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Arylett Charnoa

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The sun rose magnificently across Equestria, propelled by a certain alicorn's great magic. Its light signaled the start of the dawn and a signal for many ponies to wake. Creatures stirred across the colourful world, aplomb with energy at this refreshing light.

One such creature was a tan-coloured unicorn, curled up tightly with her mane and tail disheveled. It was as if this pony had sought to hide away from an unseen danger. Her body shivered as she let out a high-pitched yawn and felt the morning dew tickle her legs. This certainly didn't feel like her bed... it was much more prickly.

She opened her large dark eyes to see that she had been laying upon a patch of vividly green grass. In fact, everything around her seemed much more vividly coloured. Had her eye sight improved? Did she hit her head? Perhaps she was just imagining things.

The unicorn groaned as she stretched and had seen that... she was surrounded by... oddly colourful equine-like creatures that matched the vivid palettes of wherever it was she was Some had wings (wait... were they pegasi? But those didn't exist!), some had horns (horns... that looked suspiciously like unicorn horns. Unicorns too?!), and some had neither. Was she dreaming about mythological creatures? She could scarcely believe her eyes, letting out a loud gasp of exclamation. What in the world was happening?

It only got stranger. The unicorn tried to stand on her hind legs, but could not. Her back slopped in ways that her body told her it was not supposed to. Her spine forced her onto all-fours, which felt significantly more natural and comfortable. This made a suspicious feeling creep into the back of her mind, a feeling that she confirmed by turning her head behind her to see that the extra appendage she had felt was not an arm or a leg, but... dark tail with a red streak through it.

"W... what?!" Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Meanwhile, a silver pegasus blearily woke up, feeling for all the world like a hurricane of anvils had been dropped on his head. "Ugggghhh..." he groaned. Then his vision cleared, revealing two hooves in front of him. He blinked in surprise, wiggling them a bit. "No way." he whispered, looking at them in awe. Getting up from the ground, he took a look around the clearing he was in. So far, it appeared desolate. No, scratch that. There were a bunch of colored horses in the clearing as well. Alright, now I know I've gone off the deep end, he thought. Well, if this is insanity, it's not so bad. At least there aren't growling monsters and fog everywhere.


He noticed a unicorn a few feet away, and decided to approach it. Trotting unsteadily (He was still getting used to his new form), he managed to make the distance without falling flat on his face. "H- hello?" he asked her, for upon closer inspection he noted the unicorn was female.



- Fifield, Prometheus

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Speed opened her eyes. What had happened last night? She obviously had fallen asleep outside, on the ground. She was surprised when she could not get up on her hind legs. She pushed herself to all fours, when she saw hooves where her hands should be. Am I dreaming? She asked herself, looking around.


She noticed other ponies there, too. A couple of them were awake. Speed tried to trot fast towards the ponies, but fell right on her face. "Why the hell am I a horse?" She asked the other ponies, trying to push herself up.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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As the sun rose high, the same light that had awakened the tan unicorn was shining down on the lime-green pony. Trying to cover his eyelids, he muttered to himself, "Just five more minutes..." However, the sunlight was going nowhere. Uncovering his face, he slowly began to open his eyes as his pupils had yet to adjust to the light of the sun.


Just by opening his eyes, he knew something was wrong. He realized that instead of being inside a building, he was outside lying on a patch of grass. *Wha... How did I end up out here?* he thought to himself, as he began to get up. Well, try to get up rather, as when he tried to stand up, he would lose his balance and fall on his back. *Why am I having trouble sta---* he began in his mind, as he finally noticed he no longer had hands, but hooves instead. Eyes wide open, he looked at the rest of his body as he saw his entire body had changed. *What is this...?*


Looking over to his left and right, he noticed he was surrounded by others that looked similar, only some had wings on their bodies and some had horns on their heads. As he started to get back on his hooves, he noticed other ponies were awake too. Although he was confused, he may as well try his best to adapt to his current form. Once on all fours, he slowly began to walk towards the ponies that were awake, trying his best not to trip and fall over.

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Serah woke up with a start, sitting straight up in a motion that hurt her back more than it should have. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth, not letting out a sound.


"Shit, what time is it? I need to get out of here before someone..." Sera thought as she tried to stand up off of the ground, and fell flat on her face. "Damn it, just how tired am I?"


She opened her eyes and saw the green field around her, as well as multiple technicolor horses who seemed to be waking up as well. She looked at her arms splayed out in front of her, and saw they had been replaced with red hooves.


