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private Johto Storm


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Sable groans and hits her fist against the wall angrily. "AAHG! Would you stop doing that!?" Sable exclaims. Kaleb was right, Galvantula couldn't touch Slowbro at all and even if she did he would just heal it off. "Think Sable, think." she says quietly. Meanwhile Galvantula's eyes grew wide after seeing that yet another attack had failed. The spider screeches out in a fit of rage before turning to Kaleb and firing a flurry of Electrowebs straight at him, paying no attention to Slowbro.


"No Galvantula don-...Wait a minute that's actually a good idea." Sable says the cogs with the starting to turn in her head. How had she not thought of this before? No one said she couldn't attack Kaleb himself and Sable doubted a group of thieves and criminals would care much if she broke the rules. Assuming there were any to begin with. "Keep going, girl. Go for Signal Beam." Sable calls out to the enraged spider Pokemon. Galvantula then rushes at Kaleb, hoping to use the Signal Beam at point blank range. It almost seemed like Galvantula was out for blood as she fought against the growing pain of the Toxic.



"I've got everything planned out, Abigail." Cilla whispers back at the girl. "I've heard those Kimono Girls knew the boy that defeated Team Rocket. Maybe they could help us as well." she explains before both girls realize they looked suspicious. "Anyway...I suppose we should get going." she says trying to act normal. Just then Alery walks up to the group saying he had overslept. "Ah, yes glad you could join us." Cilla says with a small smile.


While this is going on, Espeon notices Elgyem run (or float?) off once again. Espeon rolled her eyes, what could the little bugger be doing this time? After following him for a bit she sees Elgyem trying to talk to a Deerling. Was finding a Bonsly and a Bunnelby for Elias not enough? Now he had to get a Deerling as well? Espeon simply wouldn't stand for this. Now that she thought about it Cilla did always like Deerling back in Unova, this would be the perfect catch. As such Espeon walks up to the Deerling Elgyem was talking to and tried speaking to it herself. "Espeon! Espe~" the Pokemon says trying to put on a friendly aura for the small deer.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Leafeon,@@Vaporeon, @@Umbreon, @,  


Abigail smiled as Cilla reassured her, and felt her doubt leave her mind. Cilla was so smart! She knew a lot, didn't she? She could identify that feather that mean guy stole as that of Ho Ho, or whatever that pokemon was called. She was glad someone like Cilla was in this with her.


Her mood was further brightened when Alery joined them once more, "oh! Aler- I mean, Al! Bonjour!" She waved at him cheerfully, "I didn't realize you were behind us, sorry. I kinda thought you may have left for Ecrutek before us... heh heh, whoops." She pointed to the vulpix on her shoulder, "oh, and look, I have a new friend! His name is Alonzo." The vulpix puffed out its chest a bit, before grooming the back of its paw, "I'd call him Al... but that'd be odd considering you're here, wouldn't it be? It'd be like if you had a pokemon named Abi, or something. Could get confusing, non?" She said, not knowing that he had a murkrow named Abby.


Isabella looked as the espeon and elgyem went gallivanting off to encounter more wild pokemon. How rude of them, leaving their trainers like that! Especially that elgyem. Its trainer was clearly blind! Not that the clefairy's trainer seemed to notice. It was as if though their actions were so rude, it created an audible buzzing sound to ring in the clefairy's ears.


"Clef?" The clefairy questioned, realizing the sound wasn't just her annoyance with the two inferior pokemon, who left their trainers unbidden. The clefairy looked around, and its ears twitched as she tried to determine the origin of the sound. A giant tree! The clefairy stomped over to the giant tree, leaving its trainer behind, unbidden. But it was alright for Isabella to do it. She was the exception, and didn't need to be shackled by the same etiquette as inferior pokemon.


The clefairy looked up at the tree, and let out a cry of its disarming voice to get whatever the hell was causing it to shut up already.


"Koo?" The krabby in Abigail's arms questioned, as it noticed the clefairy going off, "hmm?" Abigail looked down at her krabby, and then over to what it was looking at, "oh!" She turned away from the other trainers and ran towards the large tree, "Isabella! What are you doing, girl?"

Edited by Aged Rain
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@@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas,


"Come on Joltik, you can dodge that attack easily. Go counter attack with an electroweb." Jason instructed his pokemon, hoping to catch the Dratini in the web while it was still paralyzed. 
Jason's Joltik quickly skittered to the side barely avoiding getting by the Dragon's breath. "Jolt!" The Joltik said angrily as it fired off a several silky electrified webs at the still paralyzed Dratini.

