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open Zombie Survival RP


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Josh watched as spirit left the room. He was interested in what had been said about the necklace. Listening to dust speak he walked towards the stairs. "am I going out to help get the supplies? If I am then I will like to try and find some kind of Weapon and we'll my herbal stuff but that isn't a priority"

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"Well, it is best that 2 ponies stay here. I alreay volunteer of staying here. I need some thinking time and that is better left alone."


Dust askes everypony:"Any other volunteers to stay? We just need one more"

Dust lays the rifle on the kitchen table:"Guess i wont be needing this thing if i am staying"

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you are hold up in a grocery store, currently residing in the managers office in the back of the store, there are a few infected shambling around inside the store, but not many, perhaps 2 or 3, the store lights are off so it is rather dark, the street lights outside provide light, but also attract zombies to them

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*I look for a something i can use for a weapon in the managers office, also supplies that can become useful in the future, something to protect my self and other ponies. I search carefully, making sure that i don't make a loud noise to attract the infected to the room.*


((OOC: Am i the only one in the store?))


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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"Alright guys, let's get ready to go. I want you all on alert, I'm not losing anyone tonight"


He stood in front of the door. "Were gonna fly to the old grocery store. I want lookout for any flying meatbags, and any survivers. Were looking for canned and freeze dried food, water too, and amunition and weapons." He paused "everyone got that?"


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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"you know im not going right? I know i am the last person you want that hearing from for numerous reasons. I know i am at best in the field but i am staying this time, good luck" Dust throws the rifle with towards Thunder. "Get those meatbags,T" She said as she smiled

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Josh stood by Thunder ready to go. "i am going if thats alright" He spread his wings and flew up a little. "A flight should be good".  Josh flew outside a little then hovered above the zombies. He stared at them thinking thinking about who they once might have been before the outbreak. "he shook his head and looked back waiting for Thunder to fly ahead of him.

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"What? Why not?" He was surprised. Dust never missed a chance to kill zoms. "I need ya out there!" He sighed "alright. Who do I have going with me? Josh?" He glanced twards the kitchen, hoping he was ready to go.


"Just stay safe ok? We've got a filly now to look after, another mouth to feed, so be on your best gaurd. I think its best if we leave the gun here to hold the fort. I can outfly them if I need to."

@@Josh Riordan


He flew after josh and took the lead. "Keep your eyes pealed" he said. "We're looking for survivers and the grocery store." He flew throught the air, watching the slow moving specks below. "There getting more active"he mumbled. "We need to watch out." He was nervouse, but wouldn't let it show.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Dust looks at the filly and then towards Thunder

"T,you honestly think i cant defend myself and a filly? Do you even remotely remember my history" Dust grabs the rifle from Thunder, and takes the safety pin off. "Well,next time i'll kill twice as more Meatbags...oh yeah, if you find a fireaxe. You know how i love axe's"

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Josh followed Thunder cautiously. "we wont be picked off today." He laughed nervously. Josh was also nervous about going out but didnt wish to show it. He looked around around for flying zombies. "think we will get much from going to the market?" He smiled at the sight of it not to far away.

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@@Josh Riordan


"I'm sure we'll find something. Hopefully everything isn't rotted or eaten by mice." He flew down to the store roof and looked in the skylight.


"I don't see any zoms" he said softly. He made space for Josh to look through. "I'm going in through this skylight. When I give the signal, join me, ok?"


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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there were 3 zombies in the grocery store, wandering about, out in the street however there were a lot of them all around the street lights, it was dark inside the building, the street lights out side illuminated the interior



(@,  yes, Mirrorwings character is there too)

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Josh landed by Thunder and kept careful watch behind them for any of the flying zombies. "If worst come to worst you can always resort to leaves they are tastier then you think". He laughed quietly and waited for the signal to move into the supermarket.

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I look for a weapon still and look at mirrorwing. "Have you found anything in here?" I ask him quietly and move slowly not to draw attention to the back room that we are currently in. "I could possibly making something out of the tape and pencils..." I mention trying to be resourceful.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Thunder landed softly in the store. He waited a moment, then signaled with his tail for Josh to follow him.


