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@@Pripyat Pony, @


Jaeger gave a friendly chuckle, trying his hardest to make his attitude seem better than it really was, another Celestia worker, like Solar, but he couldn't think about that right now. he shook his head slightly and grinned. "Its good to meet you Sanura, and don't worry about what you do, I'm not really into the affairs of others who work for Celestia." he said with a shrug "...I think we will all get along if we just work together," he said looking to Crimson with a half smile

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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Caprisha nodded and saluted to Lord Inquisitor Starlight. "Yes sir. I will be sure to look around as best as I can." Caprisha said, keeping her salute as more of a joke than anything else. Then she turned to Shadow Star. "I hope you are ready to go out and start walking, because I am not one to slow down for anything. Not even ponies that are supposedly helping me."





Charcoal nodded. "Yes sir, and once again I apologize for hurting an ally. But it doesn't exactly feel good to be stabbed many times with a knife." Charcoal said in an attempt to defend herself. "But I shall go and find these ponies for you." Charcoal said before turning and finding Moonlight once again and waiting for her to wake up.

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@, @@Moaning Myrtle


A look of satisfaction spread throughout Monkshood about his assignment. The Lord Inquisitor was playing to the pony's strengths, and at least not sending him off on some random other task. That left his partners for their expedition. He was partnered up with the Lord Inquisitor and some random member of the Twilight Branch he didn't quite recognize. She introduced herself as he only raised a brow at her comments regarding herself. The concept of an active Black Magic practitioner slightly intrigued the earth pony.


"Greetings Johanna, I am Monkshood", he told the mare. He was not in any rush to bandy facts off about himself, and this attitude was reflected in his voice containing an almost dull and disinterested tone to it.

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@@Frosty V, @, "Well, now that's settled," Sanura replied, "We'd better start. It would be best not to use the main entrance to the sewers, as that might attract unwelcome attention. One of the lesser entrances would be best. I have a map of the system in my right saddlebag."


@@Charcoal Embers, "If that's how you want to play it, then feel free," Shadow Star replied. "I'm not about to stop you going off by yourself, altho it might be an idea to remember that the Lord Inquisitor has ordered that we stay together." Shadow Star was generally laid back, but it was best not to let her demenor fool anypony. The unicorn mare was a good strategist, and her sharp eyes didn't miss a thing. Her cutie mark illustrated that; it took a sharp eye to watch the gambling tables.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Charcoal Embers


after for a while Moonlight was finaly waking up she slowly stood  up she stared at Charcoal for a long moment before saying "i'm i suppose to be dead or something or you want to kill me when i'm awake" she said skepticaly well she did actually expect to get killed.


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@@Pripyat Pony


Caprisha rolled her eyes. "Aw, come on now. Don't tell me you are that much if a stick in the mud? Even some if my gambling partners are more fun than you, and they are usually passes out from drinking too much." Caprisha said in annoyance. She didn't want this pony to ruin her good time. "Can you at least tell me you have a sense of humor? At least give me that.





"Don't worry, you're not going to die... today. I still don't exactly appreciate being stabbed, but let's let bygones be bygones. I've been told you're an ally. That's something I can't normally say. Now that you are awake, I have a proposition for you. Help me find a few other allies that are scattered around. I can find them just fine, but you are going to help me. You will be the ones to find the ponies in the sewer. I'll go search for the last one. Get all that?"

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@@Charcoal Embers,


Moonlight gave Charcoal a half annoyed half confused look then nodded "yea sure sounds easy enough hopefully no random mutated sewer being comes up and breaks the 4th wall or something" she seriously did not want to go the sewer but hey she will just walk around until she finds something or nothing at all,


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@@Charcoal Embers,


Moonlight gave Charcoal a half annoyed half confused look then nodded "yea sure sounds easy enough hopefully no random mutated sewer being comes up and breaks the 4th wall or something" she seriously did not want to go the sewer but hey she will just walk around until she finds something or nothing at all,

"And you had better find somepony. I'm not about to have any failure around here or else..." Charcoal cuts herself off when she notices something. There is somepony watching them. She throws her senses out to find the pony better. She located him and walks to where he was hiding. "Well now. Looks like we have a little watch pony here. Mind telling me what you are doing?"