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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@@Leafeon,@@Vaporeon, @,


"Nice to meet you Elias! If you didn't hear, I'm Alery, or Al for short." He gave a short wave to Cilla and then rubbed his neck at Abigail's comment. "About that... Let's just say it's a good thing I call you by your full name, hehe." Al quickly realized Abigail had walked off after her Clefairy and just awkwardly chuckled to himself before turning to both Cilla and Elias. "So uh... I guess I don 't really know much about you guys huh? Not even Abigail. Hmmm... Where are you guys from? I'm from... Well I guess Hoenn would be it." Vulcan walked over and began to sniff Elias' leg as Al tried his hand at small talk 

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Muna dashed out of the Blackthorn Pokémon Center, his face screwed up with worry and Audino chasing after him.  He had slept in far longer than he had predicted and had panicked to get dressed and take care of his personal hygiene in minimal time.   He eventually emerged from the center with his hair tied up in a quick bun and a completely new outfit; today he wore a white and blue striped tank top, with pink sweatpants and white sneakers.  He also wore a black sweatshirt over his tank, simply because he had been told by Nurse Joy that Sable and Stella were supposedly heading off to Ice Path today.  He had to be prepared for the cold.  Audino had her Silk Scarf and fur to keep herself nice and toasty, too.


Muna sighed in exasperation, frustrated with himself for having slept in so long.  Who knew how far the others might’ve gotten by now?  “Oh, Audino, what are we to do?”  He wondered aloud, cupping his cheek with his left palm.


“Aud, Aud…”  Audino cooed to her trainer after catching up to him, now holding his hand and patting it comfortingly.  At this point they had made it through Ice Path’s entrance, and were now descending underground to the deeper parts of the cave.


…Well, that would’ve been the case if the two of them hadn’t lost their footing on the slippery slope.  “Aaaiiiieee!”  Muna screeched briefly, falling onto his back and sliding down the icy pathway.  Audino had managed to cling to his arm in time to slide down with him.  Following the contours of the ice and the winding twists and turns, they eventually leveled out and were rocketed across the smooth-as-glass ice...straight into an unassuming Stella.


“Oof!”  Muna huffed upon impact, colliding with the girl and quickly coming to a stop.  He shook his head and then proceeded to stand up slowly, helping Audino to her feet and then offering a helping hand to Stella.  “Oh my gosh, that could've been bad.  I’m sorry, deary, I just wasn’t expecting this much ice.  Glad to have found ya, though!"  Looking around the area with his hands on his hips, his brow furrowed.  "I wonder where Sable has gone off to..."

Edited by Sylveon









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Sneasel hisses and tries to retreat further into its Den, and a little while later a few rocks near the wall move aside as it climbs out of another entrance to the hole.  "Snea!"  The dark type makes a taunting gesture at Helioptile before abruptly firing a barrage of quickly moving Ice Shards towards her.






Deerling looks from Elgyem to Espeon before backing away and bleating timidly.  It seemed the sudden presence of the two psychic types may have intimidated it.  As Deerling bleated, suddenly a trio of Stantler had rushed forward to stand in front of the smaller Pokemon protectively.  One of them snorts and starts stamping a hoof against the ground while the other two stare at the psychic Pokemon, their horns starting to glow as they begin using Hypnosis.






Kaleb's eyes went wide as the Electrowebs flew towards him, before being caught in the electrified strings.  "Ahhhh!  Get it off, get it off!"  The other trainer falls to the ground, writhing under the Electroweb, his Slowbro very slowly turning its head to look at its trainer as Galvantula rushed past it.  Fortunately for Kaleb his Mightyena sprang forward from where it had been laying on the side of the battlefield to slam into Galvantula, obediently trying to protect its trainer.


The battle would be interrupted as the sound of laughter and a slow clap start to echo through the room.  Silver, still lounging in one of the couches that had been shoved against the wall, brings his feet down off the arm of the couch to stand up.  "Alright...  You pass."  The red haired boy grins slightly before nodding at Sable.  "...Welcome to the Storm."






The buzzing in the tree quieted, before some of the upper branches start to shake.  Abruptly a few of the branches snap, sending a flurry of twigs and leaves to the ground before a very large, very pink Heracross dropped to the ground in front of Abigail.  "Heracrosss!"  The bug glared at Isabella before looking to the Pokemon's trainer, dropping down and looking like it could charge at any moment.  






Clair grits her teeth as Dragonbreath missed, Dratini wincing as the electric webbing fell around it.  She was well aware that Dratini couldn't keep this up much longer, not after the Blizzard earlier, so she would have to end this now.  "Dratini, Dragon Breath again!  Keep it up, use it as cover to get closer, then use Slam!"  The tired Dratini looks back to her trainer before nodding and attempting to follow through with the orders, firing another Dragonbreath and trying to move closer to Jotik as she did. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Sable couldn't help but smirk a little upon hearing Kaleb struggle and call for help after getting caught in the Electroweb. "Hmph, serves him right." she said to herself. Umbreon watched as Galvantula rushed towards Kaleb only to be stopped by his Mightyena. "Tell your dog to back off!" Sable yelled at Kaleb despite the fact he was clearly on the ground and most likely in pain due to Galvantula's attack. Umbreon growled at Mightyena before both he and Sable heard laughter coming from another part of the room. It was Silver and from the looks of it he quite enjoyed the battle. Sable's eyes grew wide upon hearing Silver say she was in. "I-I made it?" she asked. Sable tried to restrain her excitement in an attempt to look professional but inside she was overjoyed. Finally her glory days from Plasma were back.