"Strange surrounding, difficulty moving, odd new body..." She sighed in relief and laid back down, closing her eyes. "Good. Still dreaming. Don't have to worry about anyone finding me until the morning."

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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Crystal Flame got up slowly. Blinking his eyes in confusion, he looked around to his left and to his right. Was I drinking last night or something? I've never touched a drop of alcohol in my life...Alcohol or not, he was certain that he was lying in a patch of grass, and pushed himself to a standing position. Glancing down expectantly at his hands to wipe them clean of dirt, he was shocked as he realized that they had been replaced by...hooves? I'm dreaming, right?


Just then, a small breeze whipped up through the air, scattering leaves, but more importantly, blowing gently against him. He jumped back, startled, and lost his balance again-seems like he couldn't walk on two legs in this form. Or whatever his legs were like now, he realized as he stared at the squarish orange hooves they had become. This isn't a dream!


I must have gone to the mad house then, he thought reasonably. Just up and lost it one day, and now I think I'm a horse. Well, he might as well experiment with his new body. He spent the next four minutes flailing his hooves and swishing his tail. But he realized that he wasn't complete just quite yet. There was still a part of him that he hadn't looked at, a muscle on either side of his flank. Experimenting, he eventually spread his wings. The hell? I have wings? So I'm not just a horsey then, I'm a flying horsey. Well done, brain, for losing the last bit of logic that there was in this. He tried a few times to fly-why not, right?-but he failed miserably and crashed back to the ground each time.


Forget this. Why don't I explore and hope my idiotic brain eventually remembers who I really am and sends me back to reality. I am NOT a pony, I am...he blinked in confusion as he realized that he had forgotten who he was. Amnesia too? Really? I must have been drinking REALLY heavily. But I'm sure I don't drink...He cleared his brain of these idiotic thoughts and looked around himself once more. He saw a few other horses, in different colors, standing or sitting around, some lying on the ground. Maybe I can talk with them, and find out what's going on, he thought hopefully, although he didn't really place any value in what he said.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Silver awoke from a what felt like a very long sleep. He let out a yawn, eyes not yet opened, and lay his head back on the ground. However when he did he began noticing things.


Where he was sleeping was cold, and hard, not the conditions he remembered going to sleep in. He also noticed he was laying down in a very strange position. His legs were curled up underneath him, and his hands felt hard and tough.


He attempted to get up, but upon doing so he nearly fell over again. Fortunately his hooves were able to stop him from hitting the.. He shook his head and looked at what was below him again. They were still there. Two horses hooves. He turned around and looked at himself as best he could.


He had been changed into a horse! He had fur the colour of silver, and a very dark-blue tail. but he wasn't just any horse... He moved his hoof up to the top of his head and felt something jutting out. A horn. He was a unicorn.


"Well this is interesting..." He said with confusion. He looked around and found many others just like him, only with different colours of fur. Also some had wings like a pegasus and others had horns. He was beginning to wonder if there were any normal horses around here. Or people for that matter.


He approached the others and finally said, "Am i the only one feeling something is strange here?"

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Speed got up looked at the newly awaken pony, annoyed. "Of course you're not the only one!" She growled, "We're horses!" She sighed and lay back down on the ground, giving up on being able to move. Is this a dream? She asked herself, closing her eyes. And then she realized something. At first she thought she was just lying in a very uncomfortable position, but she wasn't. She was lying on another part of her body. "I have wings!"

Edited by Queen SuperTheAwesome III

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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She blinked as a plethora of voices came into her line of hearing. The other horses (other? She clearly wasn't one! She refused to believe it) were waking up and talking. Anxiously, the unicorn stomped her hoof which she refused to believe she had onto the damp grassy ground, inclining her head away from them. She wondered vaguely if she was either a unicorn, a pegasus, or... a normal (well, as normal as these odd creatures could be) one. But she wasn't one! She wasn't...


Meanwhile, a silver pegasus blearily woke up, feeling for all the world like a hurricane of anvils had been dropped on his head. "Ugggghhh..." he groaned. Then his vision cleared, revealing two hooves in front of him. He blinked in surprise, wiggling them a bit. "No way." he whispered, looking at them in awe. Getting up from the ground, he took a look around the clearing he was in. So far, it appeared desolate. No, scratch that. There were a bunch of colored horses in the clearing as well. Alright, now I know I've gone off the deep end, he thought. Well, if this is insanity, it's not so bad. At least there aren't growling monsters and fog everywhere.


