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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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"I guess," I told him. "Being the last of my Stable and all, you could say that. And the fact that it's been so long since I've seen it."


I looked back at him. I did hear his stomach growl, must be hungry.


"You sure you don't want some food before we can even find something you'd like? It's a long walk from here to there. Just look at your Pipbuck."

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I (Anaphora) looked away from Amber, reluctantly apologizing to her. "Sorry. Though you were close to blowing my brains out. I wonder if you always tried to point a revolver at someone when you get pissed..." Baryon started glaring at me again. "My bad. It's just me rambling around."
I glanced into the darkening sky; the beams of sunlight that went through the endless stretch of clouds began to fade. "Well, we better settle down quickly. As a griffon once told me: we're burning daylight out here." Griffon. I hesitated for a moment, remembering a griffon, an old friend...shit. Why did he have to intrude in every part of my life?
Baryon smiled. "All right – like what Noble and Steady said, we do need a bit of improvement. Doesn't mean we're still bad. We're a bit like a terminal; a part might not work, but it doesn't mean we have to trash the whole thing. But, I have to admit, if one part is left missing, the whole thing won't be able to work." Baryon declared, thrusting his hoof out for a hoof-shake. "Well...team?"
I looked at him in confusion, mostly because half of the things he said didn't make any sense at all. Baryon sounded a bit hopeful, however; in fact, he was probably one of the few ponies who had kept a happy face for the whole time. Finally, I slowly moved my hoof out; Baryon made a quick pull and shook my hoof. "...team," I muttered.
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Noble sighed. He'd stand out too much if he continued with his current speech pattern, since none of his current companions talked the way he did. With a few quick mental adjustments, Noble's serious expression relaxed and he seemed to be half-smiling.


These ponies are entertaining at least. But this is going to be a long trip.


"Well, Team, we're only making ourselves more tempting targets by standing around out here. Let's head back to Amber's cart and talk more on the way, shall we?" Noble suggested, though he figured he still needed to to adjust his speech pattern a little more. After all, one way to recognize Noble was the way he spoke. His speech thus far had been rather formal and business-like. In fact, he found it amazing that Steady and Baryon hadn't recognized the formal style he used, since they were both from Stables.


Maybe they're just not saying anything. No matter. I'd probably avoid the subject anyway.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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  • 3 weeks later...

(New here)


@Bladed & Verses

@Late Suri Polomare


'Just My Luck' Major Kayle Pryde thought to herself as she trotted herself, accidentally, into the sight of five ponies. All of them looked at her, she was clearly from the Grand Pegasus Enclave sporting their complete jet black armor that encased her in fierce metal. The mysterious Pegasus mare hoovered not far off the ground using her wings and pointed her two hoofs with smgs attached to them towards the group which looked awfully like a pack of raiders and slavers.


"I'll Die before I become a slave!"


Kayle shouted at the group not firing just yet, hoping to reason with them as she was low on ammo and injured, blood dripping from her armor and onto the floor coating it in crimson.

Edited by KaylePryde
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I smiled. This was a good start. "Come on guys. Let's-" I was cut off by a pony in familiar black armor. I had myself in a battle stance even before she'd started yelling at us. One thing after another, eh? I noticed the blood dripping from her armor. She was weak and seemed to not want a fight. That was good considering the ordeal we had just been through.


"If you wish to not be a slave, then you have nothing to fear from us," I said to her, lowering my weapon and hoping the others would do the same. The smgs she had wouldn't be as much of a danger as the traditional enclave power weapons, so if she did turn hostile it would be a lot less deadly if we dropped our guard.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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    Hazmat slowly opened his eyes and he rolled onto his side. He was greeted by a mare. "About time you woke up" She said. Hazmat slowly sat up and asked "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here?" The mare smiled and said "Slow down there you may strain yourself, Well lets just see if I can't answer some of those questions.Well first, welcome to... Well we don't really have a name for out camp, and now second; I'm Snickerdoodle. And last but not least, third; A group of our scavengers found you laying in the middle of the wasteland, you seemed badly hurt so they brought you to me and I fixed you right up!" Hazmat looked at his hooves and said "do you know anything about the raiders that attacked my home." Hazmat looked at her and the mare replied "I know that somepony walked in to the camp from the same direction we found you." Hazmat stood up and said "I'm going to pay the pony a visit then." Snickerdoodle stopped him and said "You had these on you when we found you, and don't do anything you may regret." She held out a Radiation suit and a hunting revolver. "I won't..." Hazmat put on the Radiation suit and holstered the hunting revolver. Hazmat left the tent and looked around for anypony familiar. He saw a pegasus laying in  a large tent and instantly had a flashback.