Umbreon, on the other hand, was not very happy as he grimaced and turned away from Sable upon hearing the news. Back to the days of stealing Pokemon and plots of world domination. What's worse, this put Sable in a much more dangerous situation. What if the police caught her? What if Silver or one of the others decided they didn't like her anymore and tried to kill her off? Not to mention Sable...changed while she was in Plasma, as if she was someone else. Someone much harsher and more demanding. Still though, Sable seemed very happy about the whole thing and it wasn't like Sable was a horrible trainer or anything. Maybe she would be okay? "Thank you...Sir." Sable said not knowing how to address her new boss. "I won't let you down." she nodded back at Silver still trying to hide her grin.



"I'm from Unova myself, Floccesy Town to be specific. I had a sister that came with me to Johto, though she ran off in another direction somewhere after leaving New Bark. She could be anywhere by now." Cilla explains unaware that Sable was about to go back to her old ways. "Anyway, I-wait where's Espeon?" she asks looking around. "Oh did she run off again? What has gotten into her?" she asks thinking out loud. "I'm so sorry about this but I can't let her run off again. Excuse me, please." she says to both boys before walking off in search of her Pokemon.


Meanwhile Espeon put on an annoyed look at the sight of the Stantler. What where these things doing her anyway, shouldn't Sawsbuck be protecting this Deerling? Espeon didn't have much more time to think about this as two of the Stantler starting using Hypnosis. Espeon quickly closed her eyes in an effort to evade the attack as her forked tail stood up straight and started to twitch a bit. It seemed Espeon was trying to anticipate the Stantlers' next attack so she could counter it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Stella, being so interested in her adorable Cubchoo's movements, didn't notice the man sliding towards her. She didn't notice until she had been knocked over and sent sliding on the ice as well. Before she could react, she was stopped by a rock sticking out from the ground. Thankfully, she hadn't been going very fast, lest she would have seriously injured herself. "Ow..." She muttered, standing back up slowly. "Are you alright, Cubchoo?" She asked her pokemon, who nodded, looking confused. Cubchoo didn't even really know what had just happened. "Ah, and Helioptile. Are you al-"


Stella cut herself off noting that her electric type was nowhere to be found. She looked around nervously, seeing if she had been knocked down after the whole commotion. Of course, this was not the case, and Helioptile was no where to be found. She brought her attention to Muna when he began to talk. Oh joy. It was him. Clair had said he wasn't the best of people, right? She simply ignored his statements. "Sorry, but my Helioptile's missing. No time to chat."


Meanwhile, Helioptile had now just recieved some Ice Shards to the face. She growled, then noted Sneasel's taunting gesture, and growled louder. She began to run towards the foe as fast as she could, stepping carefully onto bits of coarse ice. Helioptile then attempted to jump over Sneasel. While in the air, she used Parabolic Charge on it, creating a bright flash of light.




Elias regained his normal stature, though remained looking away slightly. "I'm from Kalos, myself. Despite the lack of as prominent an accent as the likes of Abigail." He said. Elias had spent most of his time growing up indoors, and watching television, most of which was from other regions (usually Unova). Because of this, his accent was a mixture of basically all of the regions, instead of sounding very Kalosian. 


As Cilla left, Elias rubbed the back of his head. He was now left alone with someone who didn't particularly interest him in the slightest. Furthermore, he wasn't quite sure if Elgyem had also run off, or if he had just simply stopped broadcasting his location. "Ah... Yes. I suppose that just leaves us then, hm?" Elias asked Al, giving a nervous laugh.


Meanwhile, Elgyem looked up at the Stantler. He didn't like these pokemon. Not very pleasant. Elias would like a Deerling much more. Two of them looked to be using attacks of some kind, while Espeon had her eyes clothes. Was she stupid? That simply wouldn't help manners! Elgyem used Protect, protecting both himself and Espeon from the incoming attacks


"Elg." Elgyem said bluntly, extending a hand to the Stantler who had not attacked. The multicolored censors on its hand began to flash a variety of colors. A warning. Elgyem was attempting to be peaceful by the display, but he'd squeeze each of the Stantler's brains if they became too mean!



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, @@Vaporeon, @,

(including all yall in the post, cuz you're all on the same route, so... yeah. Just in case.)