He noticed a unicorn a few feet away, and decided to approach it. Trotting unsteadily (He was still getting used to his new form), he managed to make the distance without falling flat on his face. "H- hello?" he asked her, for upon closer inspection he noted the unicorn was female.


A specific voice closer to her roused her from her reverie, as she gazed in the direction of a silver winged one. The voice was clearly masculine, and something about its features told her it was male. He could speak... so these creatures could speak. He seemed rather nervous, about as nervous as she felt, and there was a rush of pity through her just at the way he hobbled unsteadily. Though she was not one for conversing, she decided to regard this horse.


"He... hello. Um... what is your name?"

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The young, lime-green pony continued to slowly approach the tan-colored unicorn while trying his best not to trip on his own hooves. Eventually, he felt like he was making progress, so he began to move a little faster. *Hey, I think I got this!* thought the young pony, before finally tripping on his own hooves and landing face-first into the grass. Lifting his head off the ground and spitting out a few blades of grass, he sighed. "Guess it isn't as easy as I thought..." was all he muttered.

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Silver looked at the young grey pegasus. "Calm down, there's no need to raise your voice." He looked at her wings. He got a puzzled look on his face and decided to move on to see if he could find some one a little more... suited to his kind of crowd.


Nearly fall flat on his face, he approached the magenta-coloured unicorn. "You seem to be handling this calmy. Have you seen yourself?"

Edited by SilverArrow

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Crystal Flame concentrated hard, and in this way was able to take a few slow, uneasy steps as he attempted to adjust to his new body. There's a logical explanation for what's going on, he told himself as he walked, but he grew less and less sure with each step he took. The grass certainly felt real. And the sun's rays on his back definitely provided a source of heat. I need to find a reflective surface. Like...like a pond! he thought eagerly, spotting one just ahead, ringed by flowers. He trotted eagerly towards the pond, and fell flat on his face again-he had forgotten to take it slow. Getting up, he gritted his teeth. You can do this. Taking slow, careful steps, he managed to reach the pond, though it took forever. With a growl of triumph, he peered down into the crystal-clear waters. What he saw surprised him, although he knew it would have been something like this-a horse's face was staring back at him. He examined his reflection, taking note of the emerald eyes, fiery coat and the auburn mane. Well, now I know what I look like, at least.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nearly fall flat on his face, he approached the magenta-coloured unicorn. "You seem to be handling this calmy. Have you seen yourself?"


"This dream is far too bizarre to bother getting involved in." Serah thought to herself.


"I don't particularly care what I look like. I'm not going to be here much longer." Serah responded cryptically, not even bothering to look at the pony-creature that had addressed her. "The next time I open my eyes, I'll either be awake, or someplace far away from here."


She sat there in silence for a couple of seconds. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.


"God damn it." she saw a grey, horned pony staring at her. The grassy field was still there, the other horses were still there, and there were still hooves where her hands were meant to be. Serah sighed.


"This is going to be one hell of a night..."

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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Nestled near the Everfree Forest, on a big clump of grass, a white unicorn woke up, "W-where, where I'm I?" he wondered. He got up and tried to find out his location, but then, he saw a reflection of himself on the pond nearby, he looked at it, there he saw the image of a white unicorn, with a bright orange mane with a matching tail, and a mark of a pencil drawing on it's flank, it was not long till he found out that it was him.


"No! This can't be right! I-I'm a Unicorn?!? What is this?" He thought. Then the feelings of gloom and regret filled his mind, he was about to scream, but suddenly, his horn glows in orange light and shot a flare up in the sky. "What the-? A flare? Shot by me?" then he heard the grass rustling, he thought it was some other creature out to get him, so he braces for an attack with his new found magic capability, "Guess I have no choice" then yelled "Come and get me!!" and then he saw it, it was another pony like him. "Are you okay?" it asked.

Edited by Narutardedscum


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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Silver decided there was no point to get this interesting character to understand. It was so obvious, how does one miss whether something is a dream or not? He looked around at some of the other ponies, each with differently coloured fur.


Suddenly a bright light shot into the sky. Silver calmly walked toward the source to investigate and came across a white pony who looked like they were ready to fight!


"Are you okay?" He asked. "Just what do you plan to do there? Frankly i don't see much reason to attack the person who just came to investigate what appeared to be a flare." Said Silver, completely unphased by the glow on this unicorns horn.


He looked into the sky to where the "flare" once was, and then back at the unicorn questioningly. "What reason do you have for this? Is there something the matter?"