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@@Charcoal Embers,

The Sandpony

In return to her question, The Sandpony merely let out another cracked breath through his mask, seeming as though he wasn't even paying attention. None of his face could be seen...only the mask...Interesting...I don't believe I expect there to be others...his thoughts echoed in his mind. Turning his head, the stallion's gaze fell around the room, taking in his surrounding before the mask once more faced towards Charcoal.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Pripyat Pony, @

Jaeger nodded slowly at what the mare had to say, she was right of course, taking a side entrance into the tunnels would attract a lot less attention. "I think it would be best that we avoid any..unneeded contact with anything down there that isn't friendly. I'm sure we will get our job done faster." he suggested 

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@, ((OOC:I am here master... to anyone else who wants to interact with me it's cool. Know that i simply am unable to read every single post to interact with ya. So you'll have to do me a favor and poke my char if you like. Anyways i hope that's not much to ask)) 

This was supposed to be the day Fenix shed his final feathers and he was getting late. He was grumpy and complaining... Terra couldn't figure out why he had taken him to the vet but he said that he was healthy and had no excuse of medical nature to be doing this. He suggested a good diet about this.

The phoenix chirped and squeaked in complain. 

"All right, all right! Jeez i'm bring you something!" said as he took the box of sunflower seeds from the self. Inside his small appartment Terra had the absolutely nessecarry the rest of his equipment was inside his workshop, along with his lionguard armor a prized crafted armor he made himself. As he remember what work he had to do this week he served the seeds to his phoenix. The phoenix chirped angrily and pecked at the box calling for his master's attention.

"Oh dear what is it with those seeds? Wait a minute..." He looked at the side and realized while placing a hoof on his face... the box had expired. Why didn't he think of that? UGH! 

Ten minutes later and after properly eating he was with Fenix sitting on a local park. Like everyday before less and less families brough their children here. There were rumors about strange occurencies in the underground of the city, but he imagine it was from some ramparant enchantment of some mage. He had moved here due to the proximity to greater amounts of rare metals, plus the prices were lower here for him to buy the items he needed thus making more profit out of comissions. 

Finally the last feather was dropped and Fenix bursted in flames spiraling upwards a bit. He landed on Terra's shoulders as he spoke.

"Sorry pal... my bad... should have been more carefull with ya. Promise i'll be next time okay? I swear."

Fenix gave him a curious chirp and bit his ear lightly in approval and Terra couldn't help but shrink a bit through the pinch and the laugh it caused him.

"Thanks for that... come now... we should get moving. I think we might scare the people of this town much more than these strange rumors with a phoenix exploding into a peacefull park."

((OOC:Any ideas about what i should do?))

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@@Charcoal Embers,

The Sandpony

In return to her question, The Sandpony merely let out another cracked breath through his mask, seeming as though he wasn't even paying attention. None of his face could be seen...only the mask...Interesting...I don't believe I expect there to be others...his thoughts echoed in his mind. Turning his head, the stallion's gaze fell around the room, taking in his surrounding before the mask once more faced towards Charcoal.

Charcoal chuckled. "Well now, aren't you the interesting pony." Charcoal said. "And I do believe that you will be having company. And we have been here the whole time so, yes, you should have expected others here." Charcoal said with a grin. "I do believe you are quite the interesting pony."

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@@Charcoal Embers,

...Interesting?...Intriguing...what does this pony want? How did I not foresee her?...his thoughts echoed again as he let out another breath of air, maintaining his focus on the curious mare. Inferring on the environment and the slight bloodstain on her fur mixed with her intent gaze and voice fluctuation...she must be in charge. The Sandpony sighed a crackle through his mask as his gaze remained on her emotionless. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Charcoal Embers,

...Interesting?...Intriguing...what does this pony want? How did I not foresee her?...his thoughts echoed again as he let out another breath of air, maintaining his focus on the curious mare. Inferring on the environment and the slight bloodstain on her fur mixed with her intent gaze and voice fluctuation...she must be in charge. The Sandpony sighed a crackle through his mask as his gaze remained on her emotionless.

Charcoal smiled at the strange pony. What an odd pony. I wonder if he can speak. He doesn't seem to he able to do much else other than breath and think. What is up with this one? Charcoal thought to herself. "Yes, you are quite interesting. I have many questions I want to ask you, but I don't think I will have time for them all. But I suppose I could start with, what are you? You don't seem like a very normal pony to me."

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@@Charcoal Embers, Shadow Star's face broke into a smile. "My Luna," she said, smirking. "I didn't realise my poker face was that good. You thought I was being serious? Wow. Anyway, I don't think there'll be a problem with us working together, so let's get started."