Abigail's eye widened as she saw the very large, very pink beetle fall out of the tree. "Hweh?" She gasped, before widening her mouth in a giant smile, "la vache!" She exclaimed, using a more colloquial expression than she typically allowed herself to use; she had a reputation back in Lumiose of having a rather loose tongue, and she had made the conscious decision to try and speak more 'lady-like'.


Her expression quickly turned to one of terror, however, as she noticed the heracross giving her and Isabella a mean glare. Abigail shook her free hand, "wow wow wow, hold on, wait wait wait!" She set her krabby down, and she let out a sigh, "alright, now." She inhaled deeply, "please don't attack us!" she knelt down on the ground, pleading the heracross mercy.


Her clefairy looked at Abigail bewilderingly. "Clef?" The clefairy scolded her; this was not how to handle this situation. Abigail looked at the clefairy, "what are you saying, Isabella? This was your fault!" "Clef!"The clefairy felt insulted that her trainer could in any way construe the angry pink heracross as her fault. "Well, it is! You could of just let it be! But, nooooo, you had to go up and attack. Now, apologize!" Abigail put her hand on the back of the clefairy's head, and pushed it down to a kneeling position, "say you're sorry, Isabella! Or no more snacks for you!" The clefairy gave its trainer a stink eye; ever since they got here in Johto, its as if though her trainer had gone insane. Why did she feel the need to catch so many new pokemon when she already had such a great one? Why did she insinuate the clefairy's actions as improper? Why, for Arceus's sake, did she allow other pokemon to eat her food? Why, the very nerve of it!


Still... it was a very real threat, so the clefairy acquiesced to its trainer's outrageous demands, "clef... airy..." It said to the heracross.


The vulpix on Abigail's shoulders looked on in mild confusion. Was her trainer insane? That wild pokemon was clearly prepared to rush at them, it was clearly very angry. Simply apologizing to it wouldn't work... or would it? The vulpix didn't know these things, but it stared at the heracross, watching its movements so as to prepare a counter attack in the event that it wouldn't.

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@@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas,


The Joltik's small size allowed him to easily dodge the Dragon breath, but when he came up to counter with another electro web the Dratini was right on top of him with a slam attack. The Joltik disappeared under the tail of the Dratini.

Jason looked worried, the slam attack might of been too much for the little bug. "Come on Joltik..." He whispered as the Dratini lifted its tail.
The ground where the Joltik had been standing was cracked from the strength of the Dratini's slam but the Joltik was nowhere in sight. It only took Jason a few seconds to spot his Pokemon attached to the tail of the Dratini; dazed but still ready to fight. "Joltik,quick use an electric attack. Try increasing the power of your thunder wave and focus it in a field around you!" He suggested relieved that his Pokemon was still there.

"Joltik!" The Joltik paused for a moment acknowledging his trainer. Bright sparks of electricity began arching off the little bug that clung on the Dratini's body; it had used discharge. The bolts of energy quickly arched around the Dratini and shocking it. Jason's Joltik clung on the still wet body of the Dratini as he electrocuted the Dragon type the water possibly amplifying the power of the attack. The Joltik also bit down on the Dratini with a bug bite for good measure. 

((OOC: Oh, I forgot. Blizzard would be replacing Lumi's icy wind and Discharge will replace string shot for Joltik. I guess that is enough learning moves for a while.))

Edited by Glaceon

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Alery nodded as Cilla walked away to look for her Espeon. So two Kalosians and an Unovite. Damn, none of them were from Kanto. No way they could know his parents, or even his cousins, since none of them were from this region either. Al realized he was left alone with the person he know the least about and rubbed the back of neck nervously. "Hehe yea I guess we are. But just so you know, I'm about as unfamiliar with those girls as you are, so don't worry about being a third- or fourth- wheel." Alery gave Elias a bright smile, not knowing the boy couldn't even see him.

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Muna half-listened to what Stella had replied to him with, and he furrowed his brow for a moment as he contemplated his next course of action.  He could go of on his own through Ice Path, possibly get lost in the meantime, or…  “Oh!”  Muna clapped his hands together, coming up with a simple solution.  “I know!  I’m looking for my friend, too, so why don’t we stick together for a bit?”  Grinning, he nodded his head, very much liking his idea.  “Plus, our Pokémon make a good team.”


“Audi!”  Audino agreed, nodding her head as if she were mimicking her trainer.  Just now noticing the Cubchoo, Audino toddled over beside Stella to pat the little guy on his head.  “Aud…”  She cooed, her motherly Audino instincts kicking in.


