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I dont know if there is anything I would truly change.  I would probably change my outlook about myself more than anything else.


I know this is a difficult question.....

But, who is your favorite pony, and why? (does not have to be part of the mane six)

(have fun)

I could probably stand to lose a little weight, not too much though- i enjoy being a bigger bloke :P


every pony in Equestria wants to date you- you can only pick one. go.

Wow that is a tough one...

I mean Pinkie PIe would be an absolutely fun girl friend, but could be too crazy at times

You know what, Pinkie would be perfect!

  • Brohoof 1
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Chuck E. Cheeses?????

I am already in the car, LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!! :angry:


I dont know if you ponies will get this question but The Phillip Defranco Show or SourceFed/ SourceFed Nerd? 

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SourceFed/SourceFed Nerd. I hate Philip Defranco


Who's the worst youtuber?

I dont like Smosh that much kinda meh to me


What novel/ book are you willing to read multiple times?

(I have two, 1984 by George Orwell, and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.)

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i can't read anything a second time. Takes too long, and I know what's coming. Don't get me wrong, I love to read, but just not more than once.


Books or Kindle?

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Book by far are better! sadly I have been so engrossed into the MLP community I havent gotten the chance to really read this summer... :(  luckly last semester at college I was able to get more reading done because of my english class!


Favorite pony city and why? (crystal empire included)

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books by far as proven with The Neverending Story



I'd like to see a Kindle pull that off


What do you value in a friend?

Values of a friend are difficult to pinpoint

I guess I should just quote MLP

"Generous, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty."

I think that about covers it :lol:

Manehattan, because Babs is from there


Are you funny?

Manehattan, I like it, and she is quite the "bad seed" ;)


Truth be told, I dont know if I could determine that...  There are definately sometime that I think I have some good joke and funny stories to tell, but I am not so sure.....


Would you have a cutie mark if you were in the MLP universe? and if you did what would it be?

(I am not so sure about me, maybe something similar to Cheerilees since my career goal is to diagnose learning disabilities in children..)

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More of a nectarine person myself, I mean I like peaches just fine, but sometime the little hairs are annoying.


What is your favorite season?

mine is a tie between fall and winter.

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