Edited by SilverArrow

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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The white unicorn stopped and looked at the pony, it was another unicorn just like him, and so his horn stopped glowing and said "So it was you, hmm, I wouldn't want to hurt someone who's offering help. Okay, let's introduce ourselves, my name is...my name is, my name is.....Ar,Arty." Soon then the white unicorn knew that he couldn't remember his real name, so he had to make one up, judging by the cutie mark on his flank, he named himself Arty, "Yes, it's Arty. and you are?"

Edited by Narutardedscum


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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"I am flying far above the land, yet I have no wings. I look out over the land, hills rolling out to the horizon in all directions. The feeling of the wind caressing my face slowly beckons me to sleep. But I stop. The wind stops. I begin to tumble down, wind now wipping at my face like harsh tree branches. The ground rise up before me...."


Chocolate Brownies eyes shoot open, bloodshot and teary. The dream seemed so real so vived as if it really happened. he attempts to get to his feet but stumbles and falls. "Wha...what on Earth?" He looks at where his feet should be. Two brown hooves now in their place. "Bu-but....I don't even...how?...Am going....crazy" After multiple attempts Chocolate manages to get to his feet. He stumbled around not having any clue who he is or where he is going. He appeared to be in some sort of clearing, of in the distance he could see buildings and other...horses? "No they can't be. To small...perhaps ponies? Even so the concept of sentient ponies is ridiculous." Then he noticed it. Their were others. not far away from were he was. Chocolate thought to himself "Well, mabye these peop-umm ponies can help me out. Wait, I'll need a name." Chocolate inspected his body, noticing the tatto he had aquired. "Odd, what does this signify. Anywho, my 'coat' is chocolate brown and my hair, or more accurately, my mane is cream. Soooo, hmm. Chocolate...umm Brownie yeah. Horses have names like that." Chocolate stumbled over to the group of ponies not far away. "Hey there...um. Pony pals. What's going on. Don't suppose you know were we are? I mean obviously I'm a pony, that likes to do pony related things. So if you could just direct me to.....town that would be much obliged. I'm late for....coffee." He smiled nervously and flicked his mane out of his eyes.


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The grey unicorn had left her, and headed off to talk to another pony with a horn. Most of the other ponies were now fully awake, and chatting with themselves. It all seemed very natural, which only made the 'dream' even more disturbing.


"Well, as long as I'm stuck here..."


Serah tried to stand up off of the ground, but encountered some difficulty. Her joints just weren't working the way they were supposed to. She stood on her hind legs with some difficulty, before losing her balance and tumbling forward again, embarrassingly. She spit q tuft of grass out of her mouth.


"Ow. Of course it'd be the dream with talking animals that would feel this vivid."


She stood up again, this time managing to stand up without feeling she was was about to fall over at the tip of a hat. She shakily walked over to the group of ponies.

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"My name is..." Silver began. He kept trying to think of his name. As he did so he began geting a headache, and couldn't think of any moment in time his name had been mentioned.


He had full memory of all other events however. "Hmm... Must have hit my head pretty hard. Strange the only thing i can't remember is my name..." he thought to himself.


He looked at himself again and his green robes that seemed to follow him into this form, and the at his fur. "Silver." He said. "My name is Silver." He told the young white pony. Thats a good realistic name. he thought, cursing himself.


"Its nice to meet you Arty." He finally responded properly. "Moreso nice to meet some one a little more friendly..." he muttered under his breath.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Getting back onto his hooves, the young lime-green pony looked around himself. It seemed more and more of these ponies are waking up now. But he himself was unsure about what had happened to him! He closed his eyes, trying to remember everything that had happened before he woke up, but his mind was all fuzzy. No matter what, he could remember hardly anything. But there was one thing he could remember: his love for video games, and a name of sorts. *Electrobolt...* he thought to himself. *Is... Is that all I can remember? That name, and that I enjoy video games...?* He then opened his eyes and looked to the sky, seeing how crystal-clear it was.

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The daylight was all over Lionheart's eyes trying to make him open them but to no availl cause in fact he was awake for a long time now hearing the conversations around him confused with the situation and not yet truly ready to open his eyes and accept it. He had to admit it was an interesting senario something he longed for, something new, something fresh, something exciting but still weird. He tried to remember what happened before this and after a long of thinking he came to a conclusion."The cracks!: He though. Yes that would be a very reasonable explanation but the other didn't mention them.....maybe he was the only human in there...but no it was apparent from their voices that they were all confused and yet he still stayed still pretending to sleep.