Meanwhile, Muna was still surveying the area when his gaze came across a pair of wild Pokémon out in the open, both working together to build a snowman.  “Ooh, let’s go look over there!”  Beckoning to Audino and Stella, he crept up close to the Pokemon and hid behind a tall ice pillar.  Pulling out his Pokedex, he identified the Pokémon as a Snover and a Smoochum.  Neither seemed to be a particularly aggressive species, so the dark-skinned trainer stepped out from behind his hiding place and smiled warmly at the two small creatures.  “Why hello there,” He began, approaching them slowly and then sitting down pretzel-style next to the snowman they were building, “Mind if I help you two out?”  Picking up two pebbles on the ground, he put them on as the snowman's eyes.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Silver's smirk doesn't last long before its replaced by his usual scowl - that seemed to be his default expression.  Jerking his head, he motioned for Sable to follow him back into his office.  "In that case, its time to get to work."  Back in his office, Silver had a map of Johto and Kanto spread out over his desk.  The man who had stayed silent up until now had followed the two of them back into the office, taking his place back in the corner.


"Phase one is already in progress.  Last night members of my team hit key points in Johto to cause distractions and confuse the media while we completed our main objective.  We've captured Entei and Raikou."  He spares a brief glance towards Sable, as though to watch for her reaction, before looking back to the map.  "Suicune is a different matter entirely.  I know where it is, at least, so we can cross that bridge once we get there.  For now we have other things to accomplish..."  Silver reaches up to take his sunglasses off again, setting them on the table near the map.


"How familiar with Kanto are you?"






The Stantler snorted and stamped their hooves when the Hypnosis failed, still standing protectively in front of the Deerling.  The Deerling bleats again when Elgyem's lights begin flashing, and a second Deerling had wandered over to see what the commotion was.  Hearing Deerling's scared cry, the Stantler's antlers begin glowing again - this time attempting to use Confuse Ray.






The Heracross pauses and tilts its head slightly - first they attack it, then apologize?  The Heracross huffs and quickly drops back down to an attacking position - as if it were going to fall for that!  Its wings start to buzz loudly as it rushes forward to attempt to hit the Clefairy with a Horn Attack.






Sneasel winced as the electricity washed over it, sneering at Helioptile when she lands and panting to catch its breath.  With a low growl Sneasel starts slashing its claws against each other, using the move Hone Claws, before firing another barrage of ice shards at the electric type.






The attack seemed to be too much for Dratini, and Clair had quickly recalled the small dragon back to her Pokeball.  "Dratini is unable to battle!  The challenger is the winner!"  Clair glares across the battlefield at Jason, a scowl on her face.  Losing obviously didn't do much to help her already foul mood.  "Here, take the Rising Badge and get out of my gym."  She tosses the badge across the arena towards Jason, not even waiting to check that he'd caught it before turning around and walking off into one of the gym's back rooms.






The Snover and Smoochum stared up at Muna as he sat next to them, looking at each other and then towards their snowman as Muna places the pebbles on it.  The two small Pokemon nod at each other before smiling mischievously.  Suddenly the Smoochum reaches down and scoops up a handful of snow, packing it into a snowball and throwing it at Muna's face.  It wasn't an attack, just an ordinary snow ball.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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This time, Helioptile was ready for the impending ice shards. About to jump out of the way, however, she was still hit by them, and thrown a whiles back, into an icy rock. "Heli...?!" Helioptile questioned, panting softly. That move was certainly quick. There was no way she could dodge it, and that meant being strategical.


Jumping onto the rock she had bumped into, Helioptile glared down at the Sneasel. She refused to run away, but had quickly run out of ideas as to what to do. Spreading the frills in her ears, Helioptile taunted Sneasel to come closer. Hopefully it'd try to do that instead of using Ice Shard again, but Helioptile was ready to duck behind the rock she was ontop of at a moment's notice.


Meanwhile, Stella brought a hand to her face and sighed. This trainer wasn't particularly smart, hm? This was an important manner! She didn't have time to look at adorable pokemon, now! Plus, she already had an ice type, and it was impossible to be cuter than Cubchoo. "Uhm, yea. No thanks. I need to find my-" 


Stella cut herself off as she noticed Cubchoo had suddenly disappeared. When had that happened? She looked around frantically, before noting where Cubchoo was. Cubchoo was trying to "help" the Smoochum and Snover with their snowy creation by lazily smoothing out the base. Her claws cut into the snow, however, causing the snow to have claw marks in it and be even less smooth. "Ah! Cubchoo! Stop that!" Stella commanded her pokemon, who didn't seem to acknowledge her.




Elias' expression, while not showing near any emotion before save a tinge of annoyance, suddenly shifted to exasperation. Though his face was not currently turned towards Alery, the expression was nonetheless rather obvious. A third wheel?! Perish the thought! He thought. What a conundrum this is! Am I really so imposing that someone would refer to me as such?! Hmmm... Perhaps I should try my luck elsewhere I suppose... 


