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private ~* Feral Ponies *~ {RP}

Pripyat Pony

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Ooc Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/91590-feral-ponies-open-to-join/




Princess Celestia paced the throne room, wondering if what she was doing was the right thing. She had already discussed the plan with her sister countless times earlier, but still, she looked over at Luna for one more time to ask again.


"Sister," she asked, a worried look in her eyes. "Is this right? Should we really send another group of ponies into the wilderness? After the last time..."


Luna thought about her sister's question for a time before she answered. She hadn't been around when Celestia had sent the first research team to the unexplored area behind the Badlands to collect samples of the Equibane plant; she'd still been trapped inside Nightmare Moon and imprisoned on the moon itself. But her sister had told her all about it. The team had gone out, optimistic about their mission... and not a single pony had ever returned. It was as tho they had just vanished into thin air, never to be seen again.


"I think that it is right to send another group out," Luna replied, at last. "We must know about this plant; if it can do even a tenth of what it is rumoured to be able to do, it will be a great boon for the equine race. The group all know of the dangers out there; we have informed them of everything they might face. And of course, they have all chosen this mission. They have been given time to back out, should they wish, and none have done so."


Celestia's face relaxed. "Thank you, Luna," she replied. "I only hope that this mission will be successful. Maybe this team could even find out what happened to the others."




Glory was busily packing her saddlebags in preparation for the research mission. She could hardly contain her excitement at being chosen for such an important trip. Of course, Glory's magic was healing magic, so it was likely she had been picked for that. But she was also very interested in the idea that there might be a plant out there that could enhance strength and magical ability; it could be used in medicine, in helping sick ponies recover their strength, in helping those who were weaker than others... the possibilities were endless! Glory paused from her packing to reread her letter over again. This very same letter had been sent to each of a hoofpicked group of ponies who were to form the research team, and it was short and to the point.




Dear Glory,


We have chosen you to form part of a research team of ponies who are to travel to the unexplored wilderness beyond the Equestrian Badlands. Your objective is to collect samples of a plant named Equibane which is rumoured to have several useful properties, one of which is to enhance strength and magical ability in all ponies. The plant has four leaves only, each one shaped like a club. Its flowers are shaped like a star, white in colour but with different colour centres. The blossoms smell exactly like newmown hay. Included with this letter is a picture of the plant, so you will know it when you see it.


We must warn you, however, that the mission could well be dangerous. We have hoofpicked only the very best ponies for the team, those who we feel can deal with such a dangerous mission the best. We hope that you will all work together as a team and hopefully return victorious. Please meet at the train station where you have all been booked tickets on the six thirty train. We wish you luck on your mission and will see you on your return.




Princess Celestia.

Princess Luna.




Having finished her packing, Glory glanced at the clock. It was time for her to go if she was going to be in time to meet the rest of the team at the train station! She locked up her house and immediately set off.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Mantorok grumbled to himself.

"Tier, Aretak, Chattur'gha" he hissed, a few runes appearing next to him as he summoned a servant pony to carry him. He assumed he had gotten the letter because of his work with the Tome of Eternal Darkness and his status as a crop protector. Mantorok's frail body was lifted up by the summoned servant as it walked him to the train station. This servant would have to do for the entire journey, Mantorok didn't dare bring the Tome of Eternal Darkness outside of his house. 


"Narokath, Pargon, Santak, Pargon, Pargon, Chattur'gha, Pargon" he muttered, using a spell to keep his body together. Without his precious tome, his body would not survive. The spell he had cast was but a slapped on bandage to keep him together....one of many. He had also taken the liberty of enchanting the few items he was bringing with "Ulyaoth" runes, making them effective against creatures that relied on brute strength. As he left his small cottage in the wastes, carrying a single bag with his notes and equipment for autopsies, he wondered if Celestia and Luna knew his true purpose now. He had a goal to control and manipulate all nature, making it perfectly ordered with no chaos. Discord and other such elementals were proof that his goal was noble. If this trip was sucessful, it would be fairly useful in getting information on how to tame the forces of nature even further. After a while, the servant brought him to the train station, not complaining at all. Not that it could, being a mere golem. Mantorok's decrepit husk of a body gave a wheezing cough and he had to remind himself to breathe. Surviving without the Tome would be difficult

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Anything in black is Environmental

Red is Soul talking/thinking

Blue is OOC

Other Colours are other ponies/beings talking.