He saw the pony in the tent grabbing Hazmat's little brother and stabbing him with a switchblade.


Hazmat snapped back into reality, Hazmat quietly walked over and entered the large tent. He saw a rag and a bloody switchblade. Hazmat used his magic to lift both of them and put the rag over the pegasus' mouth and stabbed him in the throat. The pegasus tried to scream but couldn't. Hazmat twisted the blade and it broke. Hazmat used his magic to push the blade deeper. Hazmat dropped the hilt of the switchblade and rag. He opened a footlocker and found a 9mm pistol with some ammo.  He put it in his saddlebag and left the tent. He walked out of the camp and out into the Moohave. He hummed a tune as he decided to head north to New Pegas.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Indeed!" Baryon shouted with great hope. "No time for idling!"


(Anaphora) I smacked my hoof onto my face, mostly because of how ridiculous he was acting...was Noble smiling? That was a first, and although we had only met for a few hours, it was surprising to see a deviation in his attitude. Maybe looks were deceiving. Speaking of looks, there was one I pointed out: "Anyways, Noble, judging by your tone, I believe that you must also be a Stable pony. I've met my own fair share of you ponies – always trying to act smart and witty. Ultimately, you Stable ponies are also the ones who act the dumbest out here...but that's just my wild guess."


Baryon lit up. "Oh, I didn't think I noticed that, either! Then it looks like we have something in common. Tell me, what Stable are you from, Noble?" Before Baryon can wait for an answer, however, a pegasus appeared out of nowhere, brandishing her weapons. Immediately I jumped back and drew out a hunting rifle I salvaged from one of the late mercenaries. Black, scorpion-like armor, high-tech weaponry...it was one of the ponies of the Pegasus Enclave. What the hell were they doing here?


She found it especially humorous that the pegasus mentioned the term "slave" once more. "Actually, I would suggest you choose your words more wisely before you get yourself in a position you don't want to have," I threatened. If this pegasus was going to be more trouble than she is right now, then I was going to actually put a collar on her, just to teach her a lesson.

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Noble seemed to stiffen at Anaphora's remark, like he was very tempted to shoot her. Regardless, he remained as pleasant as he had been before, even when an Enclave Pegasus wandered by and screamed at them. He took a moment to analyze the pony, noticing that it was a mare. An injured mare at that and likely on edge.


"How about we don't start shooting and act like ponies with brains, rather than idiot raiders? Miss, if you'd just lower the guns and land, I'll see what I can do about those injuries. Ok? Nopony wants to harm you when we don't have to."


He was hoping the Pegasus would see reason, then he saw Anaphora pointing a gun. All Noble did was roll his eyes and point the barrel at the ground.


"Put that thing away. I'd rather this not break out into a firefight, if you don't mind."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Original Suri,


@Bladed & Verses,


Kayle grimaced underneath her helmet as the pony pointed a rifle at her, almost everyone was out to kill her in the wasteland for reasons she did not know. 


Her expression softened as the lavender pony offered a more hospitable approach and came to the ground as he lowered his companions rifle. She didn't exactly trust the group of odd looking ponies, but what choice did she have as she was injured and exhausted.


Kayle trotted towards the group staggering along the way causing more blood to seep out, leaving a small trail of crimson with every step. She motioned to the lavender pony with her hoof as she stood a small distance from the group.


"Please..if you would help me now."

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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  Hazmat walked down the destroyed road north. He saw a corpse on the side of the road and walked over to it. He opened the corpse's saddle bag and found a bottle of purified water. "This may come in handy later." Hazmat said quietly to himself and put it in his saddle bag and continued his way to New Pegas. Hazmat found a good place to rest and looked up at the sky. He  looked around as sweat rolled down his face and he took off his gloves. He put them back on after a couple of minutes before getting up and continuing his way to New Pegas. He was hoping a friend of his father could help him get some better gear. All he new about this 'friend' was that he was the leader of a major gang named 'The Lords'. 