As Elias regained his composure, he attempted to speak up, though his voice seemed a tad disjointed when compared to his normally fluid tongue. "I had never even considered it." He said, before extending a hand to where Elgyem had been before. Elgyem was clearly not there anymore, so such a motion looked rather odd. Ah. So he did leave. Darn. Wish he'd warn me sometimes... Elias thought, before returning his attention back to Al. "I don't believe you've seen my Elgyem, have you?"


The confuse rays were easily dodged by Elgyem, who turned to Espeon to make sure she was alright as well. There wasn't much time for that, however. Elgyem began to communicate with all of the pokemon in the immediate area, consisting of Deerling and Stantler. Espeon as well, since Elgyem couldn't help that. Elgyem was trying to state the fact he meant no harm, and simply wished to see if the Deerling would have liked to meet his companion. Perhaps if they attacked again, Elgyem would simply give up and go away.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sable's eyes widened when Silver mention they had caught Entei and Raikou, most likely giving him the reaction he expected. "You guys don't mess around do you?" Sable said impressed. She was no stranger to the idea of using legendary Pokemon to further one's goals but the feat of capturing two of Johto's beast trio was still quite an accomplishment. When asked if she was familiar with Kanto she responded by saying; "Not too much. This is the first time I've been away from Unova. I've only heard stories, mostly involving your pops getting beaten by a ten year old."



Espeon opened her eyes and quickly dodged the Confuse Ray, anticipating it long before Stantler had fired the attack. Suddenly Espeon heard Elgyem's voice, only it was different. The Pokemon clearly wasn't talking and why did she feel connected to, not only Elgyem himself, but the Stantler and Deerling as well? Wait of course, the little alien was speaking to everyone telepathically. Well two could play at that game. Espeon's eyes started glowing blue as she concentrated and tried telling the group of Stantler that she too was harmless, simply wanting to talk to Deerling.

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Alery just barely caught the slight change in emotion in Elias' voice and his eyes widened as he shook his hands and became flustered. "Oh no I didn't mean anything by that! I just... well you know some people are a little more insecure than others and I thought it was better to be safe than sorry! I didn't- Huh? No I haven't seen your Elgyem... At least I don't think so... I could get my Growlithe to help you look for it though!" "Grow!"

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@@Leafeon,@@Vaporeon, @@Umbreon, @,


"HWEH?" Abigail exclaimed, loudly, in surprise of the heracross's attack. The blow hit the clefairy, who was right beside the kneeling Abigail, squarely in its torso, and was knocked over onto its back whilst Abigail fell backwards out of surprise. "-Ryyy!" the clefairy cried out in pain, and Abigail stood up, "oh no, Isabellla! Are you alright?" The clefairy picked herself up off the ground, "clef... clef-fay!" The clefairy was panting. This enemy was clearly rather strong, and all of its anger was towards the clefairy.


Meanwhile, the vulpix, who was not caught unawares, fired a confuse ray at the charging heracross, "vul!", hoping to disorient it and make it less effective at combat. Abigail turned her head at the vulpix, "eh? Alonzo?" The vulpix looked at its trainer, "vul...", it said trying to get its trainer to regain her composure, "ah! Um, yes... right! I guess it is a bit too angry at this point to calm down by talking..."


She walked up to her clefairy, and picked her up into her arms, "alright, Madame Isabella de'Pompadour! Disarming voice!" The clefairy let out a panicked cry to deal further super-effective damage to the heracross.

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Looking down, Muna squealed when he saw the little bear cub beside him, who was helping out with the snowman.  “Eeeee!  Why, hel—” He was abruptly cut off by a snowball to the face, thrown by the wild Smoochum.  His mouth open in surprise, he turned his attention to the little female Pokémon.  “Why you little…”  He began, voice starting to take on a menacing tone.  However, before he could get angry at the Smoochum for possibly messing up his perfect complexion, he actually got a good look at her.  Those large, plump lips, her wide eyes, and that absolutely fabulous blonde hair.  It was all a bit overwhelming, and Muna had to dramatically fan his watering eyes.  “Oh…oh my gosh, y-you’re…perfect.”


By this time, Audino had joined the snowman making and was standing beside the Snover.  Her instincts drove her to follow the Cubchoo and babysit the little Pokemon.  “Aud…”  She chided, moving some rocks out of reach of Cubchoo so she didn’t try to chew on any.


Muna held out a hesitant hand toward the Smoochum, his hand shaking slightly for he was still awestruck.  “M-May I hold your hand?” 