Soul woke up and walked around his house. He got up, went to his kitchen, passing by a collection of equipment. He passed by a suit of armour, a wall of Photos from his younger years, and even some pleasantly arranged medals over a fireplace. He got to the kitchen, made himself some breakfast, and ate it. He then walked outside, and, on his porch, looked upon his reflection on the lake surface. He then sat down, staring at the soft glow of the moon. He closed his eyes, and remembered the good days, when he guarded Celestia.


He soon found himself dozing off, and he dreamed sweet dreams at first. His first Summer Sun Celebration with her majesty, watching Celestia and Luna meet again once more, after a thousand years apart, His days of training new Recruits.


But Nightmares soon filled his dreams...


The War. The seemingly endless War, and what he had lost from it. He dreamed of Fire and Death. He dreamed of the laughter he had heard, and the pain he had felt, when the other pony has stomped on his horn. He saw images that he had blocked from his mind for so long. He once again watched as fire burned...and he heard the screams...


Soul was being shaken. he regained consciousness. Derpy Hooves, the mail pony, was shaking him awake.

"Mr.Soul... you were dreaming of the war again, weren't you..."

"Yes, but it's gone now... It's done."

"I hope so"

"I suppose you have my monthly letter?"

"Yup! Right here!"

Derpy held out a small envelope, taking it, Soul starts taking out some bits.

"Let's see... 1, 2, 3... Yup! 30 bits for the month. Here, He holds out a bit For your troubles."

"You do this every month, Mr.Soul, I keep telling you I don't need it... but you won't give up, will you?" she takes the bit, and starts to walk away.

"Oh Right! another letter came to you today as well, where is i-oh! here you are!" Derpy hands him a letter. "Enjoy your day!" She says as she flies away.


Soul opens the letter, his eyes moving across the page, moving quicker and quicker as he reads.

"They want me to do WHAT!?"

He re-reads it again. and again, and again.


Finally, he puts the letter down. Levitating the letter for THAT long had hurt his horn.

"I - I better not disappoint the Princesses."

Edited by Grapz224
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The tranquillity of the leechen forest was disturbed by the sound of trotting hooves, the sounds of birds and insects alien even to those of the evertree filled the air which stank of mildew, the light of the morning sun barely making its way though the canopy of trees above them.


Perfect growing conditions.


He was the first to emerge from the bushes,  his size practically crushing the plant which snapped as it tried to resist him. If it weren’t for the hooves on his strong legs and the equine features of his body one could almost mistake him for a bear. His brown fur coat was overgrown but thinner in places it hadn’t been able to keep up with his growth. His mane and tail were a dark green but if one were to examine it they would see that the hair was almost plant-like, another boon granted by the equibane,  provided he could find water he could go without food for weeks so long as the sun blazed above them, very useful in a place where many plants contained toxins one could not eat without boiling or preparing them first.


The two other stallions emerged from the behind him, they were smaller than he was. Weaker than he was.  They resembled the pones they had once been, he had once been.  They had yet to taste the Equibane plant and discover what gives it would bestow upon them. There flanks were blank, all ponies born in this land stayed blank. He ofc was not born here and did possess a cutie mark though his bulky size hard for him to turn and look at it, not that he wanted to anymore. He remembered what it had looked like. A horseshoe tangled in vines. But that was before equibane transformed him, the mark became stretched and twisted as he grew stronger, now resembling a faded scar, he supposed as long as he could remember it, it would always be there.


He sniffed the air. He could smell the scent of the Equibane. His body seemed to feel stronger just recalling that aroma.


“This way.” he said walking straight towards a tree but rather than go round it raised one hoof smashed the trunk into pieces and bringing the tree down with a thundering crash. The stallions stood there gaping at him. “Move!” he barked and they snapped their mouths shut and walked slightly more nervously as the three of them proceeded though the forest.

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Artemis had led a strange life... once she decided to leave the forest with her foster parents and real parents dead she wasn't exactly a fit for society. She was inspected and her bloodline discovered... she met her grandparents... it seemed they didn't approve their decision of going into the forest. Though they got along with time it still wasn't enough to keep her there...  She and her companion attracted attention from troublemakers, she got into a fight at the bar... it escalated... she was chased to the forest. There on her territory she had the fun of her life on her chaser... and though she didn't harm him she was arrested together with her pet wolf. She was offered a pardon if she participated in this mission. Her experience was judged important and she was offered this choice... Reluctantly she accepted it and joined... perhaps another journey to uknown lands would help. New faces would certainly help.