@@Frosty V, @, "Agreed," Sanura replied to Jaegar. "We'd better keep our wits about us, and hooves to weapons at all times. It's not improbable that those we seek also are searching for us down there."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Charcoal Embers,

The Sandpony suddenly became even more interested in the curious mare, understanding now what ability she possessed....a mind reader...you are full of surprises... Another coarse breath went through his mask as he crept to his hooves without so much as a sound...I have no name...I am deformed by my past...molded into a machine...I have heard the screams of the past, present, and sometimes future...most at my hoof. Blood is a wonderful color...

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Pripyat Pony @@Frosty V


crimson also nodded. "They'll probably want to kill us, just as much as we want to off them, so we should watch our backs down there. Also, don't worry about lighting, I've got us covered, so leave it to me..." he said with a smile, before taking a swig of rum from his flask, then placing back under his hat. "So...when do we enter the dark, wet, stinkieness of the sewers?" he asked.

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Charcoal chuckled a bit. "Well now, what an interesting little pony you are. I'm glad to have stumbled upon you. Why don't you tell me a but more about yourself? I'm sure I would like to get to know you a bit better."


@@Pripyat Pony


Caprisha chuckled. "Should have known. But I'm not as much of a card player. But either way, shall we get going?"

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@@Charcoal Embers


The Sandpony answered back in his mind in response without care...I am nothing more than a pawn of the demon lords...that has been endowed upon my being...there is nothing more...Losing his attention from her, the stallion gave out another sandy breath before stepping past her and stopping like a robotic being.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jacob looked around. He was in some kind of lab. A magic lab? Something about the room felt reminiscent to his time he spent in, and leading, the college of mages in Winterhold. He looked around the room again and noticed various shocked...ponies? "Wha-! How?" He looked down at where he was standing, and saw, to his horror, no legs... Actually, he saw to many legs. Four legs. Turning in a circle, he looked himself over. He was a pony now to. He turned to the pony nearest to him and yelled "Fos faal Ausul!Anahlrii gelaar wah zey fos shur nau!Zu'u los faal Dovahkiin!Zu'u los ni tek wah kos malkey.Fos shur nau!" Calming down a bit, and realizing that the pony in front of him had understood none of what he just said, he took a few breaths and tried again. "Will you please tell me what just happened? One moment, I'm in the bottom of my house, practicing some spells, next I'm...here. Where is here? And who are you? And why is everyone a pony? And why am I a pony now too?" 



Edited by The Dragonborn

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Charcoal Embers,


The Sandpony answered back in his mind in response without care...I am nothing more than a pawn of the demon lords...that has been endowed upon my being...there is nothing more...Losing his attention from her, the stallion gave out another sandy breath before stepping past her and stopping like a robotic being.

Charcoal grinned at the pony's words. "Pawn of the demon lords you say? Well how convenient. I want you to come back here. I think I may have a bit of work for you to do." Charcoal said, grinning wildly at the luck she had at finding this pony. She wondered what else she could learn about him

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@@Charcoal Embers,

The Sandpony

Breathing in acceptance, the Sandpony obediently followed Charcoal. He knew he did not serve this pony, but she was the apparent voice of the demons....If that is what you wish...he thought in his mind while his hoofsteps could only feintly be heard following behind her.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Thunder sat in the hotel, the amulet sitting on a pedestal, raised above the box. "Can you please tell me what is going on, why you told me to come here?" The amulet sat there. It stirred, raising itself so the icon was facing directly at the stallion. "You have been summoned here for something far more important than the petty deeds you have been demanded for previously." The amulet called out in a dark voice, only able to be heard by Thunder or demons themselves. "What do you mean? You still haven't answered my question yet."

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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@, @@Frosty V,


"Right now would be a good time, now, which entrance should we use?" Sanura said as she took the map out of one of her saddlebags with a hoof. She spread it out on the floor so that all three of them could see it clearly.


@@Charcoal Embers,


"Definitely," Shadow Star replied, with a smile. "Haven't had something so good to get my teeth into in a long time."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Aerodynas @


Charcoal chuckled and walked over to Moonlight again before turning back to the strange pony. "You will watch this young mare and make sure she does as I had said. She is to go into the sewers underground and find the ponies under there that are apparently allies. You will simply stay with her and make sure she does it and succeeds." Charcoal ordered to him.



@@Pripyat Pony


Caprisha nodded. "Sounds good to me. Where should we start? I'm up for anything."

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