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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@@Umbreon, @@Aerodynas,

((OOC: Aero, you still here? :P ))


Jason could hardly believe it; he had won. In his shock he missed the badge that Clair had thrown at him. The badge landed by his feet and slid across the floor, but Lumi was able to stop it with her paw. "Thanks Lumi." Jason said as his Glaceon picked up the badge with her mouth and handed it over to Jason. "Glaci!" Lumi replied happily.
"My very first badge in Johto. This wouldn't of been possible without you." Jason's Joltik having walked all the way from the center had finally reached the edge of the arena to where Jason was standing. "Jolt!" "And you too buddy. Good job both of you." He said to his two Pokemon.

Jason turned and watched Clair walk away. "She must be in a bad mood. I think it is best we avoid talking to her for now." Jason took one last check on both of his Pokemon making sure they were both alright before heading to the exit. As he approached Jason spotted Allen nearby.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Allen was awestruck for the most part, cheering Jason on the best he could while making faces at Clair. To be honest, with the pokemon Clair used against the ever so nimble and type advantaged Lumi with addition to the new Joltik, he could really say he was surprised she lost; however, it was mostly because he knew Jason was better. Perhaps Clair could learn a thing or two from him. Noi was for the most part, bored and anxious throughout the battle as she was more than zealous to hop in and join. Luckily, Allen held her back enough.


Before Jason had a chance to turn in his direction, Allen couldn't help himself to take fire at Clair's unprofessional attitude and rudeness. "Funny, you're probably the sorest loser I have ever met Clair," he said confidently yet firmly, maintaining his barrage as he clenched his fists angrily, "Still to this day you wonder how Gold beat you. Believe me, we were all there when you lost and word definitely got around with what the elders had issued. When will you finally grow up and understand the teachings that your own cousin lives by? You could have friends you know...instead of enemies for once!" As immediate as Allen had finished, he felt unbelievably guilty, falling silent and staring at the famed gym leader in apology but not mustering enough to take his words back.  Really, it wouldn't have mattered to him if Clair wasn't the leader of his home town. Everyone wanted to be like her but only a few understood that she was human just as much as they were. He couldn't must an apology all the same. Allen believed what he had said...though he was also ashamed. Was he any different? He knew what it was like to chase a legacy too... "C-clair....I..."

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Clair stops just before exiting the arena, turning her head slightly to glare at Allen out of the corner of her eye.  A scowl on her face, she mutters through gritted teeth "Get.  Out.  Of.  My.  Gym.  And don't bother coming back."  Without giving the other trainer a chance to respond, Clair had stepped through the door into one of the Gym's back rooms and slammed the door shut behind her.






The Smoochum tilts her head as she looks at Muna - THAT certainly hadn't been the reaction she had been expecting!  What a shame.  What did this funny trainer want?  Unsure of where this was going, Smoochum slowly extended a hand towards Muna's.






The Heracross reeled back from the attack, shaking its head and stamping its foot again.  Crying out angrily it attempts to charge again, though it was currently seeing double from the confuse ray.  Charging at where it thought Isabella was, the Heracross hurt itself as it rammed its head into a nearby tree instead.


Unfortunately the force of the collision shook the tree, and a number of Pineco fell from the tree. Many of them struck Heracross as they fell, and they glared at the large bug angrily before beginning to glow.  Suddenly the Pineco began using Self-Destruct, sending Heracross flying backwards to land motionless on the ground.






The wild Pokemon seem to hesitate for a moment, before a Deerling pushes past the Stantler - the second Deerling, the one that wandered over to see what was happening.  The first one followed behind the other Pokemon, as though hiding behind it timidly.  The braver one tilts its head while looking at the psychic types, the trio of Stantler backing off a little bit but still standing by protectively.






Seemingly ignoring her last comment, Silver turns the map around with his finger on a dot towards the west side of Kanto.  "Pewter City.  There's a museum there with something on display that we need.  A feather from Lugia."  Standing upright and starting to walk away towards the back of his office, Silver continues talking calmly.  "Lugia's strong - strong enough it could be a problem for us.  Magma focused on Groudon, Aqua focused on Kyogre, yet they both ignored Rayquaza.  We're not making the same mistakes - if there's a threat to my plans, we're taking care of it first."


Silver turns back around with something in his hand, walking back to Sable and handing it to her - a pass for the Magnet Train, likely counterfeit.  "I have an operative in Pewter already.  She was supposed to grab the feather and get back, but there's been a complication.  She's requested someone to back her up - let's see just how competent you are."  He's quiet for a moment before adding, almost as an after thought, "Take Viro with you.  She'll help keep an eye on you...  Plus you won't have much to worry about if she's watching your back."