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Glory arrived at the train station. She glanced at her watch; horsefeathers! She was early, and nopony else was here. Glory sighed; that was a failing of hers, arriving at appointments far too early cuz she was anxious about appearing rude by turning up late. She took a book out of one of her saddlebags to while away the time as she waited for the others to arrive. Glory wondered about the other members of the team. Since every pony had been hoof chosen by the Princesses, what would they be like? Would they be warriors, trackers or simply ponies like herself who specialised in useful magic? She could hardly wait to meet them.




The sunlight slashed thru the tattered leaves of the forest trees, leaving jagged pools of light on the forest floor. The land beyond the Badlands was generally made up of forest, but with wide open clearings within the trees. A dragonfly alighted on a nearby flower, not noticing the pegasus stallion who crouched nearby til he stood up abruptly. The insect flew away in alarm as the stallion emerged into the nearby clearing. He didn't look like an Equestrian inhabitant at all; he was lean, but tall and with wiry muscle structure visible below his shining pelt, with its purple and pale indigo blue patches. No cutie mark, but then, no ponies born here had them. The stallion's name was Lightning, and he was known for being fast on his hooves.


Lightning's mane was dark indigo, and twined with braided grass dyed blue and grey. His wings were extended, but he'd never used them to fly for the simple reason that none of the feral pegasi were capable of flying. One of the effects of the plant was to make pegasi too heavy for flight as well as increasing their overall strength and height. They also had some magic ability due to the Equibane, which increased magic in non unicorns tho not to the extent or power of unicorns. Pegasi magic was mainly weather based, and was channelled thru their wings; for example, Lightning could call down a storm if he flapped his wings at speed. The feathers were painted and hung over with ornaments to enhance the magic, which took a lot of effort to create and hold. Lightning however wasn't really thinking of this, simply standing still and watching the clearing to see if anypony entered.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

Mantorok arrived at the station, coughing loudly. Ugh, he hated open air, too much in the way of contaminants. His golem held still to let him cough before moving on to meet the other pony at the train station. 

"Narokat, Redgormor" Mantorok muttered, giving an order to his slave. Obediently, it moved towards the mare. "I assume you are here for the quest?" Mantorok whispered, his voice cracked and dry from lack of use(and decay in his throat). 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Wind Sonnet.


@@Pripyat Pony,


Why was he here?


Wind Sonnet had been consulting with herself - she preferred her own company to that of others on many occasions - she was less likely to try and order herself around or make foalish statements... even if she didn't always agree with herself. She flicked an ear and twitched her neck slightly as the sound of a hoof subduing a soft leaf rang out from below the tree. Even without flight, hight still held an appeal to the pegasus - she loved the feeling of the breeze, and the way that she could play with the suns rays as they dappled her smooth, teal coat: the way she felt so sure of herself balanced on the branches, even with her weight and strength.


Sonnet watched the pony approach: she glared at him from her place in the trees - not out of malevolence so much as it being her default expression: the crystalline pegasus tended towards a stoic personality even on her best days. She watched for a short while, before deciding to confront the stallion.


A flurry of glacial feathers shone an aqua coloured cascade of light in every direction as she dropped to the ground - heavily, yet somehow still gracefully before the stallion. Drawing her solid body up to its full hight and flaring out her wings aggressively, she snarled in his direction.


It was all just a formality of course - but that didn't make it any less real. This was her space: anyone coming so close was an intruder and as such, a threat to be tested. Her refractive coat had always been a gift - twisting light to hide, intimidate or attract other creatures as needed - but the Equibane plant had only further enhanced this.


"Why are you here?" She snapped aggressively - even for her kind - as she harnessed the brightness of the day to eminate a light from her coat. "What do you want?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@, Glory looked curiously at the stranger. Of course, her wings were hidden away underneath the lightweight cloak she wore, so he'd think she was a unicorn. This was best, she had decided, at least til she got to know the others better. "That's right," she replied. "My name is Glory. I had a letter from the Princesses asking me to meet the others in the research team at the station."




@, On being challenged by the crystal mare, Lightning rustled his wings and took an aggressive stance, as suited his role as one of the leaders of the feral herd.


"My name is Lightning," he replied back. "I have the right to go where I please; I protect the herd from enemies."


