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Pripyat Pony

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@@Pripyat Pony

Sugar blossom came back out of her tent and answered wish.

"Yes,oh a knocked out person so that's what all the noise was oh well he should not of came here let's get him in the cage. I was actually starting to wonder if we needed it because so few people come onto our land".

Edited by Anto677


Amazing signature by Lunia

lightning twirl: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-twirl-r5694

Sugar blossom: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-blossom-r5952

I should really do my homework.... OH look a notification

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@, "Same here," Wish replied. "But best to be safe rather than sorry. My grandma always used to talk about how once upon a time, long ago there were strangers living in the town, you know the one that's now abandoned. They were run off our land tho, and they never came back."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Wind Sonnet.




"You invoke names that have no meaning here - they will threaten none of us, least of all myself."


As the others were taken away, Sonnet held back. She stepped back - lifting her hoof away from the stallion and kicking his side as gently as she could - albeit, 'gently' was a relative term when comparing a pony whom had partaken regularly in Equibane to one who hadn't.


"Up! You're not harmed - you can still travel. Unless you wish to be corralled like the others?" Sonnet rolled her eyes - genuinely unable to thing of a worse fate than to be carried away - broken and at the mercy if another? Not even as a friend would she accept such a fate: perhaps by leaving this one it's integrity, it would become... agreeable? She had questions to ask - she might not know what they were yet, but when one lived among brutes, questions were answers shortly, and with no others of her particular complexion, these short answers tended towards being less than helpful. "Try to escape and you'll wish that one of the brutes had gotten to you first."


... okay, not that much dignity...


She pulled the pony to his hooves and butted him roughly along in a similar direction to the others - taking care to keep her distance. Unfortunately, while she might have been an expert at maintaining the exact level of conspicuousness that she desired, but it was impossible to pass on such a thing to another... So she settled for trailing a distance behind - none of them had seemed to even notice them anyway, she smirked to herself at the thought.


"You will learn if you listen and watch, but don't try to touch. The herd might have sated their lust for the hunt - but in defence of themselves and their families, they are savage. And rightfully so!" She huffed loudly. "Too often outsiders trespass here - seeking to steal and to kill. To 'learn', they say: but it's never the truth. Move!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Mantorok chuckled a bit as he was carried. He knew perfectly well that this pony didn't want to kill him, if he did, he would have done it a while ago or left him to die.

"What's your name, enlightened one? Since we are both acting civilly to each other, I think it only common courtesy for us to talk" Mantorok spoke, feeling better after the healing spell

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Pripyat Pony

"I wonder why they never came back they left a lot of stuff just lying there" looking down at the unconscious pony then looking back at wish "let's get all the stuff he has on him so he can't like throw a dagger or something out of it also you did tell fire leaf to clean up any trails right because if he dropped any food I really don't feel like having to fight off animals tonight".


Amazing signature by Lunia

lightning twirl: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-twirl-r5694

Sugar blossom: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-blossom-r5952

I should really do my homework.... OH look a notification

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@, "Yes, I told him," Wish replied. She began to remove all the armour and weapons from the unconscious pony, putting the items in a pile. While she was doing this, her foal Lily walked up to the unconscious pony and sniffed curiously at him, tapping his muzzle with a hoof to see if he'd wake up.


"Now, Lily, leave the prisoner alone," Wish said, nudging her foal away. Lily pouted and stepped back.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Streamsung appeared in the clearing, exiting her living space among the trees. It was raining a little, and she could feel there was a storm going on not far from here. She was worried. Their food supplies wouldn't stay well in this weather... She just hoped everpony had conserved theirs well. Nimble Nimbus, her youngest foal, a filly pegasus, was on her back, dozing a little.


"Wish? Did you call me? What is going on?" She said as she approached the two mares. When she looked closer she saw a stallion lying in between them. She didn't recognize this stallion. Even more so, he seemed awfully small, even though he did seem mature.


"Who is this?" She asked as she stood beside her two friends. She saw the pile of equipment, and the clear cutie mark on the stallions flank. She already assumed things, but she waited for an answer.