Edited by Times S. Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,


(Baryon) When I saw the pegasus suddenly bleed as she hobbled toward us, I ran to stop her. "What the...stop right there, I'll go help you! You're hurting yourself," I said. "Noble and I have some medical experience."


Noble promptly lowered Anaphora's rifle - she was scaring the pegasus with that thing, and I had seen bloodshed for a day. I took out one of my first aid kits, scrambling to find anything I can use. There was not much I could use; the mercenaries didn't leave a good amount of drugs with them. "I'm running low on Med-X, so if anyone doesn't disagree, I'm going to have to use some Buck with it. Now someone tell me what 'Hydra' and 'Party Time Mint-als' are before I use the wrong drug," I demanded.


"Hydra?" Anaphora repeated, pushing Noble away from her rifle. "I've heard of that. It's a combat drug the raiders use to heal themselves. I suggest you don't use that...yet."


I checked the pegasus's wings, noticing a serious injury between the joints - her wings were crippled. "I remember another pegasus who was just as stubborn and almost tried to get himself killed. Surprisingly enough, he's wearing the same armor as yours, except you're missing the helmet. The stallion tried to fry all of us with his...uh...plasma rifle," I awkwardly glanced around as I finished that sentence. "Yeah. If he's your Enclave friend, tell him to drop the racism. He was only willing to work with us only because I was also a pegasus.


"Anyways, I'm Baryon. Fresh out of the Stable, and survivor of the wasteland for about...three days. The mare with the rifle is Anaphora. Try to take it easy on her; she's been hot blooded recently. The other mare is Amber, and two stallions are Noble and Steady Hoof," I added, extending out my hoof. "Nice meeting with you."

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Kayle groaned in pain as Baryon examined her wounds, almost whimpering as he touched her wings. "I really appreciate what you're doing for me." She paused a moment as Baryon mentioned the enclave stallion


"But..I thought this was a solo mission?" Kayle muttered to herself before snapping back to reality as Baryon introduced the party.


"Nice to meet you also, I'm Kayle." She shook his hoof and added "What direction you heading?"

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@@Defender of Tomorrow, @,


Hazmat woke up from the dream he was having. He turned his head to see the corpse of a raider, causing him to jump a little. He sat up to see his faithful robotic companion; ED-E watching over him. Hazmat stood up and said "ED-E did you do that?" ED-E made some beeping noises. "Not bad" Hazmat said as he looked at the corpse. ED-E flew over to the street and made some more beeping noises. "Whats wrong ED-E" Hazmat walked over to ED-E and saw a group of ponies. Hazmat put his hoof on his hunting revolver and decided to slowly approach the group, ED-E not far behind.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@Defender of Tomorrow



(Baryon) I had noticed that Kayle had paused when I mentioned the Enclave stallion. It was obvious; she was hiding something, and it didn't take a pony like Anaphora to point that out. I decided not to press on it too much, not unless we get to know each other more.


"Kayle? What an interesting name. I've never heard of pony named like that before, though it could probably just be me, since I'm from a Stable. In fact, Steady is from one too, and Anaphora just recently claimed that Noble is one as well," I replied, pulling out a Med-X syringe and injecting it in. "You'll have to wait for the Buck to be injected. While I am a medicine pony, I'm using mostly unknown substances here, so I want to be careful and not test out things that might as well do more harm than good.


"About the stallion, then, his name was Connor Corrigan. Yet another unusual name, just like yours. I'm not sure what happened during these decades, or is it just that the Enclave loves having their strange names, though it seems like a coincidence to me, no?" I commented. "The old group I was in met him in a seemingly abandoned resort - which was actually inhabited by raiders - and after the dust was cleared, he started attacking us. He apparently didn't like the others, so we had to bring him down. Then again, my 'group' was a Stable dweller turned mercenary, a griffon, and a 'changeling', so it wasn't exactly your everyday wastelanders, either."


As soon as I mentioned the word "griffon", I saw Anaphora hesitate. Something was troubling her mind..."As for direction, we're heading northeast towards Wind Barb. Anaphora's going to Stalliongrad, and I'm going to the abandoned Stable 15 near the Crystal Mountains to possibly find some tech to save my own Stable. We're just moving to a common area until we reach our goals. You going somewhere?"


