and how she became the changeling queen.

Or maybe one with Octavia as just a filly.

Ok, here ya go, I actually liked writing this story, so i will update it with a chapter every couple of days until i feel its a finished product, any who here goes the first chapter

(I realize my writing on openings is a bit rusty, so the basis is Chrisilas was a normal pony, but began to mutate from her horn, as it has holes in it, the magic contaminated her and changed her slowly, her parents had to do something about it, and here it is)




The Longest Night




The blackness of the night encased the small body like a pebble in a pouch, the small pony could feel herself swaying back and forward to the steps of the pony she rode upon. She looked around and still the night was too strong for her to see, a fear began to build up inside of her, and with shock of her own, a feint green light began to glow in front of her, lighting up just enough to see the pony she rode upon had a jet black coat.

 With a slight gasp the colt turned and quickly dropped the small pony off of his back. He looked scared as if he had seen one of his nightmares come too life, and with a short whistle brought the attention of another pony.

This one was a girl and had light green fur, she had a way of walking that put the small child to ease, but eyes like they had seen much chaos and had been prepared to see more.

“She’s awake?” The girl asked “How can she be awake, let alone alive?!”

The small child tried to back away from the girl, but tripped over something soft, and to her surprise, felt pain over what she had tripped on. The child fell backwards and saw thin tendrils of light flowing to the ground in front of her. She hit the ground and could feel something new, almost as if-


“SHE HAS WINGS?!?” The colt yelled, “HO-“

He was cut off by the girls hoof as she drove it into his mouth

“Keep quiet you fool, we may not be the only ones out here…”


at that moment it had seemed like the entire forest had gone quiet but for the sound of their own breathing and the slight whimpering of the child as she felt the dull throb of pain from stepping on her own wing. A blue light surrounded the small child and she began to rise from the ground till she was at eye level with the girl.

“My child, oh, my baby girl. How I wish we could be together, but, my time has come, remember me always, my love.”

With that the child found herself instantly in another place, one where she could finally see. But as she looked around, her child’s mind could not process what it saw. The last thing she remembered of that night was the sight of hundreds of creatures that looked all alike…

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