Sneasel glares at Helioptile, falling for the taunt and glancing around trying to figure out what to do with the Heart Scale.  After a moment's consideration it puts the scale in its mouth, holding it with its teeth before rushing at Helioptile with its claws out.  It seemed as though it were trying for a Slash attack.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Allen sighed at Clair's remark, doubting that anything he had said really had much affect on her...not that that surprised him. Shaking the negative feelings from his mind as much as possible, he then turned to greet the triumphant Jason. "Heh, sorry about that...but well done Jason! I knew you'd win to be honest. There are things you have that Clair could really attempt to work at," Allen smiled, giving him a thumbs up as Noi zoomed down and latched onto Jason's chest in a hug. "Noi!" she confirmed, seemingly meaning to congratulate him.

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Elias near completely ignored every word Alery had said in regards to his apologies. He did, however, pay attention when Al offered to help him locate his missing Elgyem. Of all the people in the group Elias was ok with knowing the fact he was blind, it was most definitely that of Alery. This was not for any sentimental reason, of course. The boy seemed trustworthy enough, good natured and the sort, but most importantly was not the kind of person Elias found a need to impress. So there was no worries in that regard. "Yes, that would prove rather useful." 


Meanwhile, Elgyem stopped flashing the lights on it's hands. Though Elgyem was not the kind of pokemon to emote, it did seem to have a much more pleasant aura. Now, there was two Deerling. One for Elias, and one for Cilla, presumably. Elias would most likely prefer the one who appeared braver. He needed a pokemon to battle with, after all. Cilla would probably prefer the timid, cute one. So, Elgyem extended one of his hands to the brave Deerling, doing not much else.




Though Stella was still a bit anxious to find the location of her missing Helioptile, she couldn't not notice the interactions between Cubchoo and Audino. It was far too cute! Resisting the urge to make a variety of girl-ish sounds, she puffed up her chest and exhaled loudly. "Cubchoo, return." She said, returning the Cubchoo to her pokeball. Cubchoo put up no fuss what-so-ever, due to her lazy personality. "Phanpy, let's go." 


As Phanpy was summoned, the ground type trumpeted it's trunk happily. It then looked around for any possible enemy. Seeing none, Phanpy looked up to Stella for what the given task might be. "Well, we're gonna find Helioptile, since some people don't seem to want to help." She said, turning around, waiting for a response. Phanpy looked a tad upset that something bad had happened, as opposed to something good. 




Helioptile grinned as the opposition began to charge at her. She lowered herself slightly, so the Sneasel may or may not hit parts of the rock underneath her. Not that it mattered. As Sneasel began to slash at Helioptile, Helioptile used Grass Knot in an attempt to tie the Sneasel's claws together. She then tried to pick up the Heart Scale with her own mouth, since the grass probably wouldn't hold.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, @, @@Vaporeon,


Abigail let out a gasp of relief as the heracross missed its charge at her clefairy. However, as the heracross continued on wards and smacked into the tree, the girl looked on in concern. To make matters worse, the heracross jostled about three pokemon out of the tree, and Abigail audibly screamed as she saw the angered pinecos glow. She recognized this move, and was in no way a fan of it. She hurried forward as the heracross was blown back, and she knelt down beside it as tears formed in her eyes.

"Non non non!" She shook her head as she bawled her eyes out. She sniffled as she turned her attention to the fallen pinecos as well, "oh no, this is all my fault! I-I'm so sorry!" The clefairy walked over to its trainer, surprisingly with concern on its face. It didn't like seeing its trainer like this, and even the prideful pokemon had to admit she was at least partially to blame for it this time. It tugged at its trainer's blouse, "clef-fay... clef..."


Abigail tried wiping some tears from her face before turning her head to the clefairy, "eh? I-Isabella..." The clefairy shook its head, and then pointed to itself, "ry!". "But, Isabella... no, it's not your fault... I'm your trainer, I'm supposed to teach you how to act, and I'm responsible for your actions!" She looked back at the several injured bug pokemon before her, "I'm responsible for this happening... so, so that means I have to do something about it!"


Abigail picked herself up and dusted herself off, and though the tears had stopped flowing she was visibly trembling. The vulpix on her shoulder licked her face, "vul...". "It's alright, Alonzo, I think I know what I should do." She pulled out a set of pokeballs from her pack, and nodded her head determinedly before tossing one at each of the fallen pokemon.

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Sable takes a moment to inspect the train pass before looking back at Silver and nodding. She had already turned to leave when Silver spoke up again, telling her to bring Viro along. Sable winced a bit upon hearing Viro's name. The last thing she wanted was to spend the entire trip to Kanto alone with that annoying girl. She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it, not wanting to talk back to the boss on her first day. As such she gives a slight sigh and motions for Viro to follow her. "Come on, Viro let's just get this over with." Sable says walking towards the base's exit.



Espeon watched as Elgyem tried to communicate with the brave Deerling. Normally she would try to butt in and convince the deer Pokemon to come with her but seeing as there were now two of the things Espeon didn't seem to care, instead going for other, more timid Deerling. "Espe~" the psychic type says happily while smiling.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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