"I hear some moving near the back" he whispered. "Its dim, but I can see a little. Be ready."


He moved to the first shelf, which had a few rusted cans of peaches on it, and carefully put it in his bag. Suddenly, a can dropped, hitting the ground with a clank that echoed through the store.


A shuffling sound started up, getting closer.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Josh Followed through looking from left to right quickly. then whispered "should we grab any weapon before we try and take on any zombies?" He looked around for anything sharp but could see nothing. "never mind ill follow you lead im ready for a fight" he watched as the can fell and the shuffeling was heard "well dang" He moved to Thunder "should we try and hide?"

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My ears twitch hearing the noise disturbing the slow groaning from the zombies. Remains quite and gets behind the desk. "I hope its not bandits...." I quietly hoping nothing really hears me, accidentally bumping into the desk. "crap..." I comment quietly hoping that it doesn't bring any attention.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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"Follow me" he galloped to the far side of the store, and there on the wall was an ax and a single bow with two arrows. "Its not much, but we can try." He grabbed the axe. "Dust is gonna love this" he smiled.


He tossed the bow to Josh. "I hope you know how to shoot." He said. "We need to clear this place and bareicade it so it won't have anymore meatbags in it. Then we can raid it whenever we want, or even move our base here." He hefted the ax, ready to fight.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Josh failed to catch the bow and got hit in the face with it. "dang it". He picked it up and flimsily loaded it. "nope i havnt the slightest clue what how to shoot". He smiled and looked around. "what do you think are the chances that these are real ponies and not zombies" He laughed at the unrealistic idea.

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in the front of the store, in lurked a unicorn zombie, its horn was brightly glowing, it shambled into the store slowly, already 4 other zombies were following it, attracted to its bright light, the unicorn was fixated on its own light and continued moving forward, completely oblivious to everything else

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Nice catch, Ace" Thunder smiled. "You ok? And chances of live ponies? I'm gonna say a thousand to one." He walked slowly forward, and tunred the corner.


He came face to face with a zom. At least, what once was a face. Its snout was gone and rotted, maggots crawling fro. Its teeth. Its once blue coat was dull gray, and its hungry eyes were bloodshot and milky.


He swung the ax, and with a sickening *thwak* it sunk into its molding face. Gray matter oozed out, and the stink was overpowering.


"One down" he said to Josh. "Remember, head shots."


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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7 zombies remained, including the unicorn and its 4 followers, the ax was sturdy even though it was a one handed (hoofed?) utility ax, the bow they found was a standard hunting bow, nothing really special about it


the other zombies didnt notice the death of one of their own, none of them close enough to detect it

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Thunder whacked down another, when he saw something strange. "Josh! That unicorn outside..." he squinted "its horn! Its glowing!"


His mind raced. Was it alive? Or another strange zombie side effect? He hoped it was the first, but he doubted it.


He grabbed a pack of dried veggies from the counter and stuffed it in his bag.


"Whatevers going on here, there's to many for us to take alone!" He tossed a pack of bottled waters and a few bars of soap to Josh. "Just grab what you can and let's get out of here!"


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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"Hmmm...." I hear this in the managers office. And decides to get up and say "Help! Two of us are stuck back here!" I say loud enough for them to hear not wanting to be stuck back here any longer with the zombies between us and the door out of the grocery . I walk around pacing looking at mirrorwing wondering what we are going to do right now.

Edited by WarFluttershy


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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@@Josh Riordan,


((3 things 1.sry if i go silent for awhile 2. TH9is is a large request but if I do that josh could you please controll my character untill i make another post 3.josh don't forget the sword))


*spirit, after everyone had left except her and dust turned around*


"look dust, I get you want to protect me but incase of a zombie invasion i think I can protect my self"


*realizing what she had said spirit put a hoof over her mouth and ran upstairs*


((what does OOC stand for?))



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