((Baryon has not noticed Hazmat yet. I won't be able to post until Wednesday due to finals, so this is my last post for the next three days.))

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Kayle grunted as Baryon injected the Med-X into her. She sighed as the pain began to fade away. "This is just a pain number...right?" She looked at the pony for confirmation and frowned. 'Well, I appreciate it!" 


Kayle remained quiet while Baryon went off about some Connor Corrigan, the name didn't seem familiar at first to her, but she remembered something about him, she thought hard and shrugged it off.


"I don't need to be anywhere soon, and Stable 15 may have something for my armor, so I'll join you there." She smiled at baryon and then looked at the group of ponies.

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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@Defender of Tomorrow,


Hazmat continued to slowly get closer to the group. So far he hadn't been noticed. Once he got a few yards away ED-E made a beeping noise. Hazmat looked at ED-E and ED-E looked at him back. Hazmat continued to slowly get close to the group and hid in some tall grass. ED-E was giving away his position but as long as they don't turn around he will stay undetected. He listened in and whispered "Stable 15? hmmm" Hazmat pulled out his binoculars and looked at the group with them. "ED-E, check the map the Steel Ranger's put into your database" Hazmat said quietly to ED-E.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Noble approached Baryon and the mare, resisting the urge the smack Baryon over the head for not shutting up. Better to explain something to him rather than just let him and Anaphora get to him like that. He mustered up what little magic energy he had left to charge a healing spell and cast it on Kayle. When it was done, he turned to Baryon.
"I realize you're friendly and all, but Baryon, would you and your marefriend stop claiming I come from a Stable? I've told you nothing about myself and there's a reason for it. And this, my friend, is the reason. Because I don't want that information leaked to anypony. Understand?" He said, gesturing to Anaphora as he said 'marefriend'. He didn't care about this 'Connor Corrigan' much, but Baryon seemed to have a habit of telling their plans to every pony they came across.
Just as Noble finished speaking, he heard a beeping sound and turned around, drawing his pistol and stepping away from Baryon and Kayle. "Whoever's out there, come out! If you don't, I will open fire!"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Kayle felt a-lot better with the Med-X Baryon injected in her coupled with the healing spell. She frowned when Noble was so concerned about information getting leaked, what exactly did this pony not want others to hear? 


"It's not like I'm going to tell my CO any of this, and I appreciate the healing." Kayle interrupted Noble momentarily before turning around to the beeping sound almost in unison with noble, pointing her hoof in the general direction, smgs loaded.


"These guns shoot awfully fast, so come out!" She yelled out with noble.

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,



Hazmat Stood up quickly, with his hunting revolver drawn. ED-E made a beeping noise and flew in between Hazmat and the group.

"ED-E get out of the way" Hazmat said as he walked out of the tall grass. ED-E turned to Hazmat and made some beeping noises. "Fine" Hazmat said has he holstered his Hunting Revolver. ED-E turned to the group and made a louder beeping noise. "He is saying to holster your weapons too. I would listen, that magic zapper of his hurts... and burns. " ED-E moved up and down to simulate nodding.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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I sat their idly chatting with Amber while Baryon, who, by the way, can talk up a damn storm and a half, helped the enclave pegasus. While I didn't like helping anyone from the enclave, I knew there was no stopping Baryon.


I kept watch while talking to Amber to make sure nobody snuck up on us while we were venerable, which I apparently failed at as everyone was ready to fire as a robot and a unicorn came down an alley. I was a tad amazed and scared at how quickly everyone had their guns out and pointed at the noise. Remind me to be careful around them.


"Nobody wants hostilities here. I am sorry for my... acquaintances. We are extra jumpy right now. We haven't exactly had the most... success here," I stated to the pony. "No offence, but please do lower your weapons first. It would greatly alleviate the stress enough for my friends to lower theirs." I knew my group would lower their weapons first as a sign of good faith, but we needed a sign of good faith from someone else to gain a tad bit of trust and relief again. After Frizzen popping out of nowhere to attack us and Kayle appearing just like this new pony had, we were way too on edge with strangers.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Defender of Tomorrow,



(Baryon) I didn't really see any problem speaking to the mare — she isn't going anywhere with her crippled wings. It seemed like the so-called Enclave lived in the clouds, and she was surprised when I mentioned that I saw another Enclave member recently. She must have arrived alone, which meant she won't be able to get any help from her friends, either.