He looked carefully into the mare's face and recognised her. This mare was unusual in that, unlike the other mares, she did not eschew the forests and wild outdoors. The other mares did so cuz mainly they had foals to protect, and the wild cats were not unknown to snatch a foal if its mother wandered outside the protection of the clearing where they lived. Lightning hated the wild cats and had killed a few in his time.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony

"Your name is of little importance. Tell me, how is your secret keeping?" Mantorok asked bluntly, scrutinizing her. It was a common trick to use on strangers. He'd simply ask them how their secret went and the stranger typically spilled their guts to him since they thought he already knew. He knew nothing(nor did he care to) about this mare, but he hated secrets. Secrets were chaotic and an affront to perfection. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Wind Sonnet


@@Pripyat Pony,


Sonnet snorted and took a step forward while adjusting her feathers so that the light they caught was directed towards the intruder - not prepared to back down to a challenge within her personal space: least of all from a stallion.


"I know who you are, colt!" She retorted. "Why are you here? This is my space, you're protection isn't needed here!"


Sonnet hated... well, she hated a lot if things. Males and females, foals and elders: no matter who it was they eventually started to irritate her. What she hated most of all though was being pushed - especially by those who expected her to conform, to hide away... Males sometimes came by, looking to prove themselves superior to her and make their point that she was somehow their lesser.


It didn't work.


"No more bluster! Speak now - what do you want?"

Never quite forgotten.

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(OOC: sorry guys, I didn't get to join last night- can somepony be a dear and fill me in? If that's okay.....  *le fluttershy face of fluttershyness*

also, I need a wonderful filler of wonderful fillerness, so this action is necessary and I apologize deeply for it)

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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@, "I have no secrets," Glory replied, wondering why this stallion was so hostile. They'd only just met. "My life is an open book." Still, she hoped that another member of the team would arrive soon, so she wouldn't have to be alone with this stranger.




@, Lightning rolled his eyes at the mare. "I'm not the enemy here," he snapped back at her. "Perhaps you need to learn the difference. I have no quarrel with those who belong to the herd, and I have seen you around so I know that you do. But believe me, if you want to fight, then feel free. It won't go well for you. As for being your space, don't make me laugh. As the herd leader, all spaces are mine to patrol. As I said before, I have no quarrel with you. You were the one who confronted me, don't forget."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@, @@Pripyat Pony,  


Wanderlust was grinning at his luck, here was his herd leader and the solitary mare whose ire he loved to tease and they had come together no more than 20 feet from his napping place for today.  He was going to enjoy a bit of fun here. 


Wanderlust had been laying on the forest floor where the sun shined just right down to him, he wore no paints or color and his coat was long and mussy, years of eating Equibane had made his already forest colored body even more plantlike. The way he was now laying here he looked more like a moss covered root than a pony, and do to being smaller than most Ponies in the tribe he often used this to his advantage.  But today it was mere luck that these two had wandered by.


He activated his magic and still remained perfectly still, his magic was directed at a raven that anypony in his tribe would recognize as being Wanderlust's pet and trouble-starter for the past 4 years.  His magic directed the raven and it move on quiet wing to alight on a branch above Sonnet and then using his magic to speak through it, he made the bird scream a hoarse croak, "SONNNETTT!!"  right toward her ears.

Edited by Torrent505
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@@Pripyat Pony,

Mantorok grunted in response, already missing the Tome. If he had it, he could have used it to find the truth (Narokath, Pargon, Redgormor, Pargon, Pargon, Xel'lotath). Mantorok gave a small signal to his servant and let it carry him closer to the mare. He broke into another coughing fit, his aging lungs missing the Tome even more than his mind.

"Master, are you alright?" the servant questioned, it's voice growly and deep. Mantorok gave an imperceptible nod and the servant turned around, letting Mantorok regain his breath 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@Cinderscribe@Pripyat Pony, @Torrent 505.


Malinter slowly approached the 3 of them and wondered if he would have to step in before this turned violent. He was confident Lightning could handle himself fairly well.  He could sense the excitement in Wanderlust who was clearly hoping be entertained if this mare were to challenge their leader. He decided to get everyone's attention by dropping his hide saddlebags much harder than he intended to get there attention. Even if that didn't. The scent of fresh Equibane would.


"Do you need any assistance, Lightning?" he asked.


Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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@,@@Pripyat Pony,  


Wayward Wander had been passing through this town on his way to meet his fellow spelunkers at a possible Honor, code word for a mysterious artifact. As he woke up from the small hut he had holed up in for the night, Wayward found a letter at the doorstep and read it in seconds. After scanning it over, he dropped and let his mouth fall open. A gigantic smile crept onto his face as he began writing a letter and packing his things at the same time. He sent his little messenger bird to his team and told them to go on without him, and told his bird to stay with them. After he had gotten everything, he sped off in a blur, heading for the train station. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!" He skidded to a halt at the train station and saw two, or threeish ponies standing around that looked particularly peculiar. He adjusted his vest and tightened his scarf before walking over to them. "Hey! You guys look weird enough to do this! Are you going on the research expedition to find the Equibane?" Wayward kept his huge smile n his face while he came to the realization that this would be very awkward if they weren't on the research team...

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Mantorok suppressed a cringe. He hated youth, they were always so...spontaneous and chaotic. Still, he repeated his scanning process.

"Tell me, how is your secret keeping?" Mantorok hissed, the servant pony propping him up so he could look the new comer in the eyes

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Wind Sonnet.




Wincing as the bird screeched at her, Sonnet returned to her stance - albeit somewhat more dishevelled than before her hearing had been assaulted by the avian devil. It had happened before enough times for her to get over the fright without losing her composure: but it never got less unnerving. She made a mental note to teach the unicorn a lesson in humility when she Nect saw him, with a mental grumble.



@@Pripyat Pony,


As another of the herd arrived and promptly took the side of their 'esteemed' leader, the mare feigned surprise before answering.


"Assistance? He was harassing me!" She grumbled indignantly. "No surprise there though, is there? Can't get a moment to myself without one of you and your blustering..."


She turned her back and - with a slight shake to prepare her balance - leaped into the lower branches of the tree by using her wings to propel herself higher. Flight might be impossible for her, but her wings still weren't quite useless. She stayed in the lower branches where she could still speak with the others.


"Fight? I just want some peace... now are you going to tell me what you want, or are you just here to threaten me and stare?"


Of course, Malinter had the leaves - the smell was unquestionable... but that didn't explain Lightnings presence. Other than simply coming to grumble at her that was, which was more than likely.

Never quite forgotten.

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@,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Malinter,  


The look on Sonnet's face, even as brief as it had been, was worth the chase he was sure she would give him later.  She had never caught him yet and he just had to keep up that luck or he was sure it would end in the beating of a lifetime.


The elder Malinter arriving spoiled any more fun he had hope to have though, the old man's eyes were too good and too quick to pick up on slight details in the woods, his hiding spot was useless.  Wanderlust rolled over exposing his position to everyone as his legs went up in the air and he stretched.


"Old horse, smells like you bring good tidings, but you still spoiled my mirth." he said toward Malinter.


He looked up toward Sonnet who was directly above him now, "And all I wanted to do was nap, but you're both too loud, like wild cats with their tails stuck in a bramble bush.  All fuss when the easiest solution is to just move..."

Edited by Torrent505
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@, @, Glory attempted to difuse the situation. "Hi, my name is Glory," she replied, brightly. "And yes, I am part of the research team and so is this stallion here. We're just waiting for the others to show up before we leave."


@@Malinter, @@Torrent505, @, "Not as such," Lightning replied to Malinter, his nostrils quivering as he picked up the scent of the Equibane. "All I am trying to do is complete my patrol, yet this ridiculous mare seems to think that she owns this patch of land. If she wishes to fight me, I'm fine with that." His muzzle twitched; Lightning could see for himself how futile such a fight would be as he was bigger and stronger than Sonnet and would defeat her if he fought her.


"In any case, I have other things to attend to rather than argue with this mare. I need to make sure that the area around the mare's clearing is secure and clean of cats. There are several newborn foals that might be in danger if the wild cats should come near. But obviously, this mare does not care about such things when she could be arguing with the herd leader and making a mountain out of a molehill instead."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Malinter turned to Wanderlust


You enjoy playing your games, child. Just remember, one day they'll play for keeps.


*Malinter reaches into one of the bags and produces a four club shaped leaves, a star shaped flower that's white with a coloured centre and shows it to Lightning and Sonnet*


@Cinderscribe,@Pripyat Pony


2 saddlebags worth as we agreed upon.

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Wanderlust was curious now, "Agreed upon?  Agreed upon for what?  What are you doing with the Equibane Old Horse, you better not have gone soft in the head and mistreated a harvest."  Wanderlust had risen now and started to amble over to look over the plants in Malinter's bag.  "What in the name of the badlands do you need this much of it for?"

Edited by Torrent505
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(Okay, I lied about Serenity not appearing physically. She'll just be here for my introduction post because, y'know. Reasons.)


"This seems awfully dangerous. I mean, the last time a team of ponies were sent out towards the Badlands looking for this plant, they never came back," the mare called out, looking up from the letter her brother had left on the table after she finished reading it, "And you yourself said that even you don't know what exactly happened to them. You! A Visionary! If that doesn't just scream 'this is terribly dangerous', I don't know what does." She rose from the table, trotting out into the foyer and raising an eyebrow at her brother, "Are you even listening to me, Saronyx?"


The stallion in question glanced up from his saddlebags and locked his silver eyes with her own. He held the stare for a few seconds before nodding and looking back down at his saddlebags, "Yes, Serenity, I hear you. And to be frank, I already know. I was the one who told you about the last group. I realize it's dangerous, but the Princesses would not have selected me if they didn't believe I could handle it," He turned to look at her again, "My ability may prove useful in unraveling the mystery behind Equibane and the original team's disappearance. Besides, it's not like I'm going in alone."


Serenity made a slight face and trotted over, helping her brother to sling his saddlebags over his back, seizing the opportunity to wrap her hooves around him in a tight hug, "I know, it's just that I care about you, Saron. You are my brother after all. I don't want to find out that I'm the only one of this bloodline left without being able to at least say goodbye." Saronyx had returned the hug, but before he was able to respond his sister trotted backwards, bearing an expression that screamed 'idea'. 


The Crystal mare whipped around and shot off into another room. Saronyx could hear the sound of hooves going up the stairs. He shook his head and glanced at the clock. At this rate he was going to be late for the train station. It wasn't anything new for him to be late every now and again, but that didn't mean it still irritated him. A few seconds later he head his sister come racing back down the stairs. He turned to face her as she came sliding into the room, still grinning, "Take Corvus with you!" She exclaimed, gesturing adamantly to the black form of a raven perched on her back, "You can use him to send messages or reports or something."


Saronyx watched her, a faintly amused smile playing over his lips. Eventually he held out a hoof and gave a shrill whistle. The raven watched him for a second before spreading its wings and gliding lazily over to him, perching on the outstretched limb with a slight call. From the hoof he flitted over to Saronyx's back and sat there. Serenity smiled, "You should probably get going, brother." She said. 


The Crystal stallion chuckled dryly and nodded, making for the door, "I am fully aware of this sister. Take care, and try not to get into too much trouble while I'm away, would you?"


As the door closed, he heard his sister calling after him, "I can promise no such thing!"




@@Pripyat Pony,@,@,


The Visionary was pleasantly surprised to find that he wasn't actually going to be late for the train. It may have been due in part to his moving a quick enough pace for Corvus to have to lift from his back and fly along above him. He found before that others in the residential district didn't appreciate ponies running about at early hours (assuming it's morning). Normally he would walk at a leisurely pace, appreciating the world around him. Being in an enchanted state of slumber for over one thousand years tends to help one appreciate his surroundings. But he had a destination to reach now, and taking his sweet time getting there wouldn't do him any favors. With this in mind, he continued onward at his swift pace.


It was several minutes before his destination was in sight. The Crystal stallion slowed his pace gradually as he grew nearer and nearer to the station. From here, he could see at least three others that he assumed would be on the research team. A Unicorn mare and two Earth Pony stallions. Saronyx highly doubted that only four would be on this expedition. All the same, he slowed his pace to a walk, Corvus perching himself once again on the Crystal's back. The Visionary didn't speak as he drew up to the group - now able to see at least one other - and positioned himself slightly off to an unoccupied side of the group, contenting himself to listen to them converse until such time as he was noticed.


(well, this is some measure of a post, I suppose.)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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*Malinter turned to Wanderlost*


Have you forgotten there are more than just your tribe here in the badlands? The last thing we need is another war over this accursed blossom. I've already given the other tribes their due. As long as they agree to the truce, I'll keep supplying the Equibane...


@@Pripyat Pony,


*Malinter turned his head to Lightning with a slight look of concern on his face*


but lately I fear some of the other tribes are going through their stocks too quickly, Equibane takes time to reach full maturity. I fear I may only be delaying the ineviable. 

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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