While she was talking, Nimble jumped off Streamsungs back and approached Lily. She smiled at her. "Hey sis!" Was all she said. She looked at the stallion on the ground, and was tempted to touch him as well. Streamsung just put her hoof in front of the little foal and shrugged, frowning at her. Nimble quickly stepped back, her curiosity overthrown by her mother's dissaproval.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Well if you were wondering what that noise was earlier this is it fire leaf brought him in there maybe more people don't normally come out here unless in groups maybe a research team maybe a couple of unfortunate adventurers who knows all we know is we are putting him in the cage that really we need to make look better". She said


Amazing signature by Lunia

lightning twirl: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-twirl-r5694

Sugar blossom: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sugar-blossom-r5952

I should really do my homework.... OH look a notification

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"Didn't I say I would throw you off a cliff if you spoke?"


Malinter's blood was still high from the fight and hadn't quite ebbed yet, he supposed a little chatting would help focus his mind, he also had few questions about that magic he used. He'd heard of magics that used runes before but such things were prohibited back when he was in canterlot, what had changed back at the capital after 150 years?


 "As I said before, I am Malinter. I came with a previous expedition. One much better prepared than your rabble. Sellswords the lot of you, I bet not one of you is a a qualified botanist, you couldn't even find a Zebra to drag on this fools errand... What did you expect to do once you found the plant? just rip it up and take it home? It would have rotted before you could even get it there."


He snorted


"We of the tribe brew various cocktails and brews with the plant. Different distillation techniques produce different effects and you'll soon see but ultimately, only I know how to effectively grow and harvest Equiibane. Sure you could search for days to find a few bushels where it grows naturally but you'll soon find that will not be enough once you've ingested the planet... never enough...."


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Either way, he soon became gratefully aware of her weight having left him, though it didn't last too long, as she promptly kicked his side. The Crystal winced, but held in the grunt that fought to escape his lungs. He'd suffered abuse like this and worse in the past, he could move through it. Granted, that had been a very, very long time ago, so he figured he could excuse himself just if only a little. The Crystal Pegasus mare ordered him to stand, stating that - unlike the others - he was still able to travel. Truth be told, he truly did get off easiest of the group, with the exception of those who got away. The Feral mare inquired if he preferred to be ferried off like the rest, though it seemed to be rhetorical. He only shook his head in response, though that soon changed to a nod of understanding at her threat should he try and escape.


Truth be told, he had no intentions of escaping. While he would have preferred not to have been slammed into the earth, it was almost his intention to be taken, after all. While his mind was dwelling on this, he soon became aware of the sensation of being yanked to his hooves and shortly after being shoved roughly in the direction he'd seen the others taken. Saronyx stumbled slightly as he fought to reassert his sense of balance. Once that was accomplished, he began to move off at a pace somewhere between a walk and a trot. He ached at the points of impact from his captor's assault, but he moved in spite of them. The Visionary presently became aware of her speaking once again, though he didn't turn to face here, merely swiveling his ears in the direction of her voice. What she said was almost what he planned on doing, watching and listening. Being what he was, he was accustomed to just observing life as it happened, never touching it himself. And while he would have opportunity here, he did not intend to give them the wrong impression of his intentions. 


After a short time, Saronyx cleared his throat and spoke once more, "If it isn't too much to ask, do you have a name or something like it that I may refer to you as?" Granted, he had other questions, but he thought it best to let those wait. Likely asking, 'Why and how is there a Crystal pony all the way out here?' - or some variation thereof - at just this moment would not end well for him. So with this in mind, he kept his question simple. 

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"You think I want to eat the plant? This team and I may be looking for Equibane, but we have different motives" Mantorok chatted, realizing there was little point in lying.  "I am interested in the runic properties of this new land. Celestia obviously thought I was their botanist, an easy mistake to understand. I must say that I am not disappointed, you're practically dripping runes" Mantorok gushed, his purple eyes focusing on the runes that swam about beneath Malinter's skin. He really wanted to do an autopsy.


"My name is Mantorok, I came here because new locations mean different runes, a possibility to further my goal. You can keep on hoarding your plant for all I care, all I need is a fresh corpse to study" Mantorok grumbled, deciding he'd spill the truth. There wasn't much harm in saying it and it made him look more trust worthy and cooperative

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Oh... your one of those mages..."


The change of the moon a year ago. So Princess Luna had returned and all the old magics of the world returned along with her, no doubt scattered across Equestria and beyond by the elements, forgotten by everypony but those of a more, higher, learning. The old arcana arts, "magic without horns". More or less a myth even back then. He was surprised there were those who even knew of them, let alone practiced them.... perhaps if he'd been 20 years younger and not so reliant on a golem for defence, their battle would have gone differently.


"You won't find a shortage of corpses in this land, Mantorok. Once we arrive at the village, we will speak more."

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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"I'd prefer a fresh one" Mantorok chuckled, eyeing his bag. He still had a few knives, he could try slicing through Malinter's jugular...but he was curious about these ponies. So for now, he decided to follow their orders, at least until they stopped being useful to his research. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Scribblegroove, @,


Lily smiled at her sister. "Nice to see you!" she said with a grin.


Wish replied, "He's from a group of ponies from outside here. The rest are being brought here too, Fireleaf brought this one. I need to add to the cage's protection before we put him in it."


She turned and hit the cage with magic from her horn, which would up the strengthening on it.


"I don't think they'll be able to escape," she added to Sugar Blossom.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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(Sorry I left you waiting, had a busy day today)

The Wild cat struggled against Wanderlust's control, it didn't really matter though the beast was dying and it's will was weak, he crushed it's resistance. Still this unicorn was powerful, what it had done to the wild cat was proof enough of that... It would make a good member of the tribe, all she had to do was surrender like she promised. As his prisoner he could give her Equibane and then in time she would become a part of the tribe.


The Raven Poe communicated his laugh in a caw, caw, caw. Then spoke for him in it's croaking hoarse voice, "you will follow or die." The cat turned lead her out of the cave and leading to the forest's edge, ready to turn and strike it the mare tried to run.

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Wind Sonnet.




Sonnet paused - she slowed her pace for a few moments but never quite stopped. She didn't speak during this brief time - stalling as she considered his question.


Her name? Why would he need that? Could he use it against her?


It was unlikely - it wasn't a weapon, a name. Named were pretty but useless: the real question was which she could give. Her known name, that would cause no fear if it was heard but might implicate her if he mentioned speaking with her - or her other name, which would rouse suspicion for being unknown if it was mentioned.




She settled for the former.


""... Call me Sonnet, if you must." Answered the mare - firmly, but without raising her voice any louder than necessary. There was no rule outright stating that she shouldn't speak with the prisoner... but she felt that the herd might not look favourably upon her for it - at least, for her choice of words containing so few threats.


"Your herd are fools: they struggle and fight - why? This is not their land, they don't know it's secrets like we do, what do you hope to gain with violence and aggression?" She shook her head.

"And yet you didn't fight. Did you want then dead? I could understand that..."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Pripyat Pony, There was nothing she could do... nothing she could achieve... even the stupid ferals seemed to lack the intelligence to focus on the higher threat like her... at least she perceived herself as such... Maybe it was her animalistic instinct that they sensed and ignored her and Lykos? Regardless she and him slowly headed away from the site. She didn't know what to think... and there was no way she would go after them... she was thinking this was a lost cause... most of them had been captured and it would be extremely hard to actually get them all out...

Right at this time she noticed Glory heading back to the site. She gritted her teeth... the fool, another noble pony to endanger it's lives and value friendship over their own lives? BAH! Friendship was important yes... but not enough to toss it aside for the sake of life like Montorok did, and certainly not enough to give it more value than your freedom like Technicolor and Soul Guardian did. She stopped flapping her wings in front of Glory with a stern and cold look.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Lykos laughed with his deep and calm voice air flaring out of the nostrils of his snout. He smiled a bit shunning the attempt of the pony to help it's supposed friends... He already had figured it out. It wasn't hard anyways...

"It's too late to help them... you should have spent more time asserting your dominance over them, especially that stupid Warlock, stupid Warlock with his stupid weak Golem. Couldn't he keep his mouth shut? And all of them acting like knights! BAH! All wanting to be heroes, all wanting to show valor! Look where their valor got them... now they can't help themselves... and they don't have a chance of escaping. If only one less had offered to be valiant, one less valiant wannabe hero... they would have a chance."

"Hmph!" he said flaring his nostrils angrily and frowning while turning the other way.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@, Glory was still tired and she'd been under a lot of strain. So she snapped back at Artemis.


"For Celestia's sake, do I look that stupid?" she replied. "Anypony with half an eye can see that the ferals have gone. All I'm doing right now is trying to see if anypony survived or wasn't captured. Obviously you and your wolf weren't, but are there any others?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony, None of them were phased by this... At least they shared some anger that was a starting point... maybe something could happen but Artemis wasn't sure.

"They were saying something about taking prisoners... i don't know where. Did you hear anything Lykos?" she said turning to her wolf.

"Something about a mare's clearing? Or something like that... i am not so sure... the fuss of the battle made it difficult to hear. Plus there were so many smells... probably from that Equibane plant.. too distracting. But i have a question to our dear Alicorn here... how come you're not surprised i can speak? Or perhaps you already knew?"

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Malinter rather uncermoniously bucked Mantorok off his back once he had arrived in the mares section of the village, he ordered two other warriors to take him to where the others were being treated.


"And check his bags for small blades and bring them to me." he ordered.


Several of the mares wanted to examine the gash like wounds on his flanks but he growled at them to keep there distance which they didn't. They knew how stubborn he was and arguing with small mare would look foolish, so he laid down while they took to tending to the wounds, he watched as the other prisioners were being disarmed of there weapons and items. He made a note to check though them later. He also wondered whither to discuss the matter of the warlock with Lightning.

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Mantorok willing gave up his bags, but not before embedding the knives in his body. Having no nerve endings and barely any blood paid off sometimes.

"See? No more knives" Mantorok chuckled, holding up his hooves willingly. "Don't touch my notes, they are very delicate" Mantorok pleaded, knowing that they contained all his research. If they were gone, his work to destroy chaos would be severely hampered.


There was also the fact that they were covered in explosive runes to make him be careful around them 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Pripyat Pony@


A soft rumbling can be heard as Aquaspark uncloaks herself, water cascading from her mane and tail. "Explain to me what these 'Feral's' are. I seemed to have missed a lot since my last visit." She grumbles, shaking a bit of water off her set of daggers. "Are the Princesses alright?"


Her body smells of the sea, signs that she has been meditating in a far off land for quite sometime.


(Why is it that I always miss the interesting stuff?) She thinks to herself, staring the two unknown ponies down.

Edited by Aquaspark



Signature by LittleRawr. Want your own? Go here


Or something like that, anyways. 

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Soul Grumbled as he started to see again, He didn't move for a while, regaining his strength, and making sure he was not about to pass out again. Finally sure he was not going to, he stood up and opened his eyes.


"Of all the ponies to get captured, It had to be you, Mantorok, didn't it? I guess thats better than being alone."


He took note of the cage around them. Based on it's soft glow, the metal had been reinforced with magic. He looked around, hoping to find his horn ointment, for his broken horn was still throbbing in pain. He saw his stuff on the ground nearby, with three ponies talking next to it.


"I don't suppose your magic can help us out here, Mantorok? or do you still not care about the safety of this group?"


He turned from the Black pony, disgusted that he had tried to sell himself out above the rest. He faced the group of talking ponies, and addressing all of them, said:

"Hello, listen, I know we may be prisoners, but I have ointment in that bag over there for my horn, which as you can see, is broken. Is it too much to ask if I can get some to put on my horn? It hurts from the battle."

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"I was tricking them" Mantorok sighed, pacing a bit and tapping the bars of their prison. "I was going to play like I was their ally then betray them when the times was right" Mantorok explained, smirking a bit as he saw the runes on the cage. Granted, he could use them, being embedded in the metal, but with a bit of filing, he could get them. 


"If you want me to use magic, find some way to crack the bars of this cage. Even a tiny crack would do" Mantorok growled, casting his healing spell again to combat a coughing fit

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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(OOC: you don't have the ointment -_- it's in my bag outside of the cage, guess I should have been more specific)


He looked at the black pony. "Doubtful, the bars are reinforced with magic. how strong? I don't know. most likely not as strong as mine, especially in this state. after all, they have been using Equibane, I could try to cast a few spells, but in my current condition, I would most likely pass out again."


He looked back at the group talking outside the cage, awaiting a reply.

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