Finally after a while he slowly raised his body but decided not to make eye contacted with the others but spoke having his back turned. "This situation.... is interesting to say the least." His tone was very deep and thought full. He tried to raise his hand now hoof to rub his chin only to stumble a bit and put it back down.


He turned his head to look at the others. There were 9 ponies there 2 Females and 7 Males from the looks of it. Lionheart rolled his eyes to that. "Not even good company." He though to himself. "But alas It maybe a good idea to introduce myself but...." He suddenly noticed that he couldn't remember his name. "Interesting this world seems to try to make us part of itself I find it impossible that I simple forgot my name or that it is a simple side effect of mine. I need info." He walked a bit toward the group and opened his mouth to speak. "I will drop the ball here who here was always like this and Who here still remembers his true name ?" Lionheart needed that info to proceed with his trail of though cause it seemed very possible that this world didn't take kindly their sudden intruding thus the form transformation.

Edited by Leoc Trixies #1 Assistant

~In construction~ 

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"My name is Cole." the pegasus answered. "At least, it used to be. Now I don't know." As he finished this sentence, a couple of vague memories floated into his head. "I don't know what happened. One minute I was touching one of those bizarre cracks. Then my nose started bleeding, and I went unconscious." he added. "The next thing I know, I'm here with 9 people I've never even met."


As he waited for the other horse's response, Cole observed the others. He could hardly believe his situation, let alone what was going on right now. But it was actually happening. He was not in a dream, and he wasn't insane. So what is this place? he thought. And more importantly, who brought us here?



- Fifield, Prometheus

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All of the voices in every direction were confusing the poor girl. She couldn't really concentrate all that well on her thoughts. But at least it was a distraction from what was happening.


The pegasus who had addressed her had answered her query, and she contemplated what he had said. A crack? That was what happened to her as well. Was this horse also human? Were the others also human like her? Was this merely a thing that had happened to a collective of people?


She was about to answer and say her name in likewise, when a question from a gray unicorn (she couldn't believe her mind still. Unicorns?! This was just insane) with a masculine voice roused her mind. The mare quickly grasped for words and could find... nothing. Her name felt as though it were a far-off dream, from a completely different life. She could have sworn she had known it. Why would somebody forget their name? And yet here she was, not remembering it. Perhaps such was common, as the gray unicorn (would people laugh at a male unicorn? It seemed sort of girly) had brought it up. Maybe they all had forgotten their names... or at least most of them. Not Cole though, apparently.


"The... same thing happened to me too," she responded meekly to Cole, averting her gaze and looking at a bundle of trees that marked were the land had turned into a dark and ominous-looking forest. She made a note to herself never to go in there. That place gave her bad feelings. "Also... I can't remember my actual name either... otherwise I'd tell you what it was as well." She was half-speaking to Cole, half-speaking to the gray unicorn, as she felt the heat rushing to her face in the form of a pinkish blush.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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It was just another day for PeachPalette as she came trotting through town, a cart attached to her filled with everyday items. She never ventured into town very often so when she did, she made sure to get everything that she would possibly need for a long time.


Her ear twitched at the commotion of the other ponies as they shared their frightful stories of this...Discord character. She huffed and rolled her eyes before they came to the attention of a group of ponies she'd never seen before. Greetings. She wasn't good with greetings. I'll just...try not to be noticed. Peach looked at her hooves as she attempted to pass them and be on her way. Suddenly she was frozen to the dirt road. Her hooves failed to ahead to her commands. Oh no... She felt it coming on again. As much as she tried to fight it, she could not. She was no longer herself any longer, the beast had pushed it's way through yet again.


"Hi!" A high pitched boom came from her tongue. "You all must be new here!" She exclaimed as she looked over all of them rather quickly, her twinkling eyes falling on the one who knew himself as Lionheart. Her hooves barely stood still as she pranced in place waiting for a responce from the now very shocked looking newcomers.


The Hyper,The Deviant, The Shy, The Level Headed

(Multiple personality color codes)

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Upon hearing the booming greeting, the young male's eyes widened as he hopped back in shock. *Whoa! Wha... What the?* he thought, looking around for the source of the greeting. He then noticed a pony that wasn't originally there before - a peach-colored pony with a horn on her head, and she was quite active too, bouncing about like that. Kind of nervous about everything that had occurred, he shyly spoke out, "Um... Hello..."

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