Noble wasn't exactly too happy with me "leaking" info. Save for the Stable, everything else would have probably been irrelevant to the Enclave mare for whatever she was doing down here. I would have also questioned the claim how Anaphora has somehow become my marefriend, though I saw Anaphora look away when Noble mentioned the word. I had to admit, Anaphora did look a bit attractive...


Soon, a pony appeared out of the blue; not surprisingly, as everyone was already high strung from the series of unfortunate events, everyone save for Steady and me, as I was finishing up the bandaging, drew their guns. Steady, being one of the more diplomatic ponies, tried to simmer the situation down when Noble and I could not.


Wait...how long was the pony there? Was he spying on us? He evidently wasn't part of the Enclave, or Kayle wouldn't be pointing her guns at him. He also lacked the proper clothing or weaponry, though strangely enough, he did have a flying robot of sorts. I didn't tell Kayle anything of much importance, thankfully, but the others took it more seriously.


Agreeing with Steady, I demanded, "Put your weapons down. The only thing we don't need is more ponies dead."

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The ranger pulled out a map his contingent handed to him it held the location of a ministry of wartime technology facility near where he was."I bloody hope this trip is worth it ." He then travels to the facility running into little opposition, the large M.W.T on the building was a dead give away. He entered the run down facility soon greeted by pre-wars posters and the remains of use to workers and attempting scavengers. Hazel nut looks up to see the burnt out remains of what he assumed to be turrets. " Your sacrifice wasn't in vain waste landers for you have made my trip a cake walk hahaha!"

Edited by steelranger22
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Well.... fuck.


Vincent had been traveling with a changeling and a Stable pony, and it'd been a rather... awkward trip. He'd nearly killed the Stable pony for a slight he hadn't even made on purpose. Vincent had stayed with them, but after awhile said he'd split up. He apologized, but he didn't want to travel with them... mostly because he felt they couldn't exactly trust him after he launched himself at Knight and nearly slit his throat.


He was flying, now... in one direction... towards the last place he'd heard where she, Anaphora, was. He was tired, he was hungry,but he had to get there.Barren Plains. Barren Plains, Barren Plains. That's where she'd been heading, and he was going to find her... if he could. Otherwise known as 'Radscorpian Hellho- OH CELESTIA IT'S POISONING MY EVERYTHING'  by everyone that had ever been there.


But Vincent was tired... so tired... he wanted to keep flying, to get there, and find her... but he was about to collapse and crash. He noticed a MWT building just below and flew down, entering in a broken window. He quickly pulled out his revolver, having to clear the floor at the very least before he even thought about resting.

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Noticing the group hadn't put away their weapons, Hazmat was about to draw his revolver again. He reached for it and ED-E turned around and made and fast and loud beeping noise. Hazmat sighed moved his hoof away from his revolver and looked at the group. ED-E turned to the group and made the same beeping noise. "You should listen to those two..." Hazmat said. ED-E began to search his database for different recordings before putting them together and playing them. 3 different voices came out of ED-E's speaker. "put your GUNS away" Hazmat looked at ED-E and said "I didn't know he could do that..."


(the colors are to represent the different voices)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@TheLine Trotter,

The ranger made sure to keep a close eye on his E.F.S to watch out for any renegade robots or scavengers that threaten to take pre-war glory.Looting the remains of scavengers along the way Hazel nut cautiously checks each floor. "For a M.W.T building it's surprisingly empty, dammit the only loot i'm finding is scrap metal and the crappy stuff wastelanders got, this has been a huge waste of time!" Hazel nut sighed as his endeavors were in vain, he decides to go up a floor to eat some cherry snack cakes he scavenged earlier. Before he could take out his goodies he spots a blip on his E.F.S, Hazel nut cautious on what it is takes of the safety of his LMG and pulls out a grenade for good measure.Hazel nut turns on the lamp on his helmet before turning to check the next corridor." Any pony home!" The ranger yells before quickly turning the corridor ready to engage in close quarter combat, power armor and his own large bulky frame gives him